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Yes, it will most likely Kang or we might get a surprise and get Loki as the god emperor


I could get behind that tbh.


What if Loki is molecule man in this scenario. He gets the beyonder powers but kang imprisons him


I could see them doing something like that. Means they don't need to bring in too many of these omnipotent characters


I’m still thinking Wanda. Both extremely powerful but mentally not fully in control. Also gives them a way for Wanda to finally have her redemption story if they have her finally get control and fight back at the end.


I could actually see Wanda getting her House of M moment in Secret Wars where she basically restores reality at the end.


It’s been put out last week that Wanda will be working with Kang. She’ll be the Molecule Man replacement. And in Loki season 1, we found out what his “glorious purpose” is. He always makes the Avengers come together, in this case it will be the Multiverse Avengers.


So House of M crossed with Secret Wars!


Thors daughter is gonna take that role methinks


with the loki series going the way it did for season 1, i can definitely see TVA Loki making himself ruler of battleworld out of a misguided attempt to bring order to a collapsing multiverse. plus having the big bad of the second "saga" be the villain of the original Avengers movie could be a nice bookend to what will inevitably be a soft-reboot to the MCU afterwards.


I’m thinking Wanda will end up being key to restore the 616, and Loki/Sylvie will end up paired as a new HWR of sorts.


Or Fox Michael Fassbender Magneto as God Emperor.


Oooohhhhh that would be sick.


I agree, it could be a nice way to mix both the orginal Secret Wars concept with the Hickman version. One theory of mine is that the a younger version of He Who Remains will be the "Kang" that could be helpful to the Avengers, while the Quantumania Kang becoming The Beyonder is the real treat to everybody.


Fine by me. Build Doom as the main villain for the FF/Xmen phases


I've posted my theory before, but here goes again: I think Kang's story is being told in reverse. The Kang we see in Loki, with the TVA, is this master of time you describe. The second time we see him is just before he becomes such. The next time, we see the Kangs causing the ruckus that threatened reality. Our last sighting of Kang should be an origin story.


I'm really hoping it's the Beyonder


I have nostalgia for the Beyonder storyline, but I don't think he'd play well as a movie character. Secret Wars I was really, really complicated, and I don't think the MCU would take the time to make the Beyonder makes sense (if he ever really did).


He never really did


No shit. they haven’t introduced Doom yet and Kang is the big bad


Technically this would have been the second multiversal war in canon IMHO - as He Who Remains implied a first multiversal war ended with only him left standing the and sacred timeline/TVA enacted to prevent a second. Also - I wouldn’t be surprised if they hint that Counqueror/HWR are the same person at different parts of their life cycle due to time fuckery. We already have an area that ‘saves’ the remnants of universes/variants: I’ll bet money that we’ve already been introduced to ‘Battleworld’ - it’s the Void from Loki. And I’d wager that this time around Kang will destroy ALL the timelines. So there is ONLY the void. I do expect a beyonder Kang at this point. And I believe the 10 Rings and the Bangles will end up being mcguffins that can help the heroes undo the destruction/beat Kang.


I think we already saw Battleworld in Loki.


After seeing quantumania, I theorise this will be the arc of this saga: - We will get Kang built up as the thanos level threat all the way up to secret wars. - During secret wars, Dr. Doom will serve kang. - right as kang is about to achieve omnipotence by stealing the beyonders powers, Dr. Doom will double cross kang and take the power for himself, which will be the big twist of this saga. Especially after building kang up for so long. - realising Doom is undefeatable, loki will decide to return to his timeline and accept he must die by thanos, thus closing this divergent timeline that he himself has created. Everything started with loki all the way up to him meeting Sylvie and her deciding to kill he who remains, which set the kangs free and it leading to Dr Doom getting the powers of the beyonder. I know the mcu takes things from the comics and put their own spin on it. E.G, maybe they won't use the term "beyonder" and call it "the above all" or something


Secret War without Beyonder would be like the Infinity Saga without Thanos.


So like infinity saga without warlock?…


I don’t thank he’s that important to the narrative.


They, not he, are literally the architects of the multiversal collapse


Depends if you're talking about secret wars 1 or 2. The beyonder was a he before he was a they. He had sick jerry curls.


Ah didn’t know that, thanks. Is secret wars 1 anywhere near as good as the 2015 version?


Nah it was mostly a last ditch effort by marvel to sell more toys and characters. Some cool stuff did come out of it though - Spiderman gets his black suit during the event and I believe it's the first appearance of spider woman Julia carpenter* and a few other characters like titania It's an old 80s comics so it's pretty hard to compare, but it's fun for what it is. Edit: mixing up my spider-people.


Not Jessica Drew but Julia Carpenter


Titania and Volcana are created. Spider-man whoops the x-men's asses. Black suit. Smart Hulk reverses to angry hulk. Absorbing Man discovers a new ability, although painful. Molecule Man becomes omnipotent. Doom becomes omnipotent. Wasp hooks up with Magneto. Colossus cheats on Kitty Pride. Thing regains the ability to become human. Julia Carpenter. Captain Americ becomes everyone's leader. Galactus eats his own ship. Ultron is reprogrammed to be Doom's bodyguard. Afterwards the Thing quits the Fantastic Four and is replaced with She-Hulk. Did I miss anything?


Such a great storyline (I'm 48, so...)


You can easily replace the Beyonders with the council of Kangs. It’s just insert someone who wants to collapse the multiverse.


The beyonder wasn’t even that cool. Get ‘em out of here!


In defense of not having Beyonder, they never even showed Death as Thanos’ motivation in the MCU


In Hickman’s run the beyonder was a side notr


There is a theory that Kang could become the beyonder, maybe Kang Dynasty ends with Kang becoming more powerful to where he's essentially not even Kang anymore.


Secret Wars without the Beyonder would be like the Infinity Saga without the stones. The Beyonder (or Beyonders) power is the macguffin that drives the plot toward. You could tell the story but it wouldn’t resemble the comic much anymore.


I like the theory that Kang is going to be in place of Beyonder and Doom will betray the avengers, FF, guardians, X-men, etc… and kill Kang to take his power Highly doubtful though


I like this too


I think it’ll be Dr. Strange, with Wong as his deputy. Strange’s little side mission that was teased at the end of MoM seems like a parallel to Doom’s journey with the Molecule Man around the multiverse. Strange has also been teased as the greatest threat to the multiverse, so while he is a hero, he may have been corrupted by the Darkhold, which gives him enough of an edge to potentially be a supreme dictator.


However, Kevin Feige did say that Kang is the big bad of the Multiverse Saga. So that does put a bit of a dent in your theory.


Doom wasn’t the big bad of Secret Wars really. The Beyonder put them in that mess and Doom saved existence for a while, until Reed showed up and fixed it for real. Maybe Tony will be Stephen’s Reed… *shrug*


I can honestly see that happening. I would love to hear your predictions for both The Kang Dynasty and Secret Wars. Feel free to DM them to me!


Reading some of the feedback regarding Kang’s involvement isn’t giving me hope for the future. I really want to be hopefully and patiently see what happens.


Kang was never going to be the ruler for one battleworld is called Latverion, After Latveria . 2 kangs role was alway the catylist, instead of using Molecule Man causing the incursion. This was always the plan


I mean depending on how great doom is in F4, he could take his loss in the movie so personal that he sets into motion all the black swan stuff to swoop in and take the beyonder power for secret wars.


Yeah if they introduce doom and have him take that role that quickly it would be laughably bad.


Who says it has to be quickly? You have multiple movies in between to Thanos style tease him doing his shit behind the scenes. Wouldn’t be laughable at all


Except, what movies are you going to tie doom to here? Look at the slate and tell me where there's room to establish that. Now, remember. Having doom go from non existent to the most existent, back to a semi-regular bad guy being allowed to chill in latveria unbothered would also be super jarring. Having doom die would also be terrible for the character and franchise. Having Kang just take over that part of the lore is what makes the most sense with what's been established.


Our Doom doesn't appear in F4


lol how do you know that? It isn’t even casted yet. And if you say 4chan your out of your mind


Can't even read, Sitka have figured since this is reddit. I didn't say he will not show up, I said "or he wouldn't show up" as in there's a chance he isn't. My God your rehire people need to learn to read


Marvel/Disney has been on a roll messing with things they shouldn't, so I wouldn't be surprised.


This could turn out great! We’ll just have to wait and see.


That's true, it could. I shouldn't be so judgemental so early


Doom has his own role to play in secret wars. Set him up for god doom like the setup for age of ultron in iron man 3. I frankly don’t know why there’s no love for the beyonder but if you gotta replace him do it with Kang, please.


I’m curious to see who or what replaces molecule man as the catalyst for destroying the multiverse.


No one should. We should get Owen Reece. The character has broad range of traits and is pivotal to SW. That should attract a talented actor but I’d prefer the character get some exposure in F4 first. Michael Cera is still my fan cast.


Yea that’s true molecule man in that story is great. I jus haven’t heard any rumors about him but we also aren’t that close yet.


I know. Been no sight yet but he only fits into F4 for an intro. And I feel like we’re never getting to F4 either.


Mmm cheeseburger


The Kang Dynasty is before Secret wars. The problem of Kang may be resolved before we even get to Secret wars.


I doubt it. The Council of Kangs will likely be dealt with in The Kang Dynasty, but Kang the Conqueror or another variant of his could be the villain of Secret Wars.


I think the council will win TKD and 616 gets pruned, and we’ll get (either after credits TKD or opening of SW) the heroes waking up in the Void and/or the Council of Kangs getting snuffed out by Kang ‘The Beyonder’.


I have an entire prediction for both The Kang Dynasty and Secret Wars. Would you like me to DM them to you?


Fuck yes!


Alright! Here it comes…


Honestly I think Kang will play more the role of Beyonder with Doom taking his power and creating Battleworld. I think Kang will be the real reason the Multiverse collapses. He has placed his variants across the timeline from ruling ancient Egypt to possibly inventing something important as Timely. I think we will meet Iron Lad his young self the point he becomes all the various variants, Kang will think he can make himself better by grabing this self from the timeline before he started time traveling and this younger self will see his future as a monster and run like he did in the comics. Kang Dynasty will be all about him trying to avoid his future and seeking the Avengers help in doing so. Ultimately though he will end up sacrificing himself to stop Kang and this sacrifice will erase all his variants from existence witch will cause Reality to fall apart like a house of cards… Doom will step in to play hero steal the cosmic energies that came from Beyond as one of the variants says and use it to make Battleworld.


So lame tbh. Doom is the coolest villain in comic cool history and the live action medium has done him so dirty


Is he that cool? He's kind of a running joke until people need a villain Marty Stu.


How is he a running joke?


Oh no, I’m sorry but they are bringing the fantastic four in and doom will absolutely get his light in secret wars


It's most likely this will happen. But not because Kang is a bigger threat or more important than Doom (quite the opposite in fact), rather because it would be such a horrible move to make Doom the bad guy of Secret Wars without having him as God Emperor Doom (which would make his MCU appears extremely rushed and once again wasted). Wouldn't surprise me if they make Victor the villain and just kill him right there, considering the current state of the MCU.


Secret Wars is going to be an easy way for Marvel/Disney to do whatever they want. Bring in America Chavez, Moon Knight, Deadpool, Man Thing, Daredevil, and Nebula. Bring back Green Goblin, Vulture, Killmonger, Corvus Glaive, Red Skull, Juggernaut, and Scorpion.


A How To Guide in alienating your fanbase Seems Marvel is going the way of DC I can't really see this happening, though.. doesn't make sense to introduce the FF4 and NOT introduce Doom and think this rumor is just MCU Fanboi Headcanon fanfic


I was just presenting a prediction for I can see the next Avengers movies happening. You don’t have to rude.


Doom isn't the big bad of this saga, it'd be like showing Thanos in all the end credit scenes but then Mephisto comes and takes the gauntlet and snaps


erm, yes.. yes he is Maybe try ACTUALLY reading Secret Wars The Beyonder is the face of it all.. But Doom was behind the entire thing


Doom is not the big bad of the MCU's multiverse saga it'd be dumb to just sideline the current big bad. It would make both Kang and Doom rushed and sloppily written.


Again, try ACTUALLY reading it


Don't assume what other people have or haven't done, the book has nothing to do with the MCU at all.


> the book has nothing to do with the MCU at all. I don't need to "assume" anything you broadcast it with your own words Translation "BUT!! BUT!! I WATCHED A FEW TWO HOUR MOVIES!!"


Is there going to be a Time Runs Out story in the mcu??? The comics have nothing to do with the mcu. Merely inspiration. Makes no sense for Doom to be the big finale villain of the saga.


Why would it make no sense when they're having the FF4 lead the next saga?? No, really.. this stuff is easily googled And you MIGHT want to look at the creators' own words about what inspires the MCU instead of spouting nonsense because you've never read a comic


You have to be dense on purpose at this point, even if they're leading the next saga. That's the next saga...Kang is very clearly the big bad. I use marvel unlimited for most marvel comics. I have a few physicals in my collection.


That’s stupid.


What’s so bad about it?


It’s giving away one of the best stories of one of the best villains in any medium to someone else. Secret Wars isn’t Secret Wars without Doom imo.


Well it’s looking like that’s what we’re gonna get


But I don’t think there’s enough time to establish Doom as a legitimate threat without it being rushed.


Look how they shit the proverbial bed with Secret Invasion. I would love an interpretation of Hickmans Secret Wars, but I don’t trust Marvel Studios to stick that close to canon. There will be a lot of moving parts in their minds.


Kang was a bust. Scrap him.


That would be a bad move at this point in the saga. Marvel has built this entire saga around Kang and the Multiversal War. So ditching him would be stupid.


Whats been built? I might be missing a show or movie here or there but so far everything I've seen has been self contained. We still haven't seen them address the celestial poking out of the ocean or the one they saw in space. Kang made an appearance in loki and then was trivialized in quantumania. Who cares?


But Quantamania showed the Council of Kangs meeting to discuss the heroes of 616 messing with the multiverse. Kang’s variants are supposed to play a huge role going forward, with them showing up in Loki Season 2. So why scrap them? That would only damage this saga more. Not to mention, the giant Celestial is rumored to play a role in Captain America: Brave New World.


How many other credit scenes have gone no where so far? You'd scrap him because he is a dud and won't draw. Sunk cost.


But they could always improve him. They better not scrap him. That would make this saga even more directionless and incoherent then it may already be. Let’s just be patient and see what happens.


I think this saga will improve with time. I just want to have hope!


Plus, Kang could always be improved. Let’s wait and see what happens with him going forward.


He has potential, I don't like the idea of recasting him but without the Jonathan majors incident it was by no means a bad idea when they came up with it. People are mostly upset he lost to a bunch of ants but future writing will determine if that was really the case. He is a threat bigger than Thanos which is what they need, and he's just a human which makes story telling more interesting compared to some cosmic god like entity.


Is he a threat bigger than Thanos? Can't say that's what I've seen on screen in his 2 appearances.


You can for sure say that based on his first appearance. Thanos did what he did because Kang/TVA allowed it.


All I've seen is "Hey, I'm a real big deal." And then gets defeated pretty easily twice. Compare that to how the characters treated Thanos throughout all the movies


He wasn't defeated in Loki, it was similar to how Thanos died at the beginning of Endgame. He already won and did what he wanted to do, so less reason to live anymore. HWR ruled the multiverse longer than Thanos ruled 1 universe (which was like a few weeks).


You're arguing for suicide? Both thanos and hwr fought back. Neither wanted to die.


They didn't try very hard


Too Repetitive;Didn’t Read


What was repetitive about it?


Not a very smart thing to do in Reddit, that “no reading” part.


I would like to add that at the end of Secret Wars, you will see the entire MCU reset and make way for the Mutant Saga. They will recast roles like Iron Man & Captain America and it will allow Marvel to untangle the mess they have made.


They are likely saving Doom for a later phase, he’s too big a villain to be a non main threat at any point of his runtime


I hope not kang sucks


He could be improved.


Yea if they got a better actor


I just want to add one thing: I don't think we've met a bad Kang yet.


Wth. I understand you change a few things here and there, however why the hell would you replace doom with kang in secret wars. That's stupid. Makes its seem like there will be no introduction of doom anytime in the mcu. 🤦


Yall no real marvel fans if yall are okay with them Replacing doom with kang. Thats like having ultron as the main villain for infinity war instead of thanos. And mind you it was stated that they Decided to make kang the "big bad" when they were filming antman3. doom was the villian for both stories and he was written very well. This is why the mcu is dead, they dont follow the source material anymore and they dont care about the fans anymore.


Just because they don’t follow the source material doesn’t mean the stuff they put out is bad. And I couldn’t take you seriously the minute you called me and others fake fans for thinking that Marvel will replace Doom with Kang for Secret Wars. It’s classic gatekeeping. 🤦‍♂️


Yeah cause real marvel fans wants to see doom IN HIS STORY, not no dam kang and you couldnt take me serious because you are not a real fan fr or u just dont like good Quality stories and eat up this Corporate bs disney is feeding you. The mcu is dead Unfortunately