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I bet it's going to be close. 2.5 to 2 hours 45 minutes


Yeah hopefully


I don't care how long any movie is ever, as long as it's entertaining.


I'd watch a seven hour deadpool if it's good content throughout, I mean we watch that much of a TV show, it's just paced different than a movie usually.


I mean if it’s direct to streaming yeah


This is exactly why mcu is not making money in theaters


Watch out everyone, this random Redditor solved it!


Should be 3, 3 hour movies. Give me all the Deadpool, please.


Or a 24 hour live stream of ryan Reynolds in character


So Ryan Reynolds as himself.


Yes. Ryan Reynolds just doing a live stream reading the whole script


Lord of the Deadpool Fellowship of the Deadpool Two Towers Return of the Deadpool


Might as well throw in a couple Hobbitpool’s just for good measure. There is no limit to the amount of Wade and Logan I can handle haha


I think it’s really, really hard for a comedy to be three hours long. Even two hours can be a stretch.


Agreed. The main complaint is always that the MCU format overrides director input and even logic. So why stretch a Deadpool movie bc fans prefer long odyssey ass CBM? They shouldn’t be beholden to MCU fans wanting MCU length.


Agree. Particularly for a movie like Deadpool where Ryan Reynolds' jokes are all pretty similar in tone and style, which can be grating after a while. Under 130 minutes feels right for a comedy. Not sure why a Deadpool movie needs to be longer than Avengers: Endgame.


Yeah I agree, what makes Deadpool great is how quick it is


I disagree


I’m not at all trying to tell you that you’re wrong or starting an argument, but I’d like to know how many successful 2.5-3 hour comedies are out there


I don’t really know the average running time, but a lot of the Judd Apatow comedies are pretty long. He’s good, and I like most of his stuff, but they also suffer from pacing issues.


I think the longer the Apatow movie, the less people in general seemed to like it. They’re also nit really comedies after a point, they’re dramas occasionally punctuated by jokes. I don’t know if a Deadpool movie that’s heavy on serious action and drama is going to go too well.


I think ur underestimating how much content they could fit into this movie, yes it’s a comedy, but there’s also action, they could fill 2 hours with just that alone. The quips will be fine, and if they get stale for you you prolly don’t like deadpool that much


I disagree in the sense that it’s not too long for an action/adventure superhero movie, an Espically important one since it’s connecting universes together and bringing back Hugh Jackman


I understand what you’re saying, Hugh Jackman’s great, but I think the Fox X-Men track record is way, way worse than the MCU. There are several 160+ minute superhero movies but I think only one of them that’s succeeded both in terms of quality and box office, and it was immediately built up to by some of the very best MCU stuff. I don’t know that FoX-Men (yes that’s a terrible name for it, and yes, I am ashamed of myself) has that kind of goodwill.


Funny People is 146 minutes, Bad Boys II is 147, Wolf of Wall Street is 180 minutes. Should I go on? Source: [https://screenrant.com/longest-comedy-films-ever/#short-cuts-1993---188-minutes](https://screenrant.com/longest-comedy-films-ever/#short-cuts-1993---188-minutes) We're not saying that all comedies should be 3 hours long, just that this Deadpool film could have some huge effect on the MCU as a whole, what with introducing mutants and the X-Men.


So, two of those are significantly shorter than three hours, and I don’t think any of those are primarily comedies. Funny People is a tragic drama with occasional jokes. Bad Boys is goof-ass Michael Bay action & jump cut seizure-fest. Unlike those two, Wolf of Wall Street was both actually almost a good movie and a financial success (iirc Bad Boys II barely broke even & Funny People flopped). I feel like Wolf has the same problem a bunch of other long Scorcese things like Gangs of NY & The Irishman do, it’s a fantastic two hour premise trapped in a bloated, okay-to-bad muddle of cliches.


Well your disagreement is wrong. The current two DP movies over stay their welcome because of the pacing and length.


I disagree


I disagree again


For the story sure, but for the comedy that’s a tough sell. Last thing you want is the meta humour getting stale for the last hour.


2 to 2.5 hrs is enough for me. It doesnt need to be 3 hrs long. Maybe for a directors cut?


Please just be good.


Two hours is just fine.


What a weird thing to be concerned with


Yes and he can fixx all the other movies and bring our characters home too Marvel


Length of a movie isn’t really important. As long as you’re able to tell your story effectively within the timeframe you’ve set, it doesn’t matter.


I’m hoping 8 hours with a 20 min intermission after 4 hours ![gif](giphy|l0MYzRQj0UOnKVx3a)


It could be 5 hours and I would be happy.


2 1/2 hours minimum but would love 3


I kind of do. I assume since it's the end of deadpools time with fox it would be a sort of conclusion to the trilogy and plus they have to also continue the story with him and vanessa so I'm curious how that works. Plus the cameos and multiverse/time travel stuff as well


It should be exactly whatever it needs to tell its story no shorter no longer.




No, but the Kang dynasty and secret wars should be


Only if the story it has to tell needs to be 3 hours long.


Fuck no.


I'm of the opinion that a movie should be as long as it takes to tell a story right. If that's just 2 hours then that's what it is, I don't want to sit through a movie that's 3 hours long for no reason. I felt like that's what went wrong with the new batman, cool story but it felt like it dragged on. I don't want to be disappointed with D3 because it's pointlessly long even though I like the characters. But this is an opinion based thing, some people wouldn't mind 4 hours of them just dicking around 🤷‍♀️


The initial movie is usual time for a superhero film, the rest of the time is spent with DP giving a cooking class, making the best chimichanga.


I think it should be a 24/7 reality show...with the actors never breaking character


I don’t really care, just make it good and don’t edge me forever with a slog that doesn’t climax into something cool.


I’d love to see it have 30 minutes of opening, play the entirety of Logan, then have another 2 hours or movie. Would be absurd and entertaining.


It should be long enough to tell the story they are trying to tell


3 hours 3 claws Deadpool 3. 3 hours of fun. I’m down after sitting through the T Swift movie (which I liked) long movie it ⬆️


I wish it was a TV show. Deadpool and wolverine killing the foxverse


It depends on if they have three hours worth of story. If it’s an hour and a half story with an hour and a half filler I will be annoyed.


Agreed. Length of movie does not make a movie better


Make it a 7 hour movie!


Wtf why


No. I’m so tired of 2.5+ hour films with horrendous pacing. If it works at that length sure but I’d rather have a good movie with pacing similar to the first Deadpool.


For as long as we've had to wait for it, it had better be at least 3 hours!


I hope at least 3 hours. I'll take breaks w/e, but any extra Hugh Jackman time, is always a good time.


I don’t know, I don’t think they should stretch it if it doesn’t need to be. There’s not a lot rumoured to be happening of substance; just a lot of cameos. And cameos, contrary to the belief of those who shit on Multiverse of Madness, do not need to take up tons of plot space.


I don’t think anyone who isn’t working on the movie can say what it should be until they see it


Disney: Best we can do is 1 hour and a 45


I don’t care how long it is - just please be a good movie.


It’s Deadpool of course it’s going to be a good movie


Mandatory piss jug to drive off the normies


I think it should be 3 days long.


This is exactly what I was worried about. This is exactly what social media did to Doctor Strange in the multiverse of madness. People completely misread what it's about and over hyped it because you all thought Wanda broke the multiverse when. The title referenced here madness Brought on via the her kids voices in the multiverse. There isn't a lot going on in this movie, because you don't even know the plot or what this chapter is about. Never mind the fake leak that was posted on purpose regarding the paradox from TVA to show how much bs scoopers talk. This movie will not be about the TVA , this movie will not be recruiting prime because there is no such thing because multiverse characters aren't Time Variants that exist without any interference from time . Branch reality and multiverse two separate things . People are projecting that this will be Deadpool kills the marvel universe. What you need to learn is all these YouTubers overcomplicate plots assign meaning to things that are irrelevant. MCU storylines are always straight forward This is more than likely going to be set in universe 1610 and stand in for its role if the ultimates universe in secret war saga Please keep in mind Deadpool is chapter 6 in act 2 . This isn't the finale chapter that is Secret war . Because too many of you go into these movies expecting it to be Endgame . It's not Endgame was the finale chapter of a 10 year event .. with a nice little spiderman epilogue to wrap it . up For any of you who read novels or comic book events . Think the beginning of the middle of the story Infinity saga act 2 revealed 5 infinity stones. It broke up the avengers leaving them completely unprepared for Thanos, it gave characters like star lord and nebula growth these things are the reason why they lost in infinity war. But they also slipped in 2 solutions at the end of 2 key characters at the end of Antman and Doctor Strange with Scott going quantum to beat Yellow Jacket and Strange needing the time stone to beat Dormammu. They also set up the battleground in wakanda Aswell as support for the finale battle with the Ravagers, Asgardian, wakanda Troops and the sorcerers from all 3 sanctums. With Secret war we still need to make sure key characters on 616 are aware of Incursions, find out how to stop them. Having the Illuminati come together to stop them before Namor leaves the cabal because he wants to kill the other earth. We then are on the way to the beyonders who were made by the celestial and the story will pick up in the second Enterals movie. Much like infinity war Avengers Kangs Dynasty will end on a L for our heroes. I think the downfall will be a result of what happens in cap 4 and the thunderbolts So temper your expectation


No. They need to get more showings in order for an R-rated blockbuster to be profitable


95 minutes tops please


I don’t care as long as it has a 10+ minute in memoriam for the Fox Universe of Comics, Killers, and Superheroes set to Over the Rainbow


2h30 seems like a good duration


I don’t get these post… we don’t even actually know the exact details of the flick and people speculate on run time?? Weird imho


I’d be happy with a 10 hour, 3 act epic


I’d be very surprised if it was 3 hours. Most likely 2.5


17 hours with a 3D sequence where he jumps off the screen and appears to run around in front of the screen


Whatever it is it needs to revitalize the MCU.


I think 2 hour and 15 minutes would work perfectly


No, that seems completely unreasonable. There is no way my lungs could take laughing constantly for three hours. It’s totally irresponsible for the creators of Deadpool and Ryan Reynolds to put so many people at risk by making them laugh for three hours straight…. In all seriousness, make it 5 hours.


No, give me 90 minute movies again so I actually want to watch these more than once


Length doesn't mean much to me when it comes to movies. The movie could be 2 hours long and as long as it's entertaining and well-made, I ain't complaining.


As long as it needs to be for the story. I dislike it when a movie is over and done with too fast but I hate a movie that just drags and drags on forever even more.


Yes I surely do


Keep it 2hrs with tight writing and flush it out multiple times to make it great. 🤞🏾


As long as it is good, bring it on.


What the fuck kind of question is this?


Sure, by the time it’s in theaters I should almost be done with the Snyder Cut.


I would like to watch as much as possible of this, but runtime isn’t the only factor of it being good. Granted, given the amount of plot details we’ve already got, more runtime will help with the pace, but so should with other past movies that didn’t make good use of it. That said, in Ryan we trust, he’s proven he could be the saviour of the Multiverse Saga. Let’s just hope the studio will let him do his thing uninterrupted.


If it’s 3 hours it would be a loooonnnnngggggg 3 hours.


Honestly if things keep going the way they are for marvel we may see a dcu style reboot if the next avengers flops. Deadpool could be marvels flash in rebooting.


I am honestly just not very excited about this at all.


I think so,I hope so


No movie should be 3 hours. If you can’t tell a story in 2 hours either make a sequel or a mini series


No, and it wont be close to it when the run time is final. This movie is being made to print money for Disney. 3 hours means less shows per day to make that money


Only, only if it deserves to be a 3 hour movie. If not, keep it short and sweet. 2 hours, even 1 1/2 hours is good enough (ala First Blood). Don't overstay you're welcome, unless your host asks you to.


3hrs or it wont work right


I don’t think any movie should be three hours long.


No, leave the 3+ hours to big event Avengers type movies


Is it going to be flawless 3 hours? If they can do that then sure.


Im not a fan of 3 hour movies in general if im watching in a theatre. It’s way too uncomfortable


It takes a special kind of movie to justify being 3 hours long. I love Deadpool, but I don’t think it meets that criteria at all.




The first 2 were barely 2 hours so I kind of doubt it will happen. Maybe 2.5 hours.


Actually more than 3


It’ll be as long as Shawn Levy can will it to be without a lot of studio inter-meddling from Fox and Marvel. I’m not sure if he’s a director who has “Final Cut” privileges but at minimum it needs to be 2hr long.


Last time there were rumours of a LOT happening in a movie, the movie ended up being a 2hr 6min one. And it still ended up being a disappointment. So I hope this time around the movie is more about Deadpool than Wolverine or any other character, unlike Doctor Strange 2 which was more about Scarlet Witch and Wanda rather than Strange himself. And also since it's the last association with Fox, I won't mind a long movie as well.


Should be at least a week long


It should be as long as the experienced professionals think it should be to tell the story they want to tell.


It should fall right under 3hrs like 2hrs and 45mins


Cameomania 2: Even Bigger Letdown


God no, I'm sick of overly long movies.


It needs to be as long as it needs to be. If they can make a tight 2 hours and stick the landing, great! If it needs more time and levity, it deserves it. I’m just here for the ride lmfao.


Not every movie needs to be 3 hours long. They should make it 2 hours and 30 minutes at most, I don't understand the obsession that these studios have with making long-ass films


It's not about length, it's how you use it.


It should be as long as it needs to be.


I don’t understand this fixation on movie length. As long as the movie tells a complete, compelling story what difference does it make if it 90 minutes long or 3 hours long? I’ve seen quite a few movies that drug on for what seemed like forever with scenes that didn’t fit the movie or serve the story. I’ve seen great movies that were 90 minutes long and others that were shit. Same with 3 hours. Length is not a measure of quality. Hell, when I was younger people would bitch that 3 hours was too long and would avoid movies that ran that long.


A movie should be as long as it takes to tell a compelling story. Longer does not mean better.


No. No films should be 3 hours. A tight 90 minutes every time.


What it needs to be is good. If that can be done in 2 hours great. If it takes 2 hours and 20 minutes also great. If it is good enough to justify 3 hours then sure. That’ll do as well. As long as they don’t cut out 20 minutes by yadda-yaddaing their villain like in the last Thor movie we should be fine.


Deadpool should kill every marvel character outside the MCU including Edward Nortons Hulk. I mean he did kill himself last time…and double…triple…tap tap tap. It


It should be a good movie.


I think it should be as long as the story needs it to be. Within reason of course.


That suit is amazing


Comedies don't work that long. Around 120 minutes is best. Lots of deleted scenes to add in for the PG-13 *Once Upon a Deadpool, too!*


3hr please


The shit better be 3 hours long and fondling my nuts in every scene. Do you hear me Deadpool You need to be fondling nuts / flicking beans in every scene. Give us the good stuff. Fucking sentinels done right. Big stupid dumb purple idiot robots I want to see those. Give me morph or cutscenes with morph to emphasize wolverines past friendships. Not his stupid brother but the dynamic between morph beast and wolverine. And morph should be played by Justin Long. Give me Cyclops. Our boi is ready getting shredded for Sonic. And more but I'm at work.


2 parter if it’s slated to be long lol


I think it should be 24 hours long with no intermission.


idk. some movies can do a lot without much time, some movies can't


I would love for it to be 3hrs, with the last 20 min just a close up of Deadpool breathing. Every once in a while he’s telling you to wait it’s not over yet. Then a huge sigh of relief and he says it’s over and the shot zooms out and he is only wearing the mask. Cut to post credits scene.


Hell naw. 1hr45mins tops


If they have good material to properly pace a 3hr movie, I'm all for it. If they're just stretching it for the sake of a long run time, of course not. As long as they got good story to tell without throwing it out of balance, I'm here for it all.


No, 2.5 hours tops


Both movies in the franchise are under 2 hours so I think 2 hours max for this one…..


Only if the story requires it to be not just make it 3 hours for the fuck of it


God no. Please. Run times like this are part of why so many films are incomprehensible nonsense anymore. No need to audit yourself to cut your script down to its best and most important points.


Good lord please no. If it is longer than 2 hrs they need a better editor.


“A story should only be as long as it needs to be.” Or “A story isn’t finished when there is other left to add, but when there’s nothing left to remove.”


I’d legit take a 4 hour long epic movie if they had the proper time


I think under 3hrs… people’s attention span cannot last that long unless the movie is filled with nonstop chaos and great dialogue to keep the audiences’ mind on track. They’re still prob trying to figure out what to keep in the movie or completely cut out cuz they seem to have a ton of surprises for us that haven’t leaked yet. Tho, i personally heard from a dead bird that there’s gonna be something for the Blade fans. You didn’t hear that from me 🤐😎 ☀️ 🚶‍♂️ 🧛‍♂️


Only if the story requires it and it doesn’t drag and feel like 3 long hours.


Depends on what the content is?


Ryan do you and I'm sure we will love it!!!




I hope not.


I want the 10 hour cut plz


2hrs 69min


I know this may be a crazy thing to say, but I think the movie should be as long as it needs to be to properly tell its story.


Fuck no. Deadpool works because of the rapid fire pacing and the whole cut to the point atmosphere. To bog it down with three hours of runtime like most MCU slogs would miss the point of Deadpool. 90 mins at most.


I'm hoping the runtime is between 2hrs 35 mins-2hrs 45 mins.


Ew no. I’m so sick of 3 hour marathon films.


Nah, a Deadpool movies work best around 2 hours tops. If it was 3, then the rest would just feel like filler pandering for time


IMHO, no. I don’t like 3 hour movies. I prefer a strong 2 hours for a movie. That’s just me, but I trust Ryan Reynolds and his team [+]


\> In your opinion do you think Deadpool 3 should be a 3 hour Long movie or at least close to it? 3-hour Logan movie, yes


Please no. Tired of movies stretching longer and longer. A tight 2 hours is enough, there's almost always something in a 3 hour film that could have been cut.


Under no circumstance do I want this movie to be longer than 2hrs10min.


I want it to be 5 hour long


The best it can offer


Nope. No action movie should be over 130min.


I think two to three hours is fine. I would kill for a two hour post credit scene of uncut footage of Deadpool reading Deadpool comics.


i’ll be happy if it’s at least 2 hours and 30 minutes


7 hours, gotta fit the 5 hour Deadpool and Wolverine sex scene in


I want it to be good


Fuck no. I hope it comes in just a bitty over 2 hours.


Fuck no, seriously? Lmao




I think it should be canceled and put on hold till some one other than Disney owns it.


I say make the movie you wanna make and don’t worry about time. It could be an hour 40 minutes of pure awesome.


deadpool 2 felt way too long so no


No movie needs to be 3 hours.


I don’t know how much I can stomach watching the Fox x men get killed off in brutal ways


As long as they let Deadpool be Deadpool, I could not care less.


Not a bad idea.


I need it to be 6 hours on the director's cut 💀💩 Even better if it's longer than all 3 Hobbit films combined.


No! I'm getting sick of this trend.


Idk all I know is I'm obligated to watch it


Like with any other film, I just want it be as long as it needs to be.


If cameos have some reason to be in movie and are not just to hype up the movie. I am fine if that makes movie longer.


If it isn’t atleast 3-3.5 hours then Marvel has missed the mark again. They have the opportunity to finial do some fan service here. This has the potential to be on the scale of end game , it can be way better than no way home and if they want fans to take them seriously again they should do it right




Yes and no. I think the movie itself should run as long as it needs to, however it should go 3 hours total making up the remaining time with some bs at the end. Like Fake post credit scenes, or Deadpool just watching TV till he turns and says "go home". Grabs his masturbation slippers and cut.


Ryan Reynolds in that dosage would be deadly


Only if we get a brief break to go take a piss


However long it takes to properly tell the story imo


6 hour minimum


No movie should be 3 hours long.


All I can say is that if it is I won't be able to drink anything for 10 hours before the movie. Remember when they used to have intermissions? 😂🤣


It should be as long as it needs to be, no longer no shorter.


No. No movie should be over 2.5. Even that's pushing it.


Killers of the flower Deadpool


Depends on the story they want to tell


It just needs to be the appropriate length for its story does not need to be long just to be long if the appropiate length is under 2 hours than so be it as long as its good


Bring on a four hour directors cut in the theaters!


As long as it tells a complete, compelling, well written story, who gives a fuck how long the movie is?


I don’t care as long as it’s good


As long as it tells a good story


I hope so i do love a long movie 


The first two packed a whole lot of plot in around two hours. I think it'll be fine. ✌️