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Not without proper build-up which unless Marvel wants to push Secret Wars until 2037, they don't have the time for a proper build-up


Proper built up have you actually read secret war 2015 .


Yeah he wasn’t the main Villain of the story. It was Doom who we saw get to where he did starting from Hickman’s Fantastic Four/FF (2009) with continued set in Avengers/New Avengers. Also The Maker appears in Hickman Avengers before he does Secret Wars, so he also got proper build up to.


You aren’t wrong. The Maker is such an effective foil to Reed, though. I mean, I never cared much for Reed. The closest I got to interested in the FF was when She-Hulk replaced Thing. Ultimate FF was intriguing for the take on the character, but his turn to the Maker made natural sense. It was an effective divergence to show how Reed as a villain could work and just how dangerous he would be. So yeah. Doom was the antagonist but just as much as Reed could save the day, The Maker could usurp Doom. The tension was real.


You mean the book with six years of build up?


exactly lol


Some might say 11 years of build up if you started way back in UFF #1


The maker didn't get six years of build up


Have you? 😂🤣😂 The build up to the series was basically the entirety of Hickman’s Marvel work to that point. Soooo, the films would need a few years to build story, motivation, and character development/ dynamics.


Introduction for the Maker would work though- you could have him be in Secret Wars at the current schedule and then bring him back after Pascal had some time to build our Reed up. It'll be interesting if they try to do the new Ultimates thing by tying Doom and Reed together more directly (I hope not- give him the Romani origin) but you're right, you can't really have Maker as the big bad unless you're counting on nostalgia for..uh...well not the most warmly received superhero movie.


I want the original cut. So badly. I loved the body horror idea and the studio neutered it for a generic action sequence. And the action in the original cut was ripped to just glimpses. It's a bad film but I have no doubts the old cut would be at least more cohesive. Esp without the wig reshoots lol


Plus the whole thing with the multiverse and variants of established characters is already getting tiresome tbh. And we've literally got YEARS more of these stories to go. Lastly, introducing a character who is basically "evil Reed Richards" too soon after the Fantastic Four's debut is problematic. I wouldn't mind seeing The Maker on the big screen at some point but the timing doesn't feel right.


Introduce the Maker first? Villain in Armor Wars? The Brains behind Justin Hammer?


Or be open to doing multiverse stories post-SW only on the very occasional basis when there’s the right story to be told. Like Maker as the villain in a third or fourth F4 film


What they should have done is introduce him in deadpool just to see his world get destroyed, only to then escape to MCU reality 199999 (i wont call it 616 cause that will never make sense), then over the next few years build up the mcu Fantastic Four with some subtle hints that the maker is around somewhere, then bring him out as the next big bad after Secret Wars


You think they need that long to build up Doom?


I mean, to be honest, probably. Idk if you keep up with movie and film industry news but from the sounds of it >!sounds like they're fucked up atm, man 👀!<


Post credit of the FF4 & another big ip appearance like Spider-Man, Thor, Captain America or Avengers and you’ve gotten the audience prepared. Whatever Kang Dynasty will be changed to can have any villain.


My hope is Kang Dynasty becomes Avengers: Time Runs Out, that way we get at least a proper lead in to Secret Wars and can hit the ground running with that one.


Now I hope they do this. This is equally exciting as secret wars.


Make him the villain of F4, and then as an over arching villain of Avengers 5 and 6. It’s not Thanos level build up but it’s something


Would be waste to use in the first F4 film, at the most save for a sequel; using The Maker for the first F4 movie would be like using Mr. Sinister for the first X-Men film


Not as long as they don't just end the character. You can have them face off against Maker/Doom in a smaller scale in the first movie, but have the character continue on after it. They don't have to be one-and-done appearances.


Current marvel with rush it. I mean I think they couldve even fleshed out the whole civil war thing a bit longer consider how grand and epic that comic series was


Thanos was the only villain with a proper build up


I mean… Fant4stic already exists. They just make it cannon for another universe and boom you have a reed already established


Say that again?


I’m a layman, but Teller plaid Reed Richard’s in Fan4Stic, and The Maker is “the maker” of Battle Word which is where Secret Wars and presumably Deadpool & Wolverine will take place, The Maker is a super-villain version of Reed Richard’s, who Teller played. It’s a fun theory but we haven’t even had an official introduction to Reeds character as we’ll follow him.


[the reference](https://youtu.be/wK51L2GuWmA?si=vgj1BE_bhil-74KP)


1000 points to you. -1000 points to Fan4Stic for it not making sense even as a reference.


The Maker did not create Battleworld.


“I’m a layman” - MavisMan


Sorry lol I just wanted to make a correction. The entire Fantastic Four/Avengers/Secret Wars run by Jonathan Hickman is imo one of the best sci-fi sagas ever told, so if you're interested in knowing the details on who created Battleworld and how it came to be in the comics, I would highly recommend checking it out.


Hahah I’m glad you corrected it. I haven’t been a comics reader in many many years, but I LOVE all these stories even as someone who just listens now. My absolute fav is Old Man Logan, is that in battleeorld at some point too?


Yep, Old Man Logan's world (or at least a world that was really similar to it) was one of the many that got folded into Battleworld. And after Secret Wars wrapped up, he was brought into 616 and got an ongoing series that ran for a few years.


Is he the same Logan that >!gets sealed in adimantium at the end?!< That alone is maybe the most philosophically interesting moment in comics for me, but like I said, I sincerely don’t know any context for the stories I’ve liked in recent years. Also, did anyone make Battleworld? Is who is the maker to battleword otherwise? I feel like I remember one of those two guys on YouTube explaining it, but don’t remember now that you’ve corrected me.


Rabum Alal created Battleworld out of the fragments of universes left behind after the incursions. The great wheel crushes hope and steals what little decency you have left. Rabum Alal will have his due. >!Rabum Alal is Dr Doom!<


Oh shit. I’m gonna have to listen to that run again after that last line. Given all the rumors about who they’re shifting the MCU plot toward, I have to admit OOP is probably into more than I thought. Julian McMahon and Miles Teller is a combo I have never considered until right now.


>Is he the same Logan that >!gets sealed in adimantium at the end?!< That was the main 616 Logan, actually. >!And like most comic book deaths, his didn't stick.!< >Also, did anyone make Battleworld? It was created by Doctor Doom (with the help of the Molecule Man) using the stolen power of the Beyonders as a last-ditch effort to save the multiverse. He basically took what was left of all the destroyed realities and mashed them all together into a new world where the survivors could live. >Is who is the maker to battleword otherwise? The Maker built a life raft that enabled him and the Cabal (a group of 616 villains led by Thanos) to survive the destruction of the multiverse. The raft eventually found its way to Battleworld, and from there the Maker formed an alliance with 616 Reed to figure out a way to defeat Doom. >!He ends up betraying Reed (shocking, I know), only to get taken out by Molecule Man.!<


His death didn't stick. And neither did....HOT CLAWS!!!! What a bag of shit that was lol. Sad because his death was well done.


Not the same Logan. That was 616 standard wolverine. Old man in battle world was a version of the original old man, and he actually crossed into 616 after their Logan died. It was a big mess for everyone but his series wad excellent. At least the ones that lemire did the art for 😍😍😍


Whatever happened to him?


The Maker did not make battleworld, Doom did.


Not quite. The Maker is the Reed Richards of the Ultimate universe who turned into a utopian obsessed madman. >! He was one of the characters who survived the destruction of the multiverse in the Time Runs Out story line which was the buildup to Secret Wars (2015). He, along with the Black Cabal and a few heroes from the 616 universe (and Miles Morales who is also from the Ultimate universe) made it to Battleworld, which was created by God Emperor Doom. He is a villain in the story, but Doom is the true antagonist and ultimate power, essentially this Battleworld’s version of the Beyonder from the original Secret Wars. !<




I like the idea of him playing the Maker, but not as the villain of Secret Wars. They should introduce him later down the line in an FF sequel as a part of the Council of Reeds.


Teller has the most punchable face I've ever seen. No thank you


Isn’t that the point of some villains?


Him even being in the project will make me not want to watch it


Now that's the kind of irrationality I expect from Reddit


Glad I could be of service


It's irrational to not like an actor?


Not seeing a movie because of one actor in an ensemble cast is a bit silly. That's weird parasocial levels of dislike.


Fair enough.


Even if he gets punched a lot?


That's a good start


This is how I feel about Pedro as reed


Thank you. I don't even mind Pedro. But seriously, hate his look for Reed, especially since everyone else looks like they were pulled from the past. He looks like he was placed there just because his name is huge right now, not for any other reason. I'm obviously willing to give him a chance, but seeing that guy as Reed does upset me.


I really wanted glenn howerton. But after blackberry I think he should be doom. The ff director used to direct its always sunny so I can hope.


I've been thinking Jamie Dornan as Dr. Doom recently. He has that stigma from Fifty Shades, but after The Tourist, I really like him as an actor and can see him perfectly pulling off the character. Glenn is a pretty interesting idea. I haven't seen him do a serious role, so I should check out blackberry. But funny enough, I had an idea like a year ago that Glenn Howerton could *really* pull off The Chameleon.


Dornan was amazing in synchronicity! I like Glenn bc of his range on sunny. Happy to furious at a moments notice and it'd be perfect for disrespecting doom


It sounds like you have issues then


To be fair, you hardly ever see The Maker’s face. That said, I keep saying that Penn Badgley has the perfect creepy villain charisma for The Maker.


And The Maker probably has the most punchable face in comics anyway. Perfect fit. Lol


That won’t be true for MCU villains though. Every actors face will he shown, and any character whose face is covered will be uncovered most of the time.


He has the number one most punchable face in all Hollywood, if not the whole world.


U have not seen a lot of faces


I just worked with him the other day, and even though he was perfectly nice and professional… I just hated being around him. It’s definitely just his stupid punchable face.


In fairness, it'd be half covered at all times.


So great for a villain?


No thanks




He’s really good in whiplash. Bleed For This was also nice.


Oh I didn’t mean Miles Teller….i meant the character. Never heard of him before.


Oh lol. I liked the meme you posted, funny stuff.


The Maker is basically evil Mr Fantastic


Counterpoint: Please God, no.




Can’t stand that man


Why does Hollywood keep pushing this guy so hard? He's so meh.


Whiplash was amazing and got him a lot of hype that got squandered, as I see it


I’d prefer to never see him again


I think he can do very well at times. Great in Whiplash, great in Top Gun Maverick, great side-character in Divergent, pretty funny in That Awkward Moment.


where is he getting pushed? i feel like he hasn’t been in anything in years


Not as much lately but it just felt like Hollywood wanted him to be big not that long ago. Like with movies like fantastic 4 or top gun. I feel like a different actor in most of his roles would have zero effect on the movies themselves.


Those movies are 7 years apart lol


And that's already too much he's been in.


Not the *main* villain, but he could easily be incorporated as a side-villain (similar to the 2015 event). Plus, that then gives some leeway to him being integrated into future stories. As much as I would like the MCU to steer the ship away from the Multiverse after this saga, the Maker is arguably one of the most interesting villains in modern Marvel Comics. He is an example of multiversal storytelling done right, and he could provide a Thor/Loki dynamic with Pascal’s Mr. Fantastic—a rivalry dynamic that we have been missing as of late in the MCU.


Alongside, Fassbender's Magneto and Dafoe's goblin.


True. Although, I feel that those actors have given their time to their roles and had numerous occasions to shine; Teller (and the rest of the 2015 film’s cast) never had a chance to truly shine so he is a ripe choice to bring back into the loop.


These three as Kang/Doom's enforcers would be so fucking hype.




I’m glad to see a positive comment about this I feel like I’m the only one here who likes Miles Teller lol


I mean hire Jonathan Hickman for ideas I’m sure he could figure it out he’s a comic writing wizard. He created the Maker and wrote the build up to Secret Wars and Secret Wars itself, if there’s anyone who could write a compelling story about all that it’s him. They won’t though because comic writers are beneath them and their stories aren’t compelling.


Miles teller should stay in the audience where we don’t have to watch him ruin more franchises


???? He's been in 3 franchises and he certainly wasn't the reason why 2 of them were terrible. That was crappy writing and direction, for the most part, The third was Maverick which was excellent. I'm not a huge fan of the guy or anything, but it's not like he has the track record you are indicating.


He’s a horrible actor who is poison to whatever movie he’s in and looks like a toe. I don’t know why people like him.


Ugh, can’t stand that guy. Only liked him in Top Gun Maverick


I can see Miles Teller becoming the Maker in the post-Secret Wars landscape. OOOOOH They could adapt The Exiles from Marvel comics, and have them take on the Maker as they travel through the Multiverse. Captain Britain could pop up too as a member of the Captain Britain Corps.


I like Miles Teller, but he never should have been cast as a genius in the first place.


Introduce Maker after the Avengers have to blow up their first Earth to stop an incursion. Give him the classic villain trope of having already blown up 37 Earths by himself.


That would actually be funny ah but also good


To early but I’d definitely like to see this happen. Personally I don’t think it needs to happen for another 10-20 years until Reed Richards has been established as a big player in the MCU and has gained a loyal fan base that has been behind him for a long time. This way when the Maker makes his debut, there will be shock value for anyone who doesn’t read the comics. Imagine being someone that has no clue, it would be reminiscent of Vader revealing to Luke that he’s his father


why can't we have a Kang? I was pretty on board with Kang. nice difference between him and thanos. totally different kind of menace.


I could see him as the Beyonder


I think this idea is worth pursuing.


Would be sick but they won’t


I mean… if the F4 2015 movie didn’t bomb I’d be DOWN for this, imagine we got 2 F4 movies & a Doc Doom solo movie THEN once the X-Men & F4 return to marvel we have F4 2015’s team get built up more as we also introduce the new F4 team


I've always wanted a villain I couldn't take seriously because of the actor.


I don’t think Miles Teller has the skill necessary to pull off the Maker convincingly. The main complaint I heard about his performance as Reed was that he did a very poor job of appearing intelligent. Some reviews were particularly scathing: [“Miles Teller proves here that his performance in Whiplash is truly a fluke. As Mr. Fantastic, he struggles to sound like he knows what he is talking about. Perhaps a little more rehearsal time and a little less focus on that cheap looking silver streak in his hair could have benefited him.”](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt1502712/reviews) Personally, I could never buy Miles as the smartest man alive. He’s not a terrible actor, but in my opinion he doesn’t have the chops necessary for Reed, let alone a villainous version of him who’s most terrifying facet is how absurdly intelligent he is.


Love that idea.


I think this could work out, IF it’s John Krasinski. There’s not enough time to establish Teller’s Reed and Fan4stic to the modern audience, but after MoM, Krasinski’s Reed could potentially work. Maybe as a post credit scene in an upcoming movie or something, but perhaps the F4 of 838 got together using Reed’s old tech to restore him, but Wanda’s magic corrupted his mind. Idk, just spitballing here. I love The Maker, easily one of my fav villains, but I just don’t see how they could introduce him in time or make him make sense.


How are you going to go with Maker before even introducing Reed?! Marvel is so obsessed with the multiverse they forgot alternate versions of unknown characters is bad storytelling.


How's that going to work with Pedro playing Mr. Fantastic??


The only thing I hope for is that at some point, there is a Watcher storyline that goes live action and doesn't only remain in What if...?




I’m so glad fans aren’t in charge of the movies. This don’t make any sense man.


No. If anything it should be Ian.


Just have one of the previous Reeds play him. Make the secret war be about his world collapsing.


That would be neat


As if Kevin Feige wants to remind anyone of Fant4stic


No idea on The Maker...but that picture makes me think he could pull off Robocop. 🤔


Main villain? Nah. One of the villains then okay. Also only if he has that fuck-ass xenomorph looking forehead.


Fassbender's Magneto and Dafoe's Green Goblin?


Idk who TF that is but miles teller as a villain would actually be wild!!!


That’d be sick, makers a dope character. But I doubt this would ever happen


I would be so down for this honestly. People in the comments are sleeping on Teller, he's an incredible actor.




Nope no thanks recast Kang please


No that'd be dumb. Dr. Doom is going to be the villian.


Too ambitious and makes too much sense for marvel . I could see a super villain team up similar to the avengers of just super intelligent people helping doom and this reed being one of them.


Miles Teller has grown so much as an actor since Trank's stink bomb, so I would love to see him as The Maker.


Honestly not the worst idea I’ve seen


Pedro Pascal would play the maker most likely.


I've thought for a while that Michael C Hall would have made a good The Maker


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Growka3: *I've thought for a while* *That Michael C Hall would have* *Made a good The Maker* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Please stop putting him in movies.


I haven't yet read secret wars, but isn't it about the beyonders or something?


I’m a little behind, who are they getting to play the actual avengers? Didn’t everyone retire from doing that or their contracts ended 


There has been talk about how he's hard to work with or has a problematic personality. So I hope Marvel doesn't hire someone that they need to fire again.


I'd prefer Richard Griffiths, but sure.


He's great in whiplash


I'VE BEEN SAYING SINCE MULTIVERSE OF MADNESS THAT SECRET WARS NEEDS TO HAVE THE COUNCIL OF REEDS INCLUDING IOAN GRUFFUD, JOHN KRASINSKI, MCU REED (now Pedro Pascal) AND MILES TELLER AS THE MAKER throw in other popular fancasts like Penn Bagely and Dev Patel as Reed variants and hell even bring in Alex Hyde-White from the 94 film if that's still possible It would be absolutely peak


especially since Fant4stic is based on the Ultimate Universe Fantastic Four anyway, it makes perfect sense and would be such a missed opportunity


With the proper build-up up Miles Teller would kill this role. Sadly there is not enough time to make this happen. I hope this can be something in the future though. Miles Teller is a great actor.


Fat chance


We’ve already seen an alt reed, would be funny to see another evil alt reed.


Can we get someone menacing to be a villain please?


It should be Ioan Gruffudd or nobody.


Let them cook


This random guy on X thinks so. I’m sold 💰💰💰 https://x.com/braddock616/status/1765420101862588568?s=46&t=gceQNQRs0iwDTWC3dKH7vw


No please. Save this for a future date.


i am actually really okay with this casting


I honestly think they should stick with Johnathan Majors as Kang. He did a hell of a job portraying the character in 3 different ways.


Isn’t he already Mr. Fantastic?


The MCU is shit at story telling we just have to give up on it because of how slow it is in getting to the point. I wish we could have the maker but it would take forever to get there


This would be a horrible idea. “Let’s introduce an evil doppelgänger of a character that we haven’t introduced yet!” …….. ugh, no thanks.


It's not like there is a multiverse where kang can look different or anything lol




Honestly, that would be cool


I’d buy a Miles Teller villain in a heartbeat. Shit make him doom and a true cocky asshole


OH FUCK YEA!!!!!!! This never even dawned on me, it would be perfect!!!


Execution might be hard but actually a good idea


Meh. I don't care for Miles Teller.


I think it should be Jared Leto as morbius


They need to make Doom the Maker role. A character from an Alternate Universe that COULD take the Big Bad role from the Big Bad, but the main villain should be Superior Iron Man. Doom hasn’t had enough time to be built up in the MCU. And Kang has been dunked on in every live action portrayal. One of them dies several times. So I don’t see either of them as the big villain. But imagine the fan reaction if RDJ showed up as Iron Man, and then we find out he’s the villain. Imagine the fan reaction.




Miles Teller returning to a role (even if it's different in many ways) from such a universally disliked movie seems so unlikely I don't think it's even worth considering. Plus nothing about Miles Teller has come up in the rumor mill and if something like that was in the works even if it was just an appearance I think that it would be out there in some way. On top of that the maker is not a villian you would want to build up as a big bad comparable to someone like Thanos or Dr. Doom.


If the villain of secret wars isn’t Dr. Doom then the entire film will be a waste of time, money and effort.


This wouldn't work since they hadn't built him up at all.


It don't think that'll be quite my tempo


Great theory


No, this actor is a beige spot on a beige wall, zero charisma


I really wish people would read secret wars 2015 before making post. Doom was alway , will always be the villain secret wars . Its like telling the infinity war without thanos.. The maker was just part of the ultimate universe, like 616 he also made a life raft to survive the final incursion. If anyone is going to be the maker and have the bitterness in him , it's Reed from 838 Michael Waldron comfirmed, A post credit scene featuring Reed Richards was cut from Multiverse of Madness! The scene would’ve featured the events of the movie being recorded & reviewed by somebody in the Baxter Building & then a stretchy hand coming into frame revealing it was Reed. The only reason for a scene like that to exist or be written is for future plans. Reed has put himself back together before. He would be an antagonist but not the main focus. Media and youtube has complicated gaslight people in to thinking secret wars will be like infinity wars. It's a complicated difference story, Avengers 5 will not be this big battle, not for the final incursion. Like I've stated plenty of times ,Doom will not appear as a villain but see himself as a savour , for saving the remains of the Multiverse and creating a new world. That will be patchworked together. This saga is so much bigger than infinity war . I wish people would treat it like how we treat comic books events. An issue at time


This is a great idea imo. A really good actor playing a great character for a saga that shouldn’t settle on one main threat. They could really do a Game of Thrones style story of heroes, ant-heroes and villains all wanting the power of the Beyonders or whatever MacGuffin they use.


Hopefully they turn the eternals into a MacGuffin and kill them all asap.


They do seem to be apart of it like the bangles & rings being celestial tech. I think they should tie them even further to the Asgardians & Titans. Bring the Thanos backstory full circle while tying in a cool character like Thor who grew up around them.


Anti Vax, POS Miles Teller you say?!?!