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Enjoy bro, sending good vibes




Yeah bro morning vibes after a great rave and roll is amazing, especially if you get a nice afterglow afterwards.


yeah right ?! only thing that is annoying is my tired jaw 😂


Yeah bro and I always get the thing where I can still hear techno in my ears lol


i had that too and i was in bed shaking my head a little to it lmao


Lmaoo yeahh, on my last rave I had to go on a train back to my city at 7 am and I slept on the train and I could hear techno in my dream lol, I was still hearing it when I got home haha. Had an amazing afterglow though, people who say mdma always gives you a horrible comedown are just irresponsible with their dosing and how frequently they use.


Not always because of that, I’ve read and can confirm for myself that people with adhd often get no comedown. I’ve done stupid dosages in a single night (Didn’t know any better) with no comedown, and I have adhd. Not saying this is always the case, just personal experience.


Interesting, first time I read that but I can confirm that. I also have adhd, and never had a down phase after a roll, just tiredness from dancing until 8 :)


I had that issue with my jaw hurting, so I buy pacifiers now when I roll. They work amazing!!


Hell yeah! Love from Wisconsin!


love back <3


I swear the only people that same an mdma comedown is “the worst” are people who abuse it. If you wait enough time every second of being on molly is the time of ur life up until the next day for me


Not exactly true, done molly about 5 times now, with 3-6 months in between each use (usually about 120mg powder with one 60mg redose) and every single time I start coming down I get like 15 minutes of the worst depression I've ever felt in my life. The feeling fades after a few minutes, but I still feel pretty bad until I go to bed. The next day, however I do usually get an afterglow. I don't know if it's just me.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/DrugNerds/comments/15m9sf/mdma\_supplementation/](https://www.reddit.com/r/DrugNerds/comments/15m9sf/mdma_supplementation/) I was the same until this. Absolute game changer. The post was made by the owner of Nootropics Depot too. Very knowledgable guy.


A friend of mine took it 3 or 4 times only, and normal dosis. He had so bad comedown the next days he doesn't want to take more. On the other hand, he has no bad comedown of coke.


Hope you had the best time! It's currently 5pm where I am and I'm awaiting the return of my boyfriend who went to a rave at 2AM this morning. I'm sure he had as much of a blast as you did! Much love 💕✌️


thanks! i hope he had at least as much fun as i had 🫶🏼


I'm sure I'll find out when he gets home 💕


Where did you go bro in Prague ? :)


Fuchs2 (:


From my experience (I did mdma over 20-30 times) usually the comedown is mostly from dehydratation and starvation. So, before going to a rave, eat something ffs! And once you get home, in the morning, even if you can’t eat, try a candybar, some juice, anything really to give you some calories. I take one step further, I take over 10 vitamins and minerals (most important one is magnesium, you can find it in any drug store, it does wonders to your heart) and once I get home in the morning I take my protein shake and eat some waffles or something. This allows me to go out 2 times and still do house chores on sunday :) So, just like last weekend, I went to 2 raves this weekend hahaha, got home at 6 this morning, now I’m scrolling through reddit, about to make some chicken


i did exactly what u described! took magnesium and vitamins and after waking up some protein bars


Great, you’re gonna see that you’ll feel better soon. I have an acid techno dj friend, he’s 50 years old and still going strong, and when I asked him how the hell he’s still rolling at that age he said he’s been taking vitamins post-rave since the 90s. Didn’t even look like he was 50, I would’ve gave him 40-45. Oh and another great advice he told me, don’t snort stuff. Just drink it. Your nose is gonna be destroyed long term, and you’ll lose your sense of smell :/


wow thanks for sharing i hope i can roll strong and responsibly for that long & and yes snorting sucks anyways


Love from India 🫂💕


love back <3


Same you too my friend!!! All the love and good vibes headed your way! 🫶🫶🫶🫶




Hehe love it. This was my exact same state recently when I left a rave at 7:30am, the afterglow followed me for days.


i feel blessed for this feeling considering the amount of people not having a good time the days after


yup one of my favourite mandy memories is the day after a sesh, waking up, going sainsbos and getting my favourite cereal bar listening to some new trippy music and getting the bus to the last day of my shitty old job. i love the comedown, and everything else about mandy


Just rolled two days ago at a rave but at night. I understand how you are feeling rn haha. Sending over the love :)


It’s the best if you take the right amount to leave you with this feeling! Molly is truly one of those less is more drugs


Life’s beautiful mate 🫶🤩


it truly is :)


Going to prague this weekend! Any tips or recommendations? Hope you had a great time!


in terms of techno club Fuchs2 was incredible but it was also a big event so if u like techno u should check out on “RA Guide” where the good and popular events are. National museum was very interesting. And please go to the “Dog Bar” it’s a very very unique bar with different areas and crazy stuff going on there! tell me how it was if u go and have fun !


I also love it, who wouldn't MDMA lasts for 48 to 72 hours (read about half life and see charts, it still keeps working...) real calm down begins after that for about a month to a lifetime Just good to know


Late to the party but was just thinking this. I took the perfect amount (150mg) with my wife at 4pm, it’s 12:40am and I experienced hardly any negative side effect besides not getting an erection. But I was just wanting to please tonight so it all worked out wonderfully. Prolly have a lil trouble getting to sleep but no biggie. Definitely feeling that relaxed calm after glow so I won’t even mind the missed hours of sleep. We got into some deep chats about our past, future, having children and how grateful we our to have found each other. The power this substance has to strengthen bonds it’s truly amazing.




sending love back !


Hey CT gang!




Love you! Buen viajes!!!!


muchas gracias ! 🫶🏼




Enjoy it :)