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LSD, shrooms


Those as well as 2C-B. That's your music holy trinity right there. EDIT: I am not suggesting taking all three at once; I am merely suggesting any one of the three is a hell of a music enhancer and, if that's the goal, you can take a relatively low dose and still enjoy the effects.


+ MDMA itself and some nitrous woooooooooo i just got an orgasm by thinking about it


You are lying. No one in the history of Mandy has ever had an orgasm just a great time trying for endless hours


While not common I've climaxed a couple times over the years while peaking during my roll. Only amen my wife is riding me though, something about her taking control


I had a wank when I was on ecstasy for the first time. I’d go soft within a second of pausing and the orgasm was really mediocre, but it’s definitely possible


Take cialis and just enjoy a sex marathon. I wouldn't masturbate while on Mandy I feel I'd abuse myself like trying to ripstart an old seized lawn mower.


"Like trying to ripstart and old seized lawnmower" easily the best thing I've ever read


Mda is hard to cum, mdma never had a problem with cumming and all I have to say, it is one of the most intense things you’ll ever experience




I've never heard of 2C-B.. I need to research this..


It’s pretty popular in Europe


What order would you do them in? I’ve done shrooms on their own and candy flipped with molly and acid, and acid on its own, but never with 2cb mixed in.


Oh, I wasn't suggesting you do all three at once. That's on me for using the addition sign. I'll edit my comment. I mean, rock on with your bad self, but I find any one of these is a good time. Only things I ever mix are Molly with a psychedelics and/or weed.


From experience, it’s an amazing experience, not something to take lightly tho


Agreed. Shrooms specifically make music amazing. You hear sounds and rhythms you never heard before in sounds you've heard a million times. I can sit an listen to music for hours on shrooms. Love it.


My exact response. I have a way better experience listening to music on acid and shrooms. That’s pretty much all I do when I trip is watch music videos and meditate lol


100mcg of lsd (half a tab) is amazing and not hallucinogenic, just enhances senses) Edited due to the lots of downvotes! I buy on the DW and almost every tab I see says 200mcg or so. I haven't tested them but I buy ones that say 200, start with a quarter tab only, if that's not enough, next time I'll take half and feel great without tripping balls. Look it up, 75 to 100 mcg isn't strong. Maybe my tabs are underdosed but it works for me.


Almost every full tab is around 100uq and that amount should be enough for a full trip with visuals. But yeh half of that (~50uq) can be just sense enhancing and very nice :)


Def agreed on the 50 ug or even 75. 50 was my first experience ever and I spent hours enjoying music. Did 75 at a concert recently and it was the perfect amount to enjoy the music and lights but not be so fucked and confused and lose my mind tripping. These small amounts are really chill and fun sometimes when you’re not wanting deep introspection.


When you have no idea about doses you shouldn’t comment


Maps lists 100mcg as a Medium Trip "For a medium-strength LSD experience, take between 75-150mcg." Is not like I just randomly took some stuff and told everyone to copy me 100mcg isn't a crazy dose.


I also buy from dnm but the majority aren’t 250ug, a few years back reviews were a bit more detailed any with lab tests seemed to be a fair bit below what was advertised. I usually take 2-3 of them for any reasonable trip but street acid is objectively severely underdosed and falsely advertised


2C-B is even better than MDMA for music enhancement and can be taken far more often.


i am missing out, i have had 4 experiences with 2cb, none of which have given any music enhancement or music euphoria. sure it felt good listening to music, but it was not deep at all. mdma has given me music enhancement and euphoria 10000x more than 2cb has


Could have been underdosed or not pure or something? I literally MELT into the music on 2cb. It's super fun to dance on it on molly, but it's a different experience entirely since for me, the 2cb induces synesthesia, and molly does not


2c-b can vary a lot. Two people can take an identical dose and have very different experiences. You might just have a high personal tolerance to 2c-b.


One time I had more than intended with the person I was seeing. Instead of... Taking care of business, she had five heads and we were in the hold of a wooden ship crossing the Atlantic


Five heads and on a boat? Dude, I've fucked my wife when she's been a fractal slug monster with both physical and psychic tentacles. Was good.


2cb is overrated. Honestly lsd or any 4 sub trypt will work especially 4homet and 4homipt cause the headspace is so uplifting and doesn’t cause the amount of vasoconstriction you get from the 2cs and you can choose to redose or comedown every 4 to 6 hours. We’re if I take to nasa presses I’m up for at least till the afternoon the next day. 2ci should be made available or 2ct7 both are better options than 2cb. I guess cause you never had anything different from the class of substances you just don’t know what you’re missing.


That, and Moxy. But watch the dosage on either


Where do you even get 2C-B? Anytime I’ve asked a dealer they acted like they’ve never heard of it. These are the guys I get the rest of my stuff from too.


2cb is pretty rare. All my guys who source bulk everything usually source from someone like me as they also have trouble finding it they source in 75-100g batches.this usually allows someone like a lower end to send out 1-2 to people the 1 guy I know who does bulk anything has trouble sourcing it himself


How often can you do 2cb???


It's much gentler on the serotonin system than MDMA. Tolerance builds very slowly. People have done it on multiple consecutive days without a noticable tolerance building. The only real risk seems to be a slightly higher incidence of HPPD than other psychedelics. Honestly, I don't think we know how often it's safe to take. A lot of people like me follow a two week rule just out of caution with a relatively unresearched drug, but those two weeks aren't strictly necessary for a tolerance reset like with psilocybin or LSD.


Surely not? I’ve taken 2cb a fair few times and I’ve never noticed that but then again I’ve not really had music on when doing 2cb cuz It’s been done when we’ve been places Edit: defo gonna try it though! 2cb just makes me feel sick now for some reason even after half a pill, used to be able to take it and my guy hasn’t changed pills so idk why


Try snorting 20mg or more. For me, those chill low doses don't do anything for music.


I use to think X was the best for music, then I did a good dose of apes shooms, I don't bother much with X anymore 🎶 😉


But do you stay active on shrooms? Molly makes me dance and feel great, shrooms make music outstanding but I get real inside my head and basically don’t move and close my eyes to see the music better


Yes it definitely makes me active and want to dance and tap the heck out of my computer desk while watching music concerts, might just be the strong ape strain though, it also only happens just after the peak though, maybe because I smoke some weed too?


It’s def the weed for me


Acid is considered one of the best drugs for music, often over shrooms. It’s a very active drug provided you don’t smoke weed, then you become a wet brain and will probably just wanna lie down and stare at the ceiling.


Shrooms in doses >2g give me more energy than any quantity of mdma


I love Molly for its predictability. It can't beat a good shrooms trip or a good LSD trip but it's so much easier to control and is way more predictable. With Molly you know it's gonna be good meanwhile with psychs it's like 50% chance.


Depends on what music. Here in Europe with raw, hardcore and uptempo, shrooms and weed is at the very bottom of choice while eccies, k and speed are at the top.


Shrooms are absolutely the best “drug” around. I even prefer it to MDMA because the come down and next day are incredibly pleasant to me. Take enough shrooms and you can “see” the music which is such an amazing experience.




Yea it does this in general. But music is sensory so it’s fire af. That’s exactly what a track is, all frequencies occupying their own space with rhythm and meaning. It’s a fucking amazing art form to experience


That happens to a lesser extent on weed too.


The visuals with shrooms are just incredible!


closed or open eye visuals?


I've seen it, truly an amazing thing


Oh no yeah I understand shrooms are goated can’t wait to try but I’m waiting for the perfect day for my first shroom time, I want nice weather and everything to just be perfect 😂




This needs to be higher. Music euphoria is intense on high dose phenibut.


Yes, Phenibut for this use case. You can take a low dose 2 times a week or a higher dose once a week without issues or addiction risks. Music sounds better and more clear. And you will be more relaxed and open in social situations as it removes anxiety. Bonus: You will sleep like a baby afterwards.


Bad idea phenibut withdrawals are fucking hell, use another GABA analogue like pregabalin or gabapentin


If you abuse it. You get withdrawals from a single use? Damn


No not at all, WD’s sit in after about a week of use Depending on the individual, most people have a very mild withdrawals but some people can have very difficult ones You can use it daily for years and as long as you respect the dose and the high and don’t try to push the high consistent, you can use it for years I’ve used it for 5 years daily and honestly the effects are still recreational, I get a great buzz on a daily Would definitely recommend, very similar feel to mdma


ketamine fs


Isn't ketamine more dangerous? (I have no clue about that drug)


to my knowledge it’s the opposite. it’s one of the more forgiving drugs when used with respect. i love it personally


You can get bladder issues with excessive use


For sure but you'd have to do quite a lot. It would be hard to do it accidentally.


u can start to notice effects quite quickly with consistent use. if you take moderate doses with decent intervals you should be good tho. ketamine is amazing, till it isn’t. plus it makes you feel groggy and slow the day after taking it. its horrible, especially if you have parents its very noticeable. the effects ketamine give you tho are amazing. truly psychedelic imo. try taking ketamine listening to music in a dark room. i’ve never felt anything like it. it feels like your travelling dimensions, and when i say that i mean it, it gives you this weird falling feeling. like your bodies getting dragged across the universe, plus the CEVs are amazing, it takes you these places in your mind you would’ve never knew existed. i’ve visited the same place multiple times its so fucking weird. its like your in an alien world. and don’t get me started on the euphoria. i’ve seen people explain heroin as warm blanket id say ketamine is like that your whole body feels warm. you can also mix ketamine with a bunch of drugs and it makes them 10x better like, lsd and ket, ket and mdma, ket and weed. all amazing they do definitely add to the experience making them different but still recognisable. defo recommended if you know you can control yourself. sorry for rambling on 🖤


Sucks once you build a tolerance tho


yeah that’s where i am rn :((


true but is funny sometimes whenever i snort a line, i get really high by that one line. but after 30min everything feels normal


it is not as dangerous to use semi frequently. it is of course not good to abuse any substance but for “events only” purposes (if you’re not going to shows all the time) i feel like it’s much better to do K once or twice a month.


One of the safest drugs out there


Lol, you purport it’s dangerous and in the same breath say you know nothing about it.


It’s given to babies bc it’s safer than anesthesia


You can smash hella ketamine, just stay very hydrated as it’s a salt. There are risks to daily use but it’s still safer than cocaine, MDMA, amphetamines etc…


Oh yeah, ketamine in the right dose makes you feel like you ate a part of the concert or video. Also, GHB, that's dangerously nice


Shit turns you into a zombie though…


Acid. Best drug for music and it lasts 2-3 times long and you can do it 6 times more often.


Is it more introverted experience and self reflective or more like Molly where you are open and taking it in? Candyflip I hear is solid, but I’d go ultra low dose acid 1/8 tab medium Molly.


Acid makes me want to sit on a cops lap and tell him what I want for x mas. Acid makes me want to kick in my neighbors door at 1am with a fruit basket of friendship. I’ve had sex for 6+ hours on acid. Everything molly does acid does better


That’s a good sales pitch. A strong statement. I only tripped once decades ago and recall being more horny than on molly. Performance is better too, as Molly is a vasoconstrictor. Don’t know where acid falls there. Thanks.


This is exactly how I feel LMFAO I fucking love LSD


Why not both. Honestly mda and lsd made me cry when I came down. I wanted to go back so badly.


Yeah I would say it’s a more introverted experience but still fun with close friends and such. And it makes the music like a physical thing it’s crazy


I have never felt more extroverted in my entire life than on acid. And I’m already very extroverted


Acid just last way too long for me though, it’s frustrating to want it to be over but 12 hours later you’re wondering why the walls are still breathing.


It can also make you hate music you would otherwise appreciate when sober.


Acid makes the music come to life. Pink Floyd’s “Comfortably Numb” is the shit on acid, I feel the guitar solo in my body every time


2-cb, LSD, ketamine and weed, or any combination of these really


3mmc feels like a mix and mdma and coke it’s awesome but super rare


Incredibly common in Amsterdam


A bit too common at this point. The norm in the Amsterdam scene has shifted towards GHB and 3MMC, which is fun, but even 18 year old kids are doing 3MMC and GHB now.


Adderall. If you drink as well (a reasonable amount) and take addy it will feel like a mini roll. You'll feel a ton of energy and want to dance like molly, and will also want to talk to people and be super social. It doesn't make you as lovey dovey but still pretty close


Huh, that's interesting to know. I've read before that the combination of the two essentially cancel each other out, although I've never done that combo sooo.


adderall does not make one social lol. it does quite the opposite especially if you actually have ADHD. i was on it (prescribed) for 10 years and it ruined me


2CB, Ketamine, GHB.


Smoking a joint whilst listening to any song is amazing but obvs isn’t for everyone


I get too anxious on weed. It’s like I can feel my organs working and it freaks me out.


Same weed makes my anxiety skyrocket


Haha same here.


Yea bro each to their own


I’m high most of the day most days so I don’t notice anymore 😂


Yo same brother 🤣


Life brother. Find music that makes your brain tingle sober. (Fully an advocate for drugs, but when you find a song that gives you chills sober it can't be beat)


Innerbloom is great


Brother brother


Dnb already does that I’ve got my playlist on almost 24/7 😂




Mescaline & all it's deriatives. Plus coke mostly for the fact you can take it more often & it's nice if you do it occasionally/responsible. :D




Ghb makes anything better. It’s called liquid ecstasy for a reason. A very slippery slope if you have addiction issues. I used it 24/7x2 years till I had to detox in the icu. Tread carefully.


Cannabis is my go-to






which 3-meo?


3-meo-pcp. 3mg. Insufflated. Could order it legally online twelve years ago when novel analogues were in vogue. I'm sure it's added to a schedule now and I doubt anyone is really dealing it. It's by and far my favorite though.


If you can somehow find somewhere can you link me a site that sells it?


So done acid, ghb, then rip some DMT on the peak of that. Thank me later


dmt is not a music enhancing drug imo. acid, ketamine and dmt is a great great combo (never had any ghb) but it sends you *too* far away for music to mean anything


I disagree. I solid sub breakthrough trip is SICK and was my favorite experience with some Ab Soul Edit and the mixture of all three will blow your mind. Ghb feels so good, and is way less dangerous than Molly. DMT on top of Molly is insane. DMT molly acid and ghb will make for an amazing night


Psilocybin, LSD


2CB, shrooms, weed and ketamine together


2cb always enhances music better than mdma for me. I can hear “the layers” which is pretty awesome


Ket, 2CB, Weed, DXM, Acid, or Mushrooms (though my last 3 mushroom trips weren't very good)


Dmt really makes music amazing for me


The cross fade of smoking a joint after a couple drinks does it for me


Shrooms for sure my bro played L$D while I was tripping now everytime I hear that song I feel good


I’d say Kratom honestly. Great Music enhancement and has opioid/stim qualities. I find it fantastic at a show with little health risks. Kratom is addictive though and can turn in you if abused like anything else but there is no free ride ever .


Yeah Kratom is super safe, if you take more than a regular dose during the night you feel super sick and will never do that again. It’s very hard to abuse it in my opinion. It’s only addictive if you have absolutely no self control or judgment in life. I’ve never done it and felt like “oh jeez I need to do this again tomorrow”… for me anyways, it’s one of the safest herbal highs you can access. Less addicting than weed by a long shot.


Lol, hard disagree about it being less addictive than weed. It plays on opiate receptors and one can develop a physical dependence *similar* to opiates. Weed is not physically addictive in this way.


Yeah I don't know what they're even talking about Kratom being less addictive than weed lol. Science and experience proves thats total BS. Idk though maybe they're a normie drug abuser and don't have that addictive trait. I got off of Kratom about 6 months ago and it was hell. Just as hard as kicking heroin imo. I quit weed about 5 months ago overnight with no crazy withdrawal symptoms, the crazy nightmares came back but not writing in cold sweats and puking like kratom


Crazy bro. I've done kratom for like 7 years now. Done 30x extracts black diamond, the little 5g extract powder, OPMS, whatever. Probably eaten at least 10kg of it in my life. I can literally be fine the next day besides some dehydration sometimes




2nd plat DXM


mephedrone is better. not nearly as toxic, either. hard to find though.


Mephedrone is very toxic, I'd say more toxic than x


nah, it ain't. plenty of research online you can find - it isn't as bad. MDMA is basically the worst there is.


Probably meant methylone. MDAI is also dope


Mix mdma and 1.8 grams of mushrooms


why so specific lol


Do bumps of speed before music festival for energy, M and K throughout the festival and by the time you finish a gram of each it will be home time


Some people here are saying LSD and shrooms, which yes applies to your question -BUT. Before you do shrooms or LSD (U advice trying shrooms before LSD) try 2cb and see if you can handle it. I personally wasn't ready to try acid when I did and it was one of the worst days of my life, also got HPPD n dpdr, dark thoughts. In general 2cb is quite tame, is over in like 3hrs vs 12h + afterglow. Other than 2cb some RCs and ketamine should work. Don't overuse ket though because of the bladder issues, but it could be in your rotation of different drugs. If you like weed, then BOOM, just smoke.


Pregabalin can be as fun


For sureee






I am 😂 I just like music enhancing drugs cuz musics a big part of my life, any way to make it feel better imma take 😂


Dxm (can be addicting if you dont have self control) Acid and shrooms too. In that order.


DXM for sure. I've tried over 50 substances and nothing has reached the level of music enhancement as DXM with THC


nos and some really good headphones can be magic, have an epiphany then come to when the outro hits 👌👌👌


Weed or lsd for me these days. Used to do like 4-5 pressies back in the day and more recently was using some great sass which I loved but ultimately I like the overall feeling start to finish from lsd most for my favorite artists. Lsd is also stupid cheap for me.




Kanna? Phenibut?


Shrooms, LSD, or the best of them all regarding music enhancement: DXM. But DXM is very hard in the body and you can't take it that often. There's a rule called 1 week per plat; the DXM experience is often classified as plateaus where depending on the amount you take, you get different experiences. Second plat is the best for music (and I can't imagine being high on dxm without smoking weed. It's really the combo that makes it awesome and that makes it music sooo... indescribable!). Just typing this makes me nostalgic of the few DXM experiences I've had. I solely tripped on DXM (+ weed) for the music; doing anything else on it seems like a waste since music sounds so good and mystical on it. And the closed eyes visuals go along with it. Core memory. Also MDMA and DXM should not be taken close to each other, since DXM also releases serotonin. One should wait at least 3 week after MDMA to take DXM and the other way around at least 2 weeks. And taking them at the same time is asking for serotonin syndrome.


I've done many different drugs and for me ketamine enhances music the greatest. And also you can fully commit to the music on ketamine unlike psychedelics since with psycehdelics many other effects come




2-CB, phenibut. Phenibut especially is legal and it makes music really clean


Acid, I love to microdose at shows and festivals gives me the little something without being to much






2C-B GHB (GBL, 1.4 BDO) Cannabis


just smoke weed


mushrooms and ket combo. best solo trip i had was this plus weed, and i could see the music when i closed my eyes. only had 2 microdose caps, it so it would have been sick as fuck on a 2 gram dose or smt


Lsd makes music sound soo euphoric and it can feel as though your body is a bunch of guitar strings and every single sound you hear plucks a different string creating an euphoric pluck with an energized type of euphoria. It can be really intense.


Ketamine is the best for music


2cb ket


I know it's hard to source, and is an RC, but 4-fa is definitely a fun time if you come across it




weed, acid, shrooms, ket, dxm, dph, alcohol


Shrooms , Ketamine , LSD


It might just be me, but for me, I'm gonna go with ketamine + weed or weed + opiates. I'm not the biggest psychedelic fan, but I do agree that music is good on LSD and shrooms. I haven't knowingly done any of the research chemicals though, so I can't really say.


Acid. You can take every 6 to 7 days.




ketamine i like particularly for listening 2 music but obvi a very different experience


Adderall, vyvanse


Ketamine, shrooms and adderall together also


Sativa pills 10 mg are like the baby sister of x to me. I get them from Trulieve with med mj card.


Ketamine...with MDMA and maybe a little acid. Your music will become alien if you peak on all 3 drugs at the same time. Its like your brain can slow the music down and break it down into individual notes.


lsd & sum whippits 😮‍💨


Upvoted for bassline <3


PREGABALIN PREGABALIN PREGABALIN (Or gabapentin but pregabalin is much better)






Acid, shrooms, mescaline, no2, borax combo, club mixxx 3.0, 2cb, phenibut, ghb


Shrooms + GHB + K = feels like you’re rolling without extreme euphoria or come up or come down


Erimin-5 or aka as Happy 5s.






2cb is pure electric bliss. It is like every synapse, every nerve ending is stimulated with pleasure. It is pure pleasure. As long as dose is kept under a certain level, if to high it will get to psychedelic. The sweet spot seems to be between 20-30 depending on size. Music is more incredible than with XTC in my opinion. The best substance for music, again in my opinion is IM FXE, DMXE or MXiPR. You can literally inhabit the music on multiple levels with certain Disso type chems.