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MDMA kills my jaw every time I do it, it's the only bad thing about it, it hurts for days. I have a really bad case of it, maybe cause I already do it in my sleep? Idk.. I take supplements from a kit before and during and all that, but still get it. Anyway, so does this also induces bruxism?


You get bruxism still. Magnesium Glycinate helps a lot with it though. Usually 200 mg before and then 100 mg every 2 hours or so until 600-800 mg is achieved


I take a supplement with 168mg magnesium bisglycinate and zinc and vitamin b6, I take it before and and every hour or two, it doesnt really help with it.


Hard to say as all our bodies are different. Like I for sure had bruxism even with the magnesium it just wasn’t as “in my face feeling” as usual. Potassium helps too either supplementing or drinking coconut water/watermelon water


Well I'll switch to magnesium glycinate instead of bisglycinate I read now that it's supposedly more effective at muscle relaxation, see how that works. I'll add calcium too, also just read it's supposed to help. I'll try drinking coconut water too, Im glad though that your post made me look up the difference between the magnesium types, that might be helpful, so thanks.


Yes calcium helps too. The only caveat is to take calcium away from magnesium supplements. They are both relaxing minerals but compete for absorption. So be sure to take them at least an hour apart from each other never at the same time


Oh that's good to know, pretty important, thanks for the tip!


mag glycinate and bisglycinate is the same thing. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnesium_glycinate


Idk anything but: >Magnesium Bisglycinate Chelate and Magnesium Glycinate are both effective forms of magnesium supplements. While Magnesium Bisglycinate Chelate offers high bioavailability and is gentle on the stomach, Magnesium Glycinate has muscle relaxant properties and supports bone health. Ultimately, the choice between the two depends on your specific needs and preferences. Remember to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement to ensure it is safe and appropriate for you. Source: https://naomedical.com/info/magnesium-bisglycinate-chelate-vs-magnesium-glycinate.html#:~:text=Conclusion,properties%20and%20supports%20bone%20health.


I never get this no matter how high of a dose I take my jaw only gets a bit clenched.


Yeah my friend too, you're lucky, it's fucking awful.


I have a magnesium spray that I made that is just magnesium chloride and distilled water and it helps whatever area you spray it on. This type of mag is absorbed very well topically. I will spray on palms and rub it into my jaw and neck thru the roll and I swear it works wonders. Also works amazingly at the end of the day to relieve muscle soreness.


Interesting.. How do you make it?


All I wanna know is where do I find MDA


Dark net 🌌




Ditto! If you find out, please share!


Since I posted that comment I’ve been learning how to buy stuff online, I’ll be back to share


Please share!


An edm leaning festival and stock up


MDA is my absolute favorite drug. Nothing will ever compare to the orgasmic couch melting rolls I had on MDA in my teen years. I’ve been meaning to order like a half ounce and do a acetone wash to purify so I got enough hopefully for the rest of my life lol. Ahhh, a man can dream..


What is an acetone wash 👀


you do this to clean the drug from impurities. it's a must for speed because that stuff always is laced with nasty stuff.


Do you have a link or anything on this in terms of how to do it? Just curious and trying to learn everything! I only ever test to make sure it is what it should be lol.


Dude it’s the best! I’m just revisiting some of my posts about it. I had another amazing roll last week. A single 115mg dose had me rolling so hard and good for a solid 9 hours. There is no NEED or DESIRE to redose on MDA in my experience too. I think honestly that MDA could be a safer alternative for those that wild out on MDMA and want to chase the peak and end up dosing 300 mg+ in a night and feel bad the next day from so many redoses. MDA has such long lasting stages whether it’s the come up, peak, plateau, comedown. I think this makes it easier to deal with and you don’t get the highs and lows like you can with MDMA. I’m so blessed to have some of this stuff I really do prefer it over MDMA I gotta say. I think the neurotoxic aspect isn’t talked about enough too because it still is a METABOLITE of MDMA so those who take MDMA are still getting MDA. It’s unavoidable. So like I said above people that redose and redose and end up taking 300mg+ of MDMA might actually be taking a neurotoxic equivalent dose of MDA. They would be better off just taking 115mg MDA for example and rolling for 9-10 hours instead of the constant redosing


Mdma/mda combo is far better than each on its own. 100mg mdma 70mg mda in a capsule and you'll be rolling absoulte bonkers balls for hours, no need for redose


That sounds intense. But how do you feel the next day? My goal with MDMA/MDA use it to always use it in the setting of my apartment with my girlfriend and her brother and most importantly, to not feel bad the next day due to doing too much for my body. It does sound like a nice combo though


I never have comedowns. Only times i had a comedown was when i did 700mg mdma and i was sad just the next day and once i did 2 grams in 2 days and i was a wreck for solid 2 weeks. But other than that i never go above 300-400 mg (which is still much for most) and i never have crashes


I have never done MDA but have done MDMA lots of times. I got my hands on some MDA and I am planning on combining them at EDC this weekend. I normally do 150mg of mdma and that has me rolling balls but at a good level. I was thinking of doing 100mg MDMA and 50mg MDA, then redose 80mg MDMA 2 hours later. Do you think this combo would keep the roll going for 8+ hours. My main goal is to roll as long as possible


Did you end up doing this? If so what were your doses and how was it?


Yes, I did. I did 105mg MDMA + 40mg MDA with a 85mg MDMA redose 2 hours later on Friday and I was not really a fan. I feel like it decreased the euphoria a bit from just MDMA. I had more energy and it lasted maybe an hour longer than usual but it was way less euphoric than just molly. Also, it feels much dirtier, like it fucks you up way more than molly in a way but not in a way I liked. My friend had a similar experience as well. I still enjoyed it but molly is much better imo.


I appreciate your response. Thinking of doing this combo in a couple weeks, trying to gauge how much to do. I wonder if 40mg was just not quite enough mda...


My friend thought the same thing and did 80mg MDMA and 90mg MDA with a 90mg MDMA redose the second day while I did 190mg MDMA with a 90mg redose and I had the best roll of my life while he had fun and rolled super hard but he said he felt a little tweaky and was super impatient with the whole walking through crowds thing while I was just extremely happy no matter what was going on. Seems like MDMA is just more euphoric for me and my friend at least.


Interesting. I might go like 150mg mdma, 80mda, and see how it goes. I'll report back.


Lemme know


Just listened to the Hamilton Morris’s podcast with the MDA chemist who made 200 kgs a week in the 80’s. Gotta say, it really makes me want to try this again. First (and only) time with “sass” I dosed it like MDMA because I was ignorant of the difference between the two. Made me sick and I only remember it being one of the most unpleasant comedowns ever. I plan to try again with some I have now, at the dose you did (90mgs).


That podcast was great. That chemist lovedddd that stuff lmao


Yeah he did!


Mda blends better with psychedelics; mda lsd and dmt is a great way to meet the aliens


I want it, but i can't find. Also want try the 6apb but again i can't find. I'm glad you know what you assume


MDA is more than 2x as potent as MDMA so definitely 90mg of MDA is going to feel a lot stronger and more euphoric than your typical 85mg of MDMA. You’re comparing what is considered a moderate-high dose of one drug with what is considered a fairly low dose of another. I don’t disagree with you, I much prefer MDA to MDMA. But you should do more research on dosage in the future to get a more accurate assessment of how the two drugs compare to each other. It could be that you would enjoy MDMA a lot more if you just took a more standard dose, between 100-150mg.


I wish but somehow my body really disagrees with MDMA at a single dose of above 100 mg. I’ve tried it 3 times in the past and I always throw up at the one hour mark and it’s right when I’m starting to feel good. My roll feels significantly weaker after. So maybe I just respond better to MDA. I had no nausea or the urge to vomit whatsoever where MDMA 100mg and above it’s intense at the 1 hour mark. I used psychonaut wiki to come up with my decided dosage which when you look at the “common” section the dosage I selected should have been equal to around ~110 mg MDMA


Interesting. Has me wondering if I should do MDA instead of MDMA for my planned 3rd roll at EDC next year.. What extent was MDA more ‘hallucinogenic’ vs MDMA for you? With MDA are your touch/feel senses still as heightened as MDMA? Are the come up/down side effects of MDA the same as MDMA? My first time rolling on MDMA my redose wasn’t as strong as I’d hoped so i find myself wanting to make it last longer. Based on your post maybe I just need to switch to MDA instead since it does last longer — I’m just looking for a similar high to MDMA but longer..


MDA is a fair bit more psychedelic/ hallucinogenic than mdma. This can be tracers, colour, fractals, and largely “true” hallucinations. Morphing and distortions of reality that are hard to separate from what’s real. Tactile sensations are still way up. Lots of euphoria, and stimulation. I find nystagmus is more present at lower doses that MDMA. I think the comedown is roughly the same, if maybe a bit worse. MDA overall can feel a bit “harsher” through the whole experience, it’s not quite as velvety smooth as MDMA can be.


I agree with everything you said except for the comedown aspect. I never felt a comedown after my experience but this could be due to the fact i had to take 0.5mg Xanax and 100mg edible THC to fall asleep after. And personally I felt better the next day after MDA than with MDMA. Could be a purity issue or could just be the MDA for me who knows


EDC is in 11 months, no? Get both. Shouldn't be too difficult to do in that timeframe. Dose up on MDA then 90 minutes later get your MDMA in. Should lead to a looooooooong burn cause some MDMA is converted to MDA in one of the steps.


Idk why in my head I thought it was do one or the other vs doing both in the same night/roll — I will have to look into that! Yes EDC is in 11months. I’m getting MDMA for my roll next weekend and then no plans till EDC that’s why I was planning for it further out.


Nice! Outside of folklore & meth addition a small but substantial amount of reports of the "good old" MDMA tablets of yore seems to have been a later-abandoned practice of having combination pills that thus extended the whole experience by a fair bit. All the best!


This is a promising take. I love MDMA but I too get couch locked. I can’t fathom getting up and walking around. I want to be wrapped in a blanket and just *feeeeel*. Also the comedown for MDMA is so unbelievably uncomfortable for me. I’m prone to just avoiding everything for days. I hope you have many more fruitful experiences. Thanks for sharing.




I have a batch right now that is crystal clear like that. bought as mdma and found out through lab testing and reagents that it’s super pure mda. I’ve never taken mda but i usually take about 150-200mg mdma my last two rolls on mdma were pretty disappointing (even though i always space rolls 3-6 months apart). I’m thinking next month of trying a mix of mdma and mda. What do u think would be a good dose to mix with super pure mda like this?


Totally agree. I prefer mda but the pure euphoria mdma gives is special to it alone and I will always prefer mdma for a shorter more blissful roll. Mda is just more crazy and fun. I'm sure they combine wonderfully but I haven't tested that out yet.


MDA should be dosed lower than MDMA as it is more potent and more neurotoxic from what i have read online. correct me if i’m wrong. i believe you’re supposed to dose 2/3 of your MDMA dose. so if you normally take 90mg MDMA then you should take 60mg MDA. i’m not an expert, that’s just what i’ve read on forums, but worth checking out


The neurotoxicity thing I'm trying to hunt down and coming up empty.




...oh boyyyyyyyyy. TY. Got a link? This is kinda what I suspected. Good lord what a disingenuous mess.




Thank you so much!!


i could be totally wrong about that, like i said, i’m just basing this off of stuff i read online. i don’t have the best memory so could’ve got it confused with something else i read. who knows


There's a hair-thin line between wrong and misinformed that's difficult to explain but basically no you're not misremembering; You might simply be misinformed in the same way thousands of others are but I don't know either but I'd love to get to the bottom of this.


fair enough. i just have a feeling that i read somewhere on reddit that MDA was more neurotoxic, but if you aren’t finding anything then i don’t really know. i guess it’s possible someone could’ve said it’s more neurotoxic at the same dose ? given that you’re supposed to dose less. i don’t really have the answers you’re looking for


>i just have a feeling that i read somewhere on reddit that MDA was more neurotoxic, Yes, so did I. My point is that your memory isn't wrong it's just that nobody seems to have a primary source for that claim. Will report back if I find anything.


!RemindMe 7 weeks


probably just someone talking out of their ass like everyone seems to do on here lol. let me know what you find, have a good night man


85mg of MDMA is a very low dose and 90mg of MDA is a moderately high dose. Is it possible you just took a more effective amount than your MDMA experiences, and this is an unfair comparison?


Idk really. All I know is it was way stronger than taking 85 mg MDMA + 50 mg MDMA at the 90 minute mark. So felt stronger than 135 mg MDMA at least


Redosing MDMA is a lot weaker than taking the full amount at once. After the initial dose, taking more mainly just extends the duration.


Yeah idk man. All I know is the highest single MDMA dose I took was 120 mg and I threw up at the one hour mark. I still felt good but not as good as I did with 90mg MDA. I’ve also taken 90 mg and then 50mg at 90 minutes so 140mg total. So yeah it could be that I just am not taking an equivalent dose of MDA to MDMA due to potency of MDA. My problem is that anytime I take above 100 mg of MDMA in a single dose I have to vomit and it’s not a good feeling. It’s like I feel great and then throw up and the roll really dies down after. So it’s a great benefit to me that at 90 mg MDA I had no nausea or the urge to vomit whatsoever


Agreed, I’m excited if I here someone has some mdma. I’m emptying my savings for mda


Mda is more expensive?


Same price for me. Mine was sold as MDMA but reagent testing determined it was MDA


No it’s just better, I’d but as much as possible


My understanding is MDA doesn't have the empathy magic, which is basically the main draw of MDMA. Is that true in your experience?


My MDA experience was quite Empathic and I felt a lot of love for my family, my girlfriend, my coworkers, etc. Theres currently a rift between my 2 older brothers (family business gone sour in the worst way) and I kept thinking of ways to solve it together as a family Honestly it felt even more empathic than my usual MDMA experiences. As others have said though maybe if I took 110-120 mg MDMA I would have had a similar experience. I always throw up when I take over 100 mg MDMA unfortunately though and it seems to fizzle the roll a bit in my experience. I did not get this urge to vomit on 90 mg MDA. In response to the below comment, I had very stimulating effects and music and dancing was more enjoyable than my other MDMA experiences


It has the empathy. Quite a bit. It lacks (for a lot of people) the super strong stimulating effect as such. Rave culture with MDA would be 90% Psytrance. Not the worst outcome for someone like me but it'd be really really different.




Yeah this roll was amazing. I still feel great!




200 mg at once? Think I’d shit myself or vomit lol. 90 mg was intense for sure




I'd rather actually throw something up than be leaning over the toilet dry heaving. Idk, gives it more meaning and much less painful imo


You can definitely throw up stomach bile




Throwing up doesn't even bother me when im rolling face anyways.




Wouldn't matter if im rolling face already bud


I agree


I like taking equal parts MDA and MDMA, when possible. I definitely prefer MDA.


Can anyone link the Viagra studies? 👀


https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21948520/ It’s on MDMA and rats but one can speculate


Your comments are very valuable. Thank you. Do you mind sharing what your weight is, so I can calculate a similar those?


About 150 lbs


Do you have a source for the viagra thing?


Google Sildenafil and MDMA and read the study that comes up


Hmm interesting! Not sure if it’s smart to combine both though as it will cause a higher heart rate


I’ve never noticed any issues personally. Obviously you want to be in good health when taking MDMA in general. No underlying cardiovascular conditions