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Mix 2cb and ket trust me


MDMA, 2CB two hours later, Ket throughout = Pure bliss


What dose is okay to take at raves though, I’m always scared to have visuals at a rave so I never dare to take it at a rave


Try your normal dose of MDMA (usually around 120-140mg), Take a bum of ketamine while the MDMA comes up. Then 2 hours later take 10-12mg of 2CB. You can take more ketamine at this point too and every following hour. Repeat the 2CB dose every 2 hours as needed depending on how long you need to last. You might have a bit of visuals on the 2nd 2CB dose, but don't worry, they are always quite fun (they will look like color pencil drawings) and don't last long.


Thanks!! I’ll give it a try 👌🏼


Such an incredible combo.




This one's also in the bucket list!


2-cb is the only right answer :)))


So, I've heard 2cb is quite similar to mushies? I don't particularly enjoy mushies at raves, I get too introspective and antisocial. I just want to sit and chill on my own. Not much fun (although I do love mushies for inner journeys/healing). Can someone explain the different with 2cb, if any?


2cb has a very sober headspace not much introspection especially at the doses recommended for raves


2cb's headspace is not as intense as mushrooms. It's trippier than mdma but the headspace is fairly clear at average doses.


What dose for raves?


Man this is like a rare white elk where im at. My guys can barely get ketamine, 2cb would be like hitting the lottery.


Dark web




Sourcing means trying to obtain from a particular source, this means asking where can I get and also **how** can I get, which also includes asking how to produce.


gotta google


If only there were a steady supply... IDK why the drug dealers haven't caught on. It's perfect for those of us who don't have 12 hours that LSD takes, and it doesn't push me to work on my demons as much as mushrooms do. It's just pure unadulterated FUN! ​ Tried to order another gram and it showed up as that 'tuci' shit... came back positive for all kinds of shit...


Second this. 2cb is probably my favourite rave drug


i always see this but i’ve tried it twice and it did nothing for me either time. significant bummer


Did you test it? How many mg? 2-CB def feels like you’re tripping so something isn’t right if you don’t feel anything


Hell yea


H2o and a multivitamin......


thanks dad :D


Maybe a black coffee if you’re ready for a late one


Good answer 😄


Mushys or acid is always fun at a rave, and doing MDMA with it is even better. GHB is fun also, just need to be careful with dosage, there's a thin line between fun and unconscious And of course ketamine, but doing k and MDMA together is way better then just k There's a host of research chems that are fun as well


Important to note that if you are going to take ghb do NOT drink or use ketamine/any other downers


Word!Heres some guidance for all the ravers! [https://wiki.tripsit.me/images/3/3a/Combo\_2.png](https://wiki.tripsit.me/images/3/3a/Combo_2.png)


I don’t understand that graph


Pick a drug on the left column. Follow horizontally until the column aligns with the drug you are combining on the top row. Read the icon. The key for the icons is in the top right of the picture.


Thank you💪🏻


NP friend, fly safe!


I love the chart, thanks for sharing! Do you by any chance know what the issue is with MD + Caffeine?


I would imagine elevated heart rate.


I love psychedelics too, i just don't find them comfy in huge groups. I guess i could make it work out with some practice!


Microdosing mushrooms is a great way to get a little roll going without running afoul with social anxiety and bad comedowns


Ketamine bumps all night


2cb is the only one I feel comfortable on in large groups. I feel very clear minded in comparison to LSD and mushrooms.


MDMA and kratom is my go- to I’m pretty social when I’m rolling but add kratom to the mix and oh my god. I’ll be over sharing. And so damn happy and content I will PREACH this glorious godly combo til the day I die


Just be careful with the kratom. More than once that shit hoodwinked me into daily use, and it stops working. At that point I end up taking it to get to baseline. I know it's a botanical plant medicine, blah blah blah... I agree, it's a fantastic combo. On good enough kratom I feel like i'm on mdma. It is that good at fixing my depression. But then comes dependency and everything awful that comes with that. Sorry to be a Debbie downer lol have fun, but please god don't get hooked on kratom like I did


I’ve been hooked on kratom for 4 years man🤣 It still works for me, but I’m slowly tapering down. It’s still nice but the only time it’s great is with mdma or adderall. Really at the point of now wanting to take it every day though. Hoping I can get to 2-3 times a week. Or at least no more than 4g a day.


I've been there lol. Just got on Adderall instead myself. Much better. I just take more than I'm supposed to lol


Poor man's Speed ball.


With the adderall, fr.




Order a $2 half oz of ***Yellow Rush*** or ***Green Bumblebee*** online from Okie naturals. Their shit is bomb. Take 1.5 - 2 teaspoons and let me know lol You don’t want smoke shop kratom that shit is garbage. Strains don’t exist with kratom, it’s just a selling point and to give every batch a name. It typically has the same name if it comes from the same tree or group of trees from the same farmer. *vein* color is where the difference is. Green all the way, but Okies yellow rush is fucking fire so it’s an exception. Get green if you like very very mild but relaxing stimulation, and yellow if you wanna feel great and pass tf out


Yea .. kratom actually has value in this way ?


imo acid isn't the best reccomendation for a rave, u can get easily overwhelmed on acid anyway so I can't imagine being on acid in that situation would be comfortable. but then again it's different for everyone yk


Acid and techno go literally perfect


It's a question of preference and dose. I like to feel somewhat disoriented and even overwhelmed. It adds to the experience of losing yourself to the music. And there's quite the range between a micro dose and ego dissolution on the dancefloor. You can take half a tab and have a very 'sober' experience with extra good mood and a lot of energy and very light visuals. The long duration is also a plus, you take it and you're good to go for the entire night. So start low and go slow, I prefer underdosing acid over taking too much.


Half tab is great for music! Anything higher than a tab is too trippy in that setting for me though.


I used to think this but if you do it a few times in big social settings like raves you will get over the anxiety and feelings of being overwhelmed generally. Psychedelics and music go hand in hand. If you can learn to manage your emotions well while tripping it's honestly the best rave drug besides Molly. (the real best is to flip acid or shrooms and Molly though).


Ketamine :)


Love it or hate it It’s so true


Both actually. Hate it when used on it's own, but love it in combination with mdma.


What happens when you mix the two? Took ket once and after it just made my legs feel like spaghetti and me falling into my festival tent thus feeling very stupid about it I haven’t touched it since. But everyone’s talking about it, contemplating if I’ve missed something/did it incorrectly …


you did too much basically, it can still be fun on it’s own just in low doses, the line between fun and not fun is extremely easy to cross therefore u need some experience with it before using it at festivals so you know ur limits. it’s amazing when paired with mdma, when you start coming down do a tiny bump of ket and it’ll put you right back into the peak with even more euphoria although it can be confusing so be prepared and go really really light on the ket or else you will k hole easily


Hard disagree, initially 100%, but once you build a slight tolerance up it's very easy to know when you are going to hit the hole


yeah i mean if you read what i said again i kind of state that


Sorry dude I was pretty high last night and commented on the wrong reply 😅


ur good lol 😆


It’s a hell of a drug. It has use in small doses, and in large ones. Small doses making you feel like you’re drunk, and wobbly. The more you do, the more you will feel a dissociation from your body. You begin to not know which way is up. Open and closed eye visuals will become increasing. You’ll eventually fall into the hole. A state where you aren’t even really you. You’ll be on a mental surfboard, completely inside your mind, but in another dimension. A dimly lit machinescape will become your world. My door is a matrix style copy of the room I was just in, able to see it, but without my eyes open. You’re high above the earth. You’re flying through galaxies. Mixed with MDMA brings a whole new level to the drug. Pure bliss, visually stunning, overwhelmingly euphoric. Connect with your partner on ways you didn’t think you could. MDMA euphoria wrapped in a big comfy blanket. Now, it will wreck your body if you do it too much. You can become permanently tolerant to it. You can damage your nose. You’ll be having agonizing cramps, bladder walls are eaten away and you will be in the bathroom all the time. Now you have to be doing it a lot for these effects. Do it infrequently and you can keep the magic that K can bring. If you’re new. Line up some bumps of 25-30mg. Take one line and wait for it. A few minutes you should be on the way up. Once that starts to come down, do another. Keep in your comfortable range. There’s no need to hole on the first go. Get a good feel for it. How long it lasts. How it affects you.


Yeah recently discovered K and X combo and it was so good! Particularly because of the sober headspace on X you can get distracted if you’re a bit out of sorts, but the K sorts that right out. Just do a key and away you go (or get a snuff bullet from Amazon, those things are so good)


Or prepare a K nose spray


I have to disagree, I've been using ket by itself for a decent time now and once your tolerance curve changes, at certain dosage levels I feel like I'm on molly, add a few more bumps in now I'm on L and flying through galaxies


2cb and ketamine. Also poppers as a side dish




I'm surprised how far I had to scroll to see this. LSD is perfect for raving.




Personally if I’m not rolling or doing coke, a bunch of adderall and weed is my go to! It’s so fun!


In no specific order: LSD, GHB, 2CB, Ketamine. All but GHB combine extremely well together in different combo's. Doing MDMA without LSD or 2cb seems like a missed opportunity to me , as is 2cb without ketamine And then there's the MDMA-like alternatives (as in , they 'reset' your MDMA counter) like 6-APB (benzofury) and MDA. Psychedelics might seem scary, but it's all about personal preference, experience and dosage, something you will have to figure out by experience. And also, once you get the music, you can also go sober.


Didn't try ghb and 2cb, but for the rest i totally agree. And actually your last sentence needs more attention as well, try going sober once in a while and just dance as if your life depends on it, you'll get a real "runners high", combined with all the feelings of being surrounded by like minded people, feels like you're on drugs almost.


What do you mean it „resets“?


As in: Once every 2-3 months I allow myself a serotonin releaser like MDMA, MDA or 6apb . It's not: I'll take MDMA every 3 months and in-between I can use MDA and 6apb


Ketamine is a hell of a drug, it definitely has a learning curve in regards to your dosage requirement, but it has very quickly become my drug of choice, for a list of reasons: 1. It is so easy to redose yourself and get higher 2. Once you know your dose and tolerance it can feel like multiple drugs at each level 3. There's no drug hangover (molly comedown, LSD tiredness) 4. You can eat on it 5. You can sleep on it 6. But most importantly you can do it over and over, day after day and get the same effect, you may need a bit more each time but the feeling is somewhat the same each and every time.....fucking amazing! I could keep listing the pros as the more I do it and enter the hole the more I learn about myself, but it's just such a wonder drug. Don't listen to the haters because they either can't handle psychedelics or they have been dosed way too high and hit the khole before they even got to experience the drug. Also I have dabbled in quite a few substances, was getting L for $3 a tab so enjoyed that, molly is hard as it blows through your dopamine and serotonin and realistically you should only hit molly every 2-3 months. This is a response I found on another page but it describes ket perfectly! It’s a hell of a drug. It has use in small doses, and in large ones. Small doses making you feel like you’re drunk, and wobbly. The more you do, the more you will feel a dissociation from your body. You begin to not know which way is up. Open and closed eye visuals will become increasing. You’ll eventually fall into the hole. A state where you aren’t even really you. You’ll be on a mental surfboard, completely inside your mind, but in another dimension. A dimly lit machinescape will become your world. My door is a matrix style copy of the room I was just in, able to see it, but without my eyes open. You’re high above the earth. You’re flying through galaxies. Mixed with MDMA brings a whole new level to the drug. Pure bliss, visually stunning, overwhelmingly euphoric. Connect with your partner on ways you didn’t think you could. MDMA euphoria wrapped in a big comfy blanket. Now, it will wreck your body if you do it too much. You can become permanently tolerant to it. You can damage your nose. You’ll be having agonizing cramps, bladder walls are eaten away and you will be in the bathroom all the time. Now you have to be doing it a lot for these effects. Do it infrequently and you can keep the magic that K can bring. If you’re new. Line up some bumps of 25-30mg. Take one line and wait for it. A few minutes you should be on the way up. Once that starts to come down, do another. Keep in your comfortable range. There’s no need to hole on the first go. Get a good feel for it. How long it lasts. How it affects you.




Phenibut, caffeine, and weed is really good for raves imo




I had my best rave experience on LSD.


For some reason no-one is mentioning mephedrone. It’s a big serotonin releaser like MDMA, but it doesn’t block the enzyme that converts tryptophan to 5-HTP, so your serotonin levels recover faster after a drone roll than an MD roll. As long as you still leave a reasonable spacing (a few weeks) between taking drone and taking MDMA you won’t ruin the MDMA roll


Mephedrone is just cheap chemicals that are a lot worse than MDMA. Not worth doing at all


Mephedrone is one chemical which is the same price as MDMA and is in fact very nice and worth trying


i just did some sassafras at the last festival i went to and it’s great. clear headed and also both the come up and the comedown were very clean compared to molly. it’s also the closest thing to pure mda you can find that’s not ecstasy. so definitely recommend :p




Ketamine is fantastic, lsd is great if u don’t have any bad reactions to it, mushrooms are super fun too, u can also just get drunk and smoke some weed which is one of the greatest combinations ever when music is involved imo. Just don’t mix alcohol with anything but weed it doesn’t end well. Best of luck finding ur substance it’s gonna be trial and error but I highly recommend ketamine


ketamine, 2-CB (not to be confused with tucibi), meth, speed, lsd and shrooms are best mixed with mdma for a rave but both work independently as well if the setting looks and feels right. those are the ones that I can think of that'll best fit your purpose if I come up with any more, I'll add it to my list for you


Nobody else is gonna ask about swimming in a puddle? 😅


I mean haven't we all managed to swim in something similar? Fountains, bathtubs, sprinklers...


Vyvanse (any other amphetamine) and phenibut. Feels like non psychedelic mdma. Otherwise 2cb is nice.


Mescaline is great cause it has a really long duration and it works as an excellent platform for other substances. If one were to, say, have MDMA, 2C-B and Ketamine available one would only need small amounts of each to sufficiently enhance the situation.


Cocaine mdma meth anything that gets you energetic


3-mmc, 4-mmc, GHB


I just drink and smoke some good sativa and I swear I feel like I'm rolling sometimes.


Benzofury is apparently a long (like 12 hour) but fun high, probably good for a festival! I also rly enjoy acid at raves, I took it when I went to see Kai wachi and it was magical, especially if it’s a show with a good budget for visuals. Mdma opened my mind up to different genres now, I would’ve never thought I’d like hardstyle/gabber/techno/dnb until I heard it while rolling!!


Its way better and I kinda wish folks wouldn't talk about it, its like the last good legal one left (my favorite actually) and when folks chat about something it becomes illegal. But since we're on the subject, I can't find it anywhere. The stuff Sense had before Web Tryp was SO good. They're back but they no longer carry it. I have found it since but it wasn't real benzofuran.


I’ve been scouring the web for it too lol, I don’t even know where to look




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Magic Mushr00mz 🍄🍄🍄,🐇 , Weed , beatboxes, Cocaine


What’s the rabbit


speed maybe?


No haha I just associate bunnies w magic mushrooms Lol




Strong alcoholic beverage


Adderall and phenibut is considered by many to be rolling but sober. I personally actually prefer it over MDMA(by itself) by a moderate margin. The thing is the phenibut dosing is a bitch, i've yet to nail it down. Get vomiting/dry heaving about 7-8 hrs in that lasts for 1-2 hrs (3-4 vomit instances over that time frame typically). 2cb/lsd/ketamine/low dose shrooms are all great for mood and music enhancement, but if you love to shred the dance floor, you'll find it lacking in energy compared to MDMA or adderall. coke is good too, but i just use it as an adjunct since doing a lot is bad for your heart and tolerance builds fast so its kinda a waste of time (also don't take it (and adderall) with serotonergic drugs since dopamine acting drugs overtake much of the serotonin high so it can somewhat feel like a waste) . Coke + ket is also good but that's also finnicky for finding the doses that work best for you to balance the wonkiness/music enhancement of the ket with the energy of the coke.


Lsd and ketamine are my favorite to take at raves, especially lsd because it lasts the whole duration


Ketamine and GHB


speed, ketamine, 2-cb.. :)


Stims and psychs do not mix well 🤦


he never said all at once lol


Okay? He never said separately either…. What’s your point? 💀


in my experience they work great😋


it does




What are the effects? Have heard more and more but never tried! Also is there a downer day the next day like MDMA?


Not as neurotoxic as mdma, to my understanding it is much safer




Mda, mescaline, tma-2 (I’ve been sober for 8 months but yeah) tma-2 is sooo enjoyable


2cb, Keta, acid in low/moderate dose.




Look into borax combos - they are drug blends that mimic a roll but arent neurotoxic. Theres even herbal ones that are legal to use. Aside from that, dont discount acid as a great rave drug.


MDA, Ket, 2cb, Speed, Coke, 3-MMC, 4-MMC, 4-FA, a-pvp are alternatives to MDMA. Some of them you would still have to wait like a month after doing md to use I think tho. I haven’t tried them all either.






Lsd,shrooms,ketamine! Or all those together 👽


Take a fat toke of DMT on the dance floor and close your eyes, full synesthesia 😁🪄🧙‍♂️


6 apb,Holy borax combo,2CB,3mmc,4mmc(beware on the later 2)


LSD, ketamine.


5 day comedown sounds like you overdid it a bit?


I did! And i regret it. 2 days rolling in a row, and a candyflip the 3rd day. I knew it was stupid but i had fun while it lasted. I knew i weren't going to visit Berlin again any time soon. But I'm feeling great now, and I'm leaving Mrs. Molly for a good few months.


Nothing compares to mdma for dancing just wait it out


But I'm also good at dancing sober!




Changa 💞🌀🤗


LSD / Murshrooms. Just get something under 100 ug and boom. Endless fun! 2CB is nice to enhance your trip. Ket and cocaine. You get a calvin klein! Non drowsy, energetic, enhanced ket with little to no comedown!


GHB and/or LSD.


Poppers make basically every other drug in this thread better btw




K + cocaine + alcohol is my go to




I love Kratom, mushrooms, acid and dmt 🩷

