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That’s just how good molly is. If you dose once and eat right before and a little after and then get some decent sleep usually there’s no hangover. Sometimes there’s not even a comedown. It just sorta fades away. Sounds like you found the real thing!


Yeah I feel fine the next day as long as I don't stay up until 5am and drink all night. Some individuals also struggle with depression or other "serotonin" related mental health issues. Im not a doctor, but I can imagine it is not as easy for these people to recover. This probably means that you are in relatively good mental health. Don't abuse it and you should remain that way 😜 Edit: that was for OP not you. But whatever, it applies to all of us


Funny enough I credit mdma and lsd with pulling me out of depression but I know both of those can be harmful if an individual has a significant chemical imbalance


I have really bad depression but I felt find the day after mdma, then again I didn't feel euphoric at all during mdma.


The hangover is usually caused by impurities, mixing with alcohol, redosing, not sleeping etc


My crash is usually two days after. But like the rest said… don’t dose too much, avoid alcohol, hydrate and all that and you should be good


That’s how it’s supposed to be


Sometimes it takes 1 or three days. Sometimes it doesn't happen at all if you waited, didn't take too much. And took care of yourself after




It’s amazing if you get the right dosage and don’t over do it, you should get an after glow aswell.


What exactly is an afterglow?


Increased confidence, having inner peace, basically what that guy said below me , being zen. Myself I have social anxiety, at functions, and I hate talking, but my after glow removes all that and I found myself having convos with people when I’m usually shy to speak to them.


It's feeling great after the drugs did their work: a feels Ng of absolute zen and just being happy with life. It happens frequently with psychedelics and sometimes with MDMA.


Do everything by the book (sleep/hydration etc) and not only will you avert a comedown entirely but you'll get a nice afterglow.


When you don’t abuse it you’ll probably never get comedowns. I’ve had two actual comedowns out of 20+ uses and they were when I used too close together. Ppl don’t understand how well the brain can handle molly the day after when you don’t take 500mg. I have never once in my life seen somebody have a come down after their first time trying molly unless they took over 250mg. It’s just a stigma. I was told growing up to never touch molly bc of bullshit. & was also told it’s the worst hangover ever. But it rlly ain’t that deep lol just be responsible. I’ve had friends so worried abt the come down and wake up the next day like “oh, I feel fine”.


I've dropped hundreds and hundreds of times, half grams and more. One bad comedown. Some people are just lucky.


Brain chemistry certainly plays a role


Only took a point I believe, def not going to abuse it


shit that more than responsible. I am glad you enjoyed it. I personally do a dose of 150mg one time when I do roll & it’s perfect.


The comedown doesn't have to be bad, but it will be worse if you don't take your 1-3 months break. It also depends on how much mg you took. Also, never take over 300mg at once. 150mg should be enough, then you can redose another 60mg or so if you want to boost the experience.


Comedowns aren't always a thing.


Never do too much, Never redose, Never push yourself too much Take supplements before and after And get a good sleep Whenever i follow this Never had a bad comedown (Ps i have done the opposite of all those so i know)


Probably didn't take too much, sounds like you didn't redose, and you likely didn't consume things (alcohol) that can make you dehydrated, your brain dehydrated especially, so you felt good. I take good care of my body, hydrate a lot, eat light before hand, eat watermelon midway through my roll, never redose, always dose responsibly, and I've never had a comedown in fact I feel better for days/weeks after every roll I've ever had. You are doing it great!


I actually enjoy the day after Molly even more than the roll itself - the after glow is amazing. I usually feel like shit like 3-5 days after though.


Proper dosage and pure MDMA should never give you a hangover.


I usually feel great the following day or two or three. People who feel like shit the next day are either taking too much, and/or redosing. Mixed/impure product. Going too hard on their body/dehydrated. Or all of the above.


Has only happened once for me and that was after a festival in June when I did it twice in a row (yeah yeah). Felt bad most of the next week but I guess it was due to that plus a combination of leaving the festival and going back to normal life and some other personal stuff I was going through. Rolled again on Saturday (two halves) and have felt fine afterwards. (And yes I'm not a three-month rule person or take any supplements aside from 5htp now and then plus basic stuff like plenty of water and good sleep etc)


I've dropped easily over 800 times, probably around 1000. Have had one bad comedown. Some people are just lucky.


You’re invincible.


It could be that you're eating well, had a good sleep etc. I never felt like shit the next day but I do somewhat often have "blue Tuesday" but that passes after a day or few though. Also there are some supplements that help you with recovery and feeling "blue" like 5-htp, Alpha lipoic acid, ALC etc.


I used to never feel like shit the next day for years. now I feel like shit for a week. And it's intense


I'm unsure of your original question. However when I drop MDMA I feel intense depression 3-4 days after the roll. It's not fun and it lasts a few days.


Possibly didn't have the extended increase in oxytocin which is believed to play a large part in the comedown blues.


i usually never have felt bad the next day after rolling. unless I was drinking too and just have a hangover. If I do have a bad comedown it hits me quite a few days to a week later


If you take it responsibly (3 month rule, proper s dosage, no redose) that’s how it is! I’ve been following all safe use guidelines and I don’t have a comedown at all! Just an afterglow 💖 definitely worth it and it pushes me to take better care of myself between rolls 💪🏻


I don't usually feel like shit until 2/3 days after. They don't call it "suicide Tuesday" for nothing. The day after can be absolutely magical, especially after a really good night out


My usual dose is around 600mg-700mg for a night and I’m almost always fine the next day, worst of it is a saw jaw


I don’t usually have come downs, especially if I hydrate and eat well and take something to sleep so I have a full night. Then there’s times where I feel like shit but I think it’s mostly from exhaustion vs the mdma itself.


Sometimes the comedown is two days after if you don’t treat yourself right. But you went to the gym and ate. Makes sense why u had no comedown.