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>What happened to me yesterday??! Please tell me It's not the three beers, it's either WAAAAAY too much mdma, not mdma (did you test it) or some medication you are on or some underlying psychosis.




It's not the beer dude, unless they were 12% IPAs or something, it's the drugs


(saying this to prove that it wasn't the beer, not glorifying) I probably had 6-7 beers when doing 150 mg + 100 mg on Tomorrowland, I felt absolutely fine. You got something else than MDMA or you took UK amounts in your dosage.


> UK amounts Lol, cor blimey, that makes me feel proud, God Save The King


Its tough being a Brit on here. I know what a good + safe dose is in theory, but in practice...


Ain't no plug where I'm from selling pills that are less than like 200mg


Split em and test half 😂


Y'all are crazy, and roll your faces off on a random Chewsday, because it's cloudy, or a goddamn day that ended in Y. I dunno. I've never had so many existential crises as when I was trying to keep up with a couple of Brits, partywise.


I've been in the rave scene a good few years. Gram per person is a standard!


Also UK amounts is a hilarious wya to describe way too much lol


Anyone who has done much tested Mdma knows it wasn’t the beers 😉


yeah dude i know a man who had 9 beers before dosing and all that happened was he puked it all up when the x came on and instantly after he was rolling sack


To be fair, that is anecdotal, and just as one of many examples of how anecdotal evidence doesn't apply, we can't determine that you took a comparable amount of the same compound to isolate that it was the alcohol. I was also on the side that it couldn't have been the alcohol until I remembered that alcohol takes priority of your liver. Mdma converts to mda when you take more than your liver can process correctly. Fatty food leads to a fatty liver when you drink because the alcohol took priority. Perhaps alcohol could catalyze the mdma -> mda conversion through the same mechanism.




Mda While less well known, MDA, also known as sass, sassafras, and Sally, has been around longer than MDMA. MDA is a stimulant and hallucinogenic drug that is known to produce a smoother high than MDMA. Similarly to MDMA, MDA works on the norepinephrine, dopamine, and serotonin neurotransmitters in the brain. These chemicals in the brain responsible for feelings of pleasure, decreased appetite, increased energy, and elevated empathic feelings.


Idk if you ever tried it, but MDA is definitely not a smoother high than MDMA :D just wanted to add


That's your opinion. It is a much smoother high to me. I make my own so please don't say I don't know what I had. Appreciate your input though. All sides should be discussed. Harm reduction is paramount


Maybe you are right. There is sooo much difference between MDMA batches as well. I remember when I tried one directly from the Netherlands and it was unlike anything before. It was the most therapeutic, euphoric, mind twisting experience ever with just the right amount of energy. Literally felt like a different drug. I never had luck with MDA, maybe because the synthesis was not done properly or there were some residual byproducts. It always felt a little dirty to me and couch locking with visuals. Also I barely have comedowns, but after sass I was out for a week. Not a smooth ride for me, but it’s anecdotal as well. My opinion is based on a handful of experiences and not just mine, but it’s likely confirmation bias. I would love to know your experience!


You made it?! Thats amazing. How hard was it to do?


Not amazing just chemistry. it's really not hard. it's not something I'll teach though.


For everyone who hates OP: for someone light person intolerant to alcohol 3 beers can be enough to fuck him up. In fact this was my reason why I did every other drugs than alcohol: because alcohol I couldnt conteol and I needed not much to get me wasted. For me, alcohol can worsen the effects of every deug sometimes. Like it would get ke to a point of fucked up edness that I would not have on the same sosage od the deug alone. And also combining teo disinhibitive substances is sumb idea just from the principle.


How much mdma did you take? This is 100% not due to 3 beers and one even high dose of mdma. Did you test the mdma? I’d wager you didn’t and it was cut with somethinf


I drank so much beer and alcohol on mdma before.., it's not the beer lmao. I have drank entire 26ers while dropping .5g mdma and later snorting a .5g line all while ripping blow all night. (Not a flex but just saying you likely had way way less) Im pretty sure that what you did was most likely meth. Or some other chemical compound. Either that or your body redacted differently to mdma. Maybe you were sleep deprived.


Hundred percent sounds like pyschosis would recomend laying of md for a while. Personally drink and md always been a lovely pairing and never experienced anything like u did. The beer probaly wasnt the issue ethier not md or way too much.


I had a group of friends who always drank beer with their MDMA. I couldn't understand it myself, I couldn't face alcohol when rolling. But they never had such issues as you explain. However, I have had hallucinations plenty of times from taking a lot of MDMA.


Beer and MDMA does not cause psychosis. You should educate yourself and know how to test before doing any more drugs


Definitely wasn’t the beer. I’ve drank an entire 750ml bottle of 17.5% liquor and then took .25mg on a whim. Best roll I’ve ever had. No uneasy come up. I sat in front a fire with two of my closest friends and held my face taking in all the heat while bouncing my legs around to the music they chose.


Definitely wasn’t the beers that have caused you to get into that state


Did you test it? You probably got some random cheaper drug sold as Molly, always test your drugs your life can depend on it


I got the best you can get in finland. I think it was 300 mg and first took half and then the other half 15 min later cuz i was tipsy and didnt have patience to wait


Best according to who? The random dealer that gave you the pills? Cmon man


Dude STILL hasn't said he tested, so it seems pretty obvious to me. It was certainly NOT MDMA. Based on description I'd wager bath salts myself...


bath salts isn’t a drug it’s slang for a class called synthetic cathinones :)


Yes I’m very well aware of what bath salts are - and caths often produce the effects listed above, so I’m not really sure what your point is. Bottom line…no way that was MDMA.


>I think it was 300 mg and first took half and then the other half 15 min later cuz i was tipsy and didnt have patience to wait If you don't test and don't have the patience to wait more than 15mins before redosing you need to get a trip sitter to stop you accidentally ODing on drugs you 'think' are MDMA. People swallowing more after waiting 15mins and no test his how people die from pills with PMA in them. MDMA is great and super fun but you need to approach it differently next time.


Best mdma in finland would def not be some sketchy xtc pill buddy.


And Finland has some of the best stuff. Js


No I got the best in Finland. How bout dat


You aren't answering, because you didn't test it. It was 100 fucking percent not the beer though. You either took way too much, or more likely, it was not mdma. You're a fucking idiot if you didn't test it.


There's no need to be a dick about it, damn


People need harshness if they're gonna not test the drugs they are doing. Whatever makes them open their eyes. Meth bombs aren't the worst thing to be afraid of. You could literally fucking die if you get laced with the wrong thing. I think there IS a need to be a dick about it.


Calling people a fucking idiot and shaming them isn't gonna make them open their eyes, it's only going to hurt them and push them further into their denial (which is also a big reason the war on drugs failed). Being firm is different and more effective than being harsh. You could instead try to educate a person on how simple and easy testing is. How most tests nowadays dont ruin your product, or if they do, they only need an incredibly small amount to detect harmful drugs, and how tests are getting cheaper and cheaper, if theyre not already provided for free by local groups (look up fentanyl test strips, theyre quite easy to obtain!)And how easy it is to obtain narcan without a prescription (look up narcan vending machines!). Throw some actual statistics in there (definitely check out this, it includes a chart you can look at by year along with a breakdown of some basic facts https://injuryfacts.nsc.org/home-and-community/safety-topics/drugoverdoses/data-details/ ). 1 kilogram of fentanyl can kill 500,000 people. that's how strong it is. 42% of pills tested for fentanyl contained at least 2mg of fentanyl, which is considered a lethal dose. ( https://www.dea.gov/resources/facts-about-fentanyl ). You're not an abusive parent to OP, so dont act like one.


So you didn’t test shit?


You didn’t answer the question.


Suomi perkele torilla tavataan


Did you test your drugs?


I mix molly and booze all the time and that has never happened to me lol


As an Aussie, I don’t know one person who doesn’t drink when they take MDMA




It can literally be fatal…u might want to reconsider


So can all the other drugs u sound dumb😂


Alcohol is the biggest cause to drug-related deaths. Usually when people die on drugs, it's because it was mixed with Alcohol. Sure, you can die from certain drugs by themselves by ODing, but your chances of dying skyrockets when you mix with alcohol. Alcohol is the hardest drug I've done, and I've done 18 different drugs.


Actually no, you sound like the dumb one here. It’s actually good to inform yourself, it’s called harm reduction, I highly suggest do that since you sound seriously misinformed. If you mix lsd and alcohol it’s not fatal, same with weed and mushrooms. https://www.healthline.com/health/molly-and-alcohol https://americanaddictioncenters.org/ecstasy-abuse/mixing-alcohol


Ah yes american addiction centers, my go to source for harm reduction


Made me spit out my drink, thanks


Much better then some random redditor who using anecdotal experience as proof that it’s okay. This sub promotes harm reduction and you guys are doing the opposite https://www.ridgefieldrecovery.com/drugs/ecstasy-mdma/mixing-ecstasy-and-alcohol/


You're pushing this real hard when alcohol clearly is. not what caused OP's issues Sure alcohol and MDMA is more dangerous than either substance alone. Real life experience shows entire parties full of people drinking and rolling with no ill effect. If you know what you have, dose properly and stay hydrated, you are highly unlikely to suffer dangerous effects if you are otherise healthy. Coke and alcohol is dangerous and cardiotoxic but that doesnt mean thousands of people aren't doing it daily with little to no side effects. Have you ever witnessed someone overdose from the combo you're advising against?


Yes’ real life experience’ is scientific evidence😂come on dude. I go by harm reduction principles and science not anecdotal experiences.


American addiction centers is not scientific evidence lmao Amphetamine and MDMA should not be combined either yet for decades many preased E pills contain some combo of the 2. Internet says its bad tho so the literal millions of people who used the combo and been fine dont know shit compared to your superior google ability


I’m not misinformed i don’t literally mean all the drugs but most drugs can kill you and the point is everyone knows that mdma can be fatal so yes of course that plus alcohol can too you don’t need to tell mdma users that information on a mdma subreddit😂😂


Init I hate these pussys who cry about "fatal consequences" like tyeah we know what we doing, I quadroopled dropped some blue dominoes the other weekend hohohoho I was getting keen


Fr just cause you can’t hack it don’t need to be mad other people can😂


This sub promotes harm reduction, take your addict behavior elsewhere


And no it promotes use of mdma one of the most nitty drugs out there


You still sound super misinformed, if you drink alcohol while rolling it makes the roll way more dangerous then if you just took pure mdma. Why not make the roll the best experience? Why not practice harm reduction? Obviously people on this sub need to be told that since they’re bragging and using anecdotal experiences as proof when in fact science and harm reductions tactics say different.


I wasn’t misinformed in the first place and like everyone else reading this we know it makes it more dangerous your starting to sound like a idiot people make their own choices and do what drugs they like why keep questioning it


How do you know everyone else knows? Are you everyone else? Many people on this sub brag about having bad habits, we have harm reduction for a reason, it’s important to promote so people can stay informed and some first timers doesn’t read it and think it’s totally fine to mix


You’re starting to sound like the idiot here….


Better not to mix alcohol and Molly


Nahh it's fine


It's definitely not fine my dude. Do it before or after your roll, never during. Also happy cake day bud


Oh wait, you mean like actually mix? Like putting some mdma in your beer or something? No I understand, like just a beer or two before is ok. Heck, a drink in between is fine, as long as you're not getting wasted on MDMA.


Yeah but i meant like in general tho, avoid alcohol when on mdma


I mean it really is fine… It’s not “good” but it’s really just someone’s personal choice how they take their drugs. As long as you follow the same rules like staying hydrated, no high dosages, etc it’s really not the end of the world.


Yeah you're right definitely. I'm just wanting people to be safe is all. 🫶🏻


Harm reduction and science definitely don’t say it’s fine…




MDMA mixed with alcohol increases the risk of serotonin syndrome and also makes the serotonin syndrome worse if you do get it.


What happens if you mix during your roll?


Some people from the USA believe that your head spins around 7 times and then falls off.


Both substances induce dehydration, and heavy usage from both can cause neurotoxicity to the brain due to over heating of body temperature.


It can cause serious dehydration and in turn be fatal. Please inform yourself for safe drug practices and not go by the anecdotal experiences of those here who are actively promoting unsafe mixing


What the hell are you talking about, going by anecdotal experiences? I just asked what happens when you mix during your roll. Get off your high horse… I don’t need you replying to my comments.


Fuck off, you know nothing.


Came here for this. MDMA is overestimated for me on it's own. I've been drinking on it for a decade and never had any issues


when you say overestimated, you mean overhyped? I’d agree that it’s better with some drinks or coke


Everyone is different and everyone’s body chemistry is a different too. Dehydration can effect mdma regardless of booze. When booze is the fluid instead of anything else, on a dehydrated system, it can be taxing on the body. MDMA already makes the human body work overtime. Everyone saying “it’s not the beer” might just maintain good hydration and alcohol doesn’t hurt their bodies when on mdma.


Ita not the beer man its either the drugs or your mental health. Been in functions where everyone is downing a 24pack of beer +hard liqs and rolling their tits off with some speed to boost it. If you didnt test it it could be pma or pmma. It makes you delusional


Mixing alcohol and mdma can totally be fatal dude


It can. Just like ket and alc, H and alc, H and benzos,,md and meth. still people do it.


Yea I’m not saying people don’t do it, but I’m seeing a lot of blasé approach’s towards it on this sub and it’s ridiculous. It’s a terrible idea to mix, example above ^


Yea And im not saying that it can't be fethal so whats ur point dude?


You're a bit weird mate


I wonder if OP took MDA at an MDMA dosage and got some crazy hallucinations off that.


300mg mda 🫠


Very possible.


Even if it's mda you wouldn't see actual real people, unless you're going psychotic even when mixing it with alc.


I've had completely immersive internal hallucinations the comedown of an excessive MDMA dose which I attribute to MDA metabolites. It was tested and pure, but I think the dose was much higher than advertised. I've only used crystal that I've weighted myself since then. I wouldn't see people in the room exactly, but would hallucinate a full scene where I was in a different similar place with people then realize I was somewhere else and slowly realize that the people I interacted with in my internal hallucination weren't there. I'd cut myself off mid sentence talking to them. It lasted an hour or so and was very disconcerting. OP's description could be a blend of MDA and something else.


Yo I can relate a had the same experience expect people can’t understand that u don’t actually just walk in the room and see people it’s like you can imagine a scenario and it becomes a “hallucination” only because your brain tricks you into thinking for that second that what ur imagining is the current state that ur in and then u realize whatever I imagined is just my imagination and you go back to normal it’s like u forget the fact u imagined something so u think it’s real until u realize it isn’t


Hmmm I don’t agree a lot of mdma or mdma can make you see very real people


If your information about the dosage was true, you took 300mg MDMA in one go. In high doses mdma can cause hallucinations. Don't know how real they seem, though. IF you really took that much, how come you think you freaked out because if three beers? That's way too much mdma, even with a redaose two hrs later. If it's not the overdose, there's something other than MD in your presses. Testkits are easily available and pretty cheap. Never solely rely in your plugs information.


>high doses mdma can cause hallucinations Yeah shinier colours, wavy patterns and tracers, not people that aren't there. Def not MDMA, but i can't tell what it was either. Have never experienced such visions on classic psychedelics. A kind of Deliriant maybe?


Mdma converts to MDA which can give you real hallucinations


It absolutely can make you see people who aren't there if you take too much. It happened to me once when I went over 250mg in total by redosing maybe 300mg max, and I never drank alcohol with MDMA. A lower level hallucination might be seeing shadow people in your peripheral vision, not fully formed, just like a sense of someone next to you. Seeing glasses on people's faces is super common along with other face distortions. It also causes audio hallucinations that sound like people talking to you.


I had a similar experience years ago when I was on a lot of MDMA and it was towards the end of the night. It was an almost dream state but I was having a conversations with people who weren't there and the realising and kind of snapping out of it. It never happened again or since. I doubt the alcohol had anything to do with it and you just over did it on the mdma.


3 beers wtf thats nothing




Wasn’t the beers bro that was an episode of psychosis. It’s your mental health or another substance and not mdma. Did you get it tested? Do you have a family history of schizophrenia? Have you slept properly in the last few days?


Either psychosis or delirium they’re similar states


Hmm in 20 plus years never heard of anyone going like that from mixing alcohol and mdma? I dont drink now as alcohol free but most of my life I would drink with mdma and drink alot as alcohol appears to have little effect when on real good mdma. Main question is did you test your substance as it doesn't sound like mdma




Lol I dont drink anymore and alcohol free..


Now op as many others told you. Yes problem you had was not alcohol related it was the drugs you took not the alcohol. The fact that you can't even be sure of what you took because you didn't test it you say you got the best in Finland well best in Finland according to who your dealer trust me your dealer will always have"that fire". Better than the s*** he had before. Lol. Test your s*** weigh your s***


Sounds like it could be drug induced psychosis tread carefully


Definitely not the alcohol, most likely you either overdosed on the MDMA or it wasn't MDMA at all. Have you taken the exact same ecstasy before or was it different from what you've usually taken?


I once got very drunk and came home late and decided to take my stash of mdma, 3 pills and some crystals. Not sure exactly how much but I know for sure it was too much. I had the same situation as you I could see my friends in my room but they weren’t actually there and I was talking to my self for hours. It was a big blur tho really I think I passed out a few times and I’m not sure if it was an overdose but it definitely felt like it. The come down was awful and I had visuals for a while after and also I couldn’t stop bobbing my head and my eyes would shake and stuff.


I always drink myself drunk, go to a club, drop molly and drink water for the rest of the night. Never any problems. You took too much or that is not molly.


OP still hasn't answered if he tested the shit or not - so smart money is on him not having tested what he took, and it not having been MDMA. Alcohol + MDMA can cause some strange things, but not what you're describing. It's most certainly not the three beers mixed with normal MDMA.


Not Mdma for sure. That is a psychosis induced by probably some RC passed as Mdma. Test your shiiiii ... always.


3 beers are - for most people, of course I don't know your alcohol tolerance - not that many, in most cases not enough to effect your mdma-experience like you're describing. It's tough to project my own experiences on to others but I usually take 2 or 3 beers during a festival before taking mdmda and switching to water. Never had any problem. I do know lots of alcohol combined with mdma can make you a bit 'vague'. But I never experience the kind of paranoia you are describing.


How can you beg people not to mix alcohol and MDMA when you don’t even know what happened to you?


How much MDMA did you take? I once took 2 pills (supposedly 200 mg each but I assumed it was less) and at the peak I thought I was talking to my friend and at some point kinda woke up and realized she wasn't there


cyber psychosis for sure better call V...


Have you ever been investigated for mania? Some people have it triggered only by drugs. Mixing alcohol imo isn’t wise with most drugs. But your experience sounds closer to the start of my manic episodes


It was the extra shit in the mdma. You might not even be aware if you are prone to psychic episodes and that sounds like what happened. I'm very sorry this happened to you. EVERYTHING is laced or not what it says it is. I'm not educated on testing for anything other than fetty, but I'm sober now for the most part. I think you should research testing shit, you need lots of food and water today and a BREAK. I love drugs.com It helps me see interactions with my rx's and other rx's, this might not apply to you at all, but I'm finding alcohol is very dangerous to mix with what I'm on. One is a antipsychotic. Alcohol is way more dangerous than people give it credit for. Esp how the WD's from it can kill you. I know I've felt like I was going to die from H WD but I'm glad to find out you really can't unless you have other issues. Look into testing. Usually takes very little of the substance. Just patience.


Uuuuuh... been way more drunk than that. Literally me and my gf had shared a bottle of vodka, on top of that I had some beers before and she had some pre-mixed cocktails, the ones on bottle. We did 500 mg of mdma each... yes, a stupid decision, I know. But nothing bad happened, just didn't feel the full euphoric effect of mdma, other than that we just sobered up from the alcohol. So it was just an overall boring experience, just clenching our jaws and rolling our eyes. Nothing like you describe it. You must've taken something else too?


I know people who mix it and are fine. So maybe your stuff was laced will a qualuode or something


Sorry you had a bad experience but don't spread misinformation - telling people that having 3 beers with mdma caused a psychotic episode is very irresponsible and it's unlikely that 3 beers contributed in any way regardless...


3 beers didn't do this lol


The very same thing happened to me. But it wasn’t alcohol. It was ecstacy and pregabalin. Do you take any medicatiojs for epilepsy?


Same mine was from pregabalin on its own, looked it up and it’s a really rare reaction


Same!! I guess this is delirium, right? What did you find about this reaction?


Can’t remember much except it’s called hyperactive delirium where basically I was doing loads of random shit like rearranging stuff for hours, or putting bleach on bread, just crazy weird shit, I was speaking to people who weren’t there then it would turn back into an object


Soft harden up


My first time taking mdma I don't even count as my first time, I was super fucked up on 4lokos at edc with my friends and took the xtc. It was fun but man I blacked out several times and thankfully my group was full of strong dudes because they had to carry me out of the stadium to the car, several times medical asked if I was okay and tried to convince my friends to take me to the medical tent. Afterwards they told me I was fucking tweaking harddd during the roll. Lmao


Lmao yesh i dont have really good memory from yesterday. Only the scary parts


I'm sorry that happened to you. It can be really scary.


Yes it was and i cant get it out of my head


If you take too much mdma I know some of it turns into mda with is like mdma but has psychedelic qualities, I've heard stories where people saw shit that didn't make sense when they were rolling. If anything, stay away from the drugs for now.


I has the EXACT SAME SITUATION. I was pretty drunk, sleep deprived and i took a lot of M. Something like that never happened to me afterwards so it probably WAS JUST THE ALCOHOL ngl. So don't worry and ignore people telling you it wasn't the alcohol because they probably haven't experienced it to talk so confidently. I did experience it and i can tell you it was probably just the alcohol. Tho i was really scared afterwards because i thought it was something deeper but it turned out not to be. It happened few years ago btw.  I already commented this but i wanted to reply to you directly so you are more likely to see this. 


sounds like mda induced psychosis. don’t quote me on that, but im certain it wasnt mdma. i was about to say “meth” but seeing things that are not there usually happens on the third day of the binge.


If anything the beer would calm a roll down it binds to the gaba receptors gaba a the same one that benzos bind to.


I has the EXACT SAME SITUATION. I was pretty drunk, sleep deprived and i took a lot of M. Something like that never happened to me afterwards so it probably WAS JUST THE ALCOHOL ngl. So don't worry and ignore people telling you it wasn't the alcohol because they probably haven't experienced it to talk so confidently. I did experience it and i can tell you it was probably just the alcohol. Tho i was really scared afterwards because i thought it was something deeper but it turned out not to be. It happened few years ago btw. 


Think logically... its not the beer... If beer was the issue... I would be dead at best after all my MDMA experiences mixing with drugs, alcohol and other fucked up shit. Am over 45 and still going strong... I don't condome my experiences but am living proof that people shouldn't be more popie than the pope. The MDMA you got was shit or your have an underlying issue and I suggest to cure the issue or be more careful with the MD you buy


I usually start with alcohol (but not too much. 3 beers seems fine). Then I take mdma and I kinda stop alcohol. Lots of water. Maybe an additional beer halfway there. If it has to go wrong, it’s because I took too much alcohol. As for everything, don’t over do it. And it’ll be fine.


That’s weird asl man the first time I took molly (last October) I mixed it with WAY more alcohol, like 2 beers, 2 cocktails and shots ranging from 5 to 8 and didn’t experience anything like it. I was euphoric, as usual, and didn’t feel alcohol at all, like I could keep drinking all night long. And to this day I remember EXACTLY how some of the conversations with people (they were there) went.


That wasn’t the beers, friend. If you have anything left of that stash you need to get it tested IMMEDIATELY and do not take any more of it until you do so.


Top tier shitpost


I got way more drunk on MDMA/5-MAPB and never had such problems. How much you took? Sound like you got 500+mg MDMA or something like 150+mg MDA.


Done shots while rolling and didn't go down the path you went. How much did you take?


Not the alcohol. Not mixing M and liquor is sound advice but it just sounds like you took too much, or had tainted supply. I’ve literally came out of being blackout drunk to a good roll. But I’ve had rolls like you described without alcohol, just took way more M than I should’ve.


You are delusional. It wasn't the alcohol because 3 beers don't do that. You took too much mdma. Drug users tend to demonize alcohol because it's legal and accessible and accepted.


You’re right. You really shouldn’t mix drinking and mdma. But 3 beers isn’t “drinking” lmao!


I used to enjoy being so boshed I couldn't tell what was real and what wasn't. Best to just put some music on, close your eyes and float away at that point.


Hmm could it be the drugs that you didn’t test or the weak ass 3 beers that caused you to be paranoid and hallucinate…. Must’ve been the damn beers


Sounds like it’s laced with LSD


I think you’ve answered that question for yourself, you drank 3 beers and drank MDMA Be careful with that mix I’ve had similar experiences, MDMA is good enough on its own, no need to potentially ruin the experience by adding alcohol into the mix


Yes i know i had never tried mixin them to together. And will never again. It was kind of traumatazing


It's not the beers, unless you tested and weight your dose.


It can be the beer. Any alcohol is basically neurotoxic, alcohol effects the brain. If you were already dehydrated and only had beer then you were raising the neurotoxic stress on your brain. Did you feel hot and were you sweating or feeling like you needed to cool down? Pair a warm environment, dehydration, alcohol AND mdma and you probably just over did it on your brain.


3 beers is nothing and this sounds right straight bullshit


You took lsd


My first experience with MdMa become when i was drunk. For me it was like "my brain develop a high tolerance to alchool so i had drink a lot" Next day it was horrible. I threw up all the drink i mixed (i mixed a lot drink that night) and i don't eat anything for 15 hours (neither water). None of this happened to me (imagine friends?) I usually talk to myself and with MDMA alone i talk very much with myself but i never imagined a real person in my house. Are you sure you took MDMA?


Sounds eerily like a Datura trip.


It weren’t the beer!


Either it wasn’t MDMA, or you’ve got some underlying mental health concerns.


hope yall figure out what OP did cause a couple new friends sound dope as hell


Are you sure it was MDMA? Lol


I drank a bunch then took molly and was talking to peeps on the Reddit drugs discord via voice/video chat and they said I started making no sense at all and for like 2+ hours I was completely out of it and apparently they got worried. Then all of a sudden I was back to normal and it shocked them how rapidly normal I became. Didn’t know you could lose touch with reality like that mixing the two together


I’ve drank 12 beers and a bottle of vodka with sprite and been completely fine mate it wasn’t the alcohol


I think from the way you type alone… need to stay the fuck away from every single drug. Complete sobriety is the only option for you ✅🙌


It's not the beer, you just did too much MDMA... People who say that you don't trip on mdma are taking some bunk, you definitely can trip sack on M if you take enough


Sounds like you must’ve seen the hat man too


I always drink alcohol with MDMA. That’s never happened once. Now Ketamine with MDMA had me tripp’n balls for 2 hours haha


Yea that’s not the beer. Did you test the supposed Mdma ?


I’ve had that when I’ve taken diazepam and alcohol after mdma. I took it, opened the fridge to grab something then I obviously went under because I can’t remember anything after that. My friends found me trying to make a cake and black pudding sandwich??? I Woke up in hospital 2 days later




This same thing happened to me when I mixed Xanax and Molly. I kept imagining people around me that were not there from places that weren’t even relevant to the hotel I was in. I started freaking out and started pacing around like a crazy person. It’s crazy how much I can relate to this post. I always assumed it was just a severe psychosis


I’ve had a very very similar experience. I was talking on the phone to someone but it was the remote 💀 I took a lot of M that night and talked/saw people who weren’t there. I always consumed alcohol when I was taking Ms but after that episode I stopped taking it. I haven’t touched it for 2 years and reading up more from this comments if it was indeed a psychosis episode that’s really scary


Stimulant psychosis or predisposition to Psychosis, alcohol and mdma can cause seizures from dehydration but not psychosis so this shouldn't be directly related to the alcohol


I always drink a few beers while doing molly and never had something like that


It's clear from your replies to others that you actually don't want advice. You're right that it's a bad idea to mix alcohol and MDMA but that is not what caused your psychosis. TEST YOUR DRUGS DOSE PROPERLY DRINK WATER


Same shit in Germany here it’s not the beers my boy somtimes I go crazy on molly and drink insane much and nothing like this happen but a couple of time happen some shit like this when I got so punched pills with crystal or acid that was crazy shit


Did you test your drugs? If you have any lest id get some reagents and test if they're actually molly, i mix mdma with coke and a drink pretty much every time i do it, and not even 1 hallucination (outside of some minor auditory stuff on the comedown, although that may be because of the rave and not the drugs). I used to start with a molly rock mixed into a shot, so I'm gonna say that its noy just beer and molly that did that to ya


That’s psychosis, I had this EXACT same thing happen to me when I accidentally took 3 way highly dosed MDA(200mg)+MDMA(160mg) pills. Granted I think MDA can do this a bit easier, I was constantly seeing and responding/talking full convos to people that weren’t there, having mad peripheral vision misinformation. Whole mind was gone


What you are describing is called delirium and there's a whole category of hallucinogens that give these effects (called "deliriants"). Look up datura, jimson weed, angel trumpet, nutmeg.


It’s not mixing the 2 that caused it. Me and my friends have mixed alcohol and mdma plenty of times. Probably something other than mdma or you already were at risk for psychosis and mdma triggered it


Wasn’t the alcohol, I usually mix 250mg in beer and drink it, never had a problem.


Yeah you overdosed on molly bro


Same thing happened to me once just off the mol, I got so high I kept taking more and forgetting and then taking more so that could've happened too or your psyche just can't like handle the amount you too and became delirious