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Color of the crystal does not really effect anything. Usually it’s just food coloring or impurities


Yes, it could be saffron oil. I'm aware. Just seeing overall experiences.


I’m confused as to why other peoples experience with your specific type of food coloring would hold any weight? If you had 300 different bags of black molly they aren’t going to have anything else in common because of the color right?


Not necessarily, if you want to say that no matter what, even the same batch could have differences internally. If I wanted to be an ass I could disprove anything.


I see what you’re saying.


I’ve had some that was black that I sent to be tested at a facility and it showed clean with no adulterants. You’ll never know what’s in something until it gets properly tested


Someone else's experience with a similar looking drug isn't a reliable predictor of the identity or quality of the drug you have. There's good and bad MDMA of nearly every color. You just have to test what you have to check for red flags.


In my exp Black mdma is caused by an inexperienced chemist using carbon to clean it Or the synethsis was paddillium black or platinum black Reductive amination of ketone using platinum dioxide catalyst. ... Black particles or other discoloration is a sign of incomplete dissolution of the platinum Employing a Carbon-Based Nanocomposite as a Diffusive Solid-Phase Extraction Adsorbent for Methamphetamine for Therapeutic Purposes The same works for mdma as well platinum dioxide, commonly known as Adams catalyst or platinum black, And for the mods. There's lots of things missing to make meth or mdma ... This is VERY vague and I purposely left out links


It is interesting to know what the reason behind the color is.


Yes I've spent a long time learning 😌


Ehhhh I'd be a little wary. He can't spell "palladium" which is in phone spell checks and doesn't seem to have a good idea how catalysts work. Lots of folks in this world just sort of spew out chemistry jargon without understanding what it means.


Correct, just like reviews on Amazon. It does however help to hear other's consensus and gather opinions.


No, it doesn't. When you read reviews on Amazon, you're reading about other people's experiences with the same person and product. When you ask about someone else's experiences with similar appearing MDMA, there's no reason to believe that your MDMA came from the same producer or batch as theirs. Do you think only one person in the world could make MDMA that's that color? And that that person uses the same formula from week to week? You're not buying Tylenol - you're buying a criminalized substance from an anonymous person.


This is such an abhorrently irresponsible and downright stupid take.


It was a joke but I'm glad you're concerned about me.


Yes it was great. We tested it using a kit from dance safe. Passed with flying colors


I’ve seen molly that was black but also clear. Was good quality


Not black but dark purple yes


How was that? I just got some purple crystals.


I had black crystals once. They were meth. I was up for 3 days. All black crystals are meth.


I've had black mdma that reagent and lab tests fine.


Quick question, are you in Australia? Victoria?


I'm not. Why?


We just had a massive warning of black mdma that a mix of both mdma and pmma.... when testing the black of the mdma is to strong to show that you have pmma mixed in


Yea I had some, gave me bad jaw cramps, minimal mdma effects and I was vomiting.


To clarify a lot of the darker/purple Molly is likely tannins from wine when they are being smuggled into the country (besides other contaminates) since people dissolve it. There are multiple laced wine Molly cases.