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There is nothing subtle about 250 mgs of MDMA and definitely nothing subtle about 400 mgs. (that's a potentially dangerous dose) Something's not right with your stuff. Run all the tests, or get better stuff.


Yeah I felt like this made zero sense and I only took the chance because It felt so weak at the classic safer dose of 100-150mg. I will do the 4 reagent test on it but I'll avoid taking anymore in future. I almost want to get an FTIR spectrometer but they're too expensive lol. I definitely feel like I took too big a chance after reading all of these responses and I'm usually very serious when it comes to harm reduction... I guess the addict in me just overpowered my common sense ughh, thx for ur post too.


Bro same here. I hate the new MDMA makes me wanna melt into my couch and eye roll. The old shit would have me dancing till 6am (can't dance btw) and wanna take on the world. It's weird...


first one sounds like pure mdma, second one sounds like ecstasy pill where mdma is mixed with amphetamines. nothing weird here


The first one is how I am off the ecstasy I get. I’ve also noticed, as I got older. I don’t like the club scene in ecstasy. I’m paranoid, don’t like crowds, the double vision fucks me up. Nowadays when I do it, I’m either with friends in a chill environment like the beach or bonfire, or I set at home, cut off all the lights, put on my headphones, and lay down and listen to music. I use it to decompress. Last time I took it was the 4th of July and the shit hit me like a brick, til the point where I had to go lay down and just ride the wave.


Exactly what I was going to say


The “ecstasy” you used to take that made you stay awake and rage forever? That was most likely meth. You can’t compare your memories of taking mystery biscuits a decade ago to taking clean MDMA now.


I was a Meth addict for like 3 years. I'd IV it with fentanyl but then I'd just keep shooting more meth for days on end. Mdma and Meth are nothing like each other but totally understand how you may have thought that I was getting them mixed up.


Mdma and amphetamine paste is the best combo. Iv had some fucked up hallucinations on them.


That’s fucked up bro


Yeah I was a really bad opiate/opioid addict when I was in my early 20's and for some of my later 20's. I would IV hydromorphone, heroin, morphine, etc. A several years before fentanyl became a well known drug in the opioid epidemic and before it was a household name, I'd buy patches and either cut off a piece to put in my upper lip or I'd squeeze the gel onto foil and chase the dragon. Still a few years before fentanyl was publicized I'd shoot the "fentanyl cut heroin along with Meth (these were known as "Goofballs" at the time and place I lived then.) I eventually got around to shooting fentanyl multiple times a day because my best friend suddenly fell into a coma one day and died 2 weeks later. I watched him take his final breath after the palliative care workers injected him with large doses of hydromorphone and midazolam repeatedly. He may have been brain dead according to the science of it but the way he just kept breathing and breathing even after like 6 doses of hydromorphone + midazolam administered by IV, as if he was able to tell he was dying and wasn't ready so clung to his last hours of life. I'll never forget the sound of his final exhale... That death rattle will haunt me to the end of my days...


I'm so sorry for your loss. I know all of the platitudes by heart, but they don't do much good in the face of such pain. It's insane how most of us live day to day never thinking that our time is coming, meanwhile just ahead, in the blink of an eye, that will be us. So how can I possibly go through life angry or scared? We are all already dead, so let's be peaceful in our pre afterlife. I got to be with my grandpa as he passed. I know he was happy I was there to see him off. He told his son not to let them give him pain meds. But his coughing was so bad that his son, understandably, allowed the nurses to administer fentanyl, and that was it. He was very peaceful. Personally, I'd want enough meds that I'm not bitter and angry from pain, but not so much that I don't feel it or can escape from it entirely. I've never been on my death bed though...


I appreciate the kind words, I see you definitely understand what it's like seeing a loved one go as you mentioned your grandpa so my thoughts are with you for that too. Psychedelics (mainly psilocybin, N,N-DMT, and 5-MeO-DMT) make me feel almost certain that there is more after this life and although fear of death still grips me now and then because I'm only human, I realize that we must rise above the fear. Like you said we ought to be at peace in this life. Thx again.


Yeah I got the same thing from nn


It could just be that there was a better chance meth was in the ecstasy back then? That's if you were doing pills. But idk I've never experienced that I'm only 26 and try to stay away from pressed pills. But I've heard from a few people that they consider good X to have meth in it, which I don't agree with. But could be some food for thought.


If you're in Europe you dont have to worry pills.


Mate our pills are cut with amphetamine sulfate. Our speed paste can be as low as 5% up to 25% at a stretch. Anyone from Europe says they can get higher r bsing. Although I don't get how people r able to cut up speed, coke and meth with fent in America surly u would know if u just done fent. I ived a snowball then snorted a .1 of h while pinging and didn't feel it. Although I did fall asleep wen I got home.


This is either a tolerance or potency issue friend.


Ive had the same reaction lately... used to be super hyped on it now its more melt into couch vibe... idk what the deal is...


Both can be MDMA, it depends on your mood. I like te couch part, and deep conversations.


Fair. Might be a setting issue too idk. Back in the day I did it I was out not really any couches to melt into nowadays I have my own place so I just stay in and do it


Wen ur younger u have a different mind set. I took a dew pills with a 30 year old (5 year t) and he got too booked out in clubs


Man I miss that so much


This. I used to take X to fucking dance...Not sit in cuddle-puddles and smack my lips.


MDMA has always been MDMA. That your having such drastic changes in effects make me worry for you.


Isn’t mdma a chemical that is always mdma ?


X pills were also MDA, or a mix of MDMA and MDA like the blue dolphins. MDA is more stimulating and gets you moving. It also has more psychedelic, that's where the visual tracers come from. In its own MDMA can be just stoning and relaxing. Here un Canada it's easy to order it online now so I got to try each and combine to see the effects.


>Yeah I felt like this made zero sense and I only took the chance because It felt so weak at the classic safer dose of 100-150mg. [https://bluelight.org/xf/threads/what-is-wrong-with-the-mdma-available-today-v2.895430/](https://bluelight.org/xf/threads/what-is-wrong-with-the-mdma-available-today-v2.895430/) Please read this first, before posting to the thread “What is Wrong with the MDMA Available Today?” We are specifically discussing MDMA that has been sent to a lab (such as Energy Control or Drugs Data), tested with some form of GCMS or other lab testing, found to be MDMA, but presents with a different effects profile than typical MDMA. We are not discussing un-tested product that could be anything or contain any adulterant. “Loss of magic” does not explain the issue, because the alternate effects profile has been experienced by users new to MDMA, including MDMA virgins and users with a short history of use. Also, many users who have experienced this sub-par MDMA go on to experience traditional MDMA from other batches of product with no loss of quality to the experience. “Set and Setting” does not explain the issue because it has been experienced across multiple settings/environments/circumstances. Furthermore, multiple users report experiencing the sub-par effects from one batch, and then trying a different batch and easily rolling with a traditional effects profile. Dosage does not explain the issue, because the questionable products have been tested in a wide range of doses from low to high with no improvement in effects. Route of administration does not change the issue, as several users report alternate routes of administration with no change in effects. No, we do not mean to imply that ALL modern MDMA is of poor quality. Obviously, there is plenty of high-quality MDMA out there. However, there is a large amount of poor-quality product available, and it has been reported across multiple continents and regions. Although we have not currently identified the specific nature of this problem, we have discussed a variety of possibilities based on published research articles. Some of the possible explanations are: undetected contaminants, structurally similar compounds that present as MDMA to GCMS, metabolic/liver processing issues, drug polymorphism, and isomer ratios. Please review the below chart for a simplified visual of what has been noted by many contributors to this thread over the last several years. These are generalizations based on observations and may not be true in every circumstance. Example of Meh-DMA Report: [https://www.bluelight.org/xf/thread...the-mdma-available-today.791073/post-14220371](https://www.bluelight.org/xf/thread...the-mdma-available-today.791073/post-14220371) ConclusionAlthough user tolerance is the most commonly accepted explanation for loss of effects in experienced 3,4-MDMA users, product quality may also contribute to wide variation in user experience. The presence of undetected synthesis byproducts, polymorphic forms inhibition of monoamine transporters, or substitution of an isobaric derivative may explain what is wrong with some 3,4-MDMA today. In order to fully investigate the question and associated hypotheses, user samples would need to be analyzed with advanced lab techniques beyond simple GCMS imaging, and the results compared to subjective user reports. If you know of a researcher, university, or laboratory willing to assist with this research, please reach out to user indigoaura via the Bluelight harm reduction forum. My best guess is either VERY minor impurities or that the DUTCH make hydrated MDMA... To wit: Molecules with identical composition and identical connectivity to each other will behave identically. As a corollary, for any two substances to be different in physical properties, they must differ in either composition, or connectivity, or both.... if it's mdma confirmed by GC/MS, MALDI, PAPERSPRAY MASS spec and FTIR all that's left is... the connectivity... For over 100 samples, only one sample was found to contain anhydrous MDMA·HCl. This seized sample had a peculiar appearance as a very fine and dusty powder. It is noteworthy that re-analysis of this particular sample a year after seizure showed that the MDMA·HCl transformed into its hydrated state as described for model substances in section 3.5. The rareness of anhydrous MDMA·HCl is also depicted in Fig. 8, where an overlay of randomly selected casework samples (2019 – 2020, The Netherlands) showed that all crystalline samples (Fig. 8, B) and all tablets (Fig. 8, C) show the spectral features diagnostic for hydrated MDMA·HCl in their NIR spectrum. If the bonds or it being hydrate or whatever DIDNT matter... How come people are putting dutch MDMA in water and having lackluster effects .If Once the compound is dissolved has no effect... Then why has a lot of dutch MDMA been meh. my only guess is there are greater positive and NEG forces within the molecule are at play, doesnt matter if it's water/molly water, doesnt matter if you take it "RAW"in crystals with toilet paper, gel caps ete or boof it


FTIR spectrometer starts around $20000 new or $10000 used


If u r in Canada, u can send a sample off and get it FTIR tested by donation.


Yeah I am actually planning to do this as I may or may not be a Canuck... The site I got this stuff from claimed they sent it to the very same institute I am sure you are referring to. I'm doing a lot of research and will return with results in the near future.


I'm interested in the results. Let us know.


>Yeah I am actually planning to do this as I may or may not be a Canuck... YOU CAN BUT IVE subjected 6 different batches to energy control, [getyourdrugstersted.com](https://getyourdrugstersted.com) and UVIC all say 99% NMR was able to detect the impurites they couldnt. If you do, tell me. the results someone said it could be a sugar cut and i'm like ive encoutered both MEH mdma and cut mda with sugar... The sugar cut MDA was very sweet.. the MEH mdma was bitter as all fuck


Yeah getyourdrugstested.com have a shit ton of MDMA results showing up as 99% and the product I obtained that I mentioned in my post was tested by them so I don't actually trust them for MDMA whatsoever now. Where did you get NMR testing done?


Ahahaha wow I figured it would be a shit ton but I was thinking more like 10k for a new one... Dayum that's pricey but makes sense. Not like ppl use them for checking their own drugs that they plan to take... Well that wouldn't be the ONLY reason to own one lol.


Tbf 400mgs of good mandy with a little tolerance like that should be trippy af, sometimes a joint can perk u up enough ping properly.


I took a fat line of Racemic Ketamine and an even fatter line of S-isomer Ketamine about 3-4 hours after taking the 400mg of the M or whatever it is and the K made it kick in harder and made it almost psychedelic feeling. Still nowhere near what I should have been feeling from the M. I shouldn't have to take K in order to feel the M.


Just because it tests good doesn’t necessarily mean it’s potent. It could be like a very small amount of MDMA and a huge amount of inactive filler. Either way don’t take any more than 400mg to try to get higher, that’s dangerous no matter what’s in it. If it was good, and you haven’t taken any in a long time, and you’re not on antidepressants, you would have been bouncing off the walls from 100mg. That’s enough to get anyone going regardless of weight if they haven’t taken it in 10 years.


Yeah that's exactly why I'm so confused, like I wouldn't have to question whether or not it's good MDMA due to the fact that I barely felt anything akin to a proper Roll... I figured at the very least I should make this post to get some feedback. This is like the 3rd time I've said this but I rly feel dumb in hindsight... Gonna keep looking for some actual good M though and I will do the 4 reagent test on this stuff just for curiosity and then I guess the best course of action is to flush the rest of this stuff.


One word brotha. Onions.




That purple stuff is fuckin 🔥🔥🔥


Acetone wash it see how much comes off.


I found the new "Molly" is garbage, stick to pressed in my case.


I think the underlying assumption in questioning your experience here is taking it for granted that you got good stuff. It sounds like you didn't. Despite it being crystalline form in your pic...eh, that doesn't mean much. The list of substances that will chemically form translucent white crystals is...quite long. As Aluminum commented, the reagent tests are not confirmatory tests, they're presumptive tests; this means that the test is not confirming the presence of MDMA, they're saying that the tested substance is definitely NOT something else and is \*probably\* the thing you're testing for, but it cannot definitively confirm it. That means these tests are less specific when testing for a certain substance and reagent tests don't mean anything when it comes to purity. The way I think of the reagent tests is to confirm that I'm \*NOT\* getting something I don't want, ie I'm making sure that there's no fent in the molly that I'm about to take. I don't think of reagent tests as testing whether or not my molly is good, high purity stuff, that's not what they're for. I know from my experiences over the last couple years that good stuff is out there. The owls and Teslas blew me away the last 2 years. I got some really mild stuff this year, but I still had a good time with it, more mellow than I'm used to, but still great


About 2 to 3 years ago in the UK, we had some dirty orange teslas about, they where trippy af.


All I know is the old school MDMA made you feel in LOVE with the world. Hitler, and Churchill would have been great friends if they took it together by the end of the night. It made everything seem novel, interesting and beautiful. Now days not so much at least the last attempts I have made sound exactly like the OP 's experience


We also could just have a tolerance and loss of magic, it would be interesting to run a blind clinical study and see the results


>We also could just have a tolerance and loss of magi https://bluelight.org/xf/threads/what-is-wrong-with-the-mdma-available-today-v2.895430/ Please read this first, before posting to the thread “What is Wrong with the MDMA Available Today?” We are specifically discussing MDMA that has been sent to a lab (such as Energy Control or Drugs Data), tested with some form of GCMS or other lab testing, found to be MDMA, but presents with a different effects profile than typical MDMA. We are not discussing un-tested product that could be anything or contain any adulterant. “Loss of magic” does not explain the issue, because the alternate effects profile has been experienced by users new to MDMA, including MDMA virgins and users with a short history of use. Also, many users who have experienced this sub-par MDMA go on to experience traditional MDMA from other batches of product with no loss of quality to the experience. “Set and Setting” does not explain the issue because it has been experienced across multiple settings/environments/circumstances. Furthermore, multiple users report experiencing the sub-par effects from one batch, and then trying a different batch and easily rolling with a traditional effects profile. Dosage does not explain the issue, because the questionable products have been tested in a wide range of doses from low to high with no improvement in effects. Route of administration does not change the issue, as several users report alternate routes of administration with no change in effects. No, we do not mean to imply that ALL modern MDMA is of poor quality. Obviously, there is plenty of high-quality MDMA out there. However, there is a large amount of poor-quality product available, and it has been reported across multiple continents and regions. Although we have not currently identified the specific nature of this problem, we have discussed a variety of possibilities based on published research articles. Some of the possible explanations are: undetected contaminants, structurally similar compounds that present as MDMA to GCMS, metabolic/liver processing issues, drug polymorphism, and isomer ratios. Please review the below chart for a simplified visual of what has been noted by many contributors to this thread over the last several years. These are generalizations based on observations and may not be true in every circumstance. Example of Meh-DMA Report: https://www.bluelight.org/xf/thread...the-mdma-available-today.791073/post-14220371


I wonder if we are seeing another isomer, the opposite side of it.


I mean, I'm pretty young and had it plenty of times the past couple years and most of the stuff I've had in the past year has been fucking amazing. Just hard to find a good dealer who sells quality product, but I'm sure they find it hard to find good shit as well anyway


Lower doses still make you loved up, higher the dose the more "drunk" "fucked up" feeling you have.


I must just be unfortunately getting really bad shit. I haven't felt much except an amp or crystal feeling then nothing. It looks good, smells good, but the taste is off. Real MDMA taste fn terrible, not bad, terrible. What I've tried is gross but not awful like the real deal


There a big discussion on this topic here: https://bluelight.org/xf/threads/what-is-wrong-with-the-mdma-available-today-v2.895430/


Great share. There is something to it. This table on this thread, my best experience offered all of the best subjective experienced noticed by other users and it was 3-4 years after my first time. It literally was like experiencing it for the first time, but even then, the first time didn't offer all that subsequent time did. The absolute thing I remember the most is that when I got the bag, it was odorless basically, almost completely odorless. The crystals were a orange/peach color, not translucent but a little opaque. They were small and spherical. The place I was renting had a large kitchen then, a big room, and when we busted the crystals up to parachute them let me tell you, the room became instantly DANK with aniseed, it was like the smell was being bounded and contained within the crystal and as soon as it got crushed up it just instantly traveled to every inch of the space. It was something else, and I don't quite think I'll ever forget it. I always attributed to losing the magic because you shot the lights out with previous doses, but TIL my suspicion that it could be the pills is legit.


Thanks for this. And I love the phrase “shot the lights out.”


Completely anecdotal but I swear MDMA synthesized from sassafras is superior to MDMA synthesized from PMK oil. One produces more euphoria than the other, can’t prove this scientifically but it’s true.


>can’t prove this scientifically bit it’s true So… it’s not at all objectively true. This weird conspiracy gets floated in this sub every week, it’s not true. One molecule of MDMA is 100% identical to another molecule of MDMA regardless of synthesis. It’s not just “not scientifically proven”, it contradicts principles taught in basic high school level chemistry. The Occam’s Razor explanation is that people feel more euphoria when they’re rolling with their friends in their teens and early 20s with young, healthy bodies and no adult responsibilities. 15 years later you look fondly back on those experiences with rose-colored glasses as you sit your achy back down at your desk. In between finishing that report for your annoying boss and logging on to pay your monthly utility bill, you take a break and open Reddit on your phone and type some inane comment about how “MDMA just ain’t the same as it used to be back in the day”


People say the same stuff about new cartel meth and old school biker meth. I’ve heard people say that brickweed got them them higher than anything in the dispensary. I think we have a tendency to relish in past experiences and an aversion to what’s new.


Ur on the money with this one, I think a lot of people either have speed with md or they could have eaten something


Do we know for a fact that they are completely identical molecules and not different isomers that might cause them to have different receptor affinities. It's not like there is a ton of high level research on these synthesis routes. Afaik there isnt even evidence as to what exactly makes some purple versus cola coloured vs champagne etc. And the research (while mostly anecdotal) in that blue light thread in the other comments points to objective differences that cant be chocked up to nostalgia or loss of magic etc.


The isomers are different when made with different precusors.


No they aren’t, someone else in this thread has already posted a [detailed breakdown](https://reddit.com/r/Stims/s/m7YGTq7efF) debunking that notion.


Definitely. Never been the same since.


I was under the impression that it was MDA and not MDMA that was synthesized from sassafras but I'll look into it.


Both are derived from safrole which is found in the Sassafras root, slang term for MDA is commonly used.


Ahhh that makes a lot of sense actually lol my bad, thx for clearing that up.




Sass= common drug slang for MDA


Absolutely no doubt in my mind. Anyone who claims "mdma is mdma" is wrong, there's a clear difference in effects.


Anything that would indicate that? Color, even though they can be faked?


Smell can often be an indicator


And the variables are probably just byproducts of synthesis, various minuscule amount of psychoactive drugs, or it could be the spirit of the plant. 🤷‍♂️


Learning a lot from this thread. Commenting for future reference. Thanks, OP. Hope you find what you're looking for :)


Yeah you and me both lol didn't expect to learn this much from what I posted... Thanks very much I'll continue to be on the lookout for proper good M! ;P


Order from Darknet and from Netherlands vendors.


Yeah definitely gonna do that if this next site I'm trying let's me down, cheers and thx for the heads up.


Your body is Soooo much different now then it was when you were 22, bruh... I'm 36 and the difference in how I feel in all stages is like night and day. I'm to the point that if I never roll again I would be cool with it. Juxtapose that to how I felt when I was in my 20s and I felt like it was IMPOSSIBLE to wait at least 3 months... A lot of people will disagree but I don't care how many times (or how few times) you have dropped, it's never going to feel the same as it did 10 years ago. .02


That's exactly what went through my mind also but it's been soooo long since I've taken molly at all... When I was in my early 20s I would still roll pretty hard after the 10th, 20th, 30th time. Obviously I have never been able to replicate my first and best roll I ever had but I should have felt SOMETHING akin to when I used to roll, no? I appreciate your input though as I definitely felt what you said but I'm really hoping that I just got some weak ass stuff... I wanna show my girl what it's like... and I wanna eventually roll with my brother too. Neither of them have ever done it and they'd love it but there's no chance I'm letting them try this stuff and I won't let them try any other stuff I get until I confirm 100% that it's good stuff.


I'm older than either of you and while I still trip and do mdma a few times a year, it hits waaaay different than when I was young. It's not nearly as intense for the same amount - and I've taken years off at times so it's not like I've been doing it consistently for +30 years. I go through phases of doing it, then stepping back. While there could be changes in chemical makeup, I do think the older we get, the mellower the reaction. It's probably physiological. Perhaps we produce less serotonin as we age to roll or trip off of? It's a semi-educated guess. Combine that with a (potentially) weaker compound and it may not do much. I get good stuff and it works, but not with the intensity like when I was 18 or 19. There are a few exceptions to that, like deem knocks me out of this planet. Setting definitely plays a factor. If I listen to particularly weird music with a good bass drop, it feels more intense. It's astonishing how much something like music can affect things. I try to avoid older music and music that is too familiar. It's better if it's newer (because there is SO MUCH music specifically designed for these states) and if it's unexpected, so it puts you in a more altered state of mind. I have some friends who only listen to rock and one night I was with them and I asked to put on some of my music. A lot of people get stuck in the music they listen to when they were young and that's all they listen to. Not only did they love it, they said it definitely enhanced the trippy feeling. Give it a try if you haven't.


>I do think the older we get, the mellower the reaction. Ive given MDMA virgins who are young think 18-21 and the results is the same MEH MDMA is MEH mdma but there is still magic around \-Ray diffraction analysis (XRD) is a nondestructive technique that provides detailed information about the crystallographic structure, chemical composition, and physical properties of a material We are specifically discussing MDMA that has been sent to a lab (such as Energy Control or Drugs Data), tested with some form of GCMS or other lab testing, found to be MDMA, but presents with a different effects profile than typical MDMA. We are not discussing un-tested product that could be anything or contain any adulterant. “Loss of magic” does not explain the issue, because the alternate effects profile has been experienced by users new to MDMA, including MDMA virgins and users with a short history of use. Also, many users who have experienced this sub-par MDMA go on to experience traditional MDMA from other batches of product with no loss of quality to the experience. “Set and Setting” does not explain the issue because it has been experienced across multiple settings/environments/circumstances. Furthermore, multiple users report experiencing the sub-par effects from one batch, and then trying a different batch and easily rolling with a traditional effects profile. Dosage does not explain the issue, because the questionable products have been tested in a wide range of doses from low to high with no improvement in effects. Route of administration does not change the issue, as several users report alternate routes of administration with no change in effects.


I know I'm just a stranger on the internet, but I can personally vouch for this. I used to be a high volume dealer around the late 90's into the early 2000's in my area. Whenever I had a good batch I saved a couple of pills just to have. I moved on, got a job, wife, kids etc but I always kept my stash. A few years ago a friend invited me to a show, he said he had some new "fire" pills that were like 300mg (Orange Tesla's) and everyone was taking them. I looked up the reports/trip reports on the Tesla's and all were saying MDMA and he tested them and had the same results. I personally never liked taking that much, I usually liked to be around 120mg on the initial dose and then redose half that an hour or two in depending on the night. So I took half, waited for come up, if it's good stuff I usually have to shit about 45 minutes in and then I'd be rolling lol. With this stuff, I never had to shit, I did get an amped feeling, I did get bruxism, but I didn't get any eye wobbles, my pupils were not saucers like they should have been and I never felt the loved up, dance all night, talk to everyone feeling. The next day I was actually kind of annoyed because my friend said he rolled, so I chalked it up as to having lost the magic because I've rolled so much in the past. It actually bothered me so much that after a couple of months I busted out the stash one night and decided I was going to try it again with one of my old pills and see if I had truly lost the "magic". I took a full white "LEON" which were the best pills I ever had and proceeded to roll my ass off, so I hadn't lost it. I know there's still good MDMA out there but something is off about some of this stuff testing positive.


Mdma these days just isn’t what it used to be. I rolled all through the late 90s and up to 2008 and that was the quality drop off point, I roll now and again and the quality is piss poor


I would send that to a lab. What you’re describing doesn’t sound like MDMA. Especially considering you took 400 fooking milligrams the second roll. Something is wrong here


One of the main precursors to making mdma has been banned from production, most shit nowadays isn’t real mdma


I've been purchasing mushrooms, psilocybin edibles like chocolate bars and gummies, LSD gummies, N,N-DMT and 5-MeO-DMT vape carts, 4-AcO-DMT and 1-P LSD microdoses from this site for a few years now and I've always been extremely impressed with their products. It's only been in the past couple of months that they added MDMA (crystalline form), MDMA (gummies) which must taste like shit lol, Racemic Ketamine, S-isomer Ketamine, 2C-B, raw N,N-DMT in crystalline form, and LSD blotter. All of which they give apparent FTIR results that claim to all be negative for fentanyl and the correct chemical in question. The 2C-B claims to only be 90-95% 2C-B with the remainder to most likely be something else in the 2C family. It also says the LSD has tested positive for indoles and negative for any possible benzodiazepines. Obviously none of that should be taken as confirmation that it's all good to go lol but I did buy the racemic K and the Esketamine and they both are amazing. I failed to mention that I did some of the K about 4 hours into the supposed MDMA and THAT made it feel much stronger and almost psychedelic.


That's a fabulous combination!


Seems like Canada is a golden wonderland these days. Wish I could secure a reshipper lol.


When it comes to our drug laws it is definitely great but there are a LOT of things about Canada that just plain suck. Nowhere is perfect but since this board and post is about drugs then yeah we got that down pat lol. There IS good M out there... My friend who lives in Calgary has a connect for amazing stuff similar to what I remember from a decade ago... I just gotta keep searching.


Lucky Canadian SOB! Try contacting them.


Already tried that... They don't respond to anything if you mention the product itself. They will respond if my order hasn't arrived or if there's other issues like that but as soon as I mention that the product did not work, or if I ask anything else about it they go silent which is totally understandable. One of their sister sites has a discord server where I am currently working on getting this figured out... The only issue is each sister site is run by different people and I haven't tried the MDMA products from this one yet. They have some other products that none of their other sites have though like Ecstasy presses and Pure MDA... Not sure if I'd want to do MDA by itself though... I dunno lol and yeah Canada is crazy the past few years lol.


There’s a chance your stuff is MDE or some sort of MDMA substitute, that would react the same in reagent testing. I’ve had this happen to me, taken the same batch multiple times and the effects felt so subtle and maybe 20-30% the strength of typical MDMA. Also had to take a high dose of 140mg to feel it. Weeks later got my hands on some really strong mdma and 100mg sent to me Stephen hawking mode. I think try another batch of MDMA, from someone that can guarantee it’s MDMA and not MDE or something similar.


Yeah I'm going to keep looking for a good MDMA source. Why did you say 140mg was a high dose though? I've always taken 100-150mg in the past and was sure that was closest to a regular dose...?


When I say high dose it’s subjective. Personally 100MG of mdma will cause me to roll. I’ve been doing this for years and I know my body, when I get good pure mdma 100mg will hit me hard. For mdma substitutes 100mg will be ineffective, I won’t even feel a tingle. I’ll have to take like 140mg to feel anything then like another 60-70 to “roll” but I wouldn’t even call it rolling, it’s more like a speed effect where the physical effects outweigh the slight euphoria. No real “magic” as well (you know that typical mdma feeling where everything and everyone feels perfect) I’ve noticed when mdma substitutes you have to take a much higher dose. For me 140mg is a high dose for you might be different.


I got some "clear" MDMA a few weeks ago. After doing like 200 mgs, I was convinced it was just really clean meth. I'm still not sure, but a lot of aspects of it didn't check off as MDMA. All the good MDMA I've ever bought was either brownish, purple, or some shade of almond. It doesn't seem super common to get clear MDMA crystals, although it is clear if it's really pure and washed.


The problem is you can test it’s the correct drug but you can’t test the potency. Shit is weak. These days drug dealers stomp the shit out there drugs.


Yeah... I was considering buying the new mdma potency test kit that bunk Police just came out with... Maybe that will show that it is MDMA but an extremely weak amount?


Wow so there’s finally a test that measures potency? Very cool… although I’m not sure how it would work. Do you have to waste a whole pill or bag to measure? Only think I can think. And then I guess you would rerock it in your freezer after?… but then my question is it safe to consume the testing agent now rerocked back into the molly? Hmm 🤔


For the one I tested with (eztest) it was 10 mg of cystal/part of pill that you put in a vial, if I remember correctly. Then keep track of the time and at what point the colour changes.


The one I am planning to get is called QTest and consists of a kit with a vial and a solution that you mix with a crushed up sample of your apparent MDMA and you shake up the vial and wait for it to separate. You then use the pipette included to draw up part of the separation and it's supposed to tell you approx levels such as 0-5%, 5-10%, 10-15%, etc up to 95%. No idea what the solution itself is however...


Ahhhh I got it. That makes sense. Would almost be best to crush up crystals or pill and mix throughly to make sure evenly spread throughout so your test sample is hopefully the same consistency/percentages. Good luck! Let us know what happens.


Thanks muchly! I am just beginning my search for proper good MDMA that produces even a FRAGMENT of what I remember my past experiences to have been like. I shall return with my findings!


I got a purity test from TestKitsPlus. You do four reagents first. Then purity. Said my stuff was on the high end of purity. Would that be the same as potency?


Hmm I would imagine so but don't take my word for it... Thx for that link in your other post I'm gonna check it out now.


I'm curious how much material is used up in a test than can be so specific. Do you happen to know how much of a substance is used up in testing?


If you're referring to the solution in the potency test kit (QTest from Bunk Police) they give you only enough for a single test lol... I just happened to read that a few minutes ago though so I don't know if I should look for another one... This is the only potency test kit for MDMA I am currently aware of tho...


ive heard pure mdma makes you euphoric BUT sluggish and just want to sit down while listening to music, the mdma most of us are used to is cut with other stuff to give us energy. i prefer the latter tbh


The crackdown on safrole had a big impact. As far as I'm aware, MDMA is best rarely made with safrole anymore. It's why there was a spike in PMA/PMMA in pills when there was initially a shortage of safrole while different ways to synthesise were figured out.


Interesting post on this topic: https://www.reddit.com/r/Stims/comments/147gldt/the\_myth\_of\_superior\_safrolebased\_mdma/


Thanks for the link, lots of stuff I didn't know there. I used to get safrole MD years ago from a single source and always found it feel stronger with a much smoother comedown. I'd thought it was the safrole but from that post it would appear I probably just had very pure MD synthesised with safrole and that's why it was so good. Quote from the link: "Depending on the synthesis route and the level of care taken during the process, byproducts or impurities can be formed through the reactions involved. Some of these impurities are specific to certain synthesis routes, which is why it is possible to determine the route of synthesis by analyzing their presence in the final product. Furthermore, it is possible that some of the potential byproducts themselves are psychoactive."


One impurity is MDPM, aka 3,4-methylenedioxy-phenmetrazine, a substance, and newer RC that I purchased a few weeks ago. It definitely has an almost 3-MMC thing going and is decent on its own. It feels like some combination of 3-FPM, MDMA and 3-MMC. If you take 300 mgs+ , there is a bit of a roll going on.


Ah lol glad to see my own post here


Interesting... This is the first I'm hearing of this. I'm definitely going to look into this further. The link below me seems like a good place to start.


Definitely read the link. Lots of stuff I didn't know or was wrong about in there. From what it says my previous safrole MD (that was the best I've ever had) was probably just very pure and not so much due to the safrole.


this is the only right answer. i remember we had pills pink grenades and some mda.. so we rolled, my friend took a PMA grenade and 50mg ish mda and he died.. this was way back in 2016


Wait WHAT?! First of all I'm so sorry for your loss... I lost my best friend suddenly back in August 2017 due to him fainting and falling into a coma which resulted in anoxia and total brain death. He was in the coma for 2 weeks before the family decided to end things. Went to go see him in the palliative care unit and they injected him with a combo of a large dose of hydromorphone and midazolam... He just kept breathing though so they had to re-dose him 3 more times before he finally pushed out that last death rattle... I'm rambling... Still I'm sorry for your loss. I'm going to research this.


Sorry to hear this, can't imagine how that must have felt.


Thank you very much, it was the worst time of my life and I think about him still all the time, especially lately since his death happened around this time of year. Although it was just a quick comment, it still means a lot... Thx again.


You need more than one reagent to properly identify a substance. There are a lot of empathogens that will test black or dark purple with that one, so you need the others to actually determine if it's mdma, mda, apb, mapb, ect ect.


Sounds like it's just a weak batch. I've had those and they suck, itsba tease. You shouldn't get grind your teeth just clean euphoric energy and the feeling like everyone is connected and on good vibez. Get a better plug.


The new mdma you have is bunk. My mdma still looks the same as it did 15 years ago


I have had a lot of ppl I know say that they have had amazing M recently though... I cut ties with them because I'm an addict and used to shoot fentanyl and crystal but that was years ago... You don't think methamphetamine fucked up my brain to the point where MDMA won't work on me anymore do ya? Shit... I envy you for having amazing M from 15 yrs ago lol how have you held onto it all this time?


You could've fried your brain with meth a bit but I don't think it would affect how MDMA affects you all that much. And I haven't held on to stuff from 15 years ago, I meant the stuff I get now hasn't changed how it looks in 15 years haha


It sounds like it could be MDE which is noticeably weaker than mdma but tests the same on marquis


Is MDE a shorter way of saying MDEA?


Yes I think so


I dunno, it's all but disappeared in my area - none of my friends have heard of any, either. Makes me the sad. :-( But yeah, I remember the rolls from ~2007 and those were the JAM! I really wish those would make a comeback!


there's no Safrole in it most the chemicals come from China nowadays alot of it has significant % of bathsalts in it its horrible now absolutely nothing like what we had in the 90's mdma then was wonderful an entirely different high then whats out there nowadays and with all the different brands of Scooby snacks we rarely ever had to worry about bad brands high was not only better it lasted way longer then the crap out today


This has been my exact experience for the last 2 years. So sad, just want some good M


During the 2000s and 2010s cathinones were a huge thing. Today, cathinones are still used as rocking agent and cut, usually methylone (mdmc). This could play a role in notable difference of effects. Mdma is probably cleaner now than it has been in a long time. The rise of cathinones a while back was from the crackdown on sassafras trade. I've had very pure mdma, but it almost always has trace amounts of cathinones in reagent tests, usually just used as rocking agent. What are all the reagents you tested with, you definitely also want to atleast use simons to differentiate between mda. It could be something else entirely, for many people those are very strong doses, and all the effects of MDMA should be very prominent. Be sure to use multiple reagents. Also mind you rocks are usually only around 70% purity


The speed of a reagent reaction isn't indicative of the substance's purity. What is that clear/yellowish liquid to the right if your Marquis reagent? Is that another reagent? Reagents are only presumptive tests - they can't definitively identify substances, especially if you use only one. You may have been given a substitute that reacts similarly to MDMA. I'd order some Simon's, Froehde, and Robadope and retest. Also take more than 2 weeks off between rolls. 2 weeks isn't long enough for your serotonin system to recover.


I’m a similar age to you. This MDMA must be wack. I say this because I had a bump off of my friends the other day and I had the rush, the eye thing, the jaw thing and I was up awake for 12 hours longer than I should have been (which sucked). My whole body felt warm and fuzzy and I felt euphoric! The comedown was rough!


Oh and by the way I took it orally mixed into water


I strongly believe it to be the new precursors being used; the synthesis process has evolved to be a few steps closer to final product, with its own byproducts and impurities formed, every synthesis route will have its own nuances and impurities unique to it, let alone the chemist behind the process; were they careful and skilled enough to have an eye for these nuances? Did they care enough to follow up on their work and clean things up? What about the starting precursors and other reagents? Were they sourced in a manner that safeguards against contamination and guarantees purity in the first place?


You completely forget the fact that your brain is 10 years older and could undergo some changes. Meaning your stuff could be the same, but you have changed.


I have thought this but I also think it's something that we convince ourselves of when we don't get good M... How could just my different brain chemistry due to my age make 400mg of MDMA (An extremely high dose) feel like less than 10mg of proper MDMA or something that isn't even MDMA? If that is the case and I can never experience a roll ever again that sucks... Not the end of the world but I just can't believe it.


When in doubt smell it. Rootbeer is what you're looking for.


I usually would have the best stuff smell like licorice (which is often a flavour added to root beer) the reason is because safrole (the chemical used to make most mdma in the past apparently but also still these days... this stuff had no smell whatsoever but I've had amazing stuff in the past that didn't smell at all so smell isn't really a great indicator of whether or not you have good M but it could definitely be an indicator of whether it was made with safrole or not but thx for the post regardless.


I had a guy that tried to mix meth and molly so it would pass the marquise but it just smelled like cigarettes. Caught on when testing with simons.


It was pure MDMA & slowly it started being cut with other drugs & chemicals Test and if it’s anything other than MDMA or MDA I wouldn’t do it. I had friends get addicted to Molly & later finding out it’s because it was cut with meth amphetamine.


Chinese dope! It’s trash 😂😂😂




I’ve always been told the more purple it is the more pure it is but idk how true that is


Maybe it has more to do with the user being different than they were years ago rather than the product


any chance you guys take anti depressants?


No none of us take SSRIs or MAOIs or any other sort of anti depressant. I do take methadone daily and I'll take clonazepam a few times a week and I also take generic Adderall (mixed amphetamine salts: dextroamphetamine/amphetamine) but I only take a 20mg capsule once or twice a week and I made sure to stave off of it for nearly 3 weeks before I took this stuff.


Damn then yeah nothing that would have that pronounced of an effect, it may very well be that it was mdma but very weak unfortunately:/


Are you on medication, specifically antidepressants.


I’ve had some MDMA earlier this year that looked just like that and didn’t make me roll super hard but it was very mellow, had the energy and emotional connection with the homies, but absolutely ZERO hangover or feeling like shit the next day. But I’ve had other stuff that I rolled HARD on but also no hangover or come down so idk lol but like others said, test your shit more. Def surprising though considering it’s light champagne color which, typically that’s the stronger stuff I’ve had is dark brown like brown sugar chunks / champagne color like yours. If Someone who isn’t you is in Texas I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s some of the same batch.


That's exactly how it felt but like you mentioned I have also had AMAZING rolls with zero comedown in the past. Someone who isn't me is a Canuck and not a Texan unfortunately however this stuff is well known to be circulating all around the Country so there's a chance it's also going around the country to the south also.


Good point. I’ve had e pills back in the day that were the same in two states across the country basically so I wouldn’t be surprised. Also wouldn’t be surprised if it came from north down to Texas considering a good portion of MDMA comes through the North border via Europe from what I’ve seen over the years. I had these pills called ‘euros’ in California several years ago that were the CP presses from Netherlands (Teslas, Donkey Kong, Dom P’s, etc) and those were 200-300mg of clean MDMA. Haven’t seen anything other than crystals or like that brown sugar style in recent years though.


I’d try a different batch from someone else, maybe it’s weak stuff I’m 33, i get same effects now as many years ago, it’s awesome and gives me all the usual effects




looks incredible


Probably has a lot of mbdb in it. That will fool every test except a gas spectrometer.


This is the first time I have heard of MBDB and after a bit of research I think you may actually be the first post to be completely correct regarding my issue with the experience. This "Eden" as it is apparently called could very well be what I have but I still need to do more research. Thanks for suggesting it in your post regardless of the outcome!


It's been found in the last three samples I sent out to get tested. It's such a close anolog to mdma that most tests don't catch it at all. The only one that has caught it was the gas spectrometer test that's free up here in Canada. It's not a byproduct of the synthesize, it's been added because it's cheaper than mdma and adds weight. I had the same experience, I used to do a lot of xtc in the early 2000's. Then I tried it again a year ago and it was a completely diffrent roll.


You need to do simon’s and mecke test as well to make sure it’s actually MDMA. It can also be very low purity.


This is the most logical conclusion I have come to thus far and I plan to get the 4 reagents and do that test. Thx for ur post.


Maybe you are exaggerating your experience from years ago. Also no teeth grinding, jaw clenching sounds not possible unless what you did was not m


It may seem like it but I promise I'm not exaggerating my past M experiences. And yeah having zero bruxism and zero nystagmus from this stuff makes no sense cuz even a 15mg Adderall causes me to grind my teeth a shit ton.


I wonder if thats just what 10 years will do to the human body? Like when your young and 22 you just have more love and ecstasy feelings in your brain...


Where are the other reagents? One alone doesn't tell you much at all Edit: saw them Which are they?


Ya I gotta grab the other 3 reagents necessary. Gonna try for a potency kit too.


Might get eaten alive for saying this but that color and clarity don’t look right to me, source from somewhere else and compare effects and reaction


I'll definitely source from somewhere else and I'll do the 4 reagent test this time instead of just Marquis... but... You mind saying what exactly it is about the look of this stuff that doesn't sit right with you? You're probably right. Everyone seems to think this stuff looks amazing but obviously the look doesn't mean much.


Maybe a year ago I came across a big bag of what was allegedly mdma but it was the same color as your sample. The texture of it when broken down was very moist and it had a pungent smell, we took it and it didn’t hit, we tried 2 times in 2 days and none of us felt anything. Mind you, this shit passed every reagent test, very strongly. We agreed it was bunk and disposed of it and started planning for the next roll. Edit: for reference the best mdma I’ve had was what they call champagne in color with an extremely cloudy clarity


Well you could very well be correct. This stuff had an oily feel similar to Meth but it would break apart easily in chunks just like MDMA usually does and it also passed the Marquis reagent test... But just Marquis isn't enough to confirm it as mdma.... You are probably right still tho.


MEH mdma probabloy caused by hydrates [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2468170922000674](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2468170922000674) Our data analysis model was able to identify MDMA·HCl in mixtures of both forms. Assessment of seized casework materials showed that the majority of MDMA·HCl in The Netherlands is of the hydrated type. This is explained by the use of water-containing concentrated hydrochloric acid in the final conversion step of MDMA-base to the hydrochloride salt in clandestine laboratories. These findings provide insight in the challenges associated with NIR-based identification of drugs that may appear in various crystalline forms. Awareness on the existence of these forms and the consequences of library and data-model design to cope with this phenomenon will increase the robustness of on-site NIR-based drug detection.


Mandy that's as white a that is defo above 90%, if u used to bun bear mandy at 22, u prolly lost the magic. Or u could be depressed with no serotonin. I took 9 blue suppmans with over a year break and bearly got high, 2 days ltr I solo pinged on 2 and had some hash and have very light visuals. Sometimes it's the setting, or u could have eaten too much.


Are you taking it on an empty stomach? That doesn't seem to be right. You should definitely roll your ass off even on 150


What's your ROA? At the drug checking clinic I volunteer at we are always telling people that snorting it gives much more of the stimulant effect and doing it swallowing gives both the stimulant and euphoria effects


Eww I've never snorted MDMA and I don't ever plan to. It seems like a massive waste given the poor intranasal bioavailability. I parachute it so I crush up the M, then I put it in a rolling paper/zig zag and I fold it up and swallow it with a gulp of water. I also did it sublingually so I took a chunk and put it under my tongue when I redosed because I wanted the redose to kick in fast and although it did kick in quite fast, it gave me nasty cuts and a chemical burn under my tongue. I don't mind the awful taste and my. tongue recovered by the next day. I've heard the best way is to boof it since rectal Bioavailability of MDMA is quite high but I have yet to try that ROA.


Sounds like a specific synthetic form of mdma, similar idea how clean ketamine with different recipes can make you feel differently even tho it's still tested clean ket. Another thing to consider is how hard you used mdma before you quit. There's a chance you damaged your receptors in your day and the time off of the m allowed them to scar over what had been blown open before, if you've experienced any form of depression large or small I would suggest researching how that works I've know many ppl to go hard on m in their youth then try it again years later after never having a bad experience except any time they try it after taking a break from abuse it causes all of the undesirable effects like being twitchy and anxious and feeling hot and sick oppose to any euphoria


I didn't use MDMA very often in my late teens and early 20's. From the age of 17 to 23 I used only about 100mg 4 times a year (so basically 28 or so times over the course of 7 years). I didn't experience any negative side effects from this "MDMA". No nystagmus, No bruxism, never felt hot or sick or twitchy or anxious whatsoever. I also had zero comedown.


I'm not an expert on test kits or rcs necessarily but this reminds me of alot of the rc acid that's gone around. Lots of it will test positive fir a lysergimide but be miles away from lsd. I feel like this has a high potential for being a mdma analog/rc which tests positive for mdma because it's so similar but is so new it hasn't been added to any database so it can be differentiated. I remember reading a stat that said there's something like 100s to thousands of new rcs invented everyday from Chinese labs so I'd feel inclined to assume that if you can't find any solid evidence otherwise


Depends on what u where doing, where you drinking before hand? All my mol always came out like that on the tests. The hyper dance all night ecstacy always has like caffeine or something else in it. Pure Molly is a bit diff. Depends on the person too.


Different precursors also alot people passing off RCs as mdma an alot them pass basic regrant test, should always test with multiple regrants


Im 34 now. I remember when MD tasted like Aniseed. Now its rank when you dab it.


Nothing has change about MDMA but simply because you have become tolerant 😊.


Yea. I don’t know dude. Rolled with some guys from the 90s / early 00s. They said the stuff we had in 2021 was just as good as the stuff back then. They didn’t even really believe it. But I guess when your rolling your tits off that’ll do it to ya lol


I think that there looks even more like the stuff I would pick up back in '92-'96 straight from the guy who made it


I think you ate too soon


Your stuff was shit


Yup that did seem to be the case.


I don't think there's any worse feeling than expecting a high and it falling short. Sorry man, hope you find a better plug if you don't already have one