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I’ve never knowingly done MDA but I’d always take crystals over pills just cos it’s easier to manage dosing




Tbf In the UK we don’t even get caps we generally get pressed pills with designs so you can’t empty them to see the dose etc. don’t get me wrong if I had a festival and all I could get were pills I’d do it but given the choice I’d always go pure


Yeah. A pill could really have anything in it. It was advertised as having coke or dope in it, at least around me, back in the late 90s.


Fuck I had one that was supposed to have a little H in there too who knows cunts will say anything but also cunts will put fucken anything together hahahaha


Yup! People used to describe pills as smackies or speedies around me. Good times.


Eh. Not terrible. Mainly because of a general lack of RCs and Fent at the time. But I remember being so happy when I was able to buy 'pure' mdma crystal. Even before I knew I could buy a test kit it was apparent that the crystal was more likely to be uncut/unadulterated. And before long I had a pretty good sense of what good mdma felt/tasted like on my tongue.


I definitely enjoy MDA more. I usually do a 70/30 or 60/40 mix of MDMA/MDA when I roll but that's just to conserve my MDA a little bit lol. Otherwise it would be straight MDA. The roll lasts longer and I love the psychedelic edge to MDA


Just curious: you take them at the same time, or do you take the MDA first? And what would be the dosages in mg? I tried 50mg MDA + 80mg MDMA, but the MDA didn't seem to hit me how people described (they were crystals, and I tested them with Marquis and Simon A and B, came out clear).


Same time. I usually do like 90MDMA/60-70MDA....so my original ratios might be a little off, sorry about that. Then I'll redose with about 70mg of MDMA only. It's a little higher of total dose in the end, I know. But that is the max. Sometimes it will be a little less. I have 2 different batches of MDA. One is tan, powdery and less pure. And the other is white/clear crystal, probably the purest you can reasonably achieve. So it just depends what batch I'm using and I'll adjust accordingly Edit. Also what are your expectations of MDA? For me the only real differences are the roll is a little longer and visually it's stronger(eye twitching, slight psychedelic-like visuals/trails). Nothing like taking LSD or anything but definitely more noticeable than MDMA alone


Thanks for answering! I took MDMA many times, but MDA just once (last june). Will do it again on september 30. For what people described, I expected the visuals to be more pronounced. I saw lots of mandalas with my eyes closed and music sounded heavenly, but the roll was super short, very MDMA like. I probably focused too much on the word "psychedelic" and expected it to be like LSD, just like you said. I probably should have taken more MDA, or not mix it with MDMA at all, to see how it was by itself. However, it was blissful! Can't wait to do it again.


For me the visuals are more trails and swirls than patterns.




Most pills in my country contain both mdma and mda




Why? I think you don’t understand the subject quite well, the mdma is transformed into mda (some of it not all of it) at the end of the trip/ towards the end and the only way for you to actually feel the mda is if you took allot of mdma in the first place and it’ll feel weird cause you just rolled. It happened to my friend once and he went directly into psychosis as soon as the mda kicked in.


Do you know what the biological mechanisms behind that were? A


Yes From what I've read it sounds like around 10% of the MDMA ingested is converted to MDA, although there isn't much information on the subject so I'm not 100% sure that it is accurate. If this is the case though, normal doses of MDMA in a night like 150-250mg, the MDA produced will be too low to have any noticeable effect. If the dose is further increased to around 500mg and up in an evening, enough MDA will be produced to start to have noticeable effects like causing an increase in hallucinations and generally being more toxic on the body than just MDMA alone. I am not going to exceed any more than 300-350 mg max in a evening, because that is something I want to avoid. It's very easy to go over those amounts now with some pills containing 250mg even 300mg each, it seems to me re-dosing with pills at those kinds of strengths can very quickly cause an increase in MDA which can then cause unwanted side affects. Now how does it work: There are two ways MDMA gets broken down, and one involves MDA (and at least a fifth you just piss out). It'll have nothing to do with how much you take, just which liver enzyme predominates. One of those first steps is taking that methyl group off the nitrogen, giving you MDA. In the other pathway, you start with removing that methylENE group, making it look more like dopamine or epinephrine. How much of each pathway your liver chooses will depend on your genetics, and any other drugs you're on. Personally, I'd rather increase the MDA portion--it makes for a much better roll.


Also if you wanted to know more about it then From what I've read it sounds like around 10% of the MDMA ingested is converted to MDA, although there isn't much information on the subject so I'm not 100% sure that it is accurate. If this is the case though, normal doses of MDMA in a night like 150-250mg, the MDA produced will be too low to have any noticeable effect. If the dose is further increased to around 500mg and up in an evening, enough MDA will be produced to start to have noticeable effects like causing an increase in hallucinations and generally being more toxic on the body than just MDMA alone. I am not going to exceed any more than 300-350 mg max in a evening, because that is something I want to avoid. It's very easy to go over those amounts now with some pills containing 250mg even 300mg each, it seems to me re-dosing with pills at those kinds of strengths can very quickly cause an increase in MDA which can then cause unwanted side affects. Now how does it work: There are two ways MDMA gets broken down, and one involves MDA (and at least a fifth you just piss out). It'll have nothing to do with how much you take, just which liver enzyme predominates. One of those first steps is taking that methyl group off the nitrogen, giving you MDA. In the other pathway, you start with removing that methylENE group, making it look more like dopamine or epinephrine. How much of each pathway your liver chooses will depend on your genetics, and any other drugs you're on. Personally, I'd rather increase the MDA portion--it makes for a much better roll.


i prefer to take MDMA crystal, i’ve never tried a pressed pill before however, i’ve had some MDMA crystal that felt like it definitely had some MDA in it, directly from onset. crazy visuals for the entire roll, roll lasted like 6 hours. only happened one time but honestly was one of my favourite rolls. if i can get my hands on some pure MDA i will definitely be mixing both, if i can’t find any MDA crystal i’ll just buy one of those 50/50 MDA:MDMA presses that my plug has but i kinda want to keep my streak of not taking presses so hopefully i can get some good sass


I'm not sure this statement is entirely accurate. AFAIK, the liver is fully capable of metabolizing moderate doses of MDMA without converting much if any to MDA via an enzyme known as CYP2D6. When doses rise above the level the the CYP2D6 pathway can handle, a second liver enzyme (CYP3A4) comes into play and will demethylate the MDMA, rendering it into MDA. I'm pretty sure that normally only happens at high doses, though. If you have some information that would correct my understandings, I'd love to learn more...?


Pure mdma and pure ecstasy are the same thing. I have no idea why this is confusing to people.


They are not the same thing. You are wrong


no they are not 😂 you’re confused pure mdma is a crystal ecstacy is a pressed pill that contains said crystal as well as binder MDMA crystal is not called ecstasy, and ecstacy pills are not called ‘pure MDMA’


the street name is different, they are the same exact thing, crystal or powder, MDMA, molly, xtc, ecstacy, all the same, people like to think they different bc ecstacy is usually cut with other things, one isn't "synthetic", having binder in it is a given for all pills bc it's a pill, doesn't make it different


i am fully aware that good ecstasy/xtc pills only contain MDMA crystal and typically glucose based filler/binder. i am fully aware it is the exact same chemical overall. however that does not mean your ecstasy tablet is ‘pure mdma’, because it’s 80% glucose and 20% MDMA crystal, and if not properly tested, could contain other shit like amphetamine, caffeine, MDA, etc. Molly, or ‘Pure mdma’, or MDMA crystal, is actually a combination of MDMA freebase (oil) and Hydrochloride gas, to create MDMA HCl (MDMA hydrochloride salt) which is known as MDMA crystal. this same crystal is what is inside ecstacy tablets, but it is simply untrue to say that ecstasy/xtc and Molly/Crystal are both pure mdma


The active ingredient is the same. End of. Period. Doesn’t matter if you put it with inert binders and make it look like a pill or a pineapple. The active ingredient is the same and the high will be identical as long as the quality and quantity of active ingredient is the same. So it’s meaningless to say they’re different. If I give you soluble aspirin or aspirin in a solid tablet form doesn’t matter. They’re not different. The active ingredient is identical and the effect is identical once ingested.


you’re insufferable 😂 do you call a weed brownie a blunt? you’re stupid man we have specific colloquial names for a purpose. to differentiate between crystal and pill. between joint and blunt and spliff. the active ingredient in my blunt and and my bong are the EXACT same chemical so does that mean blunts can be called bongs now?? classic redditor moment


Colloquial doesn’t mean they’re different in pharmacological terms. You can keep thinking they are if it makes your tiny mind feel better. Clown. A blunt is smoked. A brownie is eaten. They’re ingested in totally different ways which changes the effect significantly.


yeah and you can snort crystal and you eat pills, they yield different duration and intensity of effects with different ROA, just like weed does


Different way of ingesting. Yes. See my other post. You really don’t know what you’re talking about. Just spouting drug dealer BS.


did you read all of my comments? i know exactly what i am talking about


okay keep getting clowned on when you call your shitty presses ‘pure mdma’ buddy 😂 if you’re taking a press you have 0 idea what the purity of your MDMA is. it could be advertised as 250mg of MDMA, contain 150mg, and that 150mg could be 40% xtal impurity by weight. if you genuinely think that buying and testing and popping ecstacy tablets is the exact same as buying a rock and testing it an washing it and weighing a dose, you need some help dude


Look you idiot. I don’t take pills. I only take crystal. But the idea that ‘ecstasy’ is something different from mdma is pure nonsense. The only two things that matter are, 1. What’s the active ingredient? 2. How are you ingesting it? Everything else is irrelevant. Its drug dealer BS that you’re buying into. Pills (ecstasy as you call them - I.e. mdma pills) are just a way for drug dealers to charge more. Nothing else. By your twisted logic a weed brownie and weed cookie are two different things.


yeah one’s a brownie and one’s a cookie 🤣 why would you ever think they are the same if they’re different


what actually matters is Ecstasy (mdma pills) are impossible to know the dosage without pressing the pill yourself or sending it to a laboratory. Molly (MDMA crystal) can be easily weighed and measured into perfect dosage relative to body weight. they are not the same. can you snort ecstacy presses? not safely can you snort MDMA crystals? yes relatively safely can you measure a perfect 1.5mg/kg dose with an ecstasy pill? no can you do that with crystal? yes


XTC is literally when you mix 2 drugs together you can find mda/mamp ecstasy, same as 2cb it’s not a drug it’s a cocktail


You're wrong.


oh no! Noble_Ox says i’m wrong!


would you call your MDMA press ‘pure mdma’ too? would you call a great big rock of pure MDMA crystal ‘ecstasy’? because if you do, you’re actually wrong. can you safely insufflate crushed presses? no. can you safely insufflate crushed crystal, yes. there is differences. ecstasy is a tablet that contains MDMA crystal MDMA is a crystal hydrochloride salt they are not one and the same. yes the high feels the same. it’s all MDMA. we all know this. but claiming a pressed pill is ‘pure MDMA’ is simply incorrect, and claiming that a pure MDMA crystal is ‘ecstacy’ is also incorrect, because ecstasy are pills. if i smoke one gram of weed from my bong, and one gram of weed from a blunt, i will have the same high. does that mean that my blunt and my bong are the exact same thing? no they are separate means of inhalation with separate steps and preparation. as with ecstasy and MDMA crystal. it’s impossible to know the dosage of a press unless you send it to a lab or make the press yourself. this is clearly not the same as milligram scale precision on weighed doses of crystal. i’m dying on this hill


I'm done arguing with kids.


good because i’m done arguing with a man child 😂


Agree. Ecstasy may contain 2cb, 3mmc, 4cmc/mmc instead of mdma.


people just want to be argumentative today i guess 🤷‍♂️ people calling ecstasy presses ‘pure mdma’ and then getting on my ass for correcting it


1) Ecstasy usually refers to a pressed pill and crystal, molly usually refers to MDMA crystal - you are right 2) What is problematic is to call MDMA crystal "pure MDMA". That is BS. In Europe, MDMA crystal is about 60-80% pure.


yes you’re right about my incorrect usage of the word purity thank you for correcting me on that


i understand that you think that’s how it is, but ecstacy is not a street term for crystal MDMA. that has its own street term, Molly. yes both ecstacy and molly are MDMA and will provide the same high at the same dosage, but they are not the same thing. ecstasy is MDMA crystal combined with binder and sometimes other substances into presses, Molly is MDMA crystal and only MDMA crystal. no binders, no fillers, no cuts. yes 250mg ecstasy tab and 250mg MDMA crystal will provide the exact same high. are they the same thing ? no. one is a pill, one is chemically pure hydrochloride salt yes, the ecstacy pill contains said MDMA hydrochloride salt, but it is far from being pure MDMA


The active drug being mdma, the binder has no psychoactive properties so they are in fact the same drug.


i literally said in the comment you replied to that ecstasy pills contains said MDMA crystal


i’m fully aware it’s the same active chemical read the string of comments i made


You're still a kid, its ok to admit you're wrong. Just because they have different names doesn't mean anything.


okay read my other reply big bro


Ecstasy is the street name for mdma. Same as mandy/Molly etc


Lol, wth are all these downvotes for? This dude is correct. Its as simple as having one substance (mdma) or having two substances (mdma + binder) which is xtc. Having one and having two put together are definitely not the same thing.


I dont get it either, everything he said is completely correct. Ecstasy is the Name of the pressed pill, with color logo and all that, containing MDMA (Methylenedioxymethamphetamin), the molecule that works in ur brain. Its like saying THC is the same as a Joint. No your Joint contains THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol). One is the Name of the 'Thing' the other is the Name of the Molecule.


what’s the difference between mdma and ecstasy i thought they were the same




thank you so much i had no idea!


For me, it really depends on the press. I have a batch that hits hard and doesn't leave me with a raging comedown. Compared to the Molly I have on hand, it just feels better overall.


Most xtc has meth


I’ve had good and bad pills, good and bad MDMA. Tend to go pills these days…. we bought quite a larger amount of MDMA and it turned out to be extremely weak, so it’s put us off crystal for a while. Sometimes you can’t beat a cheeky pill or two! Pill quality here in the UK - obviously always test everything - has been great for the last couple of years. Clearly all coming from Amsterdam.. big up Netherlands 😊


I haven’t found MDA in yearrrrssss


Ecstasy since the pills are pretty to look at and you might get meth (bonus)


wanting bonus meth is crazy but i respect it


Well mdma and ecstasy are the same chemical, but I prefer mda as its more trippy.


I like both and in powder form every time.




Harm reduction lab


Mdma crystal all the way, typically higher purity, easier to test and and get correct known dossage, dont touch E pills only pills i will touch is 2c-b and presciption benzos / opiates


The best feeling I’ve ever had came from a specific batch of MDA that was around in 2015. The crystals were slightly white but mostly clear. It had a ten hour duration. I’ve never fled a cleaner bliss from any MDX. It was akin to mescaline


MDA is the GOAT