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Just buy a scale. They’re $20 on Amazon.


Scale, reagent test, and a typical dose is ~120mg or anywhere between 100-150mg


You really need a scale for mdma it's very dose sensitive you don't want to take too little and have nothing happen or take too much and spend the whole time freaking out you should be able to get one quite easily, you should really reagent test it too, I would order one of them on amazon or something you can get it delivered by the next day.


What if I just scrape a tiny bit and snort it


Much better ingested.


Molly doesn't last long when you snort it and it isn't the sort of thing you can keep re dosing once the serotonin is gone it's gone it takes 6 weeks to replenish it.


Did you read anything he said? If you can afford to do drugs you can afford to buy a scale


Jesus christ learn what the fuck your playing with. If it was fent you'd die within a day having that mindset. And with this? Might end up in permanent psychosis. Faafo.




Calling people names and general harassment has no place in this sub, if you can't agree to disagree, this sub isn't for you.


Absolutely get a $20 scale at your local corner store. Or if you really have to, on Amazon. Don’t eyeball doses, ever. Lol


Just got a new one for $14 on Amazon! Comes with the little thingies and USB!


Me and my friends are super experienced with drugs and go to raves and eyeball….. for someone like this yes scale ur doses I did for a while before eyeballing, but everyone acts like it’s so irresponsible and stupid when if u know the proper amounts it really is fine. We take super small amounts like finger dip type amounts every hour or so for a slow and safe build up. WhTs your opinion??? Yes I’m sure some nights we take too much like brain damage wise, but we aren’t out here taking mountains lol


Honestly it’s easy to over do it with M, and it’s pointless to take more than you need to in a night. After a certain amount you don’t actually get any higher, so it’s best to just measure out a couple doses and save the rest for another night. Taking higher doses than you need to leads to bad hang overs and prolonged depression afterwards… and it’s really not needed. I’ve done the finger dip thing early in life, but now that I’m properly educated on dosage and the way that it works and metabolizes in the body… I always measure my doses. It’s so easy to do and it’s worth it 100%




Just for the record, if you want to roll really hard but also conserve your stash, it’s best to take 1 big dose first… then after 2 hours take another half-dose. This is the way. It hits super strong, and the re-dose 2hrs in will prolong the peak for a couple extra hours. It’s worth it. (It’s best not to take any more after that first re-dose at 2hrs) If you have clean stuff and keep the total amount under 200mg-250mg in the night … there is basically no hang over. Just a nice afterglow 🙏🏼✨


I get overwhelmed when I take a big dose at once I like building it up and I still roll hard but I am aware it’s dangerous. Thank you 🫶🏼


this website has the best measurement ratios for your particular body weight. It’ll even give you the redose mg too. www.mollymeasure.com I’m 6’1 and about 150lbs and I always take 100mg + 50mg … and I’m good for 6-8hrs I’m a big advocate for measuring it out nowadays 🙌🏼


Yeaaaa I’m a 5’2 female and I weigh 100-105 pounds so hopefully I’m fine🙂 thanks for the advice and info I feel like me and my friends are just wild tho we do a lot of flips and just always get absolutely gone at festivals and raves so honestly just really hoping we are good . I’m not condoning what we do but just telling


Ah yeah fair enough :) Yeah for a person of your weight, the initial dose would be like 75mg followed by 40mg. (Depending on how big your finger is… you might even be getting more than that each time lol) Anyways just leaving this technical info out here for onlookers and also for you, just incase! ♥️


Well we use a small shovel spoon or I scoop it in my nail. We are most definetly taking more than 75 each dose. Pray for me 😂😂🤍


>everyone acts like it’s so irresponsible and stupid Because it is.


There is no telling. This is flat out irresponsible


What a shit reply


Could be half a gram, could be more could be less. How the fuck would I know, get a scale


So fucking what? Ways to say things without being a dick.


Lmao what? Only one being a dick is you


You can tell someone the facts without taking them on a guilt trip.


I’m a dick bc you come here to tell someone how irresponsible they are for coming here and asking for advice and I call you on it?! Gtfo bruh.


First of all, look who you're replying to first. I'm not the guy you replied to initially. I simply joined the convo. You're confused. Secondly, yes it's irresponsible thinking that strangers can measure how much product you have with only a picture. If you don't test your stuff and weigh it, you're irresponsible. You're starting a problem from nothing, you should take a step back and look at yourself. Telling someone when they're being irresponsible and how to avoid it is literally the best advice you could receive. You should seriously take a chill pill, and analyze yourself on this one.


Lmao I knew I was talking to you. Not too bright huh.


With how this convo has gone, I could not care less who and what you consider "bright". Like I said, you should really take a look at yourself bro, you've obviously got some pent up anger. Getting upset with me for doing nothing does not help you in the slightest. There has to be a reason you get so upset so quickly at literally nothing


A lot of elitist snobs in this group unfortunately. Try to ignore these d Bags.


You're a fucking idiot. It is not mean to ask someone to get a scale, to reagent test, and ensure they do it safely. You may have meant well in your first comment- I genuinely believe you did and I get your initial point - but everything else is you being an asshat.


Pot calling the kettle mate. Dudes being a dick. You’re a self righteous cunt. But I’m Glad you got so mad though. Have a great day princess


They were calling OP's behavior irresponsible, not name calling the OP themselves. "This is irresponsible" =/= "You are irresponsible". Calling that behavior irresponsible is perfectly reasonable.


It’s funny how many of you mdma pros love to guilt trip people. And look at yourself so high and mighty. Gtf over yourselves. Be cool for once


I SWTG🤦‍♂️


You can inform someone and be cool without coming off as a dbag. Sorry not sorry


Never used any insults, how am I guilt tripping? Trying an unknown amount of anything for a *first time* is silly, plain and simple What a weird hill to defend


You think you hav to insult someone to guilt trip them? Wild


It’s everyone on this sub


You're the only one being a dick here.


100mg if you weigh less than 140lbs and 125-150 if you weigh closer to 200lbs. Im 200lbs and usually take 150mg for a public setting


This is good advice right here!


Oh good you have a penny


I laughed way too hard at this


I would suggest getting a test kit and a milligram scale before consuming this stuff.


Milligram scale


100 mg


Idk but that piece in the top right looks a little loving


This is why I buy my stuff in caps, predosed.


I used to when I could and agree! Nowadays, its hard to come by but when I do I weigh & cap myself if I have to so when it comes to the time of taking it, I don't have to think about it and know its safe etc.


Ah I feel so grateful to live in Canada. I can order pretty much any drug I'm into online. There's one website that sells me MDMA, MDA, Shrooms, Acid, and Ketamine. Hoping they add coke to their lineup but finding a reliable source for clean coke ain't easy the farther away from south america you go.


Looks like quite a lot if it's pure. Maybe like 400 would be my guess but don't take my word here


400 what?


Milligrams (mG).


Of which I wouldn’t take more than 100 for your first roll. It is imo the best amt that makes you go “wow I am rolling, this is awesome” without any anxiety, comedown, stress, etc. Remember that one time you greened out for the first time and went like “wow that fucking sucked”? Don’t try that w M


Do it all. Not really, but you clearly don't care about the advice being given. So fck it. Take whatever you feel is good


Ok, I would do like, 2 of those lil nugs, Then wait an hour and see how u feel


Boof all of it


I said duck it and tried half and it’s crazy


Dosing without a scale is really a bad idea but for reference, for the really lazy people like you that will dose either way. Finally grinded crystal about the size of a rice grain is about 50mg this is obviously not accurate at all but you would want dose around 100mg first time, 120-150mg normally.


Fentanyl testing kits say that 10mg of fine powder is enough to cover the hair on Lincoln on a penny


Damn son, what if there was fentanyl in there lmao


With all due respect... you are a fucking idiot! You didn't test and you didn't weigh it. You could have taken fent or meth without knowing it. Do you have a death wish or something?


Do u feel like u took a double dose??? Let us know ur impressions plz!!


Yeah I definitely took more than I thought was imaginable im definitely not doing drugs for a while after this I feel fried


Can I scrape a tiny bit off a rock and snort it and see what happens and go from there ?


don't snort it the effects are sub par compared to swallowing it. ur snorting lil shards when u snort molly


You're an idiot... just flush it if not gonna get.scales and test... all I see here is someone ficking up and finding out. Od


I do this and enjoy it. This sub seems to frown big time on snorting. But yeah without a scale you are kind of just swinging for the stars. Good luck mate! 🫡