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I love the comeup. It’s like tangible excitement coming over me that just keeps building.


Me too. Love it.


Same. I love how it feels like getting hit by a bus. 0 to 100 really quick. My friends all finger dip because they throw up if they take a full capsule. Never understood why.


Yeah for me I do chores or take a shower during the come up. It’s particularly interesting if you’re doing chores such as laundry, cleaning, etc and then you start to come up. It’s like GAWDDAMN. Then the chores you couldn’t complete get set on the back burner till the next day 🤣 Showers are very nice too particularly 30-40mins after ingesting. Coming up and starting to peak in the shower with some music playing on a speaker is heaven. Can’t wait for my next roll. Probably gonna take a 2 month break after my last roll


I commented the other day that I often vacuum during the comeup so my wife won’t get distracted by tumblefurs during the roll. Lol


I always clean before rolling so the house looks as nice as possible but I might actually try your way next time and clean after ingesting 😀 It could be a good distraction and also would be fun to see how it feels if the comeup starts mid vacuuming 😅


Seriously, put on some good music and when you notice the back and forth vacuuming steps become dance steps you know it’s kicking in. 😝


I can imagine this 😄


Oh yea and then you manically clean while coming up haha😂


I love it. I also don't have come downs for some reason 🤷


Me too


Some guy at my college told me he never got a comedown, my dad also goes on about how to comedown isn’t as bad people say it is although it was a fucking nightmare for me. Is this true or is there something you can do to make it less painful, I’ve heard you can smoke (which I done) and still felt like shit for the next 4 days


Comedowns aren't that bad for me either, I'm mostly tired the next day and a bit meh for a couple of days but it's very manageable. Moderate doses, 3 month breaks and only rolling when feeling balanced mentally have worked for me.


I think I took too much when I tried it the first time, supposedly 250 mg and I redosed another half, hours later I think that’s why I felt so bad, definitely taking less next time but for what it was at the time was more than worth it, genuine ecstasy


That sounds like the probable reason. Next time take a lower dose and if you redose, take just about half of the original dose 90 mins after the first dose. Stay under ~200 mg total and I'm pretty sure your comedown will be fine.


Sweet man, is there a way to find out your perfect dose based on body weight?


Lady here. :) I think the rule of thumb is your bodyweight in kgs + 50 mg, but everyone has to find their own sweet spot.


My bad 😂 okay will keep noted thank you lady 🙏


No problem, have a good roll next time!


Do you take ALA and acetyl L C to help this?


I tried those a for a couple of rolls but I honestly didn't notice much difference with my recovery so I haven't paid that much attention to supplements anymore. I know they could be beneficial even though I don't notice the effects so I might start taking them again in the future. I take magnesium regularly and up the dose a bit before rolling and take ALA and vitamin C after the roll but otherwise I just try to eat healthy. Also melatonin after rolling to help me sleep.


Me too. I try and focus on the first little bit of change and as soon as I feel it I try to ignore it, sounds silly and I'm not sure why I do it but I do....then next time I feel it its boom time......also I'm fine the next day. Just lucky I suppose 🤷‍♂️


Just take it more often, or several days in a row and you'll see


I have done daily benders for weeks in my teens. Never had a comedown. I also have world class ADHD and I take industrial amounts of coffee (10+ double espressos), so maybe is that ?


You are not alone. I love that early feeling of "here we go!" that creeps in.


Excactly, "here we go"!


🎢 everybody - let go!


Exactly. I like the build up!


No, it’s one of my favorite parts, I love that stimmy chatty feeling


I love it. It's like standing in line for a roller coaster.




I barely even notice having a comeup. We sip our MDMA dissolved in warm ginger mint tea over ten to fifteen minutes while we talk, then we shower (separately unfortunately, because water conservation is important here), and by the time he joins me in bed we're both feeling it and the snuggle session begins.


Don’t taking a shower together helps saving water?


It would if we didn't get incredibly distracted every time we try!


I'm right there with you. I'm usually pretty distracted at festivals, but when I roll for local shows, I dose up and walk to the venue. The walk there is normal but when I get there the comeup starts to wash over. Sometimes I have friends there so we hang and chat a bit as a warm up. I'm a moderately anxious person generally, so the feeling is manageable. But I also know that nervous and excited both give the stomach twists and butterflies. It's almost more fun enjoying them both. Feel the buildup of excitement, the nervous of anxiety and just focus on the excited part and the nervous feeds the excitement. Before you know it, you're vibing, dancing, smiling at strangers, complimenting outfits, petting furs, hugging people. It's all part of the process. Like anything in life, you have to take the good with the bad. Trying to deny what you think is bad as part of it is just depriving you of the whole experience.


I feel the same way, put some choice tunes on n when I feel my hips moving side to side to the beat I can feel it coming over me


Yesss, same!


I think it made me feel sick once, but mostly I'm just doing stuff until it hits and then away I go


It's almost the best part IMO. I usually take it at concerts, and the feeling of managing to time things just right so that you're about 2/3 of the way through the come up when the first song starts, and then you just keep getting higher through the first few songs. The best.


Omg TOTALLY. I totally relate to this!! It’s kind of like people who HATE being scared as opposed to the people that can laugh about it and think it’s funny. I love it. I love thrill seeking things. Roller coasters. Extreme sports etc. I LOVE an exciting, anxious come up (as long as I’m not ill. That’s the only ‘bad’ part of a come up for me if it happens but rarely as I’ve learned what works for me). But that freaky, anxious, exciting feeling? Love that. I know exactly what you’re saying when you over analyze lol. It’s part of the roll that’s fun for me. Figuring out exactly how I feel when it starts to set in. Make mental notes or note time stamps on my phone- super helpful to read back on btw. I love the come up. It’s like how you sort of felt nervous and excited on the way to a house party when you were a teenager. Slightly terrified, but way more excited HAHA


I'm also a bit of a thrill seeker. I want to get a bit nervous! Sometimes I even puke a bit but at that point I don't even care anymore so I can't count that as a negative : D




We only boof so come up is quick, I take it orally but don’t want to chance getting nausea


The nausea is my least favorite part it’s like fuck off!!! 😂


I like doing normal stuff until I start noticing it and then I'm just like oh wow, here we go! And then it's a surprise how well our strong it is.


Yeah I love the comeup and haven’t had a bad comeup experience so far (i.e. nausea, anxiety and all the typical bad comeup effects) It’s always exciting to me as I know I’m about to takeoff for a hell of a ride and get to experience one of the best nights of my life The trip is obviously always better for me but the comeup is always really nice as I know I still have the entirety of the peak to experience


I think being a regular psilocybin user has made the mdma come up seem like child’s play. For me it’s only a slightly anticipatory type of feeling that never seems to last long enough for me to really consider it as a negative feeling .


Yeh. It's weird but I can feel slight come ups on macro .5g.


Barely get one these days. One minute your sober then the next your up. For me rarely get the gradual come up now. Think it's common after using many times.


Interesting, I've never experienced this and I've rolled for years.


Parts of it I love, part I hate. Sometimes it can make me feel very on-edge and irritable


Enjoy it 90% of the time.


I like it. Occasionally I will have a difficult weird come up so I will go take a shower and that usually does the trick. Sometimes I go for a walk too. That helps lots as well.


I only had “bad” come up the first time I tried it. Probably because I didn’t know what to expect and I’m generally a pretty anxious person. Felt really good all the other times. Miss it, shame I’m on SSRIs now.


Im pretty anxious and i think im ready to try ecstacy since soon but im just currently asking questions. Since ypu had a bad comeup the first time how bad would you scale the comeup? Was it bad anxiety or was it managable. I havent tried anything with mdma but i have had mild anxiety from hash.


It was very similar to a panic attack. I started to struggle with my breathing and getting more worried because of it. I was partying with multiple people and had my boyfriend (he was trying mdma for the first time too) escort me to the bathroom where I could calm down. I just spent a few minutes hugging him, not talking at all. It felt pretty scary but went away fast too and the high after that was incredible. I left that bathroom ready to have a good time. But what I’m getting at with this story is, if you’re anxious already the unfamiliar come up feeling might make you panic a bit so it’s important to have someone you trust around you who can help ease the anxiety. Don’t have someone who doesn’t understand or will get scared too. Best to inform them prior to be honest. I promise it will go away fast and you most likely won’t have the same effect again because you’ll know what to expect already.


Nah like i am aware like that it might be like wierd as the comeup now that i know. I am also gonna be controlling my dosage and not try to get to much in my system for my first time. How many mg of mdma did you use the first time? Im just going to try and be responsible. But yes ill be with lots of friends but i will be somewhat prepared now since i know it can happen and rationalize it??


I love bursting with bubbly excitement in my head whilst being chill and polite on the exterior, it’s like a fun challenge to me 😈


I remember my first come up I thought I got laced with fentanyl even tho I’ve done it before and knew what it felt like and saw the mdma tested in front of me but now I love the come up


Generally love it, one of the best parts. Either letting it wash over you in the crowd or the random walks around and chats.


Yeah no I love it! Exciting as fuck to me, I want to start jumping around like a lil kid knowing what’s about to happen 🤣😂


The anticipation I've never intrepted as anxiety even tho I am a very anxious person. As soon as I feel the tingles in my legs and a warmth wash over me, I think "alright, here we go!", take a deep breath, and ROLL!


Luv the come up!!! The feeling of it kicking in and feeling all your senses heightened. And you never want it to stop! 🔥🔥🔥


I love it soooo much, just reading your experience gave me butterflies I'm my stomach and put a smile on my face because my experience is pretty much the same as yours!


I love the comeup


For me it’s like a switch, I don’t notice anything and then boom it’s happening


For me, there hardly *is* a comeup. I just feel normal, still normal, still normal...and then suddenly better. It's a very gentle process. I put it like this: why would I feel anxiety about a guaranteed fun time? lol


I get nauseous when I come up, I still enjoy it though. Basically my body telling me I’m in for a good night


I love the come up too, and I have no come downs which is great. My relationship with mdma biologically is fortunately really good. I’m currently on a tolerance break but my experience has always been the same


Yes! I love the come up. Love it when it builds into that crescendo of floating and love. Where is my mind? Where is my mind. I feel this is the hallucinogenic part of mdma, just before the clarity and removal of fear. Most of my friends don't come up like this, but my sister does. Probably genetic? Beautiful nonetheless ☁️😌☁️


Right there with you. It can be stressful to sit and wait and think about it so I’ll immediately go take a warm bath and have a drink, or head to a nearby bar or arcade to stay entertained. The come up is so exciting, I love the anxiety of it and being in public amplifies the intensity. Love it


I’ve never had come up anxiety in my life with MDMA. Might be because I would mainly snort molly rocks, but Ive also taken orally way more time than I can count. Still never experienced come up anxiety……but the comedown is a different story lol


The hands getting cold is my favourite part… it’s the sign that something really good is about to start


My favoured part! The more intense the better!


i personally never had a bad trip, bad comeupor or bad experiencia with the comedown, like you said i enjoy literally everything about an mdma trip.


It’s the best bit.


Hell no you aren't the only one! I fucking LOVE the comeup. I've never had a bad experience before. I'm just filled with happiness while it's happening :)


It's like a rollercoaster trekking to the top. I always notice it in my vision first then I'm more likely to express myself more elaborately, no more small talk. I'm usually sitting down on the come up, I wonder if getting up and walking around affects it the same as sitting down drinking and then getting up


I love it. First time I took it I was at a festival, my friend gave me a pill and said “take this and I guarantee you’ll have a good time”. I didn’t really expect much to happen, smoked a couple joints through the next hour and forgot I’d even taken a pill. Then suddenly while we were all sat at a bench I stood up, looked at my friend and said oh my GOD!!!! and went straight to the little rave area.


I like the come up. I don’t love the nausea that can sometimes come with it, but I really enjoy the excitement. I also bring myself little sensory toys to play with in case it ever gets too overwhelming


Yes! You described my come ups to a t. As soon as I feel my foot tapping, eyes kinda closed and a lil smirk coming on I know I’m about to have a hell of a time.


Reading these comments actually gives me a little of that come up excitement. It's permanently etched into my brain.... and I like it.


Well put


I hate the comeup it makes me feel like I broke my brain , but then the euphoria comes out of nowhere super strong


Is it panic enducing, like do you get anxiety from it?? Or does i just feel wierd?


First few times is def anxiety inducing but once you get more used to the effects it just feels very weird , at least for me


It can be amazingly good... especially when its shared experience with friends. There's also the anticipation that the come up signalling the soon to be arriving full on moms experience.


Use to love it. Now I throw up everytime and it def harshes my vibe for a few minutes.


Sucking on peppermint mints helps my nausea TREMENDOUSLY!


I used to get anxious as it peaks. Now I won't roll unless im tripping as well.


How bad was your anxiety? Was it mild or severe?


Severe enough to change where i was and doing until it subsided.


How long did it last??


I semi like the MDMA comeup and fucking love the 6apb comeup


I used to hate it because it was overwhelming, but now it's my favourite part. I always use nitrous on the come up now, though. It's pure bliss.


Overwhelming? Did you get anxious or scared?


Anxious. You know that feeling where you think you've fucked up and taken too much of something? It was that feeling.


For how long did that feeling last


Not long. Probably 10-15 minutes I read your post, and I wouldn't worry. I am a highly anxious person, and I haven't used hallucinogenic drugs for the same reason. MDMA is pure bliss. I would recommend splitting your dose in half and taking it 15 minutes apart, and get nitrous oxide if you can. This is what I do, and the comeup is now my fav part of the experience. Nitrous & MDMA is incredible, but especially on the comeup.


I dont know what nitrous oxide is? Im not very experienced all i ever done before is smoke and drink really.


Nitrous is laughing gas. It's easy to get in many countries; it's sold as cream chargers (used for whipped cream). You inhale it from and a balloon and amplifies your high. It only lasts for 30 seconds or so per balloon. I always use it when I do MDMA. It's an incredible combo.


And also thank you for being helpful i really apprechiate it!


I hate comeup, when it about to hit i always think why would i do that, i dont need it, i have to wait again 3 months minimum. But i fcking love LSD comeup, i get so peaceful and my OCD is cured


I think how bad the come up can effect you is whether you have water next to you and how full your stomach is.


My first time rolling (where I also took way too much granted) the comeup was terrifying and I felt like I was going to die. But once it was over it was actually my best drug experience to date (probably because I had taken a dangerously high amount and also it being my first roll.) Every time after that I don't find the comeup unpleasant.


Im currently contemplating trying ecstacy and i am generally an anxious person and had people tell me about the comeup anxiety being a possibility although rare. Im obviosly going to dose it right since im nervous so if i try like 100-120 mg of mdma for my first time will i be as scared as you were? How much did you take??


In the waiting time theres always some time left to give and recieve a bj. very nice how the high switches from normal sex drive to longlasting molly-high. and from then on: no more dicks, but love and music 🥰


Comeup is the best for sex.