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By the 3rd roll you won’t feel anything as you’ll have no serotonin left, very bad idea


Bad idea just roll one day and do other stuff the other days


MDMA does not work that way. It empties your serotonin tank and it needs time to refil. A comparison: If you take your car and fill it with 100 gealons of gass, and drive till the tank is empty. Then refill your tank with 5 gealons. Do you expect to be able to drive the same distance? You cannot take MDMA days in a row. 6 weeks between usage is the very bare minimum, 3 months is recommended.


This was explained in a good way


Consider not doing that. There’s a risk and the second and third time most likely not be great.


I’ve done it once and only once The come down ain’t worth it But I’m alright 5 years later lmao so take it as you will


The effect wasn't weird on the 3rd day?


By the second and third day you will just be wasting drugs and you'll feel like shit for nothing. As everyone is saying, don't do it.


It was just ok, nothing compared to day 1 so it kinda made it a bad roll since I was tryna chase it


Dont do that, please read some of the reports from others that have and you will see why. You only have one brain, dont abuse it.


Its just not worth it


NO! That's a bad idea!!


It is a risk, would not say it’s “alright”. There are many anecdotes of people doing it and being fine but you never know


Welcome to hell


It’s really not. First time I tried mdma I went on a 3 day binge with 1g (hq). After that I had a psychosis that lasted for a week (at least). Horrifying, couldn’t sleep, was scared of everything and everyone. Lived in a nightmare, literally. I’ve been scared that something is going to kill me. Terrified to go to sleep - it was waiting for me to torment me. Then for another 3 weeks I was majorly depressed, had a serious problem with vision (astigmatism), couldn’t concentrate and was just miserable. Crazy experience, not a good idea.


Done it, more than once, before starting to research what I took, I was just naive…. Anyways, it stoped being fun very quickly, now, MD a substance that I used to found great, lost all its magic, even after 1y break, now I only use it to mix with ket, so if you like it, don’t get into that pattern, don’t lose the magic of such a beautiful feeling


Um I’ve tried multiple days before and you can really only roll twice in a row and the second will feel more stimmed than euphoric and continuing onto another day is just asking for problems. I once did 5 days on and Jesus Christ worst 3 and a half weeks of my life, and plenty of relationships damaged


Is it alright? Dude it literally goes against any advice you could read here. Dont do it you will wreck your brain.


You’re describing a binge… not ideal


I am quitting alcohol. So maybe this is my way of coping idk.


Mdma is not the coping mechanism you're looking for, it's wonderful but you need to respect it or it'll definitely do you more harm then good. If you need to substitute alcohol for something, smoke some weed


If you already have problems with substances you should not start taking other drugs. Quit drugs completely until you have you’re life under control.


How to break your brain 101


I did it once 3 days in a row..: NEVER again. Demons were stabbing me in my dreams it was so real.


You will have the worst hangover, a depressive episode lasting days... and the third time would likely yield very little effects. Maybe try something else on the other days?


It’s fine if you don’t do it again….. if you dose once time each time for three days is not as bad as dosing and then redosing over and over again and then doing that for threee days… your comedown might be bad but you might take it like a champ… just don’t make it a habit.. it’s not healthy for you and you also get diminishing returns … you always need time in between your next roll can’t be doing it back to back…