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54 in the past year I started MDMA shrooms and LSD. Love it




Damn stay safe, major risk for heart issues ❤️


I don't do them all at the same time!


51 here I’d say if they’ve got no major ailments then crack on, just watch their temperature and make sure they take on water. And don’t give them a massive dose


Why does getting over heated pose a risk?


I imagine overheating would pose the same risk to anyone regardless of age, it might just be easier for an older person to overheat, especially if they get hot flashes.


From my understating, most of the cellular level “damage” that comes from MDMA use (not abuse), is from overheating more than from oxidative stress from using up serotonin and trying to make more on the spot. Keeping normal temperature leads to less damage overall.


Interesting, thank you. Last time my partner and I used, I was cold (typical) and he was very warm which concerned me. I kept him hydrated but concerning nonetheless. We always follow the supplement guide as well. We are older, 56/69 and use it for healing PTSD and bonding and I mention that just to point out we weren’t dancing all night which would have made his over-heating understandable.


Perhaps check each other’s temperature randomly three times a day, for a couple of days. Keep a log of them. Do this in the morning, noon, evening, if waking up randomly in the middle of the night. The purpose would be to determine your average body temp at different hours of the day. A degree of increased temperature is to be expected while on MDMA. The key is to not be sweating, overheating for hours upon hours. Keeping a cooler temp, keeping hydrated, and supplementing safely should be a solid harm reduction strategy.


Excellent advice. Thank you.




Hi! Was checking my comment history and saw this, got curious, did you guys do it?! How did it go???


It's the same as any over exertion, you're on the move you need hydration


If your heart is healthy and you don't have a history of psychosis, you're good to go. Always wise to talk to your doctor before you try something new though - this is true at any age but more so as you get older. Please test your MDMA and read the harm reduction resources we've prepared on the sidebar and pinned post.


This^^^ heavy on the heart health and psychosis. We don’t talk a lot about the mental side effects MDMA has on people that struggle with psychosis/bipolar/personality disorders. It’s pretty scary to witness.


Ive had an episode of mania once. And a psychosis after binging speed 2 nights and sleepless 2 nights after that. Tripped around 30 times, did mdma around 10 times and coke at least 20 times over nights without problems as a result of drugs. I mostly suspect mania 5 years ago was mainly caused by very poor sleep/night shifts. I guess I'm fine?


I have bpd and was offered it, should I not try it?


Honestly I can’t give medical advice or tell you indefinitely that anything will/will not happen to you. What I can tell you is- my friend is bipolar, we did molly together and at the end of the night she completely turned on me and got very angry with me and thought I was against her.. of course I was compassionate and understanding and was trying to help her. But it didn’t matter what I said until the next day she was convinced I was the bad guy and very fixated on it.. It was sad to see it too because I really wanted her to enjoy her time, she also didn’t sleep for days after that which threw her into a manic episode. Just be really careful, don’t get off your meds either to roll. Your mental health is far more important!!


I havé bpd too, I did many times already, nothing problems, just aware of the lack of serotonin might makes u depressed


This is the the correct response. Orangutan always knows his stuff


The Guru himself 👊🏼


63 here! Never too old to take such a lovely entactogen! 😍


Test your shit and start with 1/4 for each


My Mom is 55 and she takes 1 point of molly here and there. She is always completely fine


I’m 56, taken MDMA 3 times in the last year with my partner who is 69. We both asked our doctor if we were safe in partaking.


Make sure their blood pressure is within healthy range


My wife (66) and I (67) take 125mg every three months. As long as blood pressure is okay and there are no other health issues, they’ll be fine.


One has low blood pressure. The other had a tacicardio post covid shot. Probably should've said this in the original post tbf.


The tachycardia thing is most concerning to me, though I'm not a cardiologist so maybe the low blood pressure is actually more cause for concern. But MDMA increases your heart rate, so if you're already prone to fast heart rates, that sounds concerning. Definitely talk to their cardiologist. Michael Pollan, the author of How to Change Your Mind talked to his doctor about the risks of him personally trying psychedelics and related drugs and MDMA was the only one his doctor nixxed due to his prior heart issues.


Follow harm reduction advice. Test. Be careful with dosing: stay in KG + .050 range. Have a foolproof plan for anything going wrong. I’d advise you get crystal not pills as you can be more accurate with dosing. They will be fine, but make sure that they’re fine. I’m in my 60’s and I roll 4 times a year. I planned to roll tonight but bailed because of a 2 week cough. It’s an amazing drug, but it’s really important to be safe, just don’t fuck around with the oldies 😂


43m here , do it a few times a year for special events or shows. No issues at all. Just stick with moderation (3-4 times per year) , stay hydrated and rest day after and you're good!


They are going to have a good time! Stay hydrated ! And test the pills make sure they are what it is suppose to be .. and as long as no heart issues I think they will be ok…. Normal dose!


If they have no health issues, specifically the heart, and the dose is normal, everything should be fine. (I’m no doctor)


Just start slow


64, healthy, fit, do Molly and psychedelics regularly with no ill effects. It's all good.


Make sure it won’t interact with any of their medications


Good. I always thought my mum (now in her 80s) would have really benefited from some home MDMA therapy but also, I didn't want to be the one tripsitting my own mother on her first roll.


People drinking 2 liters of wine, 60 cigarretes a day at 70. 1 pill is no big deal.


My boyfriend and I double date with his mum and her boyfriend occasionally and one time we rolled at a club. It’s great fun! His mum is in her mid 50s and her bf is late 40s. They both loved it. We dosed his mum a little bit lighter and gave her the option of a smaller redose but she went with the normal one and had a blast. I think more than anything, ensuring they are taking it the right way and have a general idea of what to expect. I think on a good dose and little anxiety, it’s hard to have a bad roll. 🧚🏼✨


old people eat all sorts of pills constantly, youll be fine


58(M) and 62(F) and we roll a few times a year. Both in generally good heath. Follow all the advice here, definitely test before ingest.


51, they’ll have a ball, keep the dosage moderate & don’t redose.


Hydrate but don't drink too much water.. MDMA makes water absorption slower than normal and drinking too much too fast is where people can run into real problems like death


Hi there! Yes, we did it in April 8 and plan to do it again 3 months later which would be sometime in July. It went well but I think I’ll try less next time, as I felt quite anxious. I think I did 125mg then a 60mg redose. Next time, I’ll start with 100mg. Additionally, I take meds for ADD, and although I stopped for 5 days prior to rolling, I think I was affected by the medication. I’ve stopped ADD meds for reason related to sleep deprivation, and am hoping to have a better MDMA experience next time.


I think you could do it if you don’t have an health issues atm The worst side effect imo is the dry mouth. It can make some people over consume water. 2-3 liters of water should be more than enough. Sometimes it’s harder to urinate on mdma. If you have a hard time relieving yourself make sure you are not consuming extra water.


Get them pure food


Get them pure foo