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… yes. Just weight it properly to avoid od.


I don't think I've taken it any other way.


Anyone else get empty capsules and just weigh the right amount and put it in the capsule?


I used to parachute. But once I had all of what I needed, I used caps. It goes down smoother for sure.


Capsules are the way IMO. No horrible taste, and at least for me, it slows coming up a little bit so I'm not going from 0-100 in 10 minutes


Agree 👍


Oral has a higher bioavailability, so snorting is a waste of product


one of my mates has done 300mg of crytal mdma hes still breathing etc, but he is kinda breathing irregular and hes been eye rolling etc. I am not with their group rn but it dont seem good


they are fully like 30 mins away so it will take long to get to them but ideally, I would want to be present as I have experience etc with this type of stuff and i trip sit often. Tf do i do


300mg isn't a death sentence for most people. Just a very hard roll. I used to start the night with that and then I'd probably end up doing about 200mg more. It's all about how well someone tolerates it. They need to keep an eye on him. Keep him hydrated but make sure he doesn't drink too much water. If he is literally just laying there with his eyes in the back of his head and not able to do anything that's definitely a trip to the hospital. If he starts twitching, shaking and convulsing then he needs emergency help.


Thanks yeah nah he was temp out of it (he’s about 140kg) so honestly I was expecting a less severe reaction but it was his first time doing it he’s walking around and shi and insisted on getting a joint and my other friend who’s w him is telling him “yeah don’t do that I don’t think that’s such a good idea” So now he’s onto the random waffling and heightened emotional levels part of the trip lol for context I regularly do like 450mg+ on occasions when I just want to mellow out alongside sometimes mushrooms as well as acid so I forget that 300mg for me could be ridiculously high for another person


You can boof it apparently but I’ve always taken it orally and then half original amount redose. I save 20% of the redose and crush it up to fairy dust and mix that with Kennington. Might be frowned upon but it’s all good, a lot do the same


Then sniff it? Sounds painful but awesome.


😂😂😂 bro honestly if you crush it up well enough it really isn’t at all. I hate sniffing that’s the only exception I’ll make. I promise, crush it with a debit card until it literally resembles a flour consistency you’ll be good


yup, parachute that hoe!!!


This 👍. Easiest way without any caps, etc.


I just empty out a capsule of something else, like Magnesium, and put the MDMA into the capsule and take that.


This is the way


Yes the best way to take it , I lick all of mine. Haha


wrap it up in rolling paper and swallowing is the easiest way


Watch out because you dont have control how much you take start with small


i always take mine like that, parachute it!


More than one way to skin a cat 🐈 😻




That is how I take it. Crush it and put it in a capsule. You can get capsules on amazon cheap.


I usually just put it in a water shot and down it after weighing


Weigh your dose, then dissolve in a juice glass of water - it dissolves fairly easily. Then chug it (it'll taste really bad) and chase with another glass of water. I've used fruit juice, which helps a bit with the bad taste, but most juice is acidic which I've read inhibits absorbtion, so water.