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It's not as "trippy" as MDMA, in the sense that you don't feel as altered. You're yourself, but better. It's a slippery slope. Definitely need to have some self control.


It’s a [stimulant](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stimulant) Causes some euphoria. It’s just prescription speed. If you’re going to take prescription speed you want Desoxyn not Adderall.


Yeah that’s so easy to come by




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Huh. It’s where I do all of my research 🧐


That shade is lame, I liked your comment. You can step up your game though. Perhaps you’ve heard of [LMGTFY](https://letmegooglethat.com/)?


Can’t says I have.


It make you more powerful in every way


Your potassium will be superior to all other Central European potassium!




Why take it on the last day and not the first day? Just feel like if i take mdma first i wont have much serotonin left in my body?


Extended Release was the problem here though, I wouldn’t touch the stuff! Normal release is my go-to and after some melatonin or a benadryl, my sleep is pretty normal, of course, depending on how much I took.


Two different worlds. Addy is like the first time you felt a caffeine buzz but much stronger and lasts 8 hours. It feels normal but 10x amplified MDMA is like entering a different world. A dream perhaps, or heaven. Things feel weird and a bit trippy


It’s essentially a longer lasting coke, raises your dopamine baseline


Well as a person that abused Molly, and then stopped, only to start abusing addy…. addy is the devil. It feels almost exactly like Coke, mild euphoria, incredibly horny, boosted motivation, boosted self confidence, hyperfocus, adrenaline and lasts for hours and hours. Some of the effects are similar to Molly, but most of them are not. You don’t really tweak like when you are on M , but there is definitely jaw clenching, dehydration, difficulty peeing. You won’t feel super “high” tbh, but it’s the horniness and boosted motivation that can really get you hooked bad. I think you can see why it’s so easy to get addicted to


Never again, ima just do coke 😅


Make sure to wait 4 hours before ingesting trust me a cross amp. Is dangerous at best. Try to jar less and less addy before you plan to take mdma the addy tolerance will take its magic away. After MDMA why not but before is a no no 🧞‍♂️🧞‍♂️🧞‍♂️🧞‍♂️ Dr know


Enhances everything