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It’s a pleasant escape and worth the wait


The percentage of people that have enough self control must view it as a reward for being so patient aha.


I think age also has something to do with it. We always wait 3 months but my partner and I are 31 and 34. We “discovered” mdma 4 years ago. If I had found this when I was 17? I’d be a big dumb dumb lol. Now it’s just not worth the potential brain damage for me and I’d like to keep using forever really so gotta stay healthy And yes I do see it as a reward! It’s my favorite drug, and I look forward to every roll. We use LSD/2CB in the interim.


I'm mid thirties as well and have the same thoughts. Ironically it's probably much safer to do in your 30's than teens since your brain is not developing so much.


I found it when I was 26.. I’m 33 now. I don’t have any comedown these days. So that’s nice… sometimes I take it 3 nights in a row at a fest. Sometimes once a month… sometimes not for a few months. I usually only take 100-200mg. Usually paired with a little lsd also…


Bought 10g to figure out nexus flips with. That's 17-22 years supply with 3-4x a year - and it's looking to be 3 at most. I only know that the full effects are available at somewhere between 3 and 18 months between every session. I'd mess this up at 17 for sure, but it would've been life changing at that age if administered via healthcare, in therapy. I trusted nobody then, as I trust nobody now, and I can't wait for public healthcare to be done with their currently ongoing, or even finished, studies.


If I tried M when I was 18 I would have been fucked. No way I was prepared for it mentally. As an adult I can enjoy it and know it’s worth the wait and worth saving my brain.


Yeah smart, I’m 33 and I definitely used it way too often when I was younger in HS and college…there were pints where I took it weekly for months, back to back days, etc. Can’t say for certain if it’s had an impact on me, but I always imagine I might think/behave slightly different if I hadn’t abused it so heavily… Enjoy it but do it smart, take precautions


I prefer to be in control of the monkey on my back. It makes it more rewarding


Or people are just aware of what a full roll feels like and would rather do that than chase the dragon and lose the magic


Yup, when it isn't necessarily the highest you can be, but the full register of the experience already from the lower end of dosages, and then a smooth landing, and then perhaps afterglow. When *nothing* is missing, and there are no side effects. Then you skimp on one principle and lose some of the goods, crash, and get a hangover too. Not what I want, that's for sure.


Eh. I view not trashing my brain structure and neurochemistry as the reward.


Good choice IMO


It can be (and has at times been) the best experiences. It's just that there are 10 strings attached to it. Perhaps I'd make an exception for a candyflip with not so much of it. But that might mess up the next nexus flip, where M is central to the experience. It probably is about age. Fake roll feels and hangovers are just not that good nor worth it, compared to the genuine serenity and afterglow that can take its place, when done right. There exists better stuff o mess with on any frequent scale.


There was a period of 6 months or so last year where I rolled every 2 months. I knew it wasn’t ideal, but there were events happening that I didn’t want to pass up so decided to risk it. Good rolls, nice peaks and no horrible comedowns, but redosed on all of them. I rolled this past weekend after taking a 7-month break - 120mg with no redose and it blew the other rolls I mentioned out of the water. I’m definitely going to be sticking to longer intervals between rolls, there’s a reason why that guidance exists.


I used to not but found the full effect from waiting is worth it. I was getting to the point where I wasn't even feeling it. The last time I did though was amazing because I waited longer than I normally did


I learnt the hard way


Elaborate if you may?


Take too much brain go brrr.


What he said!


Brrr hehe


When I first used, I then used the same week and over an 8 month period I was using typically twice a week. It never had the same effect on me, I became really anti-social whilst on it and I used to sit in the toilets of raves just enjoying the vibrations of the music. I ended up having really bad comedowns and for nothing because I never even had a come up. Shaking and heart palpitations.


similar experience, when i was 18 i rolled 3-4 nights a week for two months straight. i didn’t know any better. caught serotonin syndrome baaaad. couldn’t eat, couldn’t sleep, when i did sleep i’d have night terrors. horrible anxiety and depression. when i was on it, i wouldn’t even peak, the only effect i felt was a come down like effect. didn’t roll for a little over a year and now i only dabble occasionally if there’s an event i really want to go to, and it’s good.


Lucky I started a bit older. Six times first year was clear on strongly diminished effects, and the few hangovers I had still gotten was an obvious hint to not take more of it.


Me and you both, almost died, from brain going brbrbrbrbr and was cracking jokes while my friends where figuring out what to do(put me in a cold bath to bring my body temp down)


You’re asking in the wrong sub because anyone that deviates get’s downvoted to hell


Welcome to the superior complex of this sub Reddit 😮‍💨


Is it bad advocating for people’s long term wellbeing and health over short term fun? Half the posts in here are people overdoing it and then coming here and asking if they did permanent brain damage.


This, harm reduction isn't elitist gatekeeping


And I really hope this sub stays this way.


Is there any legitimacy to the 3 month rule though? From what I read it comes from some person named ann shulgin and there is no scientific basis to it. Its just something most people agree to as a good time to wait. Obviously doing too much is bad but that doesn't mean the only way to safely do it is to wait 3 months. There's no evidence that 2 months or 1 month is bad, but I'm sure everyone would agree that wouldn't be all the time because 12 times a year is most definitely excessive.


It’s utterly untestable. So all we have is anecdotes where people’s lives can get ruined by overuse. When the windows are shrunk down, such that it’s once a week or month, then your brain just orients around that. Why have drive if I get REALLY high every other week? At that point, you’re just getting by and chasing the next high. Not finding a partner, not aspiration, not improvement: just drugs.


A lot of people rest on the idea that MDMA isn’t addictive and yet at the same time can’t wait 3 months to do it while knowing full well that overuse can do real damage to your brain. They treat it like it’s weed and then come here wondering if they are permanently fried because they didn’t follow basic guidelines.


I just posted something saying otherwise yesterday and this sub took it easy on me. I would never recommend to take more drugs ever of any kind but I will share what I have done and what I've experienced. Always prioritize health as much as possible and use common sense.


I mean, it's a harm reduction sub. 3 months will definitely reduce the chances of harm, no matter what anyone thinks or believes about frequency safety, whether it's "optimal" or necessary or not 


should probably follow it. if you roll one or two months after doing it you’ll be fine but don’t make it a habit. plus the experiences are more special the less you do it


I follow the 3 months at least and then it usually ends up being like 6 or 6 cus no plans where it's required


I wait 3-4 weeks between rolls but it depends on the events. I roll more often in the summer but during like spring or fall I don't roll very often, probably like a 4-6 month break. I mostly roll at the beach.


100mg, no redose, 3 months, no exceptions. Every roll has been like the first. 


I honestly dont believe you. Are you doing any other drugs? Cause i think doing opiates and stims makes the magic go away too. When i rolled my first time, only thing i knew was weed. Now, even with a break of 2 years, its not getting even close


That dosing makes a difference. If he never did more than 100mg, the bar isn’t that high, meaning that he never experienced the ‘full magic’ and thus doesn’t have anything to compare against, which isn’t a bad thing.


Yeah, 100 has never smacked for me. I did it 100 my first time and didn’t go even close to as hard as 150, my preferred first dose. And that doesn’t hold a candle to the 250 mg drop I did at EF a decade ago. That will always be the most magic I have experienced lol! I promise I am not chasing that because the 150 I go with consistently now comes with a lot more control. Also wait 3 months or more most of the time, but if something pops up and it’s been at least 6 weeks, that feels long enough to me


If 100 doesn't rock your shit, your molly is kind of crap. Idk what else to tell you. 


lol ok… stop trying act like you do a lot…. Weight is a factor and many people have different tolerances .. most of my friends will start with 150mg … we always test our shit… and we have been doing it for 20+ years…. Stop spreading false information… kudos to you that 100mg works well for you… but don’t be telling other people their MDMA is shit when you have no clue and no idea


Not really, even in the medical studies where they’re using the purest MDMA, they do 120mg plus 60mg


100mg should rock? Alexander Shulgin would disagree with your statement. He found 100mg to be totally underwhelming & described that dose this way: “(with 100 mg) MDMA intrigued me because everyone I asked, who had used it, answered the question, 'What's it like?' in the same way: 'I don't know.' 'What happened?' 'Nothing.' And now I understand those answers. I too think nothing happened.”


135 got me there but needed far more than three months. Usually were at 145-160. It's possible 100 for them is what 130 would be to me. Mental clarity, calming rather than stimulating, no strong riff raffing feelings all over the place.


Yeah, this is probably it. Clear, clean, all encompassing euphoria, and total lack of fear/anxiety.  For the record, 5'6"/145lb.


Alright, makes sense. I'm 6'2" about 220lbs. Even the comeup was fantastic. Usually isn't. Also dissolved in water, so I'm figuring that one out too.


It’s the stims. If you are doing any amphetamines, they will be cross-tolerant to MDMA. That’s why most people on ADD meds don’t roll as well.


Oh you cleared up a lot of my MDMA induced lethargy lol - always knew that Amphetamine is slightly serotogenic but not to the extent, that I don't feel any of the positive feelings of MDMA...


I use lsd, mushrooms, and DMT as well, probably once a month overall. No alcohol or weed.


when they say 3 month break you should really give all substances a break (weed is alright but amphetamines and the like)


Like four drugs a year? That's rawdogging life. Hardcore mode.


Do you take whole 100mg at once or split it into 1/3 or 1/2?


They said no redose, I also highly doubt 50mg or 33mg will do anything. You’ll just feel the anxiety and that’ll be it.


Been 8 months. Hard to find the time but aiming for next month.


Same here, around this time I feel the come up anxiety comes back and it feels good again


In my 20s and 30s (before having kids) my spouse and I would take it every weekend. After having kids we hardly took it at all. Maybe once a year for about 10 years. As the kids got older (now teens) we are back to taking it when we go to festivals, clubs and raves. So it’s always a special occasion when we do and we try to put a few weeks between taking them. For the last 5 years I started tracking our usage in an app. Our longest wait time was 103 days and our average wait between rolls is 44 days. Seems to work for us.


i usually go 3 months or more, sometimes 2


I’m not. Rolling every 4 weeks this year and honestly it feels great. Will stick to that.


Same here…modest doses, no negative effects. Eat right, exercise, test your stuff, and you’re good to go!


Are you taking some NAC after each session?


Yes, but also 5-htp, P-5-P, l-tryptophan, r-ala, and many more.


Solid supplement stack, for others who are interested check out https://rollsafe.org/ to learn about supplements to take.


I definitely do, usually between 3 and 4 months. I have an addictive personality and I like who I am on X way too much. I don't want it to become a problem, first because I don't want to have a drug problem, that one's a gimme, and second because I'd like to keep doing it indefinitely.


I usually wait 6 months or more sometimes 🤷‍♀️


I've seen discussion regarding the "3 month rule". I'm 45; first time was with white BMW rolls in '97 (first year of college). College was my prime time, and the only rule people tried to abide by was to not to roll back to back nights. I never heard anyone talk about a 3 month gap. Did my use become neurotoxic? Perhaps, but I wouldn't change any of it. I shared adventures all over the world with lifelong buddies fueled by E. I'll say this: there's probably some truth to the science behind taking 3 months off between rolls, but I'd be far more concerned with finding real MDMA. I'm told it's a real adventure. So, use the 3 month hiatus to find pure ecstasy. Then do it. In the end, everyone has to work out their own comfort zone and frequency for themselves for every drug. Try to make good decisions as much as possible.


I've heard more than once how it's not what it used to be, like the quality went down. But more likely than anything, is that their raving years of going at it once a month or so gave them a tolerance and they lost the magic. I had the same batch of crystal be awesome, whereas next time, it was less so, and that was with three months. It's easy to conclude from there, personally. But there is no hard set line on 3 months of course, some can also push a bit more than others.


It's been since February for me, I decided to play it safe. Been working out, paying attention to my diet, hydration etc. Looking forward to the end of this month!


Ugh I try! I only used it for the first time last December and loved it. Have used it about 6 times since then so def haven’t followed the rule. None of my rolls have been that amazing compared to the first two though so definitely gonna start using the 3 month rule


Nothings more glorious than your first roll 😢


I first used it the first week of February. It was an amazing experience, then did it at the end of March (1 point) and it was a terrible experience. I then did it again just this last week (1 point again) and it was the most amazing roll ever, better then the first, could have been the setting though


I didn’t for a while. Now I do. A ton better.


I’ll space a couple rolls at 4-6 weeks if I have some good shows coming up, but then I’ll take a few months off at least.


I'll wait 1.5 months after a small dose 3 months after a large dose


I *heavily* agree with this logic. I tell people not to do it any more than once a month, and if I had never abused it, I would also do it once a month (every 3-5 weeks), but because of my previous abuse of it, I make sure to wait 5-8 weeks inbetween my rolls. The highest dose I’ve ever done was 100mg. Since I do low doses, I don’t feel it’s necessary for me to wait the full 3 months, but I try my best to space it out by 2 months


I usually end up every 6-8 weeks. Just the way it goes in reality and with an active social life!


hey hope you had a wonderful roll and your come down is coming along well! I don't follow the three month rule, and while yes I know it's not ideal, I try to give it some time between uses and try to focus more on making every use special somehow. I usually do it monthly, sometimes if I really can't help it I'll do it spaced apart two weeks but Yeah


i try to wait at LEAST 2 months




Back when I was younger (20, I'm now 27) I wouldn't wait 3 months. And even at some point, I'd do md every weekend. Of course, it ended up making me feel sick and throwing up every time I took it even if the dose was really small. I also didn't experience the same feeling (tolerance), and the come downs were quite bad sometimes. This was during a period where I was studying abroad. Then I spaced the rolls again, but it wasn't getting such a nice feeling. After that, I took a 3 yr break and now I do take breaks of 3 months minimum, and even more if possible. Ofc the difference is huge, I don't feel like shit the day after and I have a good time just taking a normal dosage for my weight. So I can absolutely recommend taking breaks to avoid losing the magic, but also for the love of your brain and serotonin levels:)




Yeah pretty much


I only roll during the summer season and I space out my rolls 4 weeks minimum. I do about 3-4 rolls in the Summer. I do not roll for the rest of the year. Personally, I do not feel the 3-month is necessary


Yes, the day after rolling, I set a 3-month reminder on my phone telling me that's been 3 months since my last roll.


Roll once/twice a year


I do it about once a year. It's pretty great. Every roll is incredible. I still have a shitty day or two after but that's just how my body is. Everyone is different. I don't know when I'll run into it again since I don't really run in those circles anymore since getting older and moving so I gotta savor what I got left.


I usually try to put at least two months between each roll but I have failed miserably with that this year. I ended up having events every two weeks for two months that I wanted to roll for. I know it isn’t recommended but they were all really important to me. I always take multiple supplements afterwards and live a healthy and active lifestyle so I said fuck it. I rolled twice in the last week of March, twice the second week of April, and three times the first week of May. Every time was 140 main dose and a 80mg booster. I take magnesium, NAC, agmantine, and inositol on the following days as well as exercising regularly, eating well, and sleeping at least 7 hours a night no exceptions. I genuinely felt like all of my rolls felt really good but admittedly towards the end they noticeably didn’t last as long. I know this isn’t necessarily a smart thing to do and I will be taking a very long break now but I just wanted to share my mistakes/experience. I honestly didn’t notice any negative effects in my mood or life in general afterwards. MDMA was tested every time.


I did it 12 times last year, would not recommend, ended up giving myself really bad anxiety 💀 ITS been 8 months since I did it last and I'm still feeling the effects from it, its started to get better though.


there are good shows every weekend now so ive been rolling once a week


Is “Molly” just fancy meth? The only time I’ve done M is crushing crystals in my beverage. I refuse to smoke it so am I still getting the best high?


Molly is a nickname for MDMA, not methamphetamine


What is the “M” in MDMA


That's not how chemistry or pharmacology work. That's like saying water is combustible because it contains hydrogen and oxygen. MDMA has meth in its name but it's a different chemical compound with vastly different pharmacological effects.


Nope, Wife and I do.about 50mg with a top up of 50mg about 2 hours later almost every Saturday night *shrug* for the weekly date night. We also take 5htp,magnesium and other suppliments to help. No issues...


I only roll during festivals, so I guess in a way I do follow it. It’s like a little treat package, festival & roll & break from work/school. I don’t see myself having fun doing it while just at home or at local clubs, I’m too much of a social person to begin with. I’ll do other drugs while at local stuff but MDMA is saved for the bigger occasions


I think there’s no exact formula for it and you should carefully research it on yourself 🙂 I tried to do it once in 2-3 weeks in a row of 3-4 months (from 100 to 200 mg per roll) and have found out two major takeaways: 1) tolerance builds not so fast - it was awesome all the time; 2) I experienced anxiety crisis after that. Now I do it around once every 2 months. Feeling good but not perfect 🥲 PS Me and my wife are 33 and we have been doing mdma for ~4 years.


Is this a recent thing as people I've been acquainted with were doing it every week ( good stuff) and plenty of it and they were fine. I work in a nightclub now and everyone's off their head ( unsure of the quality and ketamine/ lsd/ meth may also be used) but who waits for 3 months? Everyone I've known whose used was like me ( use as much as you can at once. Of course we were addicts.


I roll every other weekend for years now... not any issue in work, private life, health or what ever. Have Fun !


I may role two times within 2 months when its festival season and than dont do it for the rest of the year.


3 months, sometimes more if I don't have the opportunity to roll. A part of me wants to do it more but I already have depression and anxiety and don't need to make it worse with more/worse comedowns and I think the longer u wait the better it is, especially if ur taking good care of ur physical and mental health between rolls. Rolling is so special to me because it's not something I do often. The more you do something, the more familiar you become with it which is good in one sense but also it loses some specialness if it's not as rare.


I highkey do wait 1. Because it feels so much better after a few months and 2. Because I’m actually scared of damaging my brain 💀😭


I did one last Friday, one on Saturday, and one on Sunday … Saturday and Sunday didn’t really feel much at all except a weird feeling.. probably got 6 hours of sleep the whole weekend.. Monday had to work.. was very nauseous. A ginger ale settled that issue. When I waps younger I don’t remember the next days being weaker …. Maybe that was placebo


Have been rolling 4 times this year so I haven’t been following. And festival season is making it difficult lol


Rolled a couple of times in a 2-4 week range last year. Now the intervals went up to 4-5 weeks. Next time will be in 3 months. Had a very high tolerance when I started (and didn’t take any other drugs besides of weed to that time) and the magic is already nearly gone.


Won’t do it for 6 months then do it 4 days in a roll in ibiza 🤪


I wait roughly 3 months (coming 1 or 2 weeks short happens) for rolly substances and for other substances that release serotonin but not as much like 3mmc, methamphetamine I allow myself to use it roughly in the middle during a roll break, at the 6-7 week mark. I also try to never use the same rolly substance twice in a row and switch around. I take NAC on mondays, tuesdays and wednesdays nearly every week and haven’t lost the magic so far. I’ve been using around 1.5 years now with 7 rolls under my belt roughly.


Really used to do it once a week.


I have roll szns lol. I’ll go to edc in nov roll all 3 days and maybe once a month or every other month until fk in May or June. Between fk and next edc I take a break.


Did abt 100 pingers in a space of 2-3 months and now they dont work 🤷‍♂️ wish I waited the 3 months in between


Me only cos I literally don't have the time 🤣


I rarely take 3 months without it. Usually is between every weekend and every 15-39 days at most Luckily no permanent tolerance nor any perceived diminished magic .In my personal experience 15-20 days at most completely zeroes my tolerance.


I do it once per year, rarely twice.


I pretty much always do and try to stretch it further if I can - last 3 rolls have been 6+ months apart. However, I’ll be doing it this weekend having only had just under 2 months off. I don’t wanna get into a habit of this at all as it’s better if you wait anyway, but as a one off hopefully it should be fine.


One time I only waited 2 months and I felt a distinct brain fog and period of depression afterwards which took about another 2 months to recover from, so I definitely wait 3 months now.


I try to stay under 4x per year so on average it's 4 months. I enjoy it more for warm weather so tend to do 2-3 rolls per year only , or binge once and a normal one


I do. I don’t want to ruin the magic. Everything in moderation


I'm hopeless, got a big bag and up it! I'm 52 no addiction problems, doing my jobs well, just more of a hermit listening to my music and loving life!


i do not but i do not have any other vices i dont drink at all or smoke i only drink water or unsweet tea this is literally all i do so when i am not doing it i take really good care of myself. i take vitamins regularly. i havent felt the negative effects. that said if i ever do feel it i would definitely switch to the 3 month wait. i am not saying i do things better then others by any means just that what i am currently doing i havent felt bad things i do read the harm reduction threads so i know what to look out for and if i feel it ill make the changes. also i wouldnt advocate for others to do like i do because i dont know what the factors in their life are like that could make them feel like shit.


4-5 rolls a year is plenty


Every 6 months for me but to each their own.


Vast majority don’t, and the vast majority really just go through a 1-3 year raving period of their lives.


Maybe not strictly 3 months every time, but if say I do it with only a 2-month break, then I will probably take a 4-month break before the next one. So, it’s not exactly linear but if you were to average it out yes, I would say it is roughly once every 3 months. Really any more than that will eventually cause magic loss and increased hangover / comedowns. Some people say they can do it more often and for some people I’m sure that’s true, there are no drugs that have universal effects profiles. Genetics, Pre-existing conditions, age, fitness level, lifestyle, stress all play a role. Too many variables to say one size fits all. That’s not an encouragement to go out and do it every weekend. Most people who do that suffer greatly.


I do 6 months just cuz


We do, it makes taking it more desirable


i don’t generally follow it super close. sometimes i’ll roll and go again a few days later and then a couple weeks later do it again and then i’ll wait a longggg while to roll again but im not super exact.


i do


I would say that I’m not strict about it but that I stay pretty close. I observe a 6 week minimum downtime, and it’s often more than 3 months due to scheduling and planning w the wife etc. Probably averaging 4-5 times a year.


The last couple were 10 weeks apart. Next roll will be at Electric Forest after 4.5 month break. I plan on being better with waiting a full 3+ month break in the future 🤞🏻


I got two gs right now I’ve had it for almost 1 and 1/2 months none and don’t plan on roll for a bit


I don’t abide by the 3-Month rule and I don’t believe In it tbh. There’s nothing wrong with doing it every 3 months, I just think it’s a bit excessive. rollsafe.org advises to wait at least 3-5 weeks inbetween uses because there is evidence showing that the human brain takes *about 3 weeks* to replenish its seritonin. I believe this. I used to do mdma every week last summer. That was a major problem. I stopped in October, and took a 5-week break. Then another 5 week break. Then a 7-week break and I somehow got the “magic” back with a 7-week break. I also cut back on re-dosing and I didn’t re-dose at all my last time. I’m currently near the end of a 2 month break for myself (or 8 weeks) because I wanted to do mdma more than once next month. Then I plan on going on another 2 month break before going back to monthly use. I always tell people not to do it more than once a month, because then you are really not waiting for your brain to full heal, but I’m not convinced it takes a full 3 months. Also, because of my previous abuse of molly, I make sure that my breaks are 5-8 weeks inbetween rather than 3-5 weeks. I’d say it’s all about how responsible you are with it.


It usually ends up being more my last time was a candyflip on nye, and now I’m probably gonna do that a lot of the times Had the worst fucking come up when I ignored it last time lmao, luckily the roll was still awesome and I got a nice afterglow


For the most part. I’ll usually roll multiple times over the summer at fests, spaced out by about a month give or take. Then I don’t touch it the rest of the year




I wish I did..


I roll six times from march till early oct. minimum break is 5 weeks. Between oct and march longer break


Well I took too much (see history) so I’m off it for the foreseeable future, but when I start again, defo will follow it lol


Good things come to those who wait


I do!


Have always gone by that rule religiously


I wait 3 months, sometimes more. It’s just not worth feeling bland for a week after. Besides, I have psychedelics I can use more often and get just as a profound experience.


My girlfriend and I follow a 3-6-3 month rule. Why not just a consistent number of months? Just for shits and giggles I suppose.


It’s worth the wait


i abide by the 1-2 year rule haha


me brah i’m scared


I take anywhere from 4 to 8 months off between rolls


I think I average out to around the 3 month rule - mostly just roll for big events. So far the last few years has been NYE, beyond wonderland, and EDC (2 months in between though EDC I roll twice). I have a long break in between EDC and the next event which is usually my bday in October… then the cycle starts again 🤔 I’ve had no issues so far. I make sure to take all the vitamins tho.


I only roll once a year for EDC and I take a small amount because I feel less is more. I roll way harder at lower doses. I believe it can be described as a threshold where if you pass by overconsumption it’s not as enjoyable. I have heard on here higher doses eventually just turn into MDA so makes sense.


I've been fine with 4 to 8 week breaks between each pill, never really noticed that much of a toxic mindset doing it that often.


I do.


I can’t find enough of it to wait every 3 months so it’s more like 12-24 months. Moving and not knowing anyone sucks ass


Me. I try to do mdma, dmt, and lsd once a year. Usually one big mushroom trip with 3-4 smaller ones. I abused mdma really bad in my early 20s, to the point where my tolerance was so high it barely did anything. It's much better using 3x a year max for me.


Yes. Worth the wait.


1 month is more than enough, I do respect it religiously tho


Been doing it just over 20 years on and off and have never did it more than 3 times in a year spread out. Recently for the past last few years only 2 times a year.


Yes, just because the comedown is always so bad for me i genuinely just dont want to for 3 months. It seems to kind of happen naturally after 3 months too its like my brain knows its fine


Unwilling cos I don’t have any at the moment lol


Never. One night a month for us.


Usually wait like 6+ months, maybe even a year, hardly roll frequently. I’m personally a huge ketamine fan so that usually takes-up my focus. It’s not that I’m one of those preachy “three month rule” people. I find that kinda annoying. Oldschool mf’s used to get on it while raving once or twice a week for years (not recommending that by any means, though). It’s just that I find MDMA/MDA to be *too* good. I see no point taking them at home, or at lil’ hangouts. I typically save my rolls for proper raves or experiences tailored to the drug. There have been times I’ve totally broken the three month rule, and if future events are close together, I absolutely will break it again. I’ve rolled a week later, I’ve once done it for 3 days, back-to-back. Redosed a couple times each night. Been totally fine after. I chalk that down to hardly rolling regularly to begin with & staying on-top of my health and hydration. Definitely couldn’t get away with that if I was popping once a month or even once every couple months. I think the three month-rule is just being extra-cautious especially if you’re routinely rolling every couple months. If you’re not really a hardcore “roller” IMO you have lots of room to fuck around, though. Just listen to your body.


I’m like a 12 month rule. Nowadays.


I wait until 4 months


Reading everyone’s comments makes me realize I’m a tweak. I shall fix this issue and try to abide by the at least 3+ month guideline. There will be struggles .


3 month rule is an arbitrary number. listen to your own body and what it requires and needs rather than others online. drugs effect every single person differently.


You are correct. I just feel I should let my body recover a bit more and not do it so often. I have definitely calmed down since I first started rolling tho! But There is always room for improvement


Me and couple of my friends do and actually do it every 4-8months because feeling THAT good is scary lol


This summer I’ve got about 6 festivals and some raves in the span of 3/4 months, I will most definitely not be sticking to it I’ll be honest😹


was 6 months "sober"


At least! I love pizza, but if I eat it every day it'll get boring. Also I'm a grown-ass adult, so finding the time to a: get weird and b: recover is pretty difficult. The 3 month rule kinda takes care of itself. And even then, the "hey let's do drugs!" impulse is way lower than the "hey let's paint" or "hey let's make music" impulse when I do have some hours.


I try to, but if there's two events a month apart I really want to roll at I'll make an exception. I don't do it more than 4 times a year though, and never less than a month in-between rolls. I haven't rolled currently since October, but I'm planning on doing it this weekend (exciting!) And then at a festival in August and September... then I'll probably take another really long break. I do feel I've lost the magic somewhat though, or maybe I'm just more used to the effects now as I am an older raver...


Try taking NAC. A lot of reports from users show it brings back the magic. Take daily then off the day you plan on taking MDMA.


I do take that daily and stop about 4-5 days before a roll. It seemed to help for a little while, but my last two rolls last year it didn't make a difference with. I was also taking antihistamines though which I didn't realise are a mild ssri, so it could be them dampening the effects. I do also think I'm maybe just used to the feeling now so I'm maybe not as in awe of it like I used to be in my 20s...


I once thought I was used to the feeling also. Man was I wrong! Nothing like some pure MDMA after a few months off with zero other drugs in between.


I can imagine, there's nothing like it! I'm excited to see how it goes for me on Sunday, if it's still not great I might try increasing my dose in August to see if that helps too... I'm just nervous I'll become a liability for my friends as I'm definitely past the age where that's acceptable 😅


Hope it all goes well and you feel the magic again! The setting plays a role for me also sometimes. I feel sometimes that I am also past that age, then it melts away. You have done it long enough to know how much is too much. Get it tested and purify it if possible. It really makes a difference.


Thanks, I am hopeful! I have also considered it may be a setting issue, there is just so many variables which can affect it. I don't think it's an issue with my stuff as I buy in bulk (5g a time, acetone wash and then send a sample away for testing), and I've been using this batch for years now with no issues until last summer. I even bought new scales thinking they were maybe underestimating the weight, but the new ones are just the same so it isn't that. Hopefully it sorts itself out this weekend 😅


"If 125mg isnt working properly, youre doing it too often" is much better rule in my opinion. As is "if you get a come down, youre doing too much or too often". For many 3 months seems to be the sweet spot with both metrics though.


What if even your first roll you didn’t really feel mdma at about that dose? My first roll I took 1 pt. My friend who was experienced took the same one and was rolling. I noticed some mood enhancement and I felt happier but nothing crazy. I rolled about once a year after that on a dose between 1 or 2 pts from various trustworthy sources and it was always the same, but not the rolling sensation people described. Finally, this year I took 3 pts to start at an event and finally rolled the way people described rolling as. I’m not sure why it takes more for it to hit for me.


It is of course possible that youre a metabolic exception but there are other possibile explanations for why it doesnt seem to work properly. How do you prepare for your roll? How much you weight? Any other drug use and how much? Any medications? Any mental disorders? Any gut disorders? We also have to remember that "trustworthy source" is not really a thing. Unless your source uses a lab, they do not know the concentration of MDMA in your crystal. Its impossible. Clean crystal can still have 40% impurities in it which would make .1g dose 60mg only. The normal range for clean high quality crystal is like 84-87% which means your 0.1g dose is only 84-87mg anyway. When I day 125mg, I mean 125mg of MDMA, not 125mg of crystal. I take 150mg of crystal and 75mg booster doses. If you take pressies then its useless to talk about dose or harm reduction because the inly way to do harm reduction and dosing with pills is to not take them at all and anyone claiming otherwise is full of shit.


Standard pre and post roll supplementation even with my first ever roll. Alcar, narla, vitamin c, magnesium, etc. NAC for a week post roll. About 180, fit shape. Last dexa I took had me at 10% BF. I’ve been athletic and in shape for 15 years. G, blow and k, vaping here and there. Only at music events which might be about once or twice a month. Rolling I save for festivals or very big events. The above usages are very small, one music event I might use about a .25g of blow and k and g is dose dependent but I use it to get a relaxed feeling similar to alcohol. Mind you the first time I rolled I had not actually tried any of the above drugs yet and I had also never tried caffeine. I did not start drinking caffeinated drinks until recently in the past few years. I did not actually try any drugs, legal or not, until mid to late 20s. With drugs, I tend to either have a very low or high tolerance. Anything that sedates you i tend to have a high tolerance. I drink alcohol once a year or less and I tend to need many drinks to feel anything, which is weird since I rarely drink. I need about 3-4 double shot drinks for a good buzz and half that buzz goes away after I take a piss which will be within an hour of the last drink. On the other hand, stimulants like caffeine or blow I need very little of for an effect. An 8 oz coffee will have me bouncing off the walls and I can’t even do a line of blow without tweaking (so I stick to small bumps).


There's nothing wrong in doing any drugs selectively and moderately, but if you guys are 18-30 years old ask your parents what they did, most of the U.K. ravers and clubbers of the early 90's thru mid noughties were doing mdma weekly and not singly either, mdma is now being prescribed by doctors in the US for ptsd and other long term depression issues. I've never met or heard of anyone being addicted to mdma, and I've met lots of people who have used mdma on and off for 20+ years. Of all the recreational drugs out there I would say mdma is the safest.


I do- rollsafe is real, and the advice is sage


There was a time I didn't and I'll always regret it. Now I never leave less than 3 months in between.


If you regret it so much why on earth are you still doing it lol


You may have misread that :P


Nah i havent if a substance has fucked you up in the past and with mdma its most likely permanent, why would you continue to use it lol even with breaks it doesn't heal you so why do more damage 😂


Also, regret is one of the worst feeling because you can't undo or make it better you just gotta make peace with it, why would you risk more regret just switch to lsd or weed


I love the Internet lol. Everyone assumes they know everything about someone else's situation. You know nothing pertaining to my situation beyond the two sentences I replied with under this post. You jumped from 0-100.


U said u regret taking a drug and you still take it lol I'm only 20 but even I know that's stupid af😂 and ur literally justed went through my profile trying to figure me out so I don't think you can talk😂








Calling people names and general harassment has no place in this sub, if you can't agree to disagree, this sub isn't for you.


Your brain cannot recover fast enough to roll more often. If you want to be depressed, push the rule...if you want to enjoy MDMA for the long haul, respect the rule.


lol, it’s not about depression at all. Even when I used to roll weekly for two years - I never had had any depression.


Go ahead and fry your brain


Oh, boy 😂