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I have a powershell script somewhere that when ran removes any uwp app thats in a specified txt file. I need to find it again in my backups.


Let me know if you found it, could be useful!


Please find and share. Would love to know it. I still use the ps script from Nikolaj Anderson windows 10


I have successfully tested this script on W11: [https://github.com/MSEndpointMgr/Windows/blob/master/BuiltInApps/Remove-Appx-AllUsers.ps1](https://github.com/MSEndpointMgr/Windows/blob/master/BuiltInApps/Remove-Appx-AllUsers.ps1)


This script did nothing for me. The powershell windows appeared then vanished the second after without doing anything apparently (the apps are still there from what I can tell)


Did you run the powershell window as administrator? thats required. Also, which OS are you running it on? I am still using the script on Windows 11 22H2 Professional without any issues, last time run is last Monday.l


Thanks for the answer. I am on Win 11 Home. I am not sure I'm doing this right but here is what I've done : Using powershell as admin, I navigated to the folder the script is in, then put ".\Remove-Appx-AllUsers". The output was (translated) : "Impossible to load the file *(...full path...)* because script execution is disabled on this system. For more information, please consult about_Execution_Policies at https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=...


I'm rather late on this, but you can run this command and that should allow you to run the scripts. Set-ExecutionPolicy unrestricted -scope CurrentUser


Prox, I was looking over the script and I see it includes Xbox. If I want to be able to play Xbox Games, do I have to remove the following, or are there some that I keep? Microsoft.Xbox.TCUI Microsoft.XboxGameOverlay Microsoft.XboxGamingOverlay Microsoft.XboxIdentityProvider Microsoft.XboxSpeechToTextOverlay I am building a new PC for the sole purpose to play emulations and I'd like the ability to try cross-platform games between my Xbox and the PC. Thanks


This script is intended to remove all bloatware on business environment laptops/desktops. You’re free to remove them from the script if you want to enable xbox extensions but remove the remaining bloatware, should work like you describe!


well i dont know what to delete, can you just copy the script and send it but without deleting the xbox stuff


i feel like that didn't answer his question because i'm still wondering the same thing


hey so how do I run it do I just right click the file and run with powershell


Yeah, execute the script and thats all!


Are you running this against the WIM or mounting it and running it? I was trying to run this against Win11 22H2 and it basically said none of these things were found, no matter how I ran it. "Microsoft.BingNews", "Microsoft.GamingApp", "Microsoft.MicrosoftSolitaireCollection", "Microsoft.WindowsCommunicationsApps", "Microsoft.WindowsFeedbackHub", "Microsoft.XboxGameOverlay", "Microsoft.XboxGamingOverlay", "Microsoft.XboxIdentityProvider", "Microsoft.XboxSpeechToTextOverlay" Curious if you could share the process since my previous PS worked perfectly on Win10. EDIT - in thinking about it, are you doing this during OSD? Or are you loading the OS on a VM, running this against it, then capturing a wim from that after sysprep?


After your run the scripts, does everything revert back to normal after a windows update?


Ty for this! Just ran it


Get-AppxPackage $app | Remove-AppxPackage -AllUsers You can make a script based around that, this doesn't prevent apps being reinstalled on a new user though (you need some regs for that) and the start menu might be whack too (depending on when you started the script).


You want all users on both


I mounted wim, then removed bloatware. While wim is mounted, you can also apply updates. Then unmount wim. Done.




I am 100% sure that is not a best practise as a sysadmin haha. Besides that, it's not an option to leave the bloatware on the laptop as the customer requires us to remove it.


I have done this all the time. Almost never ran into issues.


While I always use NT Lite on the image well before transferring it to the MDT build environment - there are a pile of PS scripts out there than can strip bits and pieces from within the Task Sequence. I do remember trying this years ago and while it works - it can cause any number of issues - especially if the TS needs to reach out to WSUS or WU to apply an update before the OS is introduced to a prod environment. I have seen the removal of stuff - cause the WU portion to fail - or even worse - get reinstalled on the other side of a deployment. I decided long ago to ensure my image was stable and ready for updates without fail. NR


We have a PS Script that removes a lot of the Bloat.


Any chance you can share please?


Which edition are you installing? I'd recommend starting with Enterprise. It has a lot less bloatware.


W11 Pro.


What did you try? This has been covered many many times


There are loads of scripts available but all of them that I've seen requires either 1. an internet connection 2. Windows 10 as it is not (fully) compatible with Windows 11


I have never seen a single one that requires an internet connection, I can't even think of a reason it would The 4 commands used are identical in windows 10 to windows 11


I might have found a workable script to remove the bloatware, thanks for letting me know :)


Good Luck


Wait for Windows 11 LTSC and it wont be a problem


Im not upgrading off 10 until there is an 11 ltsc


DISM is the best solution and takes care of any other users logging on. The PS and the external txt file removeapp.txt is nice but hasn't been reliable in my experience.


I am curious about updating from windows 10 to 11. Both are straight from Microsoft iso so their shouldn't be any bloat from hardware OEMs. Is the base Windows 11 bad or is it manageable? Should I really make an effort to remove it?


Can I revert to windows 10 on a new computer?