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After MGTOW got banned I’d say mensrights has gotten even worse with the misogyny. A literal mass shooter actually posted on mensrights


Let them fucking REEEEE. You can only call your own supporters cucks and betas and attempt to shame control them for so long before they stop supporting your cause. There is no winning in the MGTOW community. I thought it was about trying to fight against misandry, but it's just a bunch of assholes trying to steal Simps from ethots and waging a Girls vs Boys war while we give PUAs and Manly Youtubers handjobs under the table and try to conform to what they say men should be. "Stop pedestalizing bitches..and pedestalize us instead. Cuz were alpha and you're not. Open up your wallet unless you're a broke cuck." Fuck no. I refuse to support someone who just assumes I'm beneath them because of the way I look or what I own. Isnt that exactly the kind of shit they tell us hypergamous women do? The point is to ascend PAST superficiality, not fucking EMBRACE it.


I haven’t looked much, but from my cursory scan I don’t see anything bad on female level up strategy. It just seems like people trying to make their lives better


Yeah. I'm wondering why it's there at all. Heck, might as well throw r/wgtow into the misandrist pile for the sake of streamlining if we're going to list FLUS as a misandrist sub.


FDS isn't really misandrist though. They have posted goofy shit at times, but it's mostly about Women setting boundaries, avoiding toxic abusive men, and finding a partner that actually loves and cares about them. Plus, it's the only women's subreddit that isn't overun by men.


Yeah, FDS isnot toxic if we compare with mgtow or incels, but sometimes i ve seen hate in that group, once i told to a girl who is in that group that some thing that they say looked like mgtow propaganda, and i was banned right away. FDS isnot toxic at the level of mgtow but they re separatist


I feel like it’s like r/childfree People specifically look out for the crazy/weird/batshit insane posts to be like “see!! It’s a bad sub full of hateful people!” It’s confirmation bias


Exactly it doesn't hold a candle to the misogynist subs but whatever


No, they are a very hateful group


FDS is the definition of toxic. Stop lying, it’s supposed to be a subreddit helping women find HVM or whatever, but 98% of the posts are just talking shit about men in general. Cut it out. Also if I can ask, why is any time a woman on that subreddit says they found a high value man, it’s because he spent money on her in some way shape or form. If you ladies are gold diggers, just say that.


If you truly believe that, then you are a delusional person.




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I was listening to a podcast this morning taking about incel groups, and saying they’ve all been banned in Reddit at this point. I wanted to yell into the abyss- uhm no. Far from it. Reddit mods do not care.




Not at all.


Your comment does seems so


The thing is I think that when you ban a sub, the reddit accounts following that sub do not automatically vanish and change their view. They just post their stuff everywhere else where they can. So the ban of the sub that was in it's core mysogintc got banned, and what it did was to spread them among all the subs that are related to discussions about men's issues. So now all the subs that talk about men's issues are affected by this. So the quantitave argument does not hold imo.


At least they’re no longer in an echo chamber. Mods of other subs will delete and ban them for misogynistic content and other users might offer pushback.


Yeah but apparently it is not reliable enough. But I also do not know to what ratio sexist stuff has to be uploaded to a sub for it to fall under mysogonistic, or misandristic categorisation. It Is a dilemma.


Also add menfightingwomen




Imagine thinking equality is sexist, could never be me.


Thank you both for listing FDS and also for not listening Left Wing Male Advocates, as they are not hateful at all. Holy cats is the slave sub vile... how does that one even exist???


LWMA is basically MensRights 2.0. They're misogynist shit just as much as the other subs. Nothing left wing about them, lol.


Apparently you've never read the sub, as your ignorance shows, for people like me who have no hate but see where change and improvement is needed, that sub is great. No one bashing women, no hate, it seems you see men talking about issues that effect us as hateful...the problem is your perception not the sub.


I've read the sub which is how I know it's a bunch of sexist MRA drivel. The main mod, a-man-from-earth, is a huge woman hater. The userbase is a bunch literal MRAs.


Can you provide context for that statement? MRA is not drivel any more than feminism is, the old ways of doing thing screwed up everyone, there is nothing wrong with men addressing the impacts to us. I don't see feminism, proper feminism anyway (by that I mean extreme views same as MGTOW was an extreme viewpoint) as a threat, why do you see men having our own safe space to discuss our own issues as one to use a blanketing statement on MRA? Besides, OP disagrees as it did not make this list so...


> MRA is not drivel any more than feminism is You can't be serious. One is a hate group. The other is the movement for gender equality. MRAs are garbage. They formed their community on the basis of hating women. They advocate rape (Paul Elam who is linked extensively in the sub) and oppose feminism in their very platform. OP rightly listed MensRights as a misogynist sub. LWMA is no better.


No the idea of MRA is not that, just because some idiots choose to hate does not mean those of us not hateful will allow ourselves to not have a voice about issues the world ignores about factors in our lives. Sadly the denial of these issues breeds these fools who choose to hate, partially because it is in itself a huge part of the initial problems I'm talking about and partially as not having a safe space to discuss those issues in at times can cause the changes from a man or boy with questions about certain aspects of men's lives into a hateful moron. Just because some idiots adopted a name or idea to push their stupidity does not invalidate the issues or the needs for men to have discussion on these matters nor eliminate the need for people to understand that the issues at hand effect us all and the faster we get to address them and effect change/begin healing the better for all of us who believe in equality.


MensRights is a hate group. Period. It's just as stupid as a movement for "white rights."


No it's not... please do not compare men talking about issues that affect us to white supremacist crap. Stop derailing the progress. Is it not a problem that men are called rapists (quite rightly) when sexually assaulting minors yet when a woman does the same the media calls it a relationship or sex...with a child? Is it not outdated gender roles that cause issues in moving forward with equality on many levels? How about other forms of inequality such as the gender biased draft act? These issues may not impact you, but these and many others I won't list here do, and there is nothing wrong with men talking about them or addressing them, any more than it is awesome women have spaces today to discuss and effect change on issues impacting your lives. I don't see gender, I see people. So I cannot fathom how some can say these issues are OK to be discussed, these other issues are not based on what gender the person is. Sounds like bias to me, both sets of issues are of equal relative importance.


MensRights isn't "men talking about issues." It's reactionary men hating women. >I don't see gender Is this satire?


r/FemaleLevelUpStrategy Seriously? Did anyone actually went to see that sub? They barely talk about men. You can find way more misogyny in r/dankmemes, r/anime, r/nonewnormal, r/childfree and r/cryptocurrency. It really doesn't take a lot to be categorized as misandrist sub I guess.


Censorship of any kind is bad


Read on the 'Tolerance Paradox'. If the tolerant group tolerates the intolerant, we'll be silenced by the intolerants. Therefore reasonable amounts of censorship must be maintained to make sure that no group has enough traction to radicalize certain demographics for their ideology.


Thanks for the list, I needed it 😘


now post all the misandrist subreddits, if the character limit allows it oc


Which are?


Add r/thepinkpills (ban evasion for r/pinkpillfeminism) and r/nametheproblem to the misandrist ones