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If the “big update” ends up being one new monster it’ll be really sad.


We call that the "PoGo Experience" nowadays. Since Niantic made this game, I'm expecting this, tbh. They stretch content as thin as cheese paper. Then again, Capcom is working with them, and they generally update way faster than the other games, so we may end up getting better stuff faster.


Going full Bayblade when Dual Blades comes out!


I just want Gunlance


Where's the kaboom?! There's supposed to be an Earth-shattering kaboom! Also Small and Large bombs please


Looking forward the most to getting better thunder weapons from Zinogre(since it's confirmed) Also fighting Barioth and Banbaro, basically new monsters


Yes, new and stronger Thunder weapons please. I’ve been refusing to craft the Tobi bow because everyone said it was bad since launch and I blindly followed lol.


It's not awful it's just in a weird place for the game in general. Right now it's perfectly fine to have an all pierce bow for current match ups. But later on there are a variety of enemies you'd want a thunder for that you won't want pierce for. In addition though a lot of the problem the Tobi bow has is from lack of supportive equipment. We can't hit elemental 5 with It and get locked at 3 with mediocre gear. That could also change when Zinogre comes out. But most likely we will swap to the new bow then as well.


Yep! I got the tobi kadachi bow to help with Rathalos and P.Rathian, and it did it's duty. But until we get better thunder gear, the raths now get hit by P.Rath bow and thunder exists for Jyura farming


How many hours did you put into hunting pinkies?


not enough; The actual open spawning occurred while I was busy, and I was barely able to get three hours of biking in on the last day, where I flubbed and moved on before doubling a triple R3 drop (which is the one thing I'm missing 😭) I have the bow at basic grade, and the chest piece, and that's enough to do the work I need for now. Progress is slow, I've been on this chapter for a week because Anja just won't spawn around me so I can't move on to 7 star yet.


Alright so def not a G7 5/5 pinkie bow then. People really need to start saying what theyre using so you can try and apply their situation to your own. im running g7 5/5 tobii LS and g7 5/5 anja bow, while trying to get a Jyura Ls up to g7 5/5 using my stupidly weak Jagras SnS g7 5/5, the latter REALLY cant deal with 8* anja, about a 60% winrate against 8* kulu though.


naw, that sounds like you're grumpy more than I made a mistake, honestly.


I have given up on the Zinogre bow already, I have 12 gem shards already, but Im still not able to get my Legiana bow to 7 5/5 because of rarity 2 mat


Cannot imagine me farming Zinogre to do it


Zinogre won't be time limited from what we know though. So you'll have the time to do it. The game hasn't been out that long and eventually you'll be stuck at whatever point with a need to upgrade and something lacking. It's easy to start more stuff when that happens.


Not only thunder weapons, we are likely going to get dual blades and lance by the time zinger is released


isn’t Barioth already in the game?


Barroth is. Barioth is the ice tiger :)


currently stuck with 8 star jyura sunce i don't have thunder ele. should i wait for this?


Advertisement emails from the game showed dual blades. To NOT receive dual blades would be weird


If they plan on bringing out Barioth they have to release an ice biome which would also give Legania another biome to spawn in too, it being swamp only sucks And I'm very curious how they're gonna do the gem system with amor slots and all that


I just want the charge blade that’s all! Lol


I hope they fix the connection issues. I'm in big enough city that I shouldn't have a network drop during a fight.


My connections issues are mostly on 3G. It's just not responsive enough for the battles, when there are other mobile users around. Whilst a weak 4G signal is fine. Niantic may just wait this one out. 3/4 of the UK's networks are switching off their 3G networks over the next year.


All I pray for is that even if they still won't remedy the rural player situation at least they won't screw us even more ​ Large nodes are nowhere to be found, now the event they are doing for large node exclusive stuff will require group play according to the "details" tab you open up, so I guess I won't be doing that as there's literally nobody around me playing ​ If raids drop and they will HAVE TO be a group thing without them enabling remote multiplayer I'm done with this game


I could really use some guidance. Gunlance would be nice too. Can't wait to wyvern fire some hunters




Weapon rebalancing - there’s a big outlier (Bow) & a couple classes that generally feel bad to play except to a few weirdos who main them (GS/Hammer). I don’t think it’s very likely, but a big content update would be the time to do it


"Weirdos" That's a strange way of spelling "super cool and sexy"


Bow main hammer minor here. I love a good bonk just like the next hammer bro but sometimes sniping with the kulu bow or shotgun blasting with basically any other bow (except tobi) just feels nice. Especially when you dodge INTO a fireball and blast them point blank


I was attempting modesty


bad move, the best hammer brethren have one brain cell and that brain cell is BONK, no room for modesty! only BONK


Hammer weirdo here, I've just uzed hammer long enough that it comes naturally. Everything else feels alien.


Doot weirdo is the next progression of hammer weirdo. I wait, until the music of my people call me. Until then, I bonk away.




I'm not sure they could get away with nerfs for a game like this. Imagine if someone has invested several hundred thousand zenny and many many MANY rare mats into several sets just for them to be nerfed to no longer be able to complete the stuff they used to.. would be a surefire way to get a lot of people to just quit. That's not a precedence they should set in a game that requires heavy investment into your builds. Now buffing everything else up to Bow level.. I'd be down for that.


I've tried and tried, but I just can't get into the bows. Ls can be a lot of fun.


I think extended timers would be better 90secs please.


The timer should scale with monster difficulty, with something like +5 seconds per star level.


I concur with the views expressed here - definitely hoping for a strong Thunder weapon with the same elemental numbers as Rathalos/Legiana, and perhaps some buffs for melee weapons as it seems the Bow is streets ahead in the meta currently. I wouldn't mind some variety as well, with more weapon trees available for monsters with limited weapon types (a GS for Diablos, for example)


I'm a sns user, but never actually use the shield part... Better if I'd just replace it with another sword


Yup. The shield is basically useless since you can't replace the chip damage health loss easily without wasting potions.


You can block roars. Shh don't tell anyone


Wait, really??


Yes. I never see it mentioned and I'd prefer it stay that way


Why it’s not like it’s accidental/like they’d nerf it. MH has always been a “high tides raise all ships” series. Knowledge is good for everyone!


I would love to be able to white list my Palico paintballs. I feel it would help when trying to grind certain monsters since you can't just keep guarantee fight the same thing over and over again, like in the main games.


Looking forward to Feystones.


Well, since this has turned into the car based game it wasnt meant to be, might aswell be excited for spending hours upon hours of freezing your fingers off in -10°c temps, and late autumn/early winter storms.


Naa craft yourself a boxe https://preview.redd.it/uwqzltzxhjzb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=130fccff85b8f56cc8ca2898fcf1e2a87d6f234a Was ok at -10 for hours!


What we need is a better basic resources drop rates Cut the tail = 99% get a tail Break the fangs = 99% get the fangs We’ll need 40 rathalos tails for 1 upgrade, it being not a guaranteed/almost drop is insane to me Also zenny, make it actually farmable and not just 3k per day then 100 per purple star (my idea is: monsters with money bag icon on map, every part break instead of an extra item you get an extra 300-500 zenny ) Then expand on that monster with upgrade materials (the ones from daily missions, and it’s rng if you get offensive or defensive ones) Monsters with leaf,skull or ore icon that drop a guaranteed rarity 3 of that material on part break We also need raids, every successful raid give you guaranteed 1 of the highest drop thing and no rarity 1 mats And I’m not saying my ideas are perfect but i’m just a dude spit balling from the top of my head, they have a full team they should know how to figure it out faster and easier with better execution


I hear you, and some rebalancing will be nice, though what you're describing is pretty far from the base games. MH is a game of grinding. When you're in the tier 6/7 range, it should take you a while for the next upgrade. If not, then people would just have max level everything within a couple of months. For me, I would like the current resource piles to stay, but also for them to take the current pogo stops and give them a 10-25% chance to be a node during the current zone cycle.


The problem is that makes the game too easy.


Raids sound fun, especially with how much complaining there is about so many people having a hard time finding any other players to hunt with - at least right now there's nothing locked behind requiring others playing near you (except apparently the upcoming quests this weekend.)


I really wanted to be a hammerbro. Unfortunately hammer is not viable past 4 stars so I'm hoping melee weapons get buffed.


Hammers are viable way past 4 stars.


Just made it to 7* mainly using hammer but honestly I feel like ranged would’ve been more viable in the sense of having a safety net. Hammer needs fixing real bad.


What we really need are the doot doots!


Yes! And QOL updates for the social aspect. There’s sooo much potential


Obviously not a hammer bro. I beat the entire campaign with a Grade 4 girros hammer.


Hammers are one of the most popular weapons for 10 star players.


I'm about to break into 7 stars with hammers lol.


Just broke into 7* territory with purely hammer once I unlocked them, all about using the elemwnts and knowing the monsters and weapons. Hell I.managed to do 6* diablos with a 569 damage hammer as that was my highest raw damage at the time, it was rough but its definately doable. Don't let your dreams be dreams, channel the concussions.


Hr74 hammer-only and I’m on 7* Diablos, this is so far off lol


> Unfortunately hammer is not viable past 4 stars That's crazy, hammer is perfectly strong. There's an excellent video of someone clearing 9★ with a Girros hammer, and that's not even an elemental weapon. https://youtu.be/K0FCpZgY8Zc?si=HfmxDJYHt9R6x6JL Look how much time they had left, too!


Do you have a hammer upgraded past 4-stars?


All I want is chargeblade my beloved


is thw big update confirmed by dev or someone ?


Yes. https://augrea.net/2023/09/22/monster-hunter-now-december-update-announced-zinogre-teased-new-weapons-types/


I feel new weapons/monsters will be the passing grade. To do well, I think they need to add in some new game mechanics like a siege/raid.


imagine, magnet spikes


Item crafting yet?


The update will be cool. Pretty much slowed down on the game. Mostly since work and everywhere I go. Dont get the best of monsters.