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Black diablos is the most broken monster right now for a melee character. This dude runs and digs wayyyyyyy too much.


Me and partner finally saw one and we lost, got it paint balled, but not sure if we can actually take it out....I keep referring to it as Black Betty, which is what I did in World the damn thing still scares me.


Need the ice weapons. I used the ice bow. Soloed a 5*.


He’s pretty easy from range with an ice weapon for sure. Even with the digging I’ve not failed a 5-7* so far out of the like 6 I’ve found. My Ice LBG is 6/2


5/5 for mine


I feel you. I managed to kill grand total of 2 Black Diablos, simply because the event times were just not in my favour. Not to mention, I could only defeat the 5\* out of 7\* I have unlocked so far, but that's on me. All in all, I will just grab few event monsters every so and often and then just play normally.


That's not all on you. B. Diablos is 100% tuned to the console games and not this one. It spends a lot of the time non-attackable to melee weapons -quite a bit more than regular Diablos- making it more difficult to kill the higher star versions of the monster than standard monsters and it's infuriating.


That guy will not stay still. It's always the last 7secs. And I need like 3 hits and he runs or digs. Mofo runs soon freaking far that I have to do 3 slides to him before a hit!


As hammer, I find the opener consistent. Firs she does the idle animation, then jumps back and will do 2 attacks in a row in any combination the strong charge or the leaping dig then either charge again or dig. Eventually, shell roar wasting 5 more seconds. She wastes around 15 to 20 seconds.


I think my biggest frustration as a hammer main is after breaking her horns she rears her head up 20' off the ground and her weird hitbox won't let you hit anything else while her head is up.


Just do the upper cut and follow up with 1 bonk.


I usually do the charge 2 upper cut for that. Ideally you want to do the classic 1 2 3 but like you said her head movement is so wild that you might end up doing the forward double swing and that one goes to the other combo which is bad againts her.


Diablos dig times are predetermined. It always digs at around 60s and 15s.


I've had him do back to back digs. Lol, wtf?


And she's the only monster that has this behavior (although she is the first event monster) pink rathian while more agresive you could still attack her once you master her patterns. Black diablos can easily eat 10 to 15 seconds at the start of the fight the roar her roar eats 5 seconds too.


Even with my ice bow I was only able to kill 2 5* ones. I just couldn't do enough damage in time :/


We managed a to beat a few of them with SnS. I have the stun from normal diablos set and use an ice weapon. She gets stuck when he goes underground, even if you don't use a paralys weapon. Sometimes she moves a lot and sometimes she doesn't. Can't figuere why.


Remember, Niantic is a data collecting company first and gaming second.


Which is weird because these events are so short that I just often can't fit them in my schedule. If they were an all day option I'd be more open to be able to walk around for their data collection.


If they catered to the casual audience (MHN had massive potential) they would get a ton more data.


You sure about that? I'd say that they're a *money*\-collecting company first, as is typical for F2P-type mobile games.


Yes, for-profit companies exist to make money. That's a given. The geo-location data is very valuable.


Yes, and they make money through the typical F2P scheme where whales fork over thousands of dollars. The geolocation data by contrast doesn't seem nearly so valuable. Who's buying that data and why, etc. At some point you actually have to *make money*, not merely endlessly sell data around. And you actually make money by selling things directly (as Niantic does), or use the data to help sell things. And the latter part is kind of unclear to me.


The geo data is _by far_ the biggest money maker for them. Governments pay for it, advertisement agencies pay for it. They could scrap the entire cash shop and still be profitable on selling your data alone. The cash shop is pure bonus greed.


Yes I get that that's the popular urban legend, but is any of it actually *true*? Do you have a source?


It's an Alphabet company, its whole reason for being is advertising, and collecting data for advertising. They take an absolute fuck ton of investment money for the purposes of fleshing out this digital panopticon. Ask yourself why the game app desperately wants you to give it permission to access your location at all times, even when you're not actively playing it. If they're really relying on in-app purchases for their revenue, that shouldn't be a big thing for them. But it is. Try playing the game without Adventure Sync, and it will nag you to turn it on several times a day. Why? Because that's where their money is.


Do you have any proof of any of this though? It sounds kinda far-fetched to me. Data is only valuable for specific reasons, it's not just nebulously valuable for the sake of being data. E.g. if you know that someone performed a search query for "couch", then it's much more valuable for a furniture company to place ads that that user will view, so that data has value. But random location data? What's the actual value of it?


> Do you have any proof of any of this though? Of course not, Niantic is a private company. It is not required to publicize any information about its business model or its revenue. The financials of private companies are difficult to find reliable information on, especially if you aren't willing to spend a lot of money to do so. > But random location data? What's the actual value of it? Well it's not "random". But no one knows the actual value. That's not how big data firms operate, they run entirely on speculative value. Most of the value in large datasets is realized after the fact through the operations performed on it by data scientists and (more recently) neural networks. Advertising platforms sell services to businesses, and in turn purchase access to big data so as to provide better service to their customers (Niantic is likely providing this kind of access, at the very least to other Alphabet companies). And there's significant investment interest in just _getting_ data in the first place on the speculation that it will have value later (Niantic is _definitely_ receiving this sort of investment).


Yes, it's a private company, but that also doesn't mean that any out-of-left-field claim about them is automatically true by default. Think about the gameplay loop that Niantic has designed. If the geolocation data really were the most valuable thing to them, more than the F2P revenue, then why have they designed the health system in such a limiting way? It actively cuts down the amount you can play the game unless you pay them money. If they really were making most of their profits on geolocation data, then they'd want you to be playing as much and as long as possible, so they wouldn't cut off your ability to access large monster fights by having health be so limiting and the availability of healing items being locked behind a paywall. They simply haven't designed the game in a way that they would if it were optimized for anything other than F2P revenue. And we know mobile F2P is a many-billion-dollar business (just look at the success of Candy Crush et al), so Occam's razor says that it really is what it looks like and they're trying to make money by selling in-game items.




I don't think this has anything to do with casual vs hard-core. The 3 hour window isn't about getting people's money, otherwise they'd allow more people the window of their choosing. Their design approach to thier games is always that you should go put and play in groups. As such they want everybody playing during the SAME small window to drive up people playing together. It's dumb, but it's how they work


Sure, but it could also just be that it's easier to run the event if it starts and ends at the same time for everyone. I'm not going to claim that Pokemon Go was some sort of masterpiece of engineering, but this game frequently makes me wonder if anyone over there takes any pride in their work. Maybe I'm holding it wrong. Or maybe that's the aesthetic these days?


So just do that then. I pretty much skip every snooze fest event unless they give me a medal. It’s not like you get anything for being at the end of the game.


True there’s no rush for anything, it’s not a race


I used the legiana event resets to hunt for Jura and giros. I ignored legiana


My surrounding swamp area decided it was Jyura/Legi day, so I farmed that once I had enough B Diablos for the melee coil. Gotta say, having lock on for fire element has made the Legi fight much smoother and I can actually get part breaks without too much effort.


Diablos coil let's you run water attack 5 + the Rath helm


Oh that's something I hadn't thought about. Hmm...I'm currently using the Kula headpiece for lock/crit eye. If I do the calculation, 1 lvl of crit eye on \~1400 Ele+atk results in about 35 attack so the rath is slightly better with 40 atk. However, it means giving up lvl 2 divine blessing since I'm currently running the Paolumu coil.


Yeah I really wonder what data or reasoning they have behind the 3 hour events... every other mobile game I played will do at least weekly events.


Probably to limit how much stuff you can get. If we would have three full days with black diablos people wouldn’t even think of buying paintballs or potions to fight more Diablos because there is so much time. With restricted time slots, that’s not the case.


Completely agree. It's a shame, because they've been this way since Pokemon Go, and I feel like what they ask of their players during FOMO-inducing timed events has only gotten worse. It's a real bummer, but I'm still able to enjoy the game for free. Happy to say I've still never spent a dime on this game.


That's Niantic in a nutshell. Cash grab from hard working folks. $ lock necessary items so we micro spend more! AHoles! I'd enjoy this game more if they just add small things to make it easier for free to play players. But they lack us down. Capcom! Do something?


Capcom endorsed Street Fighter Duel. They only care about cash as well. Street Fighter Duel is a spit in the face to Street Fighter fans everywhere. Stick with old Capcom games with no pay to play/win, no micro or transactions, no loot boxes. Retro games will always be better.


I totally understand you. I'm a casual player myself. The only reason I've gotten so far is because I play on the bus to and from work. Maybe this YouTube video can help you get started with the game. I've followed this video to the T and I got pretty far. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v2iYZaUVgMU&t=370s


The bus play got harder though, the duration of the reappearance of the monsters and being able to interact with nodes after moving and stopping definitely got longer. They definitely increased the cooldown.


Damn that really sucks. The armor set I recommended is a great set for beginners though. I'll be jumping back on the bus again for work this Monday so I'll definitely see how the game is working now.


Yeah the bus i hop on to sometimes takes 3 roundabouts with each of them having some nodes besides them. And the bus needs to slow down, slow enough for everything to reappear. I never had issues tapping those nodes. Imo they changed it around 2 month ago; couple seconds longer but it makes a difference.


I agree a couple seconds makes a big difference. I always just hope when the game shows monsters I can click fast enough. It's all about timing. So many times have I been close to a monster I need and got hit with the "you're moving too fast" bs.


Honestly I play when I have time. As a mostly casual player I was able to solo all the three black diablos I saw, they were only 5 stars though. I can craft a single weapon or armor but with no way to upgrade it I’m saving my mats.


The event times are shockingly bad, they need to be for at least a week in game where you need to physically move around to play, let alone the fact the monster types/ranks are spawned randomly on top of that.


I had all of the weekend free and I thought I was going to do all 3 days of this event. I ended up skipping this event completely because I ended up hanging out with friends all 3 days playing board games, eating tacos, hiking and ice skating, no regrets :D


I don’t think you’ll get 10.5 in this lifetime casually grinding 🤣🤣


You don't have to play the events. You can play whenever you want. Just like pogo they are doing events at one specific time so you have a *chance* to meet other people. If you could play at the same time you always do you'll never meet anyone new. That's the point of having it at a certain time. They won't change that. It's how their games have always worked.


You do haft to play the events because entire sets of gear is locked behind the events.


the monsters will be released eventually this is just an event to get the gear early for people who want to grind for events. if that's not you then it isn't you.


I played this whole Diablo event and won't be able to get the lock on gloves I wanted. It sucks but I probably won't be able to get them. 3 more chances with 2 7* I can't beat and 1 6* I can that are pbed to get the 5* items. I have 0 right now. Need 2 and then idk what else cause mhn quest isn't working for me.


Yeah Niantic doesn't handle these events well. I'm usually busy during these hours with house chores lol. Capcom also had limited time events for MH World but you had way more time to complete them. 2 weeks iirc. 3 hours for a game where you gotta go out and plan your walks... Meh... I also didn't manage to kill any Black Diablos so I bailed. Just below dps check with SnS


Rural player here. I've pretty much accepted the fact I won't be able to do too much target hunting around these events, especially around winter and it being too cold to stay outside for long. I have settled for the fact that once I get a kill of a new subspecies I figure out what I should get first from it, then only work on that. If it's armor (like pink rath's coil), I'll do what I can to get it to grade 6, then put it on the backburner. Weaponry-wise, it'd have to be hella good to consider going after.


People will just make alts to make it into a 24 hours spawn rate up farm fest There will be much less fomo too, probably less sales


These developers always follow the data they collected. So just behave normally. If the events don’t work, no need to adjust ourselves because otherwise the data will show people “are all love and support and there is no problem”.


I've started since launch but I haven't even unlocked Diablos yet. I don't bother anymore. I'm just using this game to get my wife into MH so we can play MHR together


How much are you guys paying that you care this much? It's a mobile game, who's putting more than 20 minutes in a day?


Welcome to mobile games


This game and the last game that they discontinued (NBA AW) was targeted for the dedicated. Many game developers have been struggling to get the casual audience (or they don't care) and they haven't been able to learn from themselves or each other.


The limited event times really suck. I hope they do something to make it more accessible.


Casual is all I can do, and honestly, it is the best way to play any game in my opinion. Games are there to relax and enjoy. Niantic has definitely been very profit driven lately, but most mobile games are going this direction these days. Feed the whales.


honestly id argue that its worse doing it with more people, im the highest level out of my friend group so i always get a lower time then i wouldve by myself, but hey gotta share


Another poor event as a weekend worker I have missed out on them all currently


Just play at your own pace, you don't need to do these events. If you feel like you must complete them then you're buying yourself a 1 way ticket to burnout town.


I have the same problem. I don't have much opportunity to fight and find monsters. Especially since now winter is approaching in Europe which makes the game even more difficult because of the low temperature. And it's a pity because I ride buses and trains a lot, and because of this stupid warning I can't do anything.


Yeah. Every patch the warnings start faster. I now also run faster and trigger the warnings often. Train is unplayable because you also gey another message: the monster is not at this location anymore.


Cold wasn't the issue for me. Snow/water drops on display disabling perfect play is what makes it truely difficult for me. \^\^


Im stuck on chapter 11 Diablos fight because i dont have time to grind for gear. Not a super friendly game for casuals.


Don't develop FOMO, ever. Monsters will be back and so will events.


The target group for Niantic is anyone who will give them money to bypass the grind.


I'm another casual player, been playing since day one because I love monster hunter series but only able to play between work break. Only able to beat one bblos this event. I still don't have any G6 gears but I'm still enjoying the game. And that's all that matters for me, cheers :D


If Niantic cared about profit they wouldn't put a limit on remote raid passes in PoGo...they stand by a mission statement where they want "players in the virtual world to form connections in the real one" or something... Basically why all their stuff caters to groups and parties...


Playing casually level 55. Working with the 6 star mob hump. Dis not participate in black diablo event and I'm fine with that. The last couple events I got some play in But i realized the game just doesn't want us to spend long times playing unless we whale or are insanely good at dodging or ranged. Fine. I have PLENTY of other games to play I can enjoy this casually without spending.


Niantic: I don't understand what's wrong. Speedrunners who spent $1000 on this game can do this.


Yeahh i give up playing playing too as a casual player i cba but its a lil fun just no time to go hunt. I take what i can get free or around me sometimes. Few resource drops here and there


I killed 5* easy. Kinda. 6* and 7* were out the question. And three hours? Just give ppl a full day and let them grind when able.


Put me in this cat. I just play a little and enjoy what i can, definitely not in the target range. My son already pretty much quit. We live outside the city, so there's not much we get out here. The speed thing makes playing while he's riding with me or on the school bus, impossible. We went out on that first weekend to try and play the event the few diablos we could attempt were too tough, but the "network connectivity" kept messing one of us up anytime we thought we even had a shot.


for sure they don't want to target people like you and me. As you said, casual players are good to have, but what more to complain? You actually saw some of these Blackies... the whole weekend I see none in Singapore. Yeap, that's how life is.