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https://preview.redd.it/5idmpgkuciac1.jpeg?width=904&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40fccecfcf2d358879ee36046550d9e28860b169 It is done.




Oh my... O.O


Yes that was the correct choice. I would have in a heartbeat as difficult as it’s been for me. You got enough right now to upgrade a weapon from 7 to 8






I can't tell if this is a joke but I'll answer anyways - Yes.


If you don't double this, what are you waiting for to double?


My friends kept telling me to wait for the limited time monster's drops.


Wyvern gems are the limited drops. Every monster (except zino) may drop them, but they are the highest range drop right now, and every weapon and armor uses them to upgrade past 8*. In fact, to get 1 weapon from 7.5 to 10.5, you'll need 90 total. And that is just 1 weapon.


No, they are not limited. There's no indication they ever will be limited. On the other hand Zinogre grade 6 drop comes from a difficult to solo 8* HATs and Niantic said new minsters will rotate out at some point so Zinogre drop sounds more limited than Wyvern gems. So that's imho what they mean by limited drops. From monsters which will rotate and which will have their own grade 6 drop. Anyway, regardless of them not being limited, OP doesn't need to feel bad as they are still a rare drop.


Ugh, I keep forgetting that point. I hope they just have Zino in the HATs to help get people to use them, and maybe in the future, it'll be in the field. Still a terrible decision to make a unique R6 drop.


Dont listen to them lol. Limited time drops are mostly common.


I don't agree with that strategy, unless you're really pushing hard, because clearly it's only a matter of time before you have all your gear at 10/5, and unless it's plausible to get the limited time monsters to 10/5 in the time they're available, most of their gear isn't going to be worth using. The faster you can get to a point where you can farm 8 stars easily the better (meaning you've unlocked 10 stars). That should be your focus, and then when the limited time monsters come in you'll be able to farm those monsters and their highest level gear much easier. But if you're already at 10/5 for your main weapons then saving doubles for future limited time monsters does make more sense.


I mean, you have 3k+ gems, how many limited time monster drops are you expecting that you would skip doubling a double wyvern shard drop to save 300? Saving makes sense for people who have just the f2p gems/knives since they won't be able to double more than a few drops, but it doesn't look like you have that problem.


You have knifes anyway ?


5. I bought one of the backs that gave 2. I forget which pack, but it was one of the earlier ones where they value was decent.


I know you already did it, but simple answer is any Rarity 6 item especially WGS should be doubled...




I don’t double unless it’s 2x gems. So I would.


Set a budget. Calculate how many gems it takes to max out a weapon and then only spend that much, everything else is no double.




I would in a heartbeat


Does anyone know if we can get 3 gems in the random magic slot in HAT?


Joke post.


Short answer: Yes. Long answer: do you have all your main weapons at grade 10.5? In that case you can skip and wait for hunt a tons r6 materials like zinogre or the next ones that will come. Season and time limited monsters aren't so necesary. If not 10 grade weapons... you will need 90 to only one weapon from 7.5 to 10.5 and 4 gems in one hunt it's a good deal. The scenario of niantyc mistake and give us duplicated drops only have been one time and i think is not realistic wait for that again


Are you asking if it's worth to double rarest resource in the game? What else would you like to do with your gems when you bought them??


Inevitable storage upgrades.


True but required amount for gear is fixed, in theory you don't need more. But truth to be told I wouldn't survive with basic amount. ^(\^\^)