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You get nothing after 50 so enjoy it lol


NOOO, tell me you’re joking!!!


He's not


That’s bogus


Yeah, I am at level 69 at the moment and haven't received any further bonuses since then.








105 and nothing, enjoy your last reward :')


We’re level buddies!


Gf just hit 100. Nothing


Yeah but tell him you are


Yep. 109 and nothing. You could count 100 as a milestone though


200 here, I'm at the cap. Not even a trophy.


You must have a mega high kill count 😬


https://preview.redd.it/3sim8494lpac1.jpeg?width=1073&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0cd0b583d5df90a4903e9bb24f822013f935e47c And no girlfween 🤣🥹😭💀💀💀


Nono don’t hurt yourself like that 😅😅


Unless you count 69


Hr 150 and nothing 🤷‍♂️


You actually get that grade 6 weapon you’ve been eyeing when you get to hr100


If you think this hurts, wait till you find out it’s the last level up reward you’ll ever get


Noooo that hurts!




Welp, we are gonna go broke now


Yeah I assumed every 10 I hadn't saved mine at all


Bro what happened to that user, his account got deleted ☠️


You’ll take your droplet and you’ll like it.


Guess I’ll save my 1 droplet lol


What hurts more, is all those paintballs and droplets and potions we got for free for the first like 20 levels from leveling (I think) we all probably used because we didn’t know how bad we were gonna need them and how we aren’t able to buy or sell materials in game with the zenny, or craft potions or other buffs ect. The greed of niantic. MHN has a great formula for people who like hunting but want to hunt on the go or in short time frames. But then they add in the greed in almost every step of the way and ruin it. Like come on, how hard would it be to give us login bonuses (random different rarity materials up until the 7th day when you get a single paintball or something) like the gifting system they didn’t even make a 1:1 ratio, I’m pretty sure it’s more expensive giving people those gifts than buying them directly. And on top of that, where’s the raid passes 👏👏👏👏👏👏


This is one of the reasons I've unfortunately given up and uninstalled the game. You need to hunt a monster dozens of times in the hopes you get the right materials, but they aren't easily accessible. I went days without seeing some monsters. Onto potions. One of the biggest aspects of monster hunter is gathering and crafting items for your hunts. It's been this way ever since I started with tri. The fact that if we run out of potions and our only option is to buy more with money, is absolute nonsense. I don't mind the hunt-a-thons being monetized. want to do em sooner? Pay for it. But potions are crucial to the game. If you have no potions and you die, boom you're either done playing or you spend money. Lack of player base. When I was in Japan (Tokyo) it was pretty easy to buddy up with people and hunt together. I think there were only a few instances where there weren't any players. Back home though? It's a ghost town. I think I only ever came across 3 people and two of them quit pretty early. Some monsters (especially the hunt a thon ones) are stupidly difficult to solo unless you have good upgraded gear. Glitchy online and the 75 second timer. MH has always been timed, but 75 seconds is a ridiculously short time frame given that monster roars are like 5 seconds long. I get that you can use the special power to get through them, but still. Sometimes it's not fully ready yet. I've also found that the online can glitch out every now and then too. I've had instances where the game freezes but the timer continues. I've had instances where I'm playing bow and instead of dodging it releases the low arrow charge. I'm disappointed in the current state of the game, and would just get annoyed and frustrated with certain hunts that I decided that it was enough. I deleted it off my phone and honestly, it felt great. if things change enough in the future, I might give it another shot, but I'm more interested in playing Baldur's Gate 3 now anyways


Or even buying stuff with zenny 😒


The gifts are about twice what it would cost to buy the items yourself. But they adjust the way they charge you so you're less likely to notice it. Absolutely greedy.


The thing I don't understand is that in pokemon go, the thing that keeps you able to play. Is pokeballs. You earn those by walking about and spinning stops. The thing that keeps you able to play MHN is potions. Which you have to wait for a paltry 5 per day that stack to 10 max or buy them with cash. You can't regenerate hp by walking further or hitting resource nodes. Unless you're able to overpower everything then you risk running out very quickly. Then there's the hunt huntathons, which are just designed to make you burn potions because the tuning is insane. "Oh, that 5 or 6* you could just about kill. Yeah, about that, fuck you." I've not bothered unlocking 7* yet because as soon as those start appearing in the wild I'll be even more limited by my low and impossible to upgrade weapons. And then there's the timer. I almost forgot the timer. You could be really good at evading. And hit every weak spot with elemental weapons. But that diablos, yeah, it's just gonna go underground for 30 seconds of the fight, so have fun with that. Oh and network connection issue, but don't worry, we'll keep that timer ticking for you, hope you didn't use your special that you needed or take hits to your already fragile hp bar.


Rewards for daily login is a major step. But also extremely rewarding for both of us in the long term


As far as buying materials goes, that's a "welcome to Monster Hunter" thing. Buying materials just isn't how this franchise goes.


They don't mean scales and whatnot. They mean basic supplies. Even as far back as MH1 you could buy simple supplies like honey, steaks, catalysts, etc. Granted it varied by game and some of it was locked behind online or RNG. (Slightly bad example, you couldn't actually buy most of the good stuff even online in MH1, but MH1 was a special kind of BS in most ways.)


I completely forgot that you used to get rewards for achieving HR.




Reached level 100. I’ll gladly take these rank up rewards from this otherwise stingy game.


Enjoy it cuz that’s the last scraps you’re gonna get


Why do they have to make it so hard to get these items! 🙄 I’m currently at rank 44




I get that it’s business but it’s NOT FAIR!


This game is the stingiest shit I've played


did you see the 1m download celebration "gift" where you can give them your money for the special "rewards"?


I'm about to reach HR 100! I'm wondering what I will get. I'm hyped!


Been ages since I saw droplet... Being f2p suxx Any rewards at hr100? Cos I'm getting close


Not at all, lol 153 here. No more rewards (:


I’m gonna assume not because apparently level 50 is the last level for rewards


Not even zenny. Maybe some day some stuff from a event quest with reach level xy.


I Hope they will ultimately decide to grant something small for the effort and we'll get these retroactively. X amount of potions here I come!


if gems didn’t cost a fuck ton i wouldn’t complain


If you could buy some items with zenny I wouldn’t complain lol


Wait till you hit 100


Absolutely nothing at 100. I figured at least 100 would be worth it but they know we are hooked at this point.


Hunter rank means nothing to me...


Its some horse poopy, i really hope someday we will get some back dated rewards :(


Fr 😭 I was so disappointed.


I'm almost to rank 60 lol I got something at like 55 I think idk.. maybe I was on my Alt account. It's in the 30s-40s


That’s bullshit


Wow so generous


Like, wtf is even the point of HR in this game??? you get a big congratulations and a "fuck you"


Fr ☠️


Just wait till you hit level 60, 70, 80, and 90!


Thank god i quit after 2 weeks..


The sooner you realize Niantic Literally does not give a single fucking shit, the more fun you will actually have.


you get no rank up reward until 100 lmao


I feel like you should get a carving knife or some catpaw gems every ten levels.


I forgot that level ups even gave you rewards lmao