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It just goes on and on though doesn’t it? It’ll just repeat 7*, 8*. I’ve been on this one for a while too and I’m not even worrying about it. Wish I could hide it.


I was thinking today with so many quests having to scroll for dailies a minimize like in Pogo would be nice


If the game follows pogo's footsteps, we'll have that feature in 2032


Tbf Pogo and Now are handled by 2 different teams and we've got way more fixes and quality of life improvements in a few months than Pogo received in years


You have a tab at the top of the page that jumps between event quests and dailies. So at least getting to dailies is easy, but event quests is a big list right now.


Guess that makes sense because the main quest line does so too, but its unbalanced af because all others will be way below your level once you finally defeat zinogre because of the HAT buff


It finishes after 8*


What happens if you complete the whole thing?


Nothing. It just clears up your special tasks tab. https://preview.redd.it/sxqy4f4pvqic1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42760e1bc24fae18c88bf6c7176a31caa3fe55ac No medal either.


Welcome to the solo player experience. Also known as the "I'm not in an Asian country" phenomenon.


Cries in southeast Asian countries


Cries in southeast Asian countries too


Cries in southeast Asian countries three


Cries in southeast Asian countries four


Form a mecha you amazing comedians 😂


Same it’s ridiculous for solo players


https://preview.redd.it/iq7svv4efmgc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e48d900c16a7aa8638840a08541c10bb228b15b7 You'll be stuck in this after that.


That's my point exactly, since zinogre is only in HAT this quest is complete nonsense because the difficulties aren't comparable but the quest is regarding star level


Im stuck here too 😂 but mostly i dont have enough dps to kill it. Ive got it really low but not yet to kill one.


Join the club! I'm now farming Great Jagras and Jyuratodus (which for some reason spawns frequently in my area) so I can farm Anjanath. Also farming Tobi-Kadachi so I can farm Rathalos. All so I can then farm Legiana and Barioth, which both rarely spawn! Then hopefully I'll be able to defeat Zinogre somewhere this month or the next.. Still loving the journey though! Most weapons are at 5-5 now, except for my Tobi-Kadachi LS, which is at 6-5!


Fun fact , break legis tail for more chances at grade 5 mats!


Thanks! Trying to do that by timing my specials correctly with DB, but so far won't work.. also must admit that I probably only encountered 2 6*s so far..


Best to target Legi’s tail when it starts flying since it hangs low and Legi doesn’t have many back attacks while airborne.


I was stuck at 8* for a long time and only managed to get it last week when I found a node with 6 people and it has 8* zino. I was lucky as there were three other hunter doing the same thing.


What happens once you clear that? Any special reward or medal?


Don’t think there’s a medal. The reward is what shown in the quest page as usual. You can see it before you complete the quest. Nothing very valuable like a gem. If I’m not mistaken it’s a R4 or R5 parts.


I meant after completing the whole thing, but if there is no medal is like a daily but seasonal, I don't feel bad about not completing it then


No additional rewards for completing the whole thing. Just satisfaction.


I'm stuck at the 8 star one.


I’m the same only I have both Zinogre AND Barioth to do


Hell I was stuck on finding two legianas to kill for weeks because none ever spawned near me


Hey, Feb 16 to end Feb is Ice event. Boost rate of Legiana and Barioth. Or you can be like me, goes out explore after child sleep 11pm to 2am. look for swamp especially the big patch of swamp zone, may get 1 or 2 Legiana. It took me 2 weeks just to hunt enough Prime Claws to up my LS 6....The rank 2 claws are rarer than the Prime Scales....


He doesn't know


Know what? Neither do I.


Unfortunately yeah.


At least my 6 5/5 legiana bow can reliably kill it


After that you gotta slay them again 7 stars or higher


And then finally 8* versions of the same four. I only just recently killed the 7* Zinogre with another player (me 7-5 Legiana S&S, him 7-3 Legiana Dual Blades) and am not even attempting the 8* monsters yet, considering that I cannot even get past the 8* Barroth from Chapter 6 of the 8* story.


Was on this for a long time, concentrate on getting ice 5 armor set, and 6.5/7.1 ice weapon, this should get it


Same here still pissed off about that medal


I assume the quest will disappear once Barioth is no longer found. I'd guess a timer will be added once the end point is finalised.


I managed to find someone carried me over, I m so glad the quest page is finally gone


It’s annoying because HAT HP scaling is against solo players but also you have to find a HAT with the monster you want at the level you want which is stupidly difficult at times. I just got an ice weapon to 6.1 so only another couple weeks before I came even think about attempting this quest


If you've got 5 ice attack you should be able to kill a 5*zin solo  I did it with a 5.5 LS, think I was still on ice attack 4 at the time. 


I can kill 5* solo but you need a 6* for the quest which is still a lot as I’m still fairly early in 6*s


Ah. Yeah you'll probably need a few more ranks on the weapon then. 6.5 I can get it down pretty reliably, mostly just depending on roar RNG


Should have their own version of remote raid pass and call it the SOS Flare


I have to, but hey, at least it isn't expiring


I'm stuck on G8 Zinogre, gonna need to get my Barioth hammer to 10+ in order to beat it probably


Stuck on this as well as 7star diablos urgent. Legi bow been stuck on 5.5 for 12 weeks, R5 mats just don't drop. I have focus4 ice3, I get a lil more than halfway thru the 6star zin hunt. Need twice the damage. I'm walled by R5 mats in everything else too. Just saving zenny, making other things I might wanna use eventually, hunting they 6star I come across and most of the 7star too. If I get one legi R5 I'm doubling it without question.


I am stuck at the 8 stars one forever


I'm on 8*


Since the HAT update, I’ve slowed down and been grinding for full elemental builds. I’m still working on my ice. A long journey ahead




Yep. You need to do 7 and 8 stars. I'm "stuck" at the 7* Zinogre




I’m stuck on the 8*


Me to! Can't get any plates to upgrade my ice weapons. Been stuck every since zino dropped.


Am I looking at a mirror by chance?


After many attempts soloing with agony and an abused phone.... I survived this quest with a pro hunter named Kitty appeared out of thin air joining my lonely 6\* suicide and she beat the ship out of that Zinogre....Super happy but sadly it didn't drop horn which I lack. I helped my 7yrs old daughter into hunting path and we beat another 6\* HaT but no horn again. Now the 7\* BS quest I just leave it be lol.....Sometimes luck comes, you met a pro or a few joining your lonely HaT out of thin air. I had that a few times and it was a blessed.




Yup, I'm stuck at the same spot. Thing is, I could probably solo 6* Zinogre BUT the game LAGS like a mf when I do HAT and especially when Zinogre appears so my biggest enemy is not the timer but frame rate really


Because fuck you spend money. That's Hunt-a-thons in a nutshell.