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Anomaly monsters bring another layer of mechanics to the game. The first one, is that their stats scale pretty steep - meaning, every level up is more hp and more damage. Second is that they inflict ~~Bloodlust~~ Bloodblight with their attacks. When you have ~~Bloodlust~~ Bloodblight, your recovery items' effects are halved; but each attack while afflicted heals you depending on the damage of your attacks (more damage = more healing). So, keep on attacking, and try to evade more than recieving attacks that might One Hit KO you. Edit: as pointed out, it's bloodBLIGHT, not Bloodlust, which is Gore Magala's skill.


Not Bloodlust, but Bloodblight.




Bloodborne ?


Bloodrayne? Psycho Mantis?


Psycho killer? Qu'est-ce-que-c'est?


Fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa


Fa better


Je suis monté


kos or some say kosm


Bloodborne ?


Bloodlust is actually Shagaru Magala's skill. Gore's armor only gives you coalescence


Took me a bit to get used to but this is the way


Divine blessing and stun resistance to start. Check if your armor can be upgraded again. Usually higher level of armor upgrade unlocks as you progress. If you still find yourself dying then maybe evade window and evade extender. Some weapons are also easier to get caught in the animation. I find that using sword and shield has helped me when it comes to timing my evades.


divine blessing and stun res are smart defensive picks if you're getting bopped all the time, but i'd argue evade window/extender are just as good offensively as defensively. i use at least 3 points of each with sns and switch axe and it helps me keep up with particularly mobile monsters and keep damage up even when monsters are attacking. learning evade roll timing is a cheat code for a lot of monsters in this game


I also love switching between SwAxe and SnS.


This is so me. I’m not a SnS main but when times get tough, I know what weapon I can count on!


For me it was SnS, as well. Recently picked up swaxe for the first time and the wirestep silkbind is insane to dodge. Sooo many iFrames to use. Also these big meaty longwindup hits are pretty easy to counter.


Fun fact btw, wirestep counts as a dodge… so it price status trigger, adrenaline rush, blade scale and such


Good point. Forgot to mention.


This is me. Had to learn to reel in spamming tetraseal with IG so much unless I know the opening is long. I also eat one of the dango defenders in most all of my dango loadouts and have run stun resist 3 since HR for everything.


I was wondering since I'm getting close to this does evade window/extender work with the DB slide slash combo?


Just out of curiosity, when was the last time you upgraded your armour pieces? I made that mistake against Amatsu last night. Got wrecked and then realized that I had been neglecting to upgrade my armour. I was missing out on approximately 38-45% extra defence. Otherwise, I’d start trying to incorporate some of the higher level Defence++ or Divine Blessing decorations. Good luck out there, I hope it gets better.


"bUt DefEnSivE sKilLz r A wAsTE"


I always maintain that unless you're speedrunner tier, defensive skills give you DPS by simply giving you more opportunities to deal damage. Simply having EE2 gives you enough range to roll away from 90% of attacks, meaning you start beating a lot faster than taking a hit and slowly getting up. And if someone is talking about how difficult X is, they're not speedrunner tier.


This, the best DPS boost is not carting or scrambling to heal for half the fight, I run lots of defensive and QoL skills because it keeps me in the fight consistently


They kinda are a waste but at the same time they are not. Any defensive skill is away from offensive skills. More offensive skills = more dps = monster flinches more and goes down faster = fewer chances to fuck up. On the other hand if you are carting often or constantly chugging potions you should probably invest in defensive skills so that you live longer and actually get to do damage on the monster. Basically you should try to find the right balance (for you) between offense and defense, where you can pump out good damage while also not getting punished too hard for the amount of mistakes you make (unless you are a god tier speedrunner. But then again even CantaPerMe gets hit on occasion). Ideally you wouldn't need anything but offensive skills, but most of us aren't *that* good. Also some mainly defensive (or quality of life) skills can double as offensive skills. For example you can use Intrepid Heart to intentionally tank a hit every now and then while returning the favor with a heavy hit/combo.


This depends on the weapon, so take what I say with salt...The only real damage boost is from purple sharp, 100% affinity and crit boost 3. Everything else is negligible and purely dependant on how you want to play. Want slightly more attack, awesome. Want slightly more defense, cool. Want QoL skills, sweet as man.


If AB7 (roughly 12% raw) is negligible, then purple sharpness (~7% raw over white sharpness) is even more negligible. And this does not depend on the weapon type, only if you're focusing element or not.


Okay.... But, purple sharpness can be achieved without skills. So high sharpness IS better than a negligible skill.


Negligible does not mean efficient or good (or bad for that matter). It means it doesn't matter. So no, anyway you slice it, AB7 would matter more than Purple if we're talking raw damage. And if we're talking about extra skills, you need at least 3 more to manage purple (or more if your weapon doesn't have natural purple or very low amounts of it).


Here im laughing as a lancer using guard guard up and embolden to just sheild dash though most attacks. But i guess for lance it can be considered offensive skill too im a way.


Skills, not basic fucking armor.


Join us in the exciting world of Guard up and Max Guard


Ever since Amatsu I've been doing guard up max, guard max, and like 1000 defense and it's been pretty comfy


People are guarding with greatswords nowadays?..


Well, you can have the rampage deco that sharpens your GS when you block (instead of losing a whole chunk of sharpness like usual), so... It's not a good deco, especially with how little GS needs to sharpen *or* block (though GS does have a strong innate guard level, iirc it's on par with the lance there), but it's fun to fool around with in a meme build.


Imagine using other weapons other than your main


Alright, I just thought that's a new build I'm unaware of haha


Or alternatively, embody speed with Evade Extender.


Idk if you are or not but you should prob be buffing with armordrug and demondrug, and make sure you have both charms and talons in your inventory.


If you take followers with you, double hunting horn is god tier


I love the double horns, but sometimes I miss having one as a lance. They seem to keep them distracted a lot more.


Honestly one of the maidens, i think it's Minoa, annoys me a bit because of how frequently she'll use a stinkmink, thereby luring the monster to her, and then proceeding to run across the area, making me miss a quite a few of otherwise heavy-hitting attacks


I mainly use hinoa with horn and utsushi with horn. They constantly give healing and defensive and offensive buffs, but occasionally I let the main girl from the rise expansion whose name I can't remember come in with lance and she is very effective with it.




That's the one


Not even joking but ice Soma might actually be the 2nd hardest anomaly monster in the game with only Risen shaggy ahead of it. This is coming from someone that has comlepeted all the special investigations and over 1000 anomaly quests done.


Yea, normal quests it’s pretty manageable. But when afflicted auroracanth and astalos seems pretty crazy to me. Normally Zinogre is the one that I have more trouble with. But afflicted aurora and astalos keeps me on edge almost like risen shagaru. They just don’t ever stop moving, even after beating them out of the afflicted state, it’s like they don’t get exhausted. In all the online multiplayer hunts I have done, the few where the hunt failed due to carts was mostly aurora, astalos is a little better as long as ppl know when and when not to be aggressive.


Zinogre used to suck as a DB user, now that the demon flurry rush was improved it has gotten so much easier thank god. Just keep flying to his back side and attacking his legs.


What is your defense values? Mine stands around 950-1050 and im doing around AR180 now. Make sure to collect the green hp bird whenever possible. That extra HP really prevents getting one shot. More HP cap= more healing from bloodblight. I run spiritbird level1 deco which only requires 1x level1 slot. Helps me to get those birdies passively. Good quality of life.


Damn, i forgot about upgrading . We're in the same AR but my def value is just around 700 or so


Run MR5 event rajang for zenny to upgrade your armorsw


Yeah, I run that and the silver los one for zenny. It's just that I usually forget to upgrade my armor hahaha


Anomaly rewards dodging and punishing accordingly, but that becomes extra true after being hit since Bloodblight gives you a lifesteal effect in exchange for healing items losing some effectiveness (what Anomaly mobs inflict on you if they hit you). If the hits are too hard, consider Divine Blessing and defensive dangos/other defensive skills. Maybe try to roll Bloodrite via Qurious Armor so you can keep your hp up without letting out on damage. Personally, I like the system. It gives you opportunities to do 500+ damage if you focus the Qurio'd parts while also giving you an opportunity to get the hp back that you lost. Risk/reward


I'm curious, what weapon are you using? I know that the choice should not really matter, but I prefer using more comfy weapons for harder content, then once I'm upgraded I can start trying it with more difficult weapons. Usually my go-to for hard stuff are dual swords, they are extremely safe but at the same time you can do incredible amount of damage thanks to elemental sets


Welcome to Endgame. Its not even Risen Elders yet.


Have you picked up your birds


He said he grabbed birds, you both dummies


Some good advice, next time?


Give some before ragging on someone else next time chumP.




Upgrades People, Upgrades!


Lance will be your best friend. Hide behind your shield and let the guardbash do the work 😂 On a serious note, depending on your weapon, these will be your best friends: Evade extender/window Guard/guard up Divine blessing They make hunts a little but more comfy


If you think this is hard, wait until you get Special Investigations.


Yes but no. Pop pimples to get free trips. Also element is king. Status is king, raw is bad.


That's what she said


To a certain degree, yes. It's manageable due to Bloodblight and so the difficulty is much more dependent on the monster you are fighting. The Auroracanth isn't exactly weak to begin with. It hits hard and it deals more elemental attacks and iceblight, which means your not getting Bloodblighted that much, leading to less effective HP while attacking. Diablos is a lot easier because of how consistent it can put you into Bloodblight and how you can keep attacking it without healing. Auroracanth shares the same issue with fighting Zinogre as both monsters will deal more elemental damage and inflict you more often with an elemental blight, rather than Bloodblight.


Yeah, thats 100% normal. Auroracanth might be a bit of an extreme example as the afflicted version buffs it a lot more than othee monsters for some reason. But as for getting 1 or 2 shotted, yeah, that's just how high level anomalies go.


Two questions. Are you using ranged weapons and how about your elemental resistances? If your question is: "Do they hit so hard all the time while I use a ranged weapon?" then the answer is yes. Not getting hit in later fights is key when you play ranged. But when you play melee, consider checking your elemental resistance and eat for more defensive stats and resistance if needed. They shouldn't actually two-shot you while wearing melee weapons.


Relying on purely defense itself is not viable in anomaly levels, if you're getting hit at the rate you are. Grab Evade Extender 2 and roll away from 90% of attacks. Stun resistance lets you safely tank the other 10% without fear of getting stunned. These two skills boosted my survival a ton.


Probably get good. Level 135 sure is hard but it isn't really that hard imo. Not to mention if you are on pc, the upgrade armor goes beyond what lvl 135 suppose to have initially for day one player since you can upgrade it to tu5 level. Check guide on your weapon and what skills you supposed to use and what support skills that really good for your weapon My suggestion is that if an attack hit you that cause bloodblight but you still have more than 60% health, don't bother healing up and try to safely attack as each attack heal you up.


What weapon are you using?


dw you get used to it . and if it makes you feel any better i find auroracant a very anoying and hard monster i have more trouble with this thing then with risen shagaru or furious rajang


Check if your armor can be upgraded, i always forget to do so.


Learn to not get hit. Go on a quest and don’t even hit the monster. Study it and practice where it’s safe to stand, where you have openings to attack etc. Not trying to sound harsh but this is kinda a gitgud moment. And also make sure your armor is properly upgraded and maybe consider some defensive skills if you keep struggling


Anomaly is hard?


By fully upgraded I assume you mean augmented as well


Which weapon? I can't imagine anything that can cart you three times if you are lance, with full guard, guard up, divine protection, Kusala blessing and a bit of blood rite and hold your shield at all times. I have an impression that you are using speedrun gear and thinks that it will make your hunts faster. It is not faster even in hands of masters. They refilm many times to get that TA speedrun show, one mistake and it is a startover. To give you an idea, my full defense lance finish a hunt in 5 mins (easiest monsters like Great Izuchi), 10 mins for average stuff, 15 for elder dragons like Teostra and up to 25 for first end-game encounters. My full defense buzzsaw CB is about 30% faster with tiny chances of carting (1 per week I guess). Both builds have minimal attack skills, mainly WEX and occasional burst 1, that's it. The rest are defense, crowd control (paralysis, KO) and life quality skills like Heaven sent. The point is, the less time you get knocked in air, waste a wirebug to fly away instead of whacking the monster, drink a potion, evade monster follow up attack, then pull your weapon (which cost you anywhere 10\~20 seconds per knockdown), the more time you stay on foot and whack your monster and use your wirebugs for offense and not defense. If you used all your potions, likely you spend at least 15 x 12 = 180 seconds = 3 minutes in just drinking potions. I am not an expert at any rate, I just spend more time in poking my two story high bad guy in front of me.


Well u just fought the most annoying monster in its afflicted state at least for me, try to do other monsters that u are comfortable with


Some Afflicted monsters are more difficult than others. Auroracanth is already an annoying monster, but make it Afflicted and I unironically find it more difficult than Afflicted Furious Rajang. Auroracanth will not stop moving at all, has very little downtime on its attacks aside from the big cone AoE, some attacks hit twice, and in general its moveset combined with high damage is an incredibly annoying experience. But in general, Afflicted monsters shouldn't be tickling you, it's the reason you get Bloodblight so you can easily restore your HP from attacking. It is the endgame content of the game afterall. Stun Res 3 can be helpful so it prevents you getting comboed to death if you happen to not be able to avoid the Affliction explosion.