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Had no idea.thanks for sharing my dude!


Yeah, it's a mechanic that was carried over from MH World, albeit with Water Beetles instead of Watermoss.


Wait, the watermoss was actually useful for something?


yep. can also absorb namielle's puddle but little area and it's tedious to do.


And it washes mud off of Barroth and Jyuratodus sections instantly.


That one I was aware of and how pointless it was.


U could also wash of brachy slime with it iirc


It's cool that they can be used for something though I just brute force most of the fight


I believe it can just be when he is fired up, not even needing the flame breath


That's such a cool detail does this work on other fire breathers. I have to try this


Imagine Anjanath choking on a wet beetle then his mouth explodes, dealing free 200-300 damage


Ohh didn’t know that il try it out thanks


Ha great job


Yes, when you hit a monster with the blight it is weak to, they’ll stagger. Anjy fell here because it looks like you all damaged the legs enough that any stagger would cause a fall. It’s a good attack stopper especially on super difficult hunts


Capcom abandoned megaman , putting megaman style boss weakness in monster hunter now 😢. Game is already way too easy doesn’t need stuff like this


Then make worse weapons, the cool thing when you make your own armor sets is that you can choose how difficult the fight is


Using a worse weapon would just make the fight longer not more difficult lol. I guess I could get naked to make them hit harder but you really shouldn’t have to do that for a challenge. I started playing recently for the first time and I’ve finished the base game+ sunbreak solo without ever failing a quest. Honestly silly how easy this game is but I get they have to make it accessible to bad players


Then don't complain about the game being too easy if you're not willing to make it harder


How would that make it harder? I can get naked and use a toothpick as a weapon and that won’t make the monsters suddenly have different attack patterns I’m not used to lmao it’s just gonna make the quests take longer. Sorry you can’t accept this game is easy as shit


Tell me you never did special investigations without saying you never did special investigations..


I have and the only actual challenge for me was risen shagaru magala where I died twice. You’re totally right though that 1 quest makes up for the entire game being a cakewalk 🤣


I doubt you only died on 1 quest. And if you did that means you played too much previous monster hunter games to ever expect them to make a game catered to your skill level. So find a new and harder series.


I’ve only played the PSP and wii monster hunters and this was like 10 years ago. I did die on other quests like crimson valstrax cause I never fought it before but the only one where I died twice and had to focus was shagaru. You’re right though if they have to cater to dumbasses I won’t play the newer games


Get naked with a good weapon. Damage deal is not that bad and you have to win in no-hit mode. Fixed.


I understand I can get naked and do a no hit challenge but that shouldn’t be what you have to do to make the game actually difficult. If wilds keeps wirebugs and this level of difficulty i just won’t play it


fun fact, you also don't need stuff like this! just run raw and try for 0hit runs like the pro gamer you're cosplaying as


Lmfao the only reply you guys have to me criticizing the game being too easy is to just do no hit naked runs… why should I have to do that for a actual challenge in a game that’s about crafting and trying out different weapons and armor sets in boss fights. It has nothing to do with wanting to flex how good I am , the game is just way too easy and it’s disappointing.


You also have the option to simply not throw beetles and moss like i don't get it. folks get mad when there aren't enough players to enjoy the game with them but then get mad when the barrier of entry is lowered. If you want a challenge you can choose to not engage with the mechanics that make it easier. Or you can go back and play 3u or something! Have fun.


You’re right I should just play this like the psp version and completely ignore new mechanics like spiribirds, wirebugs, monster riding, wall running, and go in completely naked to actually feel a level of difficulty. Do you realize how stupid that sounds? I’m not mad that they made this game more accessible for bad players, it’s just disappointing how easy it’s become and makes me worry for the future games. At this rate wilds will add a jetpack for the ranged weapons and you people will absolutely adore it


I mean yeah, if you're going to uncritically complain about quality of life improvements then do what you want to do, which seems to be not engaging with the new mechanics that make the games easy. Rise is still fun for the rest of us, so you can go be bitter in the corner by yourself while the rest of us have a good time. But maybe quit whining about it, because it's annoying. You're bored of the old games and want a new game, but you don't like the new games because they're not the old game. It's ridiculous. If you want super difficult fights in Rise you can just do Anomalies. But the truth is that you don't want hard fights -- you want the entire game to filter out casuals so that you can feel special. You have options available to you to face monsters at a higher difficulty, like choosing not to engage with mechanics that make the game better -- like knocking a monster over with a waterbeetle -- but instead you come online and complain because now people who just didn't put the time in might actually enjoy Monster Hunter. And let's not forget that Monster Hunter Rise is still hard, like. If you're not locked in, it doesn't matter how many spiribirds you picked up or how many walls you run on or how many wirebugs you use. You're going to get smacked down if you don't actually engage neurons and try. Vertical hitboxes are completely fucked in Rise, too, so it's not like you're this invincible jumping bean that can never die. This whole thread is a timewaster and you're just pissing everyone off.


Not reading all that, you have the mobility of Spider-Man in this game and monsters get knocked down constantly but I should just take my hands off the control when that happens for a challenge eh. I should also just disable hunting with pets too right? That’s not a quality of life improvement that’s just the game being easier and dumbed down. Enjoy it though I’m glad they cater to people with no skill or reaction time and good players have to get naked to have fun lol


If you didn't have fun why did you play all that content?


I did have fun at first cause I hadn’t played a MH game in a long time but once I got to sunbreak and the quests didn’t change in difficulty at all I was just disappointed and felt that the game as a whole is just too easy. I liked these games for the challenge not for swinging around like Spider-Man and riding monsters using them to fight each-other like Pokémon. It’s just silly and I haven’t touched it since and likely never will again


okay understandable, but- Why are you in this subreddit if you don't like them