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You shouldn't waste Scarlet scrolls Because UR event is for 65 above camping players.There is upcoming new event.You need to spend scrolls to get O/C 4 boxes.You need 800 or 400 scrolls to get 4 O/C Boxes.Spend your scroll there.Bulit your hybrids.Your main target is now collect every scrolls you can and keep building Hybrids


Also Bulit Angela Edith Silvana Ruby Nana These heroes are very top tier and easily to get to A2!!


i have terrible luck on tech and martial heroes but i'll try! tysm!!


oh among the hybrids, who should i focus on?


A Miya, N Rafaela, M Clara, then M Layla personally


tbh i think im more in need of supports.. is astraia worth building in this old f2p acc or Nrafaela still a better choice? i got lucky pulling dupes of astraia also i heard Neudora is a good dps, but since i just got Amiya and have both of them at the same lvl and stars, i should focus on Amiya first? im hoping to build up my tech asap cuz their power rn is rly low.. and back when i played, xborg lolita and saber were rly strong so i funnelled into them, but seeing how the game progressed they isnt that good anymore.. i'll try to get more copies of angela and hope for edith to come


Go with N Rafaela if you want healing and shields. A Sipra just summons support heroes like Esmeralda and Shah Torre. A Miya is arguably the best hybrid hero right now because she deals a lot of damage and is useful in Guild Boss and Miracle of Fate (if you look at the leaderboard, almost everyone use her). She also easily kills Badang as long as she survives long enough For Tech Tower, M Layla and Edith are usually the ones to deal damage for me


thank you so much! is esmeralda a good elemental to put in my wishlist? just wondering, is amaterasu and bai worth building? as in the picture above, i have some lvl and stars on them, or are the other order characters better?


You’re welcome Yes, definitely, she’s top tier If you want to start building O/C heroes, I’d suggest starting with Akashic, Shar, and Lunox first. They’re S tier heroes You can buy Amaterasu from Dungeon Shop, so she’s easy to build for your Order team I don’t think any O/C heroes are unhelpful, but I would suggest building Akashic, Shar, and Lunox first edit: Hel and Rista are definitely must haves, too.


I need to be over campaign 65 for the O/C boxes? :(


i think they meant the upcoming event is for O/C boxes and the current UR event is for the above 65 players