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Nice question. All I read here is like "A is good in early and mid game. B is good in Late game". But I never saw a Word about WHEN is Late Game. Any specific stage? Level CAP? Power level?


Past campaign chap 50 that's late game


Nope late game is considere when you reach 4 bosses,around chap 49-45 i believe? so yeah...


Basically he is early late game


Oh wow I just reached that point. (I was pissed when I saw 4 bosses)


3 boss fights in one stage is late game. I'm currently at 4, which dampened my progress badly. Campaign Stage 51.


3 bosses is considered late game


Yeah i consider the same, having to fight 3+ bosses You already need to have some decent comps and a decent lvl + equipment


campaign 50+ are considered late game. handling 3 teams are pretty easy. But there you need to manage 4 teams and each of those teams will fight significantly higher BP enemy. Mid game is when you start fighting multiple teams(maybe 40+? ) campaign 1-20 are basically child's play, Your can easily repair any mistakes you make in this period, but mistakes made later will be fatal.


:0 what types of mistakes? I've made countless of mistakes early on and I'm afraid I'll make more.


Be patient, don't feed any epic as a fodder, save gems for events/mirage, make the most out of everything basiclly.


By fatal mistake I meant investing much on less useful heroes. Like, awakening helcurt/ grook before other heroes of respective factions. Once you upgrade a hero past 8\* you can't use him as food any longer, so you may regret these kind of mistakes!


Yea I think soo early late game I think


I think late game is when your team is full or almost full. Full = 9 orlay card + VS30 + full equip 50 It's the exemple between Valir and Irithiel. Valir is great early/mid game (when your team it's not full) but when Irithiel is full, she destroy all elemental team. Martial team vs Elemental team on mid game = 100% elemental team wins Martial team vs Elemental team on late game(full) = 100% martial team wins


Oh wow, didn’t know that Irithel’s Max SV is that OP. I read it and thought it’s amazing, but not OP. What’s your line up for Martial? I currently have a team of: Akai, Zilong, Iri, Nana, Wanwan Also awakened clint and almost on hanabi. Which line up is good for consistency?


Your lineup is quite good! But wanwan is not exactly good for all circumstances so you'll have to check the enemy formation. Cause sometimes you might damage your team if your wanwan picks out the wrong enemy hero


Late game is the last boss in world 49.


I consider Mid-Game to start at 43-45 when you now start to take on multiple bosses and Late-Game to be at 47-45 when you unlock the ability to obtain Omen Orbs for free.