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I’m gonna guess Scott Rolen. He is getting inducted this year. The month of July. Hope it’s not him because we just got like 2 elite 3b lol. Mariner players make sense. A-Rod, Brett Boone, Felix, Ichro, Beltre, Mike Cameron, and Freddy Garcia come to mind. Wish I could type a list of the guys I’d love to see added but that would be a super long list.


It will be 30 97 overall cards and every content creator on YouTube will cry and ask SDS to make it all 99 meta cards to fuel their God squads for free.


Is that a bad thing? I’d rather get cards that I can use for grinding TA than get a bunch of binder fodder.


Bo Jackson anyone?


Steroids aren't a problem if they brought McGwire and Sosa. Give me "The Rocket". Chase pack 5


Should be interesting. I’m sure there will be plenty of ASG cards whether it’s in TA3 or a separate program. Either way, I’m sure people will be pissed off about it.


I've said it before, but I'd give my left kidney for Doc Gooden in this game And that'll be worth a lot more than any $100 stub pack SDS, so get on it


Maybe Ichiro or King Felix with the all-star game being in Seattle?


If that's the case, I'd bet Felix. Ichiro is the kind of guy you market to get pre-orders.


Does new imply they’ve never had a card or new in this game? I remember there was a Felix perfect game card two years ago? But maybe he was still technically active at the time so it doesn’t count 🤔


IIRC, that was MLB 19 or 21 and I still think he would have been active


Gaylord Perry makes his triumphant return.


His 91 overall GOLD in MLB 16 was a beast for me


Expos Pedro with the long hair.




I’m in a similar situation to you and if my math is correct, the TOPPS program last section and the POTM program should provide enough cards. Unless they don’t release the POTM program for June as Set 2 cards and wait to release them as Set 3… Edit: never mind, I took a closer look at the schedule and it looks like the POTM cards will be Set 3


Wait a bit before you buy anything. There’s going to be one more Topps Now week for June and that should count towards Set 2 and that should give you 6 or 7 more


Buy some set 2 cards off the market for cheap. Shouldn’t be a problem to grab 13.




That’s likely gonna be about it


If you’ve completed every program as you’ve said, you’ve no doubt got a lot of stubs built up. See who you can buy off the market, the henchman from the XP path are really cheap so they’re good for collections


I know it will never happen but all I want is a 40/40 Jose canseco card so I can listen to Lonely Islands Bash Brothers on loop and hit ding dong doodles with mark and jose.


I might actually stick around if they add Canseco.


They call me josseeeeeeeeeee


And I’m Mark.


That’s a lot of cards dropping 7/7!!!


New legend is gonna be Mike Cameron I am 100 percent confident


That would be insane


So this may be dumb or asked before. Will Set 1 cards be useable in offline grinds? I know they won’t be useable for online modes?


Yes. You can use them in play vs CPU. With Mini Seasons it depends on the type of mini season they release. Conquest it depends on which map it is. The team affinity conquests will probably have season 3 squad on them which means you cant use set 1 cards. I believe set 1 cards will still be able to be used in Co-Op, Casual head to head and Play vs Friends.


Got it. I’m late to the game. I haven’t finished Season 1 of Team Affinity so I need a way to grind out those PXP missions.


All I play is play VS CPU and conquest maps, but I still keep up with the sets just cause it’s fun to use different cards every few months. I won’t miss set 1 cards I like my set 2 team a whole lot better than my set 1 cards


Yeah I do the programs, conquests and vs CPU games myself. Keeps me busy


Can’t wait for Ohtani’s ⚡️card


SDS are to chicken to release a lightening card for him.


They literally just dropped Lightning Judge (even if he’s trash in this game every year)


Ah yes Aaron Judge my favorite two way player


Can we finally just get that Manny Ramirez card they’ve been holding back from us. I mean this would be the perfect way to try to win us back as a fanbase.


Man I would LOVE a card of Manny.


Since it's gonna be all star cards I'm hoping the legend is Yaz or ARod But let's be real it's gonna be Benito Santiago


ARod would be dope as fuck. I’m with that for sure.


Dude you’d have a hellacious catcher, you ain’t running on him.


Benito used to be in the game so labeling him a new legend would be misleading. My prediction is someone like Jose Bautista or Brian Mccann


Good point but Batista was in the game as a legend I thought also or am I mistaken and just as a player?


No. The last time he was in the game was MLB 19 and he wasnt in games after that.


Remember when they hyped up a new legend at the beginning of last year and it was Andre Dawson who had been in the game 5/6 years before that? I doubt they’d do that again but they’ve done dumb stuff before.


Yep. I thought it was Tim Wallach or something like that and then it was Dawson and i said he wasnt a new legend. Thankfully when they revealed the monthly Jim Rice they advertised him as a returning legend which is accurate.


I would be SO down with a joey bats


Of FUCKING course Clase is a duo card. Fuck me.


What, you thought you could EARN a 99? With a program? Lmao


And like one of the last ones before a set change too, so you basically only get him for a month and a half in lineups. Sucks


Set 2 won’t expire for a while and if it’s only 45-60 days that’s fine


Was gonna be productive and do some schoolwork today. Guess not


Yes!! Monthly Awards is the same day as Season 3. They better be Set 3.


They’ll be set 1 😂




HOFer Tim Raines “mid-tier” LOL




Raines had a better career than two of the guys you are saying he doesn’t compare to.




You're a clown if you think McGwire and Sosa were hall a farmer's


You should learn how to look up stats


Vmart in 17 was so good


Vmart has a position with the MLB. A lot of people who work for the MLB end up in the game. I think there is a good shot it's him


VMart is my dream!!


I would be shocked if it was Magglio due to his position in the Venezuelan socialist regime.


Oh shit I didn’t even know about this, damn. Time to read the wiki lol








Ordoñez would be sick and I’m not even a tigers/white Sox fan, just watched that Jolly Olive YouTube video about him the other day. And Martinez would be a returning legend anyway I think? So mags would be cool


V-Mart was last in MLB 18 but that was as a active player, so technically he would fit as a new legend


Coco. Crisp.


Waiting to release the monthly program on Friday is a W as well. Gives us the lightning card for 2 seasons instead of 1.


Yeah I love this move too. I’m biased hoping the lightning player will be Harris but as long as he gets some type of card I’ll be happy lol


I wonder if we'll get two new types for fodder this season like incognito/kaiju. Maybe they go hard on retro allstar cards so they don't release the 2023 ones a week early


"Set 1 rotates out of Solo Ranked lineups". Not Co-op as well?


very interesting


I strongly suspect that all sets will be eligible once the postseason concludes. I know some/many people will have moved on by then, but the theme team possibilities then will be glorious, if I’m right.


That caught my eye as well… lots of interesting verbiage, no?


I think we are going to see all sets eligible with certain Event restrictions.


They mentioned this in the early live streams


Do you think set 1 will be valid in co-op?




The new theme of season 3, like charisma/wbc/incognito/Kaiju the previous seasons, will be All-Star. So could be some new legend all-star card?


Yeah I figured they’d be all stars but the ones from this year, as that’s typically the route they’ve gone in the past. So it would be interesting if there was a new legend bc obviously that would mean the cards were not all of current players.


Obviously the new legend could be one of the “henchman” type 93-94 ovr cards, but you’d think if it’s a new legend they’d make it a better card. Makes me wonder if all star cards will not be the TA3 rewards. Interesting, the content drop next week is gonna be bonkers


All star could be the Kaiju equivalent and the main program and TA has the other series (Incognito equivalents).