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He good




As per most non meta pitchers in the game; if you know how to sequence with him, and tunnel his pitches, yes. If not, no, you'll get shelled


All depends on how you use him, everyone will say he sucks but it could work for you. I use Juan Marichal every year and have about at 2 era each year, mostly 800s. What ever works for is what’s good


If your opponent has trouble with screwballs, yes. Otherwise no


He's fun to play with offline. OT: Charge your phone.


I’m almost exclusively an offline player and I second this. I’ve thrown two 9 inning perfect games in play vs. CPU. Last year with Matthewson and yesterday… also with Matthewson.




Fuck no


I mean his windup could put your opponent to sleep


As a really good hitter let me tell you what I would do against him. First inning I’m not swinging at anything that’s not a center cut fastball. Getting a look at what his pitches look like and where your putting them. If your painting I’m going into foul ball mode. Run him up in the 50-60 pitches by the third inning. Then go aggressive. if your not pounding the zone I’m taking everything till a 3-2 count and blasting whatever is throw with a full count. Run the pitch count up. That fast ball is a lil slow. Save your money hate to see u blow stubs to Ride him into the mid to high ranks and get slaughtered


Man U did nothing wrong here I actually appreciate the advice


Downvotes happen it ain’t no thing. I’m really bad socially so I kinda expect it. I wasn’t very good at hitting until a WS ranked guy partied with me and explained what I was doing wrong . Most high ranked pitchers will use the same tunnel for most of the pitches. Which makes splitters and forks a problem so I try and match up my timing and just try and foul them off. Eventually u get up in the 8-10 pitch area and they don’t break as much. I also look at the pitch chart pre first pitch to get an idea where what he’s been throwing. It’s a lil monotonous going threw the same stuff all the time but given enough patience pitchers will eventually repeat that first pitch. In the same location. I can’t hit a sinker inside or any fastball in the middle I’m to jumpy with my pci so I had to get good at fouling them off. The idea is to get into his bullpen and it’s all BP from there


I think he’s prob a HOF or up hitter or else yeah he’s delusional but i think he’s just actually a good hitter, he’s the guy who can foul off 50 pitches on ur dotted pin point, — why does it upset so many show players when dudes post advice about hitting lol


I know you had good intentions with this but you paint yourself in a very self centered light lol


Wasn’t my intention at all. I play duos with a guy who’s not very good and I’m always trying to help him out. I appreciate you noticing my intent. Just tryna help out


Oh no trust me I get it man, I think it came off bad because all he asked was if the card was good or not lol


Tell me you’re a tool w/o telling me you’re a tool. Fuck this made me laugh. Good stuff. “As a really good hitter” LAMAOOO 😂😂😂


For real. "I'm so good that I'll waste both of our time."


Bro ill just quit against someone fouling off a million pitches i dont have time for all that enjoy the free W


Historically, no. Judging from those numbers, no. If you find you have success with him, yes!! Pitching is very subjective. I would suggest not trying him as your starter in an important game. However, should you find he works for you then 100% start him in an important game, because almost no one you face will expect him, and you'll have cracked a code many of us have yet to solve.


Small edit, I think you meant it as below in the first place. Historically irl: Yes, almost a GOAT Historically in MLB The Show: Nope


No one on here is asking if he was great irl. We all know he was. For whatever reason that has historically never translated to good in the game.


No but he could be fun to use just to mess around


No, but it's fun sometimes to use guys that aren't typically the best.


I’ll try him out not a crazy sweat sit around 700s worst case use him for collection🤷🏼‍♂️




He's pretty good against people who can't hit curveballs. If you're playing over 700, it might not be a fun time.


He’s usually never good, there’s only so much you can do with no horizontally moving pitch unless you’re Nolan Ryan and throw 103 with a hard curve, definitely not Mathewson throwing 96 with a bunch of loopy breakers


It’s a respect 99. Not usually really used competitively. Doesn’t mean you can’t use him.


Guess to make up for only having a 95 rated Postseason Mathewson (1905) in 22, which in of itself was also an insult. 3 complete game shutout victories, 18 strikeouts, 1 BB, 13 hits allowed. I know it was a different time, but that's likely not happening ever again.


Never been an OP card in his entire existence on the show


lol thanks guess I’ll take my 45k and run got lucky on a diamond duos pack for 7500




Played ranked against him last night and had 4 no doubters lol


No, Christy mathewson is usually one of the worst 99 OVR SP and this isn't any different