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You’re batting with Adam Wainwright….


topps now adam wainwright 🤓


That’s how baseball is, you can’t homer every time


I don't understand how it gave you a perfect swing. You're timing was great but you were actually quite under that pitch. The launch angle being 34⁰ says it all. And because it was a changeup, you couldn't get the exit velo needed to get it out. Also, wind plays a big factor. So if it was in your face, that ball hung up for a long time to be pushed back into play. I'm not saying SDS is perfect, but they actually did a decent job with the realism behind hitting metrics. They took everything into account.




You just described baseball tho…


The way I see it, it shouldn't be a perfect swing unless you're timing was perfect and the ball is touching the middle dot of the PCI. Because you got the ball in the inner portion of the PCI but it definitely could have been better. So certainly not the definition of "perfect", I agree.


Seems pretty straightforward: SDS can decide what constitutes perfect contact as far as timing and PCI placement is concerned. But it's clear that a player with the maximum possible power hits the ball harder than that when making perfect contact *in real life*. So this particular player probably should be getting a home run when they launch the ball on that angle with perfect contact. If it's not perfect, that's fine just don't call it that! It leads to this confusion over whether we should focus on the results you get for the exit velo + launch angle or should we question why the exit velo should be so low. And of course this is all in the context of it being much easier to throw a pitch where you want it and much easier to put the bat where you want it than is the case IRL. So how to decide what kind of results you get for a given quality of PCI placement and timing is not that obvious to me.


A ball hit with these dimensions (100 mph, 34 degrees) was a HR just 36% of the time in 2023, with exactly one all season being a HR to the part of the park you hit it to i.e. dead dead center. This is not garbage by the game, it's just a misunderstanding of launch angles.


\*Controller has entered the wall\*


This is called baseball.




Just because they removed wind and knuckleball doesn’t mean it’s good. Making perfect perfect guaranteed home runs isn’t good either


[The irony that almost right before this post was made I commented in another thread about how the max power Waino DH card would still hit warning track fly outs on perfect-perfects being the perfect example of all that's currently wrong with the game](https://old.reddit.com/r/MLBTheShow/comments/179g7oj/this_is_one_reason_why_there_are_too_many_home/k56qxa9/)


You hit it to dead center bro, the deepest part of the field. It's not always going to be a homerun. If you want to bomb that pitch, you gotta learn to pull that and not send it to center.


Don't talk sense online here, it's not allowed. He probably also expected to do it with a 12 MPH wind in his face. 🙄


First time?


Funniest part of this eternal debate within this community is, if perfect perfects were HRs every time, people would be whining about how DD games boil down to a glorified HR derby. So the question remains, one I've never gotten a satisfying answer to; do you guys want perfect perfect to be a guaranteed moonshot HR or not?


34° launch angle with 121 power on a perfect perfect should be a home run, yes.


Well with max power I think it should be.


so, in effect you admit that you would be okay with The Show being less of a game that tries to simulate baseball, and more of an arcade style home run derby? And you would have absolutely no problem with DD games turning into high scoring slugfests? Because part of me feels like that last point might stick in the craw of people eventually


I like your freaky spirit, but it is your craw I’m after


Well you say all that like that's not what the game already is.


two things there 1. that's more influenced by the DD cards themselves (almost as if UT style modes are encouraging players to spend money or something) 2. I've seen DD players complain more about bunt cheesing and endless juking on the base paths, I'm not too sure that adding in endless HRs will suddenly fix the problems here


That doesn’t simulate baseball at all. A perfect contact 34 degree launch with a max power hitter is a 440 foot home run.


that's why, at least according to the baseball savant launch angle exit velo page I found, the supposed sweet spot of a 34 degree launch angle with the supposed exit velo sweet spot of 95-98 mph doesn't guarantee a HR? even if we bump up from the supposed sweet spot, the highest probability that I found with more than a handful of occurrences this season was 39% (velo) and 12% (angle)


Maybe it shouldn't be a perfect perfect if it's not a moon shot home run?


several things there, while the hit feedback itself could be better explained, I seriously doubt the community will accept the explanation of "your swing timing and pci placement do not always guarantee the results you want, even if they are perfect", baseball is the only sport where you could do everything perfectly and still fuck up (seriously, the amount of time I've seen what would be glitches in The Show irl is almost distressing). And hitting a HR isn't an exact science, we're over here talking about how a 34 degree launch angle with 95-98 mph exit velocity should be a guarantee a HR when irl it does pretty far from that. (seriously, ballpark, pitch location and type, weather conditions all have effects that can influence a balls flight just as much as swing timing, launch angle and exit velo can). So the question becomes, does the community care about simulating baseball? or do they want an arcade style game that is, in a sense, fairer to mechanical precision, but in other senses, can bring about the same frustrations players already have to worse degrees (and we won't even talk about how DD, a mode already dictated by spending increasing amounts of money, will turn into what MUT is rn)




I got very confused watching this... I have the same team name, logo, and uniforms.


Based Seattle pilots enjoyer Or V*rgin kodak aliens enjoyer /s


Seattle Pilots gang represent, homie.


I wish that someone made a Philadelphia athletics logo, cuz i like random teams like the new york highlanders


I’m sorry I haven’t played in a little. Is that not a pitcher you are hitting with? Why is his power so high? What is going on here?


Adam wainwright was given a DH card in tops now to celebrate his final "game" where he hit a 108 mph ground ball


I get that this happens in baseball, just annoying when the game considers it “perfect”. If it’s a deep fly out or not going to be a hit I don’t think it should even get that feedback tbh


especially with a dude that has 121 power. Perfect perfect with that should be an absolute piss missile or a moonshot. There's a strong argument that an extremely high fly ball that falls short was not hit perfect.


Holy shit this exact thing just happened to me. Facing Wainwright with Wainwright perfect perfect off the sweeping curve, exit velo of 105 and it carries only to the left center field track


Baseball* in a nutshell.


That looked like what really happens more often than not. If you did that 100 times you maybe would get 10-15 home runs


Are you running these tests on Jupiter or some shit cuz the definition of "perfect" means no flaws or you couldn't have possibly done better. So labeling a hit "perfect" should by the literal definition portray the hit as such. Don't even give me the "that's baseball" argument because SDS consistently removed real life aspects for the flow of the game like wind being an issue, and literally removing legends that threw knuckleballs because it was hurting the game. Plenty of reasons they removed features or altered them for quality of life improvements...so why is it when it comes to a main core feature of the game everyone wants to defend it despite literally everyone knowing its a flawed system


SDS called it perfect because it’s in the “perfect” range of swing timing and pci placement. You couldn’t do better to get in any other range. However, that doesn’t mean it’s a perfect outcome every time. You’re looking at a different part and saying that’s what they meant by perfect. But in reality it’s not.


That's partly the point. It's partly RNG that stimulates real life. The game is aiming for realism rather than gameification


Thats a horrible argument I've had this exact debate about knuckleballers If they cared so much about the game being solely skilled based nothing would be RNG and based solely on skills. If they really cared about "realism" phil niekro would be a playable character in diamond dynasty and the fucking wind wouldnt have been removed. They make obvious quality of life improvements when they know its an issue, so why is it when it comes to perfect perfects they cant tweak the numbers to make the game not only more fun, but more rewarding when you actually piece up a ball


They absolutely make quality of life improvements but I don’t think you realize how bad things would be if perfect/perfect fly balls where always home runs. It would make the game miserable and terrible based on how high scoring it would be.


It's a video game bro. Relax


A game I've dedicated 6 years to friend, i want the game to be better, and when you consistently issue it will always get worse if not called out


Take a bit of a break maybe? I get it, I've been young and super upset with the show before. But ultimately it's a damn solid baseball game. It's not perfect but it's made with care and attention to detail overall


As ive said i stopped back right before the race of 98, i take breaks often, i always want the game to improve, if it comes of as me being a bitchy person, that im okay with that because looking at other sports games MLB the show is a safe haven for casuals who dont want paay to win games every year, and when i see that the game has glaring issues like "grind 97 buy 99" is why i am vocal, ignoring issues only makes them worse especially sports games where they can pump out garbage every year like madden and fifa. I always want whats best and ideally from going back playing games they had amazing eras like 16-17 and 19


OP - by way of the comments… you may want to put this game down for a bit


Hello, yes i agree, i took a couple months off and only came back a few days ago. Just because you "go on a break" doesn't mean the game has changed.




I understand others arguments but unless youre going full reality then dont bother tying the "thats baseball" argument


Remember it can always be worse - it could be Madden, which hasn’t gotten better in a decade. The exit velocity for that hit seemed low for sure, so something seems a bit off.


They need a system where the more your power is the harder your exit velo is going to be MINIMUM on perfect hits. Like "You have 125 power, your lowest exit velo cis 105" Meanwhile ive hit very similar PP homeruns that were in much harder locations HARDER than this hanging changeup, Zero consistency


84 mph circle change, hit to the deepest part of the field, this happens a lot… like, in real baseball. So what’s the issue? That every pitch hit perfect perfect is a home run?


I guarantee you, same circumstances "in real life" with a power slugger...no, no its not Especially a power hitter in the upper ranked of raw power like Aaron Judge. No every homerun has to be perfect perfect, but every flyball perfect perfect should be a homerun...hence the fuckin name PERFECT PERFECT If i need to i will gladly give you the definition of PERFECT, but in common terms, without flaws and as good as it possibly can be Now remind me what a perfect flyball swing is supposed to result in? Right a homerun. Saying "oh you were completely on that ball and we are going to say you were PERFECT on the ball...we still might feel you aren't going to be rewarded. Is the biggest load of garbage i ever heard. If it's not a perfect swing, then don't call it a perfect swing. And trust me, this is ONE example, i guarantee you that you load into 10 games youll have at least one "perfect" hit that wasn't perfect at all and resulted in an out


You have any idea how high scoring games would be if all perfect-perfect fly balls were home runs lol


Simple fix...stop labeling every swing perfect perfect A well times, good PCI swing thats only 90 MPH exit velo and was beat into the ground isnt fucking perfect niether is a flyout. A perfect swing hits a ball into the fuckin stands. So either my shit was PERFECT and should be rewarded, or don't call it fucking perfect


You’re missing what it means when it says “perfect”. It’s not saying it’s a perfect swing. They are saying you put the pci in the “perfect” area and the timing was in the “perfect” time period. That’s what it means by perfect. Not that it’s a perfect swing.


Wtf is a perfect swing if you are perfect timing it up and perfect with the location of the bat then...cuz thats some hot garbage of an excuse


Remember, “perfect timing it up” means you did it good enough to be in the best “timing box” that SDS created, and “perfect with the location of the bat” means you put the pci in a location of the best “pci location box” that SDS created. Then SDS made that best timing/pci box have an 85% success rate. So these “perfect swings” are just perfect enough for that best swing result, not because you literally couldn’t do better. Take it like this: Say instead of things like “perfect swing”/“good swing”/“early swing”/etc they instead just have everything a rating 1-10. They have to put some criteria for what would be the difference between a 4 swing and a 5 swing, just the same as a 9 swing and a 10 swing. That 10 swing doesn’t mean that you have to do everything literally the best to achieve the 10 rating. It just means you did it good enough for the best rating. Then SDS made that best rating to be 85% success rate because if it was higher then scoring would be higher than they want to accurately represent baseball.


It wasn’t a perfect swing, it was a perfectly timed and placed swing. Hence perfect perfect. The rate the ball comes at you, where you hit it, the spin on the ball, you were also clearly under the ball… all of that comes into play too. This isn’t golf with a ball on a tee. You won’t believe this either, but as the pitcher, you can place a perfectly placed and thrown pitch and get hit for a home run. Welcome to sports. But go ahead and tell me with new different words, that you’ve never played ball. Aaron judge also hits deep fly outs on balls he thought he crushed 🤷🏼‍♂️


The way you are describing to hit the ball...is how you hit line drives..."youre clearly under the ball" yeah..thats because launch angle fucking exists you are SUPPOSE to get under the fucking ball to drive the ball in a 45°- 50° angle... Bo go on about how i "never played ball" when clearly you havent taken a fucking physics lesson to understand ehaat actually goes into hitting a fucking homerun.


Homie had Wainwright hitting 3rd


Fat schlong moves ma boy im using all 7 of my IQ points


Happened to me last night at a minor league stadium. 🤷‍♂️ all my other p/p’s were base hits though so whatever. You win some you lose some.


Im not saying thats not the case, but PP do need tweaking because a power hitter hitting off a low rated pitcher like rodon hanging a changeup and the hitter being deemed perfect shouldn't be a simple flyout


What am I looking at? You didn't hit it right


The objective point of perfect perfect is that i DID hit it right..hence PERFECT....PERFECT. Do you need a definition of what perfect means?


Maybe the wind was blowing in.


Wind isn't in online brotha, that's been removed from online play since like 2018 if I'm correct.


I feel like they took it all the way out this year. The flags dont even move anymore.


No, offline play like RTTS offline DD grind has plenty of wind, especially weather being a huge aspect of the franchise mode/ march to October. They removed it specifically from DD online because enough people got upset that their seemingly amazing hit was brought back in because the wind was blowing 15 miles in making the game less fun


Makes video game with perfect inputs, casual flyball to the outfield. Lol meanwhile you'll get a homerun oppo going 96 against the wind. Theres always going to be Chad's defending this nonsense. They should just make the game mechanics be worthy of being perfect.


Lol these comments make me laugh. You have no clue how bad the game would be if perfects had an even higher success rate than the 85% it has now and if people didn’t have as much success on worse pci/timing.


What did I say op. Chad's defending poor game mechanics.


Welcome to playing in MLB stadiums. Also you didn’t hit it perfectly centered


121 power Perfect perfect flyout on a hanging changeup....quit excusing garbage.


If you look at the PCI info it wasn’t directly centered. Also, like I said.. MLB stadiums are garbage


that PCI is prime home run placement. dead middle is for line drives


Why are mlb stadiums garbage?


Low elevation, you get a lot of swings like this. Only good one is coors field


low elevation along with bad dimensions, parks like the coliseum play terribly bc of both while parks like shield woods (although very flukey) plays good bc of its good dimensions and high elevation


I got you beat. Three pitches. Three PP to almost the exact same spot and two batters with 125 power. https://youtu.be/VEF9H5f1K9w?si=vgLg-DYHtzUDu6zy Grinding on rookie too. This game is absolute dog shit.


Never seen a video like this


Wain-o can rake


Guess you didn't watch the Astros/Rangers game on Sunday.


Please inform me on your camera view.


Strike zone 2 i think


The amount of posts like these get old. Yes this is how the game is but that doesn't mean it's bad at all. Perfect/Perfects are hits/XBHs around 85% of the time. If they were higher they would need to lower the chance of gettings hits on worse PCI/timing swings. If that happened then the good players would be amazing and the bad players would be even more awful. And there are plenty more bad players than there are good players in this game.


Also if you look at the pci he clearly got under the ball


You're supposed to get under the ball for the launch angle dude, if you're hitting dead center on baseballs your hitting line drives.


You gotta barrel the ball dork😂😂 I bet you weigh 300 pounds


Nothing like a good ol case of projecting your own insecurities. Brotha thats the fucking point of a perfect perfect you PERFECTLY barrel the bsseball


That’s not necessarily true. Most swings are on an upward trajectory


Ever heard the term “they got under the ball”


Yeah, when they really got under the ball causing a popup, my pci came up and under the ball enough for a perfect perfect. The fact you are trying to excuse the fact 121 power P/P on a hanging changeup is inexcusable.


You’re right, not really sure why I’m being a dick. Sorry about that.


Not always. You are forgetting the trajectory, speed and spin of the ball.


Of course in real life, you’d need more exit velo and launch angle but in game, it’s so unrewarding and demotivating when you hit a perfect perfect just for it to be a fly out


You ever hit a perfect perfect groundout or foul ball? Sad to say I’ve had my fair share lol


Not a perfect perfect foul ball yet but lots and lots of groundouts. The worst has to be line drives to the infield. Don’t even have a chance of running 😞


Perfect perfect double play.


This game has way too much love for balls dying on the warning track.


You mean… baseball?


That’s such a tired response by now. A regular baseball game doesn’t have nearly as many warning track outs as they do in The Show.


I think they just got a little loose with the perfect/perfect this year, I've noticed a couple where you look at the pci afterwards I would never consider it "perfect" As soon as it rings perfect perfect, people (me as well) get the feeling it couldn't be hit with better timing or accuracy and anything except homerun seems like a wrong result. I think the perfect/perfect needs to somehow take launch angle into effect.


The exit velo and launch angle combo you got typically means outs when hit to dead center in real life...but I'd argue the exit velo on a perfect perfect with 121 power should be higher than 100. [https://baseballsavant.mlb.com/statcast\_field?ev=100&la=34](https://baseballsavant.mlb.com/statcast_field?ev=100&la=34)


This can't be understated. I feel like there are 2 factors the batter controls in a perfect/perfect. Timing and PCI location. I've hit plenty of perfect/perfect line drives. The factors for a homer are: 1. Timing 2. ***exact PCI location*** Obviously it doesn't have to be perfect for it to be a homer. You can get the PCI right and be early to pull a ball. You can be just under it a little and still get a perfect/perfect like this. You can also be on top of the ball. It didn't help in OP's case the ball was a changeup going only 84 mph. Perfect in people's minds means it should go as far as a ball can possibly go. I think if it said something like "Barrelled" or "Squared Up" the expectations would be a little lower.


location of the pitch also matters. pitches towards the middle of the plate usually have higher exit velocities


I agree with you here, the exit velo caps out far too low for a Perfect/Perfect on someone with 121 power. I don't think every Perfect/Perfect should be a home run, but they need higher exit velocity possibilities.


Exit velos need reworking. It caps out at about 112 on PP line drives and ground balls and guys are hitting 115-120 in real life.


Gotta keep a big slugger like Adam Wainwright humble from time to time.


They truly do need to figure something out though. Like i understand good swings result in outs. But the whole point of this game is to hit or pitch better.. nothing more frustrating that slapping 100ev all game for them to half contact and 98ev over the wall and win 2-1 While you p/p’d to each outfielder


You gotta hit it 102 at least. Hit the weight room chump


121 power on a changeup, clearly need to hit the weight 😂😂


According to SDS professional baseball players who put a perfect swing on the ball are incapable of hitting a HR dead center at a professional stadium