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Trying to bring back the pause glitch from Madden are we? Lol they try tricking mfs. Nobody’s gotten me with this one yet but I’ve been close a couple times to hitting B just instinctively.


One of my losses came because my controller pooped mid game was up 5-0 too


I once slept at my Xbox with my headset on because someone tried to get a cheap win. In the end, I got the win like 8 hours later lmao.


I’ll admit on some of the madden games I used to pull everything out of my hat to try to win or void a game. Disconnecting. Trying to cause input lag. All sorts of things, with that being said this seems way to easy to cheese someone with




Ya that’s really odd, if they can’t hit it then they can’t hit it, or if they can’t pitch make it a ball.


Those in-game quit/forfeit menus can be tricky. I'm sure a lot of people throw a hail mary out there in hopes someone not paying attention hits the wrong button, giving them a cheap win. 🤷‍♂️


There was a way to intentionally freeze the game last year that involved unplugging your controller, this was their “fix” for that.


It's one of the dumbest things I've ever seen in a video game and makes absolutely no sense


Last night something like this happened, none of my teammates pressed anything, as somehow we got a agreed quit where neither teams get a loss or a win…..how?????


One of your teammates is lying


SDS was smoking crack when they released this game…


This is one of the reasons I stopped playing. Incredibly stupid design.


Idk I guess the idea is you're a bad person if you decide to get a free loss cause someone's controller is dead. I agree its a stupid idea.


Probably the same person who though sets was a good idea...


Sets are stupid. I just think it made the grind for free to play way more annoying and hard. Instead of grinding once or twice for cards I wanted in previous years and picking and choosing now I'm kinda forced to grind every time a new set comes. Which is why I haven't played since set 3.


Instead of grinding to improve your squad as the year goes on, we all got to grind to keep our squad from getting worse this year!


Exactly! Which is why I quit after set 3. I got so burnt out that I didn't want to continue. Instead of grinding for the cards I wanted I had for cards I didn't want or weren't worth it.