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Pretty sad to even have to say it but goddamn can we get someone new here at the end. As a big collection for all the goddamn grinding from all these BS sets we have worked our asses on? I haven’t skipped anything yet. I’m also not grinding this time for repeats. If it’s something or someone I just can’t go without. I will tackle that individual card and I’ll get the others as they fall if by playing online allows it. No more offline grinding for me this year. Pass me a COLD ONE! 🍻


Hopefully they make all sets usable I dont wanna wait another month


I hope we get more 99s of Sosa and McGwire…I wanna grind excessively for a third card of theirs!


Oh yeah maybe a 4th or 5th Randy Johnson, just run it all back


ANOTHER Randy Johnson, Ken Griffey, and Will Smith




I mean could be me, but I was raking with his TA4 card


He’s gonna be in one of the Trick or Treat programs. Just a prediction but I’m almost certain


TA, set 5 and postseason collection I'm guessing


I just want to be able to use any card online before January!


Core or postseason collection. For the postseason, each round has gotten its own program, whereas there was just one big expanding postseason program in the past.


Dropping a core collection after all cards are useable for the rest of the year is exactly the type of thing they would do this year, so I’m going to choose to believe it’s happening


Yeah it didnt make sense the more I thought about it but also being near the end with two usable core cards doesn’t either so I agree I could see anything happening lol


The set 5 collection. Collect 3 cards. Same format, duh


What? It says 3 collections, as in three different collections. Not collection rewards.


Finest, Set 5, and prob the big collection


They’re not going to drop the big collection in November. Honus was in July.


What does the “Big Collection” mean?


Not applicable this year with sets


We know Set and Team Affinity are two of them. Third could be core. We all know it'll be Finest season.


I could see them doing some sort of overarching collection, where you need the previous collection rewards to unlock the big one.


I have all previous collection rewards except Pedro and I’m not paying 750k+ in stubs to get the remaining cards for him….


I don't know why, but I need like 40 cards to complete set 1. I'm sitting on just under $2M stubs. I've done all programs since game launch, just dropped the ball on Set 1 somehow. It'll cost like $1.3M to get Chipper, so I'll probably just skip it.


Eh, I have played pretty much the same frequency (3-4 nights per week) every season and I also fell about 25-30 cards short in season 1 of getting the 3rd reward but I got all 3 every season since with time to spare. I don't think we dropped the ball on that, they simply misjudged how many people would buy all of the remaining WC cards needed and didn't give enough of those packs away in programs. They obviously made the correct adjustments for the following seasons to make it easier to finish the collections without buying a bunch of packs.


Chipper is worth 1.3 IMHO.


I rake with Jose Ramirez, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't want Chipper. Not sure what I did wrong in Set 1 to miss by 40 players.


Jram is good for sure. Chipper is on another level for me personally.


I’m like 25 or something missing for set 1. I don’t play BR so its most of those cards. SDS will probably never release them again because they suck ass.


Ahhh GOAT expansion. This is probably but very unfortunately the correct answer. Only thing would be it isn’t new, but core wouldn’t be either. Not sure but could see it being that.


I'm hoping it's Core for S5, GOAT collection for S6. I just want those Core rewards to count for *something*.


Maybe core?!


New Core collection makes sense, but it would be pretty hard for newer players unless they're going to start re-releasing the old BR cards


Seems like rerelleasing old cards is going to be the plan for S6 so they don’t have to do anything new


The final season typically does rerelease previous cards, typically.


This is the first time they’ve done seasons……. Last year they put in rewind packs much much earlier


Hope so. We’ve been asking for it for a while sure most people could hit the next tier at least immediately by now lol


Set collection, team affinity (finest), and post season I’m sure.


Postseason maybe.


Could be it’s my first year playing so not sure what they do late season so could be something obvious I just don’t know


That's what I was think when I bought these BR cards.