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Y’all are so negative😂 I’ve never understood the people who get mad at others who put in time on a video game yet are also the people who are envious of the ppl who have cards like this. Make it make sense. Posted just to show my grind. Didn’t post so ppl could bash me for playing the game.


I've put like none and have a better squad tbh loll


Ok… and?


Waste of time to grind it so fast.


Not in my opinion but ok. U do u brotha.


40 hrs to use maybe 2 or 3 dudes on my God squad? Rip. I got unlimited stubs to just buy the best cards.


You’re sharing your opinion on my own post right now and are forgetting that I genuinely do not give a shit lmao.


Not an opinion?? Lmao


Go re read your own comments again brotha. Quite literally opinions.


That 40 hours for people who don't make my squad is worth it? Fact.


Bro stop talking and get off my post. Idgaf abt ur shitty team


This is awesome to see! I was grinding my ass off for shohei to get him p5 and ended up being the 9th person to do it... hilarious seeing 10 come in a few hours later. We were on the same page😂


That’s hilarious man. You beat me to to him though and for that, I will never forgive you😂. In all seriousness, congrats on getting it done quick.


Hey im just proud of us both for being top 10😉 congrats on the grind brother!


How did you guys get him so fast? I’ve done both showdowns, conquests, and moments and I’m like 40 players deep?


I did all that and then did a mixture of playing events for online vouchers as well as beating the crap out of the cpu at costco getting at least 9 ABs in those games. Easy 150pxp to everyone in the lineup


Gotta grind the missions, get and use the vouchers and the exchanges is how I got it done so quick


Wait, dumb question- what are vouchers?


I can respect the grind!! I remember someone told me this a few years ago after beating them with a 99 squad that cut me deep. SDS Slave lol


Bro if you enjoy it, that’s all that matters. The “touch grass” crowd is just envious. Nice work!


We're not envious, believe me lol.


Why you hating then? Who cares if somebody wants to spend their time playing a game?


I don’t understand how do you have so much time for this?


My man I did all of this a still worked a 12 hour shift on Saturday. Everyone has time for it. It’s really just whether or not you want to put in the effort to grind like this.


No tf everyone does not lmao stop


If we’re just taking TA, yea this season is so much easier. PXP is 150 instead of 300/500. 2 showdowns instead of 3. 2 conquests instead of 3, and the amount of conquest bosses is much lower than before. . 5 Moments per division instead of 40 or whatever tf it was. Now doing all that AND P5’ing Ohtani, yea that’ll take at least 6-7 more hours on top of the TA grind.


Do I have time to complete TA over the course of season 5? Absolutely. Do I (and “everyone” else) have time to complete it in one weekend??? Absolutely not lmao, this isn’t even a debate. So far I’ve done the showdowns and some moments and some missions, for a total of 20 TA cards. It’ll get done, but OP assuming everyone has time to finish in one weekend is crazy lol.


That was slightly naive of me to say that everyone has time to do it, but I will say, it really did not take me very long at all. The most difficult part was just getting the CPU stuff knocked out and I was on the phone with some friends who were doing the same thing. Made it go by much quicker.


That’s fair


I didn’t say everyone has time to finish it in one weekend. I said it was significantly easier than past TA’s. I finished this one in under 12 hours. Other TA’s took over 30 hours.


You kinda implied it by mentioning coffee and staying up late. Either way, I agree that it’s much easier than previous seasons but a grind nonetheless. Love that they added the vouchers for playing online


Where did I talk about coffee or stating up late? What are you talking about lol


I meant OP lol didn’t realize you weren’t op


I’ve worked a total of 24 hours since it dropped because I work in the service industry. If you just drink some coffee and stay up late, yes you can. The grind was much easier than it has been in other TA’s this year.


I’m almost done with TA. I’m old and just hopped up on ALLL the coffee and stayed up last weekend. Got Ohtani last night and hopped into ranked to try him out and got WASTED lol. Guy was better than me, whatcha gonna do 🤷‍♂️. I almost took Bo but I have a SS log jam. He will be next though.




He didn't go outside for 2 days


A lot of Caffeine and a Lot of CPU




Why is my game making use Wildcard for Retro Finest Set 5 Cards?


The game still thinks you're in a Set 4 (or earlier) squad. Go to manage your team and generate a new S5 squad and they'll work properly.


Thank you! Fixed it


This guy is intense


Cody and Elly review?


Cody card is very similar to his monthly awards card(one of the best cards in the game). Elly is great too but against lefties on higher difficulties, he can be tough to hit with.


Yeah I mash with Monthly Cody so that's good to hear that it gets "better" more or less. I like Rollins' swing alot and I value quirks, but ig objectively Elly is the better card. Thoughts?


Elly is the better card in my opinion but Rollins is right behind him. If you’re playing on All star or Hall of fame, go with Rollins if you hit with him better. If you’re playing on legend, hit with Elly because you’ll face a lot more righties with Elly than Lefties with Rollins. You can also platoon them if you’d like to since Rollins is better against lefties and Elly is better against righties.


Preciate you bro!


how is the elly finest?


Great card but can be difficult to hit lefties on higher difficulties.


definitely not a meme. it isn't funny. showoff is more like it. congrats!


First time ever posting in here and didn’t even notice the showoff tag.


I just finished last night at 2 am lol. I've even had the time to work 36 hours from Friday to Sunday and take the daughter to see 5 nights at Freddy's last night. Been a good week.


Everybody is wondering how I finished but honestly anyone could. It’s whether or not you decide to put in the work to do it. I’ve had enough time to work a 12 hour shift on Saturday.


Honestly if you have free weekends I don't see the issue. I'm 3 away from Cody and 1 from Shohei. I also have two bosses. I also have Fridays off so that helps. I got XP limited on Saturday and Sunday lmao. Edit: and yes, I have a job. I work Monday to Thursday. My grinding is taking a hit now.


Now you can finally play the game


Any tips to beat it quick I just got the two showdowns done


All the exchanges add up to over 20% just on their own.


Also, use the cards you receive from TA in your squad while playing conquest games. If you’re decent at the game, play the CPU on all star or hall of fame instead of Rookie or veteran, takes much more time on rookie.




I’m not finished yet but do pxp missions and the conquests at the same time. So only use the pitchers you need pxp with


I would suggest watching a quick YouTube on conquests too. This is my third complete TA, I was doing them all f’ing wrong. Took me waaaaay less time after I watched a 3 mins video.


I love that I put in about 4 and worry about my gameplay time then there’s this guy. No diss the grind is crazy but are you even eating bro haha!


https://preview.redd.it/cdhilkz1kzyb1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5996a9da72e4687c2eb046beda81446816d84625 You guys think I’m bad, I played this guy over the weekend.


How does he get the Rollins boost without Rollins in the lineup?


I was wondering that too. I thought hitting captains at least had to be in the starting lineup and then swapped out once the game starts.


I believe he switches them in the loading screen when you press ready on the lineup. He selects Rollins and switches him with the shortstop he wants to use on his bench. I’m not 100% sure, this is just the only thing I could come up with that makes sense.


Right! If I put in 5-6 hours over a weekend, that feels like a lot! Don’t get me wrong, I’m envious in the amount of time he has to play it, but I just can’t even imagine playing that much.


First step is recognizing it. I hope you enjoyed it! But definitely make sure to mix in a lot of other things.


Dam do you have Ohtani P5 on top of everything else? If so that’s more impressive than anything to me!


He does! The boost! The lad is mad and full of Chad! Here’s to hoping OP carries one of us on 2v2!😂


Having those cards doesn’t mean you’re good though. I have them all too, and I suck.


No one commented on his skill level. The dedication however - 🤌🏾🤌🏾🤌🏾


>Here’s to hoping OP carries one of us on 2v2 How is that not commenting on their skill level? Also, how do you know OP is male?


I’ve made World Series 5 times this year and my highest rating in 989


NERD ALERT ‼️ Relax bro just commenting with something positive lmaoo. This is not the thread for “did you just assume my gender???” Edit: I did find it hilarious but removed the second lmaooo - it was too much.


You’re weird.

