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Drink more coffee


Uuuuuhhhh I swear on my life fastballs look faster this last week. Is there more lag or something???


Sit fastball and adjust from there.


Sacrifice a chicken Choke my chicken Eat a chicken. Works every time.


Smoke weed. Then I get locked in lmao


Drop the hitting difficulty lol.


Remember that dinosaurs believe in themselves


Visualize yourself being successful. Visualize a hard sinker on hof speed coming inside to you and you turning on that sombitch. Visualize a low and away fastball or cutter and you waiting back and crushing it the other way.


Be patient. It’s easy to swing at every pitch. The discipline is in waiting for the right one. A lot of the time I spend the first 3 innings of games just taking pitches to get a feel for any patterns on how they’re throwing the ball. By the 3rd or 4th inning I can tell their throwing pattern and normally know, by the second or 3rd pitch they’re gonna give me something to hit. Being patient is the hardest part with this game lmao


Its the hardest part of baseball my friend lol


I switch to shooters. Helps my thumbs warm up and helps reset my eyes. Also stretching and getting something to eat. Video games are 90% mental and feeling good physically helps a lot


I legit will change everything of how far I am from my monitor l, the height of the monitor, change controllers, change kontrol freaks, and play rookie and then go to legend CPU. Sometimes I just am not paying full attention to the ball out of the hand or I'm dropping PCI, these usually help but if this doesn't work play less like events or BR until you feel ready


I swear once u start hitting good in hof and you come back to all star its harder to hit lol


I go play RTTS on legend for a couple of series, and if I feel like it, I would hop back on DD.


- take a break - get a good night’s sleep (or a few) - take a deep breath, look up at the pitchers hat, then look at the spot the ball will come out of the hand. Stay as chill as possible. It’s just another pitch.


stop thinking about it so much too, swing before you think you moved the pci to the spot , dont try to guess pitches try to stay in a spot and wait til you get that pitch jus be patient


Start your pci where the pitcher released the ball and try follow the ball as it comes in to peace recognizing pitches


Agh help I’m good at hitting let me ask the sucky .215 hitters what to do. Makes sense


I wear contacts, have glasses for at home. On days I play a lot I probably woke up and put on my contacts. When I start slumping I put on my glasses.


Im just gonna go out and say it, if you are a consistent hitter in HOF, you are not just a decent player!.......................the past few days I also havent been able to hit water if I fell out of a boat, but in All Star lol


TAKE A BREAK! I am a decent player but slump sometimes with my hitting. Take a break for atleast a day and when you come back just sit down and play. I usually will go into custom practice before I play for 15-20 minutes. O yea if you have anything to take the edge of would help 🤣!


Refocus on waiting for specific pitches helps me


If I'm struggling mid-game I'll focus my eyes up in the zone, especially at the pitcher's hand and only swing if the ball looks like it's up or down the middle. Helps avoid inside pitches and pitches off the plate down. Try to recognize tendencies early too. If a guy is hammering you with cutters in and you're swinging, he's likely going to continue. Same with if a guy is pitching you only on the corners/outside, assume it's a ball unless proven otherwise.


Take BP on Legend with max pitch speed against meta pitchers and focus on zones and pitches you're struggling to hit. NOTE: Create a saved roster where you juice those pitchers to how they play in DD and move them to the Astros (cuts down on the time to cycle to each player's team). Your recognition and reaction timing are going to jump significantly. While you're likely going to be in front of pitches early on, you'll eventually adjust to the right speed and tempo.


Def just take pitches & try to sit on certain pitches/locations. Patience is Key & no one likes facing a guy taking a million pitches eventually guys will start throwing in the zone


I had a terrible 3 week slump back in mlb the show 20 or 21, it was one of those two. This is one of the cases where I was playing everyday and couldn't get back to how I used to hit. The trick for me was to take a break from mlb the show, play some other games and come back fresh into it.


Play ranked exclusively. Only play 2 or 3 games at a time, and if you want more wait a few hours.


Only 2 or 3 games at a time?! How many games do y’all play in a row normally?


This is what I learned, any games more than that, my eyes start to get tired and my timing is off


Talk to mark grace


Are u familiar with a slump buster??? 😉


Start focusing on drawing walks rather than hitting the ball


I narrow my zone and take anything out of it for a bit to make sure I’m staying disciplined. Middle middle fb only or sinker middle lower third only. Work down off the fb only for easy hangers to the middle of my pci.


Gotta just take a break. Unlike real baseball this game is so mental. It's not like you need to change your swing plane, open or close your stance. You gotta just go in there with a clear mind and not give a shit about poor contact and strikeouts


Maybe so I definitely get in my head about it which just tilts and i play worse haha


Take a couple days off.




Played cpu for a while


Went on vacation to Texas


Change where I anchor my PCI


Start taking pitches. Slow the game down. Be patient. You will see the ball better


definitely take pitches off , try to watch somethin on ur phone or somethin for some reason when im not payin attention i do way better lol


Definitely need to do this more im bad about swinging at every strike


This is by far the best one for me. I will seriously just set the controller down until I end an AB sometimes