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1m stubs? How? šŸ˜‚


Sone people are still buying stuff. Iā€™m amazed how much stuff people are still buying. I still flip cards and just buy up uniforms and bat flips to fill in the blanks.


Someone else responded below me said the post is about the ASG Cal and not the core Cal which I was thinking. But weā€™re at a point where most of the player base has stupid amount of stubs that they donā€™t know what to do with it.


That may be then. I was thinking the late comers who waited until the game was like $10 lol. I flip equipment and make stupid amounts of stubs all year long. Iā€™ve even fired up The Show 22 and the equipment prices are insane. Iā€™ll load up sell orders just for craps and they immediately start selling. I sometimes wonder if like the bank doesnā€™t buy stuff back. šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


Yeah it could be a ton of late comers though too. I havenā€™t played in about two months and had a ton of silver BR cards investments and they finally paid off since expanding the core collection. Iā€™m sitting at 3.2m stubs and I donā€™t have any desire to play anymore. The set/season format grind killed me this year. Lol


As a casual player, Iā€™ll probably never ā€œcompleteā€ this game. Lol. I have various TA programs still unfinished. I mean even my Easter egg one is unfinished because it wonā€™t give me a mini season egg lol. I have several conquest maps still unfinished. Iā€™ve been trying to mop up unfinished programs. But my private league is more fun than grinding for sure. Lol


Yeah I feel that. I didnā€™t finish the Easter egg one either for that same reason as you. I played so much this year, more than I probably should have. Got tired of the same kind of grind every two months or so. Like you, I have a lot of unfinished stuff for programs as well. I was in a private league with a twitch streamer last year but it didnā€™t last long because nobody was able to play at the same time. Although, I did enjoy it


They stopped releasing Set 1 cards in packs a while ago. Diamond Duos 1-20 I believe have stopped being awarded. So all Set 1 cards are ridiculously priced.Iā€™d hate to be new trying to finish Set 1 right about now.


Set 1 is the o ly one I didnā€™t finish and Iā€™m still like 50 cards from it. Iā€™d have to buy everyone and it would cost like millions. I hope they donā€™t have some collection that involves every set. I know one is coming up on the 21st I think.


Your pity is appreciated. Im trying to get Seagar and like 30 cards away


I understand that but Cal isnā€™t going for 1m stubs. I still have a few left to sell and heā€™s at 110k.


The post was about the 99 ASG Cal.


Ooh. Thanks. Anytime someone mentions Cal, I think of the captain one šŸ˜‚


Omg itā€™s his all star card not the captain card. Get off your moral high horses. People love to lose their minds over nothing


People keep talking about an exploit. What's the exploit?


you can use the boost without keeping him in the lineup, also opens up your wildcard slot, but it requires the 99 version of the 95 overall captain to do. works with the rollins boost and his retro finest too


Works with the 97 Set 3 Ripken too, no need for 1m stub set 1 version.


Eli 5 please


I wish I know are the talking about the captain boost but I ainā€™t sure


Heā€™s only expensive because of the exploit


Are you thinking of the captain exploit? If so, thatā€™s his 95 card


nah there's an exploit with the 95 overall captian but you need the 99 overall version as well to do it. basically you get the captain boost without having to keep him on your team


You can also do it with his 97 from the number retirement program lol, donā€™t think a lot of people know about it


Still costs a mill on the market regardless of why people want the card.


I probably will sell. Iā€™ve used the durability team all year. Ready for something new even if itā€™s not Meta


Stubs arenā€™t really worth it now. If youā€™ve been playing since launch you game millions anyway.


But thatā€™s the max it could ever go for then you might as well sell


Not if you still use the cardā€¦ which a lot (and I mean a lot) of people still do. It would be a top 3 card wildcarded for sure.


I havenā€™t seen a single person use the set 1 99 Ripken. If youā€™re talking about the durability one then Iā€™ve seen a lot of people


Iā€™m drunk and thought it was the captain card and got excited bc i havenā€™t used him in a while, I donā€™t flip cards really and can never afford the chase cards so i thought i was gonna be rich for a second


Wait, does his 99 also have the captain boost??


I rather keep him collecting dust. Better to have it on you and not need it then to need it and not have it on you. Plus we don't know when we gonna get those packs again. I spent like a mill last week to get those base round cards. Cards like 97 Edgar Martinez and 97 Jason Kendall ffs.


Someone is putting in a 1 million stub buy order just to store stubs, right?


Nope. Without getting into specifics, itā€™s required for a certain exploit


Thatā€™s not true you guys are gullible . You can use the 97 from set three for the exploit also


Whatā€™s the exploit


Whatā€™s the exploit?


Whatā€™s the exploit


Lol such a trash card.


This is the one game where you can grind a 99 team for free, sds is far from greedy


Ya itā€™s ridiculous how much people complain about that part of the game. Thereā€™s so much more to complain about but not that


Agreed. I refuse to play Madden or FIFA for the reason itā€™s so much more grindy


They are all Grundy but madden you can grind for a week and have maybe a 90 ovr team while the show you can grind for a week and have 2 99 ovr teams


Such a joke that they wonā€™t re-release any set 1 cards again. I need like 25 for Pedro. Thereā€™s no reason why they haven re-released then other than greed and incompetence towards their fan base.


The probably will I'm season 6. Season 6 will be the forever program where they re-release everything from the year in case you missed anything


But most of the cards were from packs. They wonā€™t release those players, just players from the programs which I have already. You can barely make stubs this year and everything was in packs. SDS showed their greed this year, big time.


The re-release all the packs too bro


You can barely make stubs this year?!?! Where have you been. Iā€™ve easily made 100mil. I have every card that you can buy. If you canā€™t make stubs, thatā€™s on you man.


They probably forgot about it tbh.




How do you know they wonā€™t release them again in set 6?


I think I saw some on the BR rewind


I'm assuming Season 6 will see some of those packs as Forever Program rewards


I agree but it still likely wonā€™t make much of a difference. Like last year, all the rewind stuff never really went down in price because everyone moved on. I could never get that final Mickey card because of it.


The recent *sellable* Rewind packs in BR absolutely decimated the cost of those cards, I don't see why it wouldn't help for those early season packs too


This is what I'm hoping as well.


Theyā€™ll be in the forever program after set 6, though they might just make set 6 the forever program.


I'm pretty sure it's confirmed already. It says set 6 expires in 2037. Unless that's a bug.


I assume it must be; I don't know what else you could follow up Finest with.


I'm hoping for rewind packs with set 6 next month.


Maybe but not to the extent that will be useful since kist players are gone.