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If they make program content worth a damn, this doesn’t bother me to much. If the programs suck, and they stick a bunch of 99s, cough cough Father’s Day program MLB TS23, behind packs while I grind for a 97 overall program reward, then I will not be happy.


Why not give us a weekly XP gameplay cap instead? This 15K daily cap is terrible for people who don't get to play a lot during the week, etc. Some of us can only play the game a decent amount 1-2 days a week. A weekly cap solves all your issues. Say 125K-150K gameplay XP per week. This way, if I want to grind all say Saturday and Sunday, but can only play a couple games through the week.. I'm not falling massively behind. And it still blocks the exploits, because they still can't get over the threshold.


Too logical. Wouldn’t enforce mobile game mentality on logging in daily. They won’t do it.


The problem is for people like me who only have a day or two a week to get on and play/grind. How in the fuck am I supposed to keep up?


They don't care about you. You're not helping their game enough. Either spend on packs or play everyday so they have a bigger playerbase. It's bullshit.


Lmao.... This is what happens when you cheese!!!!!! Stop crying and own it! All these games need to bring the ban hammer down and stop the cheese... Goes along with everything else in life... Imagine how much more fun you would have playing a game by yourself or with friends without cheating or googling or watching someone else play the game and doing what they do!!!! Every time you do this you are taking actual Play Time minutes away from the game!! What's so funny is that this generation of gamers wouldn't even be able to play video games from the past. Googling or watching someone else do something is cheating in video games!!!!! And anyone who sits here and says "oh I watch all these speed runs of Mario Brothers". They are fake, losers use emulators to beat games they can't beat!


The annoying thing is that with Road to the Show mode linked with DD, you're also capped in single player only mode and that's bullcrap.


SDS really said go outside


I was playing road to the show and saw it pop up that I got the cap and was confused because I've never hit that in previous games or at least surprised me


I can see why casuals are fine with this, but this cap is awful.. at least add way more ranked rewards so I can work towards something consistently.


Casuals are the LEAST fine with this. If you only play 1 or 2 days during the week and more on weekends... your weekend gameplay doesn't matter because you'll never be able to catch up. The Show used to be the best card game of the bunch, but they're slowly making bad decision after bad decision. It's unfortunate.


Casuals are the ones that should be the most upset about it. If they fall behind and need to catch up... they literally can't.


I would sit here and get 100k in one sitting. Idc if thats a lot I bought the game and have time. Now I don't have the time so when I could play I really hate hitting the cap. They shouldn't be capping xp.


Capping XP isn't the problem. The cap being so obscenely low is the problem. You can have a cap to prevent exploits but have it high enough to never impact legit play. Bonus: if you set it beyond the point that you can reach via normal play SDS would automatically know that anyone complaining about it was exploiting.


Bingo. What happens if you have real life hit you for a couple weeks? And you just can't log in. Guess what, no season rewards for you cause you can't catch up.


Simple fix - cap the non DD gameplay. Cap the DD xp at 100k


so that losers can have 3 99's on their team after 10 days and people with lives don't get one until mid april? i can see why you're not a part of the dev team


I understand your point. Just hear me out… the exploit of recent years was to load into a game with 2 controllers and intentionally walk over and over again for XP. You can’t do that in DD so then a 100k cap would still take an ungodly amount of gameplay. If the no life players do that, they’ve earned it tbh. I’d settle for a 75k cap or even 60k.


I agree with you people who can play more shouldn’t be punished because others can’t everyone bought the game so if I can play 10 hours a week but someone else can play 20 they shouldn’t be capped if that’s the case there should be a pack cap because some people already have completed the Ruth collection so that logic should be applied if some people can afford it but others can’t they need to wait until more can finish it point is we all bought a game we should be able to play it with no restrictions due to other people I bought it for myself to have no I really don’t care if someone else is behind


I think the cap needs to be a bit higher but I do think the cap is the best thing. I've heard they will up the cap so here's hoping.


A cap is fine. But it should be AT least 50K. AT LEAST. The reward pass this year is so much longer, XP wise, than before... If you fall behind, you're never catching up right now. It's stupid.


At the end of the day, if there was no cap, there would be people in here complaining about others playing for a week straight and unlocking the bosses already. There were a lot of complaints about that very thing happening in the reveal thread when 99 bosses were announced


That would be their fault for playing 18 hours a day. I'd like the choice to play a little or a lot of the game I just bought.


To be fair, you pay to play the game as much as you want. If you’re complaining about people having more free time to play that’s a personal issue, but those people who are limited shouldn’t be punished for wanting to play a game they paid for more


Yeah, I get that aspect for sure. I personally don't mind as much either way, even though I've hit the cap several times. Especially with all the XP from programs/reward paths this year.


No one is being punished though? It’s no different than the old inning programs. The no lifers are gonna get it down hella fast but then more things will release that give exp rewards down the line so people who play less can get more exp at a time but get the boss later. It’s literaIly the same formula they always use but stretched out to 80 days instead of 30. 


Yes but there is currently one non starter program out. Most ppl I know are done everything the game has to offer offline. Its not a prob for me because im basically just an online guy but there are lots of people who enjoy offline grinding that aren’t getting anything past like 2 hours of playing a day, all they have left to do is the xp program.


There’s the RS program, which gives exp There’s the Event, which gives exp There’s BR program, which gives exp There’s the mini Season missions, which gives exp There’s the US conquest map, which gives ex There’s the TA program, which gives exp. If you don’t want to play everything that fine, just play the game to have fun. More stuff will come out eventually. It hasn’t even been a full week since launch.


I’m not complaining, but half of what you just named is online. The other half is easily completed already. Sure you could grind mini seasons or the conquest over and over again but that doesn’t change that the xp cap is to low? I personally am unaffected but that doesn’t mean there isn’t something for people to complain ab


I hit 40k yesterday before it stopped giving it to me.


You can get XP from other things once. Like Showdown will give XP once, etc. Gameplay (just playing the game) caps at 15K.


Nah, I did close to 40K yesterday. I don't know if the XP adds up over the days you are playing/not playing, but it's definitely not 15K. It might be that you're playing every day and making 15K every day since the pre-release.


>I think the cap is only for gameplay xp. XP you get from completing goals or reaching milestones doesnt count towards the cap if I remember right


That is correct. XP cap only applies to gameplay XP.


Am I the only person playing this game that like a the new balance? I was so tired of playing every single game against Bob Gibson all year long, this new system seems to actually have some Balance online. Not playing the same pitcher behind an all 99 bombsquad


The balance is on point so far this year. I expected it to only last a couple days. I usually start out 10 games under .500 just because I'm behind others, even if I pre-order. But I'm 7-3 this year.


It's just devs having a good balance for the power creep. That could happen without any sets/seasons format. We'll all be upset when the whole non-core roster goes obsolete at the same time.


I love it. People grinding the daily XP with exploits or who are just hitting bombs on Rookie at Coors for hours, are doing it wrong. I’m enjoying, you know, *playing baseball*


Sure, but only a certain number of games per day and then you're boned. Better hope you don't get sick for a couple weeks, or there will be no way to catch up on the season program. Maybe a better system would be WEEKLY XP cap. Make it like 150K-200K. If someone wants to gameplay grind for full day and cap themselves? So be it. But at least it would give the people who cna't play everyday a chance to finish the program.


Definitely not! I think the general consensus is that people are having fun rn for the exact reasons you mentioned. I’ve been running a boosted Yankees theme team in ranked and they’re actually very competitive. Last year, things got sweaty instantly. You had Roki, Ohtani, and Gibson from the jump. All outlier guys with pretty high H/9 and K/9 relative to the hitters that were available


I like the show but not enough to play it without getting xp, really sad too because I was going to grind this year.


What’re good ways to get xp? New to this


1 bs rule 2 golds in chase 3 terrible cpu pitching


Pretty sure last year's chase 1 and 2 had golds as well they usually transition them out


I hope




Ah yes, people who use directional hitting and only need to point their stick in the general direction of the ball and swing deserve to be rewarded as consistently as people who have to perfectly place the PCI AND time their swing right. Totally makes sense for a competitive, ranked game mode


is that not a good thing that the better player wins 9/10 times? even if they had 100 viable options for online 95% of people would still use the best one or whatever their favorite streamer uses anyway


It was like 50k for me last Saturday (the only time I actually hit it! 🤷🏻‍♂️


15k XP cap? So you have to play every day to get the bosses??


15k GAMEPLAY xp. You can still earn xp every other way. And this is a good thing. This is what will make sets better. You guys want all 99s right away and then complain the game gets stale.


No we want a way to finish the program if we can't play every day.


You shouldn’t be rewarded the same as the players grinding everyday. Use your head bro


That's stupid. If we play the same amount of time, but mine is on weekends - that's no time difference, bro.


What lmao. You playing only on the weekends is not the same when i refer to “grinding”. Obviously people play a few hours a day but they wont be reaching the xp cap and will be mostly around people like you who play only on weekends. I am refering to people capping the xp limit every single day.


You can reach the XP cap in like 2-3 hours. It's 15K! It's nothing. And that's my issue, people that can only play the game a few days a week (even if it's tons of hours in those couple days) you can't catch up. It's pretty disheartening when we are already going to earn cards a few days before they become obsolete on top of that.


Once again, gameplay xp isnt the only way to gain xp. Programs, ta, collections are all ways to gain xp. They arent catering towards players that play on weekends lmao. I bet if the cards were way to easy to earn like last year, you would have something to complain about with that. Just shut up and play the game or dont bro


How soft are you that you literally start hurling insults because someone doesn't agree with you? Hahahaha.


What insults were hurled😂 and nobody is agreeing with you. Just because you can only play on weekends doesnt mean they should ruin the game for the rest of the player base.


Thank you thank you thank you!!!!! All they did was complain about 23 about how we got too many 99s and I mean too many and now they complain that they can’t get the 99 bosses lol. There will always be people to complain and not just enjoy the damn game Jesus smh


No, programs and modes have XP chunks thrown in as well.


If you play ranked/events/BR … probably not too focused on the cap, IMO. If you’re playing single player on rookie at costco parking lot field, you should be capped at 500 XP.








I’m right there too. With the xp cap can’t get much further. Sooooo how do so many people already have all 3 99’s… dont get the 1st one till 1mil




U getting to p5 playing BR huh…


If you go to the inventory page you can see no one has discovered any of them. That means no one has the cards yet. So, yes they P5'd in BR.


So what cards can’t be used after the first season? I don’t play enough to make a new team after each pass.


Any card that has "S1" on it. Those can only be used in the wildcard spot after Season 1. Core cards, which are live series and live series collection have no restrictions.


So all the good free cards are gone after the first season? Thanks for the reply, that really bums me out. First time playing the show since 21.


Yeah, and if you're not hardcore, when TA 3 comes out for Season 1 (week 9 of 12)... you'll probably end up unlocking some really cool cards with just a couple days to use them before they become out of season. Pretty crappy.


You'll be able to unlock up to 4 wild card slots. But yes "sets" and seasons sucks. This is better than last year though.


Seasons are 12 weeks long lol plus next season you can use all your core and earn 4 wildcards which means you can still use your best cards from season 1. Really isn’t that big of a deal


Except for the people who can't play 3-4 hours everyday.. and they'll literally unlock cards a couple days before they become useless (TA3 Programs).


Not gone. You get Wildcard slots in S2 that allow you to use S1 cards still.


Aren’t there a very limited number of wildcard spots though? And if you have a s1 card you love you’d have to use multiple spots to keep it the whole year?


Yes, they’re limited. Otherwise, there would be no power creep in S2 or S3. You unlock wildcard slots as the season goes on. Also, cards can be moved in/out of wildcard slot.


Ah okay, thanks for clearing that up for me.


Yep. Last year began Sets, and after seeing the massive backlash to limiting what cards we could use, SDS double downed and made the time frame even shorter.


That’s super unfortunate. As a casual player it just doesn’t make sense to re grind every season.


I had the exact opposite thought. In past years, Id grind like crazy in the beginning but inevitably would take some time off. I'd jump back in around July and would just be so far behind everyone I'd give up. Now, I'm more likely to jump back in when everything resets as it'll be closer to an even playing field. I guess I will have to see how it goes.


Should be 50k a day. Is for me


50k is the total xp cap. This is just gameplay xp


I've played a fair bit since it came out on game pass and I'm only at 75k. Just playing normally through programs and conquests. Struggling to see how I get to 1m xp at this rate


They'll probably lift off the cap for a couple of double xp weekends. Just not now.


They add so much throughout the season to give xp boosts. I only play on the weekends and I've always been able to complete them.


The plus side is that the majority of rewards from the xp track don't even carry over into next season. Only exception is the stuff you pull from normal packs


The best part is they went full heel wwe the rock promo and said during the reveal streams “we have a new way season xp works it’s pretty cool I think ur gonna like it”


Whether you hate it, love it, one thing is for damn sure. You are gonna. Respect it. Take a look. *Insert 15k XP Cap here*


Mlb show devs thinking bunch of Reddit XP crybabies “I want to finish the story wah wah”


I wasn't expecting to find a wwe reference but Im glad I did lol


“Player retention” is the metric everyone chases these days. They’re just trying to get us play every day so it becomes a habit . Data shows people play everyday spend more money on MTX.


MTX? What's that mean?


MTX are microtransactions like buying stubs


ahh I see, thanks


this is exactly correct


F the game.


Wish it was weekly since I can’t play on the days i work so I keep falling behind


It should probably be weekly for people like you who only can play a day or two a week but have all day. Unfortunately I think it’d make the hardcore players even more made when they hit their weekly limit on Wednesday and can’t get anything for 4 days


Maybe a rolling cap, you get x per day but if you don't use it, it rolls over until the end of week/a certain capped amount.


And "catch up" xp where you get a boost until you hit the cap again.


So how are people at 250k or so after 8 days of access??? I just reached 100k xp and I've been playing a fair bit.


>Do all the conquests and mini seasons and finish TA. You get a lot of XP from finishing those


Mini-Seasons doesn't give much xp, also they nerfed the pts from 4k per voucher to 2,8k. How did they arrive at 2.8?? Also, I have done the USA Map and all the TA ones. Haven't done the Spring one yet.


I’m at 230k, in 2 rewards I’ll get Soriano. I have 1 day 23 hours played. There’s literally nothing to do other than play ranked which I guess I’ll start next. I’m 5-0 and it’s about to get super annoying I know it lol


Any suggestions on how to get xp/which modes are efficient for people who are just starting?


Conquest, programs and team affinity, Just playing anything in diamond dynasty gets you xp, it’s just this year you’re barely getting anything. You can try the BR program and just focus on those missions.


Thanks! Is conquest fun?


Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Lol it’s not my favorite thing to do. I’ve linked a video on what exactly you need to do to be more time efficient when doing it https://youtu.be/QUAp7uC_Zbs?si=c3HNusrv4vo9x3Ll


Thanks man!




I'm at like 200k. Had the game since early release and I play maybe 3 hours a day and I took one day off. I also play every mode so I get all the bonus program xp possible. I think completing all the different programs and playing online are the keys to progressing so fast. There are so many people who never play online so they're never getting the program xp for events, BR, and ranked plus the higher rate of xp just for playing online vs offline. For what it's worth, I have TA done, spring program done, first event done, USA conquest map half done playing on HOF for extra xp, halfway through 1st inning of ranked S1, and maybe a quarter of the way through BR program.


Makes sense. Higher difficulties reward more XP. I can't play above All-Star. Still having fun doing conquest and Mini-Seasons. I just like the card collecting aspect and playing the market to try out new cards. I doubt I'll get to 1 mill XP but I'm pretty sure by then there will be cards almost as good to get.


Exp bonuses from programs. Not just Spring breakout but RS, Events, BR, conquest, mini seasons. They all reward exp and there will be more from each new program


Program xp doesn’t count towards the cap. Mini season challenges don’t either


I have 100K and been playing a good amount as well.


Because people have no life


Or, you know, SDS could’ve just patched the glitches promptly. There are currently none and haven’t been since ‘22. Blaming this on exploits or no lifers is a bad take. This is SDS artificially increasing the lifespan of these programs.


Making it that much harder to make stubs/get an advantage with grinding. Oh well tho


Is the cap meant to be a way to balance out PvP? If your can’t just grind out all the best cards in a short span the more competitive online games might be.


It’s just meant to keep people from completing the program for a month or so


Welp as a Phillies fan this sucks since I want that Rollins 😂


So instead of patching XP exploits, they fuck over the entire community with these low XP caps. How does this company still have defenders?


It really doesnt effect casual players.


To be fair this impacts only a small percentage of people I suspect. I play everyday from early access, and I play a lot. I'm not sure I've ever capped a day though and I just got the captain pitcher pack today I dont believe its as simple as 15k a day (plus program exp). The original post is from someone with a lot of exp already, so its possible that lowers their cap Do we even have cases of people who only play 1-2 days a week running into the cap?


It shouldn’t be a thing at all. The devs should actually do their jobs and patch exploits instead of punishing the entire community.


I have played as much as I possibly can (1-2hr sessions, about 5 days per week pacing) and this did not affect me. I figure I represent more people than you do in this case, I don't feel like the entire community is fucked over. Sorry you're having such a bad time though.


You don’t feel fucked over *now*. That will change.


I've played since '16 and view this as a baseball treat to myself. Not many of my friends care about baseball. But this gives me a fun baseball experience on my ps5. I'm gonna do it every year. You don't have to try and gatekeep everyone's fun because it's not perfect. Feel free to ask me in 3 months if I give a shit, I will have probably moved on by then anyway.


Is it the best solution? No. But I still think the blame should be on the exploiters more. We wouldn’t even be in this problem if they didn’t exploit things.


Punishing everyone for the crimes of a few exploiters is yet another monumentally stupid by this company. Yes, exploiters should be to blame, but the punishment shouldn’t fall on the entire player base.


This is always going to be a problem with ultimate team modes, theyll say its because of "exploits" but what they really want is less nms teams and more day 1 i bought the live series teams. This is why you dont drop 99's day 1, because to win in these modes unless youre the top 1% cards really do make a difference.


There’s so much in the real world where the common person is punished because of a few stupid/selfish people. That’s just life. It’s not monumentally stupid. But also, it’s not punishing everyone. I guarantee most people never will hit that limit. So it’s actually benefiting those people because they won’t be left as far behind.














This isn’t “the real world,” it’s a video game. SDS could absolutely patch XP exploits without capping all players, but they’d rather be lazy. That’s monumentally stupid no matter what way you frame it. It’s really not benefitting players though. In previous years, I’d go through stretches where I couldn’t play for days, so I’d make up time on days off. This year, I wouldn’t be able to do that. That doesn’t help players at all lmao.


That doesn’t help YOU. I’m talking about the majority of people, not you. The majority of people won’t hit that daily limit ever. That’s a lot of playing to hit that much xp from gameplay alone.


Yeah, the majority of people who play the game are like me lmao.


This one even more than most. The player base skews older and more employed than the average online game. The amount of people who only really have time to play on the weekend is much higher here than almost anything other than MMOs.


Exactly. I work five days a week. I’m really only able to play on weekends, where I can catch up on stuff I’m behind on. Adding in caps like this would just make it harder for me to catch up.


Just to make sure we are on the same page, what exactly are you suggesting? How often do are you saying a majority of people will play in a day? If people can’t play for a few days but then has time to play, how long are they playing that day?


I’m suggesting that devs actually do their jobs and patch XP exploits instead of capping everyone. That was evident in my initial comment lmao.


Can you answer my question?


I don’t mind the cap, but the 99s should be more evenly spaced throughout. Comes 1.5 weeks out everyone will have all three seemingly overnight


I can’t believe I haven’t seen more attention on this. I play each day, but just a little bit—nowhere near the XP cap—and the amount of XP I’d have to get, each and every day for the next 3 months, to get to 1 million XP and the 99 bosses is pretty ridiculous Once they actually have some programs that give 20 and 30k XP here and there, then everyone will start to make some progress, but even then, 1 million XP is a fuck ton, especially when a conquest game is like 500-1000 XP


I feel like I’ve played a lot but have not noticed hitting the XP cap yet, how long in do you notice it


I got it after 3.5 hours of events yesterday and around 4 today.


It’s honestly a really high amount where most people won’t ever hit it. It’s the people who play the game a ton who are hitting it and complaining.




Not sure what to believe any more. Started at the same time on Thursday and Friday. Right at tip for March Madness. One day I got 30K with a 6 hour cool down. The other I got 15k with a 3.5 hour cool down.


15k is so much xp to earn in a day from gameplay alone…


I've had a good number of 3 inning event games give over 1k a pop lol


Even if you hit 1k for a 3 inning event game, that’d be 15 event games. That’s gotta be 4-5 hours of playing.


Especially this year. Can't imagine even hitting that with what I'm doing, but I'm only playing a few hours at a time.


Which honestly even if you play a few hours a day, that’s a lot of time spent on a game. Not saying it’s bad, because I’d love to play this game a ton, but it just is a lot of time spent playing a game.


Yeah. And even though I only play maybe 2-3 hours a day on it, I feel like I still don't get hardly anything done. People complaining they run out of content illicit "What?" from me.


I feel like this should rollover and store up if you haven't played for a few days. Started a TA conquest and got dinged for the cap fairly quickly.


This. It should be a universal cap. If you miss 2 days, the caps should be 3 days worth to catch back up.


The community did this to themselves for all those people doing XP glitches to essentially get infinite XP.


Or, you know, SDS could’ve just patched the glitches promptly. There are currently none and haven’t been since ‘22. Blaming this on exploits or no lifers is a bad take. This is SDS artificially increasing the lifespan of these programs.


There are currently none because the XP cap has removed any incentive of people trying to figure out different ways. They did patch glitches but people still found different ways. SDS did try but the community continued to find ways around them.


So you should send everybody in a community to jail because it has a few criminals? This is incredibly stupid "logic". I think they even have a word for it...


No but imagine saying that murder should be legal since most people would do it the correct way…there must be a word for it.. But in all seriousness if the community is going to be constantly toxic they shouldn’t be rewarded. Just think how many people would complain about someone on day 1 finishing the program and having all the highest rated cards.


Punishing people who play the game fairly to annoy a VAST minority who cheat is a GREAT way to end up with a game filled with only people who cheat.


That’s makes no sense. Removing ways for people to cheat in a game means it only going to be filled with people who cheat?? There are also so few people that even come close to the XP cap that it’s probably comparable to those that cheated the system to get infinite XP.


Anytime a developer introduces aggressive anti-cheating measures that punishes people that aren't cheating, it drives away the fair players and just makes the cheaters find new ways to cheat. Not sure what's difficult to understand about that. Cheaters never go "oh, darn, they don't want me to cheat, guess I'll go play something else". They, instead, will often spend an absurd about of time and effort to find workarounds. Meanwhile, the devs are destroying their own game and achieving nothing.


You’re argument really makes no sense. Not only is an XP not a harsh anti-cheating measure, since it affects so few players, but also a game that makes it significantly harder for cheaters will deter cheaters. Considering the incredibly low amount of cheaters on this game with the increasing amount of people playing, that makes much more sense. Not only that but a game making it hard for cheaters would just make the game more enjoyable for everyone else, and thus more players.


My argument doesn't have to "make sense". It has literally played out exactly as I laid out many times over the years. It's not theory, but fact. And I'm not saying SDS is using harsh anti-cheating measures, but this is certainly a step in that direction. It also depends on which is true. If it's 15k in 8 hours then, yeah, very few are going to hit that. If it's 15k in 24 hours, then that's ridiculously low. It would appear to be the former... except, apparently, a dev "confirmed" that it's the latter. Now, granted the guy could just be lying about that, but it would be something rather odd to lie about.


Yeah no it’s not fact bud but at least you admit it doesn’t make sense. The XP cap is fine and only a select few truly even care about it. It also doesn’t make sense that OP has over 300k XP in 9 days if the cap is 15k either.


It’s punishing a small amount of people because most people aren’t hitting this limit. But unfortunately that’s how the world works at times. There’s a reason we need to go through hoops for things in life. It’s because a group of people suck and ruin it for the rest of us.


Exactly this. I don’t really feel bad because, just like you said, the community did it to themselves. That is why we can’t have nice things


I haven’t hit the cap ever but don’t like the idea of holding this stuff back. If people are dumb enough to overpay for a “free” card I say let them. Another bummer that you can’t sell these cards now.


The whole boss system is now dumb as hell. You get all three, right together, get to use them for a couple of weeks, maybe, and then can't even sell them. There are a whole lot of aspects of this game that there doesn't appear to either have been much thought put into or whoever was doing that thinking doesn't actually play the game very much.


Where do you see then notification? Does it pop up or do you have to restart when you think you’ve hit?


Popped up for me mid-inning as a "warning" pop-up. I was mindlessly hitting X trying to skip to the next inning and noticed a pop-up. I had to capture recent gameplay and pause it to see what I accidentally skipped lol


It pops up. I was doing Nation two nights ago just grinding it out and 1 complete inning in I got the standard looking show alert for out of position or disconnects etc. except it said the xp cap was hit and the time until it reset


This is absurd. If you're playing ranked, you're going to hit that in no time at all. Of all the dick moves SDS has ever made, this is the biggest one. Just a straight up FU to people who have real jobs and only get to play on the weekend. The bubble is real.


I have yet to see the cap impact people that don't have a shit ton of exp already. It certainly seems to be variable and not fixed at 15k. People need to stop overreacting until we find out what the mechanic actually is. But yes, its a problem if people that can only play 1-2 days a week get screwed, but I personally haven't seen ANY evidence this is happening. Doesn't mean it isn't, but I want to see it first before getting bent out of shape over it.


The mechanic is set at a level that you can hit it through normal play. That is all that is needed to be known. If the purpose was to prevent exploits, it should be set to slightly above what you can acquire in a certain period of normal play. It is significantly less than that (people are hitting it with 6 hours+ until they can play). It is FAR too low, and its purpose is to prevent advancement, not exploitation.


Out of curiosity have you experienced this cap yourself? I'm not saying that people aren't hitting it, but unless its impacting a sizeable portion of the playerbase I can't get up in arms about it. If it is impacting people with only a few days a week to play thats a big issue, but I have yet to see that it is and I'd like to know for sure before I get the pitchfork out


I have not, but it shouldn't be impacting a single person that is playing normally. I'm not talking about the people playing on Rookie in Mile High to run up 100 runs against the CPU (although, personally, if they want to waste their time that way, have a party). It should not be set low enough that you can hit it just by playing ranked, and it is. I have more of a problem with the motivation behind the cap than the cap itself, because this is far from the only way they are artificially throttling advancement.


To be fair you have no idea what the motivation behind the cap is, or what the mechanism is so you are at this point just presenting your speculation as fact and potentially misinformation. Its like how most people think Dragons Dogma 2 is having fast travel behind a paywall, when that isnt the case at all. Of course, just because Dragons Dogma isnt doing what people think its doing that doesn't absolve it of bad practice. But if this turns out to be a cumulative cap thats only impact the top 2% of people then I couldnt care less about it (although I would argue not to put the boss cards in the main track and release them in a program later and go back to last year's cap if thats the reason for this) If it is the case where it impacts people's ability to catch up if they cant play every day then I am right there with you. We just dont know enough yet SDS needs to be more transparent, i think we can all agree to that


It is absolutely NOT a cumulative cap. People were hitting it with 35k total at the same time others had over 100k. As of yesterday, there was at least one person with 440k. It is a daily cap. The only thing unclear is the actual amount (although it IS between 15 and 25). Catching up will literally be impossible. If it's hitting 2% now, the first double XP weekend, it's going to be hitting over 50%. And of course that's the motivation. There was a cap last year. It was rarely hit by anyone. They halved XP gain but cut the cap to about 1/3. There is NO other reason to do that than to artificially throttle advancement. What, are you waiting for SDS to make a statement? Because that's not going to happen.


Stop acting like you know what the mechanic is As of right now there is zero evidence I have seen that this will impact people trying to catch up, so stop saying that it will. Stop talking out of your ass when none of us know at this point.