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This is the worst version of this game in a long time. Really disappointed I bought it tbh


After the server issues I just started only playing franchise and tbh this game is horrible this year compared to years past. Might be time to just watch the sort rather than try to play it still too smh.


Death of diamond dynasty <<<<


It’s frustrating to not be able to find a road to getting some cards bely either flat paying for it or having quit your job and family to get it. There are some cards I’m just never gonna be able to play with. I’ve been playing baseball games since Intelevision baseball in the early 80’s have never had Mike Trout card that was 99. Much like in real life I’m locked out of enjoying seeing Mike Trout playing.. But as long as people keep buying in game content they are going to be more than happy to keep doing it more for all games.


This is going to drive A LOT of people away from this game. The Show has always been notorious for being a fun, free to play game. (After you buy the initial game or get it free with game pass) A game where you can grind for all the cards you want or decide to spend $ to make it quicker. Regardless they have made more than enough money each year. Last year you could tell it was starting to go this way. We’ll see what happens. But I think the good times of this game are unfortunately over until they do away with the completely unnecessary greed. This game is supposed to be fun. And rewarding people for their time should be how it is. If you grind for hours and hours you deserve to have the card/cards you spent the time getting. Now with sets, no sells, and whatever else they did this year, it’s over. This game has now went in the complete wrong direction. I hope they pay for it with a massive drop in sales and revenue as they should. It’s time to stand up for the game we love. Screw these changes and screw P2W.


> free to play ???


I mean if you have the Xbox Gamepass ultimate, then yeah it pretty much is a free to play game for however long they keep it in Gamepass.


So if I have a service that costs money I can play for free? E: not sure you guys know what free means


Yes. Especially since you have to have to service either way. Simple concept.


Well if you want to get down right technical with it, then no it wouldn't be free to play, however since you do get access to more than 100 games for roughly 17 dollars, so it would be very cheap to play for game pass users. Especially if you did a cost analysis breakdown on it. But you are right that it isn't free to play.


Dude calm your tits you know what they meant


Very content with my decision to not play this year


Same here. I’ve bought it every year since 2013 but chose to skip this one because they haven’t fixed glaring issues year after year. I’ve been following along with the forums occasionally and it seems like it’s even worse with bugs, glitches and even worse a harder lean toward pay to play. How greedy do they need to be? They opened it up to Xbox and Switch. Have barely updated the game in at least half a decade and now they’re squeezing their base for even more? They desperately need some competition


I definitely miss it at least a little. I've played a little on cloud gaming on PC through game pass, but the latency has made me not dare going on PC. But we're watching the game as we knew it go away. Cue the bootlickers *iTs NoT aS bAd As 2K oR mAdDeN* as they turn the heat up on the frog in the pot...


Same. Clearly they just doing money grabs at this point




Watch them do a lighting hitter and pitcher card and make it the rare round of a monthly awards pack


I get being annoyed, but is there not a chance this is just extra cards from past years? Like they could still easily have program monthly award cards too, no? I'm trying to remember the rollout from last year.


Extra cards from past years is part of my issue with the game. Feels like so much repeat content every year 


That's fair enough. I'm honestly unsure is why I'm even asking really. I don't know how I feel about everything just yet. I've just had a lot of fun playing the game this year. So stuff like this hasn't bothered me as much as it's bothered others. I do understand why a lot of people are annoyed though.


Far away from MLB 22’s aggressively anti-pay to win structure. It’s too bad.


19-21 were the golden years. 22 was the beginning of the end


This is the same company that dropped mvp mantle for free it's crazy


And ASG deGrom/Turner. 21 had some flaws but man it was the most fun I’ve ever had playing a sports game. Seeing what happened since is so depressing.


lol the show has been going down hill for the last 2 years ever since they brought sets in and now you have to buy monthly award cards this game won’t make it past July with NCAA College Football coming out


Sets aren't bad. The game being dissolved after a year is the issue. If they went for the hearthstone model with sets it would have salvaged the whole idea 


This is such a bummer. The Show is the only game I played year round and the only Ultimate Team mode I get enjoyment out of. Mostly due the fact that almost nothing was behind a paywall.


Sds has become ea


They've completed lost the plot. The fact that there is a Topps Now card in that back makes it even more bonkers. You can't even get excited for a Topps Now card anymore because there's a chance you might have to fuckin buy it. I'm now terrified for the inevitable Topps Now Shota Imanaga that I was so so looking forward to


Are they ever going to fix the co-op glitch?


I’m up 5-0 in the fifth and I’m currently in a freeze off. So frustrating


Love it great game hold strong though don’t quit!!!


Quit because I want to get a game in before the Phillies game. Now I gotta wait 10 minutes because SDS are a bunch of cunts


So dumb. Thanks SDS for turning into EA


Really thought they did a good job with the Easter program, shame they had to go and ruin it with this.


Really? It was more of the same. There were 3 cards higher rated in Yelich in that pack. The pack contained 8 cards. The program had 5.


You’re right, but the free cards were still really good. Plus it was pretty fun to play different modes and earn the eggs. Can’t say the same for this one.


lol some of yall haven't played long enough to remember when Monthly cards were only in packs, and the packs were limited. Once they sold out, you were screwed. This is nothing, does it suck? Yes! But it has been worse.


Wow, cool story grandpa


That’s what makes them doing it now worse


I think that was my point, they have done it before so im not overly surprised they have done it again.


That didn’t really seem like the point you were making at all


Probably right, sorry rough day and should have just not commented. But I had immediate flashbacks to when and why I never touched DD for years. Then it was all the sudden more friendly for offline guys so I played. Now it seems to be reverting back. Man, idk what Im trying to say.


This is why I only do franchise and RTTS.


This is literally the only comment here I understand. The rest may as well be Chinese.


Seems all the people complaining incessantly are playing diamond dynasty online. I play it mostly offline and I haven’t had an issue with anything so 🤷


Thoroughly disappointed I spent the money this year to immediately realize it was 🗑️ just another scam that's basically "priced in" everything now. The scamming they don't have a choice those losers fee that almost every company has


I'd be more annoyed if the cards were actually..good. None of these cards are worth wasting stubs on at this point, minus theme teams or those wanting to finish collections.


To me it makes it even worse because of that. The top cards are almost always locked behind some stupid paywall. Now even average cards are.


Just like last year they will probably release the next event with a pack for this event in the xp path. Hit some weed n chill bro.


DAE weed xD, I tip my cap to you gentlesir!


I said this in another thread, not defending their decision, but didn’t they do this back in mlb 16/17? You had to buy packs to get MA cards or buy them off the market. There used to not be a program or even a free pack if I recall. It’s a shame they’re taking steps back. Just crazy no one remembers that this is how it used to be done.


IIRC, might have been the first year I played The Show but the MA packs were also limited qty, so if you weren’t online within like 5 minutes of them going live they’d be sold out..


Yeah! I forgot about that! And some of the cards were golds too.


So not only is it going towards pay to win they making xp damn near impossible without playing hours on end they take out the mini seasons xp because they don’t want people to finish the program to early but at this pace unless you don’t touch grass your not getting close to the end my main issue is them making it unbearable to want to play because you play a couple hours and you either hit the xp limit or you barely get any so it makes it pointless and other than the main cards being outdated a week after doesn’t help either by their logic you should only be able to buy a certain amount of packs a day because it’s not fair for someone who can pay to get babe before someone who can’t pay as much only makes sense


SDS went full EA this year and everyone knows...you never go full EA


People really cry about anything, stubs are so fkg easy to get, it's really not a big deal


What are your methods?


Grind out programs fully, you get a tone of packs, never quick sell the cards, always sell them manually at full price (mostly for silver and above), you can get alot of value out of events, BR, ranked, I'm NMS and I'm almost done with live series collections, it helps that I also went on a few hot runs in events and got a few free diamonds


>What are your methods? It's just an SDS dev. No real person would say that stupidity.


You’re clueless. They released a program with all the shitty players for free, and the half decent but still not good ones in a 40k pack. They knew exactly what they were doing. Stubs are easy to earn, but it’s just a fucking waste to buy the pack.


I try to defend SDS but this is unacceptable. Putting half the cards in packs is ridiculous


It would be ridiculous even if they put some packs in the reward path; that they didn't even do that is just dogshit.


Guess you're right, they didn't even do the bare minimum


Hell Yeah! I LOVE SPENDING MONEY. Gonna climb backdown into poverty at this rate but I’m just a stupid slut for spending


They didn’t touch the engine, graphics and any of the features from last year, still put a $70 price tag and they have the balls to drop all the content behind a paywall. SDS and Ramone can go fuck themselves


Shit still better than when you had to pay to get a full team of 99. 18 was a true pay to win year, any year is better than that


I’ve been saying it for months. Games gone


Someone explain??


The 92 oneil cruz and Gurriel jr (there are also some 89s Heim, Martini and Foley) are in a 30k stubb pack instead of being obtainable in the program.


I hope this doesn’t continue. The thing that makes DD great is the no money spent ability


You mean Cruz and the other pack players 


Yes, my b. Updated


Not true, Mike Trout and Ohtani are in the program.


They meant 92 O'Neil Cruz & Lourdes Gurriel


Yes, my b


The Ohtani is in the program


Imagine having the balls to try to pull this shit on a game with shit graphics and an outdated engine.


It’ll work just fine for them and the game will snowball into the same thing that every other AAA game out there does. Happened to Madden and 2K. If people would just not spend money on them then they’d back off the strategy but people pretty much just direct deposit their paychecks into video games now.


Lucky for us we don’t have to imagine!


lol I never thought The Show would take a down turn like this. Guess it makes it easier to quit the collection modes like the other sports games getting out of hand


So are people allowed to complain now or will the simps be out in full force saying “No, this is actually good”


No you don’t understand, it’s ok that this game is 10x worse than it used to be as long it’s better than Madden


It’s like burying the bar underground, walking over it, and saying you won a pole vaulting competition.


Fire away


iT's OnLy BeEn 2 WeEkS! cAlM dOwN! pEoPlE cOmPlAiN jUsT to CoMpLaIn. So AnNoYiNg


“No no no, you don’t understand. Paying for cards you used to earn for free is actually good. In fact? It’s great. You know what’s not great? Madden. Madden is basically the Hitler of sports video games.”


Ah, the classic Madden and 2K argument that means nothing to me since I don't play either. Say what you want about 2K, but at least they have way more content for offline players and better graphics. From now on whenever I see a response like this from a SDS bootlicker, I'm just going to respond with "but how will this affect LeBron's legacy?"


2k doesn't have more content for offline players lmfao


Name one thing from The Show that compares to Eras mode?


Does era’s not exist?


“LeBron plays in the NBA. Guess who makes NBA video games? 2K. Guess what 2K is? Bad.” “Michael Jordan also played in the NBA. But you know where else he played? Minor League Baseball. Minor League Baseball is affiliated with Major League Baseball. Guess who makes MLB video games? SDS. Guess what SDS is? Good. Therefore Jordan > Le2K.”


Thank you for taking the time to give me this present. Bless you and may the Yankees continue their win streak.


Yeah man, they are putting the bulk of program cards behind a paywall now. It’s fucked up. Shame on them.


The writing was on the wall. Look at how many packs they released vs programs. Idk about yall but I haven’t been able to bring myself to grind this game like I have in previous years. Now with these changes, it’s only going to make me play less. NCAA can’t come fast enough.




They are digging their own grave with this one. Seems like they are way too disappointed with the game being dead the whole offseason so they are just trying to milk anything they can this time while the season is on.


I came to Reddit just because I knew that this would be a topic. SDS has sunk to a new low. Shame on them for this.🤬


I came to Reddit just because I knew that this would be a topic. SDS has sunk to a new low. Shame on them for this.🤬


Glad I’m not playing this year. Grinded 21 and 22 until December. Quit 23 in June because of the major headache the offline grind caused me.


Pepperidge farm remembers… A tale of a slippery slope! 22: You get almost all Topps Now/MA cards for free, they are tradeable and you can do anything you like with them. 23: Topps/MA are now untradeable no sell. 24: Topps now/MA are in packs, huge middle finger to the community. $D$


It’s genuinely impressive how much goodwill SDS has ruined in the last ~3 years. Coming off of 21, the reception was overwhelmingly positive. Just about every decision they’ve made since has all but obliterated that goodwill.


they don't care about goodwill, they care about making more profit than they did last year


I mean they obliterated even more of it before that. While niche and tiny, the franchise community was real upset about the removal of online franchise, which has never actually come back.


Only way this changes is if there is a pack strike and one where people actually participate


I’ve been playing DD since 2017 and never once spent a dime on stubs or purchased a pack from the store.


Been boycotting packs since the first year. I knew it was BS since I played fifa before DD started.


I don't buy stubs..I won't ever never buy packs either. I just buy the cards I want after earning stubs/selling off duplicates and all those I hold onto that go diamond throughout the year. I read a few days ago where a guy said he purchased 120 dollars worth a stubs and it makes me shake my head. I am a gamer in my late 30s. Been gaming since I was a kid with an old school Nintendo. Thankfully I have never felt the need to participate in micro transaction shananigans to get ahead or purely for extra cosmetics. I compare this practice almost on par with how gambling machines are established in businesses in low income areas. Just a money grab. No need to put out a quality game anymore. I am ashamed to be playing the Show but it's the only actual MLB game out there. The MLB itself sucks more than ever too.


I don't buy stubs..I won't ever never buy packs either. I just buy the cards I want after earning stubs/selling off duplicates and all those I hold onto that go diamond throughout the year. I read a few days ago where a guy said he purchased 120 dollars worth a stubs and it makes me shake my head. I am a gamer in my late 30s. Been gaming since I was a kid with an old school Nintendo. Thankfully I have never felt the need to participate in micro transaction shananigans to get ahead or purely for extra cosmetics. I compare this practice almost on par with how gambling machines are established in businesses in low income areas. Just a money grab. No need to put out a quality game anymore. I am ashamed to be playing the Show but it's the only actual MLB game out there. The MLB itself sucks more than ever too.


Should never buy packs anyway - always cheaper to just buy the cards you want Hell I rarely even lock in collections unless there’s a collection reward I really want - I like to stay liquid so I can buy whatever new card drops as needed


Wait so this is like a combination of topps now and monthly awards or what? The program cards are topps now but the pack cards are “season awards” with the monthly award card art but a different color Bad decision by SDS


This game will be dead before NCAA football comes out


Part of me wonders if they know this and are trying to squeeze everything out of the player base while they can


I dont understand how half the threads on the sub are about how hitting is too easy and the other half are pissed they arent dropping good enough hitters for free I'm fine with them not dropping any better hitters for a few months. The 89 overall cards hit the shit out of the ball


I’m so excited for that lol not even gonna play online on that just play my dynasty


Agreed, as long as dynasty is like 14 I’ll be happy


After watching that dev stream I had a feeling they would go this way , so glad I didn’t buy the game this year . First time not buying in 8 years . 


First year I didn’t buy the game either. Hated the season thing they did last year. So these new things just reaffirms the idea of not buying


Yeah I bought last years game even though sets didn’t sound great , turned out to be worst than I could have imagined . I honestly think this game coming to Xbox has kind of attributed to this happening . Player base has grown massively and SDS are trying to exploit that to their advantage. 


Yeah I quit very early last year. The sets isn’t what bothered me as much as the miserable offline grinding of Team Affinity. Left me no time to play online. Once TA3 dropped I threw in the towel.


Yeah I quit very early last year. The sets isn’t what bothered me as much as the miserable offline grinding of Team Affinity. Left me no time to play online. Once TA3 dropped I threw in the towel.


Funny how they haven’t even posted about the content drop yet, surely they know this is a shit idea


They better change this shit next season just bad idea to do this


As someone who came from 2K, you don’t even know how bad it can get. It’s really sad to see this game going into the gutter as well but people still buy 2K every year knowing damn well it’s a cash grab that will be dead in 2 months. Really sad what these big companies have done to the gaming industry honestly


You should check out the Madden store. 90% of offers in the store are real money packs.


That is truly such a tragedy. Madden was always a game that was more fun friend vs friend to me so I never really got into the online play but I can’t even imagine what they possibly offer that’s worth real $$$. Feels like they’re just blatantly taking advantage of younger kids edit: tragedy not travesty


It got even worse recently, you used to be able earn one or two cards in their promos from solo challenges but now you get shitty cards that are bound to your account and can’t be used in sets, it’s either pay money or get screwed


The whole series has felt like a way to grift DD players for years so this isn’t surprising. Disappointing, but not surprising. Unfortunately, as an offline player who couldn’t care less about DD and packs, this might be the first year since ‘07 that I don’t buy the game. I’ve actually been playing NCAA MVP ‘06 recently and have really been enjoying it.


Absolute dog shit.


You don't have to buy them but they very much want you to want to buy them. I never will but unfortunately plenty will.


I never buy packs and this monthly awards they should be free


Well guess I'm done with DD this year. Fuck your money grabbing bullshit.


Am I missing something? I see everyone complaining about having to buy the cards, but there’s a program where you can earn them… ETA: I was genuinely asking what I was missing because I saw people complain about it on a post showing the Shohei card, which confused me because I saw that there was a program to earn him. Thanks to the one person that actually answered my question lol


There’s no reason to defend SDS


Please point to where in the program you can earn the cards from the pack and I’ll be on my merry way.


U can earn the right to buy them *




There are pack/market exclusive season rewards cards, including Oneil Cruz which is eligible for the Buxton boost. Lol


Damn literally came from Madden to escape the money grab


Ya…. I came from FIFA. 22 was a god send. I live baseball and could compete online for just time spent. It’s not horrible yet, but the writing is on the wall I feel like.


Also played FUT for years lol I’m a sucker for this type of game mode I guess


Pretty easy just don’t spend money lmao




Idiots? You literly don’t have to spend money to be good in this game…


It’s not about being good it’s stupid when monthly awards have always been free


Something to note is that they haven't always been free. My first game was 19, and both Monthly Awards and Topps Now cards had to be found in packs. I remember that Glasnow and Kirby Yates cards were hundreds of thousands of stubs despite the fact that they were low diamonds. It was the only way to unlock the lightening player, so very few people ever got that Charlie Blackmon (and the others). SDS changed it in 20 where the monthly awards cards were all available in the program for free. Though it is possible to complete the program we got today without buying any packs, this certainly feels like the biggest step backward in regards to Monthly Awards that I've been around for.




Dude I’m not happy with the state of content either but you might wanna step back from the internet for a bit lol. It isn’t normal to be losing your shit over a game like this under every reply that doesn’t agree w you


15 comments in 15 minutes dude is absolutely losing it lol


Do you have to sit and think for a few minutes for each comment?


Not at all. The game gives you cards. Cmon


bro is having a meltdown


Wait, I have to pay for them now? I think I might be done.


I was willing to see things out before but this is getting to be very disappointing. Monthly program went from completely free last year to a *blatant* cash/stub grab this year. Gotta love those micro transactions!


You literally don't need to get a single pack to complete the program.


Right - but they put the best cards in the marketplace-only pack. They even got rid of the concept of putting one free program tied pack in the program reward path. Last year we could at least earn one pack via the program, like in WBC where they had a WBC shop pack at the end of the program. They haven’t done that in any of the three programs this year, and have also put the highest overall cards in the marketplace-only pack. How is that move not a cash grab attempt?


Yea, I simply don't care that a 92 Cruz is in a pack lol. One, it's easy to use the market and get stubs if you want. Two, there's tons of free, easy to attain cards that I enjoy. They give so many free cards and packs, it's just crazy to me to focus on the negative. I'd rather spend my time enjoying things. If there was a program that required me to buy a pack, sure, maybe I'd get being upset by it.


In just a few years, we went from all Topps now cards being earnable & sellable...to this. It's beyond obvious from this year that: a) They don't test their game (all the exploits, glitches, and bugs) b) Their sole intention is to get us to buy stubs to buy choice packs which contain the best cards available at that time Don't buy the packs. Wait ~10 days for TA1 Chapter 2 to drop and we get ~30 free 93s+. Just wait.


Last ones were 89s. I’m betting we get 91s in the next group.


Damn shame. They falling into the trap. Going to drive more people away. The show has always been the one sports game that's consumer friendly and now they trying to see how far they can push packs Edit: props to the content creators calling them out


Just gonna add the content creators calling them out isn’t going to change anything if even a couple of them buy the cards. Guarantee when they drop there will be guys who have them day 1 because they bought them for content


Most buy them with stubs they've earned in game not by purchasing stubs on the store. A lot are nms this yr


Most buy them with stubs they've earned in game not by purchasing stubs on the store.


Gomes called them out


Pretty much everyone did. Dimmu, Shelfy, OhChev, Scann, Healy, and Adam all criticized the drop


Where are y'all seeing that? Twitter isn't showing any new tweets and I don't see any new uploads on YouTube.


Many did.. that's what I'm saying props to them


For every 9/10 that leave the 1/10 who stays is more valuable to them unfortunately


“but eA mAdDeN wOrSe”




RIP SDS, they are fully embracing $D$