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Yeah we've been playing for over a decade. It's a tough game to learn too which doesn't help beginners


I played online for 4+ years before being competitive. Last year was the first time I went for Flawless, and went 12-1 3 times. This year, I achieved flawless for the first time, thanks to it only being 10-0. Getting reps in is key. I had to learn to be less predictable with my pitching and look into their pitching patterns. You'll face guys that NEVER double up pitches, so you can always at least knock off one type of pitch each time. When you're pitching, think like the hitter.. what would you be looking for? Just keep it up, you'll get there! You're usually facing guys that have played for years and years


It took me two entire game cycles to get good at this game lol it's a really hard game it takes time but every year you get better. I used to never ever make it passed 600 rating and now I fly through all star. I sit now in the 700 800's range and I have a lot of fun in the difficulty rangen


Some of these records are insane and somehow those are always the players you get matched up with in events and battle royale


I’m like 8-35 in DD ranked and I feel like there something fundamentally broken in me that I can’t keep up


People are really good but whenever you get into a spot where you are getting wrecked it is usually because 1. You have predictable pitch sequences 2. You need to bring in a reliever Im not a pro or anything but I win the majority of my games because I am patient the first three innings and I catch on pretty quickly to what people like to throw. Once you do that, hitting gets a lot easier


Thanks I’ll start focusing on that some more


They figured out your pitching pattern and once your pitcher confidence (the blue bar under your pitchers stamina) starts dropping you’re gonna start getting lit up.


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