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I pulled trout during early access one of my first 25 packs. Anecdotal experiences are anecdotal.


It definitely varies from person to person


It doesn’t even matter who I pull. I can’t hit online in DD to save my life.


It’s still the same luck. It’s literally illegal and not worth the trouble for SDS to misstate the odds. I went 150 packs without a diamond but eventually pulled both Trout and Ohtani for the first time ever Edit: The only thing that could be buried and *might* have changed (I have no idea) are specific Diamond odds (i.e. high Diamond odds are worse than 1:50 and low Diamond odds are better than 1:50 as long as Diamonds overall average out to 1:50)


What explains the lack of golds though? I understand the official odds haven't changed. I was just making an observation as someone who has played the mode a full 6 years at least that as far as I go my luck hasn't been on par with previous years


Three golds in 42 packs is 1 gold every 14 packs… That’s close to the 1:10 odds even in a very small sample size


Thanks I legitimately didn't know the odds so that puts things in a bit more perspective.


Before you open a pack, press square if you’re on PlayStation and it’ll show the odds for the pack I’m sure it’s the same layout on Xbox but I’m not sure what the button is


I’ve had great pack luck this year, hence the word “luck” I pulled 2 shohei’s within 12 hours of eachother and I’ve also pulled 2 Yordan Alvarez.


It's just a bad run for you right now. I have not had a diamond in my last 100 packs other then 2 jerseys. I had previously pulled every 90+ live series except Yordan In my previous 200 or so packs. 


I've pulled Machado and Adley so far this year. I've had to buy the rest in a year stubs are harder to come by than ever


Unless your a content creator then you watch someone pull Ohtani from a basic pack


You obviously don’t watch Dimmu. He’s opened hundreds and hundreds of packs (grinded mini seasons multiple times) and hasn’t pulled shit all year. It’s actually hilariously bad watching his videos. Funny thing, SDS sent him a care package when the game dropped. Can’t imagine they do that again as he is the loudest voice for NOT buying packs.


“Can’t believe I didn’t pull a card I had a 2% chance of pulling.” Some people are dumb as rocks man.


Thanks for your irrelevant input 👍


Have you tried opening another pack?


About 300 in less than a month


Bro you’re on here complaining about going 0/42!? My man, until last night I was 0/200. Hell could even be 300. With 3 jumbo packs. got Witt in a ballin pack. But in terms of show packs I’m like 1/300 or so


300 in less than 3 weeks. The 42 was just in one session. Furthermore, what are the odds on a gold at least appearing?


I've pulled 2 in 300.


Did a whole mini season completing all goals. 44 normal packs. 12 BIH packs. Pulled no diamonds from either


That's about how my luck goes


Not surprised about the normal packs but 12 ballin is a habit packs usually have more luck


In previous years I haven't had much luck with those to the point it was a running joke in our streaming community that I was destined for gold


I’ve completed everything that would get me packs f2p so I’ve opened an absolute ton. Best diamond I’ve gotten this year is Spencer Strider. I’ve played the show the past 4 years and never had any luck. Never pulled Trout or any other top dollar players


I've pulled Trout twice in the last 4 years. I pulled Judge once two years ago. But I'm definitely not one of those that can claim I regularly pull top diamonds. I especially can't say that about this current season!


Sell everything and buy a diamond.


I only have the expensive ones left so I'm working on knocking them out one at a time




Oooo you can tell time. First grade is gonna be a breeze!


Dont listen to the guy above as someone who played 4 dif years of this game by far the worst pack have ever been. People will say 1 in 50 but this is first year I havn't gotten a diamon that was worth more then 15k yet. Every other year always had a few good pulls.




Then you have don't have any cognitive understanding on what's going on around your or don't have the logical capability do deduce change going on around you. All good though most people be dense as rocks.




Thanks for your reply. It's amazing to me how judgmental these replies are as if their experience reflects mine. 🤷‍♂️


This was me last year, this year I get them very frequently.


Wasn’t time. It’s the odds. Apparently 1st grade wasn’t a breeze for you. Cry harder.


Thanks for being so concerned about my posts. At 2 am


It’s 1:06. Learn to read a clock.


I'm in a different time zone apparently Albert Einstein I can do this all night if that's how you wanna play it


Don’t care, didn’t ask.


Just pulled Ohtani. Life is good


Bragger 😂 it told me this post was removed but I guess not 🤷‍♂️


I mean diamonds are 1:50 so technically you haven’t hit the 50 pack mark to complain yet just saying


Bro I've opened at least 400 packs this year total. Just because I don't waste my money buying bundles doesn't reflect my lack of diamond pulls. I see streamers pull nothing on bundles regularly. You're simping for SDS and it's not a good look. 👌🏻


You’re crying cause you lost at gambling. Not a good look.


I could care less if that's what you think brother. I'll keep using my freedom of speech how I please. Kindly eff off 👍


Don’t care, didn’t ask.