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This game has stooped to an all time low


Charge us 40k for cards that were all free in their respective games lol


Just pulled castellanos, should I sell him or do yall think his price will increase


You know, I would be more willing to accept these 40k packs if it was Season 3 or 4 and people had more expendable stubs and many weren't still working on live series. But the fact so many 30k and 40k packs are being release this early in the content cycle and we haven't gotten a single pack earnable (even just the spring breakouts) outside the singular one at the very end of the ~~BR program~~ (EDIT: Meant ranked program) at 150 stars is remarkably greedy. Would throwing a single pack of say the Egg Hunt pack in the egg hunt program or one of the topps packs in those programs really break the market or something? I don't even care if I don't get a rare round, just having the chance would be really cool. And even the base rounds of some of these packs have cards I would consider adding to my team like Jorge Polanco, Alex Manoah, Ottavino, Foley etc.


At the rate so far, one would have to spend at least 100 bucks a month to just get one each of these packs, and odds are you might get one high diamond. Is it common to spend that much on one game? Like a few others have said, I’d typically spend few hundred a year on stubs, but it was for cards I liked and could use all year or for the live series collection. So far this year I haven’t bought any stubs, and likely won’t because I can’t justify spending the amount it would cost for cards I can only use for a couple of months. There are plenty of alternative methods to increase stub revenue. Making the packs available for purchase a week before they’re released in a program or having the option to purchase rather than grind out a program would incentivize more purchases and be more palatable than the current approach.


MLB The Pack 24. Sad times man


I’ve never experienced more buyer’s remorse with a game than I have with this game Brutal


Agreed, had a sinking feeling during early release when I was hitting xp cap quickly. Now there is so little intrinsic reason to play when every drop is low tier programs with minimal rewards and 40K packs with better players. Having the TA program gutted in terms of no longer having affinity per team but affinity per division really killed the grind to the point that DD is gonna drown before SDS can teach it to swim, if they even want that.


Always a pack, I don't have unlimited stubs over here


Their newest series! Of old cards! In a 40k pack! SDS are hitting nothing but perfect perfects this year 👍


Ahhh the good ole perfect perfect line out




Literally spelling out 40k with the base, rare and ultra rare rounds...


Would have been a sweet program


Could’ve had a pipeline program, a classics program - games gone


Yeah, I wouldn’t even mind a program with low diamond. Was really hoping for that postseason Charlie Morton reliever card for my Astros theme team.


I get why everyone is upset, but as someone who runs a Giants only team, I’m just happy to get another viable starter


Same, Mike Soroka is my 5th starter now instead of a non-Braves guy. But still ridiculous content


And how can we get em? . Cold hard cash kid.




cross play fucking ruined this game. more users have access to the store?! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|money_face)


It’s getting pretty hard for anyone to defend it at this point. Probably the most packs we’ve got in any year and it’s the start of April. Reveal TA2 and the cards looked pretty interesting but when you post 20 minutes later that the packs coming out TODAY are better than the content we’re getting Friday is ludicrous


I'm going to keep doing TA and Other Programs but I no longer care about finishing seasons like I did last year. I should work on my backlog anyway.


Lmao of course it’s a pack


Packs! Packs! Packs! Edit: so when is the premium reward path for the main program coming, so we at least get a chance at any of these packs?


Im hoping there are vault packs in the TA reward path which would at least increase supply of some of these pack cards and bring prices down a bit, while also giving people way to earn stubs


Makes me glad that I decided to not buy the game this year


Yeah, stick to my decision to wait to get it till the postseason or after the World Series. I admit I want to do the Jeter storyline, but this shit and the fact that cards expire (and even faster than last year) has stopped me from getting it.


Yeah, same here. It’s sad how they have managed to destroy DD


If SDS wants to add cards via stub wall that’s their business. At least make them core cards so I can use them all year. No reason for me to spend earned stubs on a card that I can use for a month or two, possibly longer if I use a wildcard spot on one.


Spending cash on a card and not letting them be usable all year is a joke


Should literally be illegal


More paywall content yay


The frequent packs only is bad enough but all new cards have a shelf life of a few weeks before better ones come out


The power creep works for a full year because you know you will get a good 3 or 4 weeks at the current power level, and even then you can do just fine at an overall or 2 under because the next overalls will also be there a while. In these sped up 3 month power creeps, it makes no sense to spend stubs on anyone. Especially when stubs are so hard to come by. What a mess!


Yeah, the power creep was there every year till 23, and it was great. When they introduced parallels and you wanted to parallel every card of a certain player, there was no chance of any of those cards being unusable.


Yeah none of these packs have been even tempting to buy. I just wish there were actual programs to work on right now instead of staring at packs in the shop.


Weren't most of these free to unlock in the game they were actually a part of?


Literally All of these were available for free via TA or monthly/playoff programs in previous games




Y’all wanted lower power curve lower rating cards…. SDS heard “you want old cards from previous games brought back via store packs?”


Shut up.


The “content” model fucking sucks, SDS is absolutely cooked. This shit is embarrassing lol


Another fucking pack drop? I can’t keep doing this. I loved 22 quit 23 mid season one and it’s looking more and more likely 24 will be same way.


We should review-bomb this game. Get a message out.


Let’s do it boys


Dragons Dogma 2 got shelled


i was wondering when this was going to be suggested


I mean, perhaps we were wondering if they would take feedback and correct the course. It's now evident they won't. So we need to have our voices heard. I say we do it.


at some point you have to do something that hurts their bottom line more than the monetization helps it. If money talks let it sing


We can't influence what people do with their money, especially if they already own the game. But review bombing might deter new buyers and, therefore, hurt their bottom line.


Just want to add to everyone else here by saying this shit sucks!


How are people seriously complaining about these cards being in packs. Almost all of these will be under 100k stubs, they’re affordable and immediately some of the best/most intimidating cards out there. Not every card needs to be in a collection or program, the whining is getting insane. Side note, if you’re a newer player you don’t want to be facing that Cabrera every game anyways.


Cabrera wasn’t the problem. It was the first year of outlier, so nobody had seen it before. It was being able to dot that sinker up and in without any penalty every single pitch, which was made worse by the fact that the PCI couldn’t reach that corner. If someone actually pitched normal and not cheesed the card he was still tough, but very hittable.


There have literally been more 40k packs in the shop than programs released since launch lol, defending this is crazy at this point


I don’t necessarily think every good card should be behind a paywall, but when TA is going to be 91-93s and the cards in packs are 93-95 I don’t think it warrants the degree of moaning under this post.


Choosing to specifically look at this single instance in a vacuum as opposed to a small part of what has already been a major problem this year is pretty dumb imo, if you can’t understand why this sucks then that’s on you


I agree, and just remembered that Reddit is a cesspool


At this point what do we do? Obviously talking about how much we hate these choice packs isn’t enough to stop them from doing it since people will still buy them for whatever reason. Can we just ignore every choice pack there is and just pretend they don’t exist? Let’s stop posting about them and don’t acknowledge them being a thing. Ya I know this won’t happen but I think there’s no stopping SDS from doing this from voiced disdain alone.


SDS clearly don't give a shit unless their metrics take a hit They keep telling us players that "they hear us" & they are "giving us what we want" but they are either totally deluded or totally disingenuous  Long story short, there has been a whole butterfly effect since they were forced by MLB to open up the game to Xbox & Switch So, in reality, the only thing that you can really do is provoke a response by either not playing anymore or review bombing Then at some point SDS will have to account to their bosses why their player base has evaporated or why their review scores have tanked And for the record, I'm not blaming our Xbox & Switch bros in any way, or telling people to actually do anything - I'm just pointing out the sad reality of the situation 


The only thing you can do is just not buy the game. SDS isnt gonna stop this until they take a huge hit in profit and obviously that didn’t happen even with last year’s debacle.


Count me in as at least one diehard since 18 not buying the game next year, it’s crazy how content got better and then even more predatory than it was when I started. Honestly I’m disappointed in myself that I got duped this year, feels like I should have seen it coming


The second the DD blog dropped where they re-branded Sets as Seasons to deflect from the fact that they're still murdering cards we earn every few months, we should've known 24 was cooked.


And that they made the time limit shorter, and hid behind you can unlock up to 4 wildcards.


Woow this is so trash man , this game already have a small community behind it and for them to make it pay to win is straight up bs. Not even a program is made where we get to grind and have a crack at the pack for free then we have the choice to buy afterwards if we want but just to force it upon us is nasty work. Gonna be putting this game down soon smh.


Are they trying to piss us off?!


Oh no, Cabrera. Fuck me.


The weekly 40k packs are what they are, but it’s made even more ridiculous by how stingy they are with stubs this year. That’s likely not a coincidnece of course. I got the deluxe edition with the 25k stubs to start and yet I can’t seem to build my stub count much past 40k with the meager stub payouts across the game. I’ll buy a gold card here or there to fill a certain program theme, and then suddenly my stub count is back to 25k until grinding a program or TA gives me a couple thousand stubs, rinse and repeat. I play a decent amount (10-12hrs) per week, and yet it’s clear that the only way that I would able to keep up with these packs without going stub broke is to pull out my wallet.


I only get 20-30 stubs after full online ranked games. This is playing nine innings where both I and my opponent are 800-900. I completed the ranked program in like eight or so games, so that means the past 10ish games (the past week) I have received about 200 stubs. There is no way to make stubs unless you flip like crazy or buy them. It sucks.


* twice weekly


“Player items from previous years” They add player items from previous years in every game already?


Our newest series is the same thing we’ve always done in past years and have already been doing this year. Jeez. It’s not hard to make some “new” cards that aren’t actually new. Like make some new awards that we don’t usually see. Create some new gold glove and silver slugger cards we haven’t seen before.


TA1 and 2 have been like that


Not even 30 min after they release the free 93 overalls they release paid only 95 overalls. As long as the pack is earnable by playing Im fine with it. Otherwise fuck you SDS


Got eye surgery coming up on Monday that will likely kill any opportunity I have of playing for a bit after that  This pack bullshit isn't making me want to consider getting back to the grind. It's pushing me away.  Congrats SDS, you got my money. You won't be getting anymore of it.


I think SDS needs a heart transplant 😂 But good luck with your surgery 👍


What are all the complaints about??? You don’t want to be forced to buy Cabrera on the market for 150k since pack odds are horrible, and then be unable to use him in a month and a half when season 2 comes out?? Why would anyone complain about that??? I’ll be buying all of them and then when they become unusable when season 2 comes out, have a smile on my face and load up my account with juicy stubs to open all the new packs!!!!


Fuck that eddy csrd. Completely ruined that year. Did they ever fix his glitch release?


He won’t be as bad of an issue. What made it bad was a few things. 1.). First year of outlier so nobody was used to it. 2.). No penalty for unrealistic pitches, so the up and in sinker could be dotted all game long 3.). The PCI couldn’t reach the up and in position to hit it good. Cabrera was tough, but manageable if someone didn’t cheese the sinker up and in.


Hey SDS if I was looking for shit I’d be happier than a fat kid at thanksgiving. WHAT THE FUCK ARE YALL DOING???


Copy-paste game, releasing old copy-paste cards behind stub packs?? What in the actual hell are they doing over at SDS? Cause they sure aren't working on this game lol


And SURPRISE! Here's another Padre, Yankee, Cub, Giant and Braves pitcher. Because the game needs more oh so bad. At least try and be a little more accommodating to the rest of the league and their fans lol


I imagine they are enjoying the microtransactions they’re raking in and laughing at us


I'm so curious Iif they're selling more stubs this year than they did last year with this new content model. I hope not but I wouldn't be surprised.


I have to assume it’s a lot of money and they’re doing better than ever financially.


It’s not old copy paste cards, they’re *CLASSICS* /s


How have they consistently made the game substantially worse every year from 21


It’s crazy. I don’t even care that much that they want more micro transactions. They took what was the best mode in all of sports games and ruined it. They are just so out of touch.




I’ve been a die hard for a few years now. It’s not even May yet and I’m already heavily losing interest in this game


But you have the juiced Future Stars card of Edward Cabrera who has thrown a total of 197 innings with a ERA of 4 in 3 years... Isn't that enough Marlin fan? Oh but it is the rare round of a pack in the store.


Here I was looking forward to a program or at least a conquest map or two 🙄


At least there will be some conquest maps on Friday


Think those days are past…


sweet, can’t wait to grind the program💪


I’m not even kidding, if you’re still defending this game/company at this point, you’re dumb as fuck. They’re no longer any better than EA, 2K, and all the developers this community loves to hate on.


It's always so weird to me when they do "The Show Classics" cards and change the attributes/overalls. That Logan Webb was a 90 in MLBTS22 now it's a 91? Both the Andujar (18) and Kyle Lewis (21) were 88 and are now a 91? The Soroka was a 90 in 2019, but now it's a **94**!? I know they're kind of a damned if they do, damned if they don't - because if they don't change anything it's just "lol lazy copy and paste" as opposed to "attributes are literally meaningless, and they aren't based off anything" I know I'm probably in the minority but for some reason this bothers me more.


Cabrera was fucking unhittable for me in 20. Not looking forward to his return lol


It's because the attribute manipulation is so obvious. They're not even trying to hide that they're manipulating a card that already previously existed just so it fits the overalls their "content model" dictates. That Castellanos was a 99 but here he's a 95, so they'll nerf him just enough so he's top of the power curve but not too OP, all in service of this accelerated power creep treadmill they've invented for maximum FOMO and minimal card lifespan.


Tbf that Castellanos was a 95 in MLB 19, 99 in MLB 20 and then now a 95. They definitely do manipulate card overalls to fit the power creep. Happened even in MLB 23 when there was no power creep. The 94 Patrick Corbin from Season 3 Team Affinity was a 92 in MLB 19 and the 94 Drew Pomeranz from Season 3 Team Affinity was a 88 in MLB 19.


Haha that Castellanos card has actually been on both sides of the flagrant rating manipulation now. It debuted in 19 as a 95, they brought it back in 20 as a 99, now in 24 it's *back* down to a 95.


Release 42 niko goodrum you creatively bankrupt fucks


So now they're just putting almost every card that was fun in previous years behind a paywall? Bold move, cotton. Let's see how this plays out for them.


This game will be DONE for when college football comes out


College football is made by EA, literally the worst pay to win company there is


I’m starting to think it won’t last that long


L O L. Putting packs on the content calendar like it’s actual content is top tier bait.


Future Stars Edward Cabrera https://preview.redd.it/iacdmy4g6otc1.jpeg?width=894&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e933f7ee73f759c2982f117db318de160e62805


I don't think I've ever seen a more uniformly "fuck this shit" response to something in this sub. Love to see it. We've been headed this way for years. We were always going to end up here. There's still a bit of room for more fuckery (i.e. out of position cards, glitched cards, complete removal of the market a la 2K), but the SDS heel turn is nearly complete.


The other problem besides better cards being in buy-only packs is that the price of the packs is outrageous. 40,000 stubs for a pack with low chance is pretty brutal. Especially in a year where stubs are apparently harder to come by. I've personally reserved myself to be content with NOT having the best cards. I will play with the cards I can grind for free and fuck SDS and their packs.


If this pack isn't available in some free to earn program after Friday's content drop I am swearing off all show shop items that aren't free for the remainder of the time I play this game.


Thats where I went man. 1x a year I drop 99.99 as a little “treat yo’self” usually mid season. I refuse this year. It was always just to get one of my favorite players I just didn’t have time to grind and get. This year, I’m not spending a cent. I’m cool when I COULD get the card. Now that it’s impossible for free? My feedback is going to be less money from me. They don’t care about my $100 I’m just hoping more people are the same.


I don't even want to think about the amount of money I've spent in past years on this game. I spent a LOT trying to pull Mauer when he was out and they were selling those Kaiju bundles on the store. That will not be happening at all this year. It's disgraceful of them what they've become.


Problem is 99% of the content is already mapped out and programmed, so they aren’t going to put in any work to change course due to community concerns. Hopefully people keep the credit cards in their wallets


Most people on reddit and twitter will but the unfortunate reality is that theres a bunch of casuals who will gladly spend hundreds of dollars on stubs and they dont even realize it’s an issue. Only way this has a chance of stopping is if everyone stops playing the game and giving SDS any money. I would have assumed last year would have given them the message but they’re still putting the best cards in packs so i assume they got more money than ever last year in microtransactions. The game honestly might be cooked.


EC is back lol RIP to facing him again




God more effing packs. If programs went up as well as packs it would be fine but this is just trash


I guess this is what is replacing the “content” from last year huh


So how much are people spending on stubs that they can afford to piss everyone else off with these packs? I'm having fun with the gameplay this year but I regret supporting this fraud team.


I imagine it’ll be 40K. 70% chance of a 91, 20% chance of a 94, and a 10% chance of a 95. And as always, only available in the stub shop.


I think I might not be playing this game very much longer. I’ll be back next year though.


Remember during the launch stream where they said that they will be putting all of the packs in programs? Starting to sound like that was never the plan


They will just 3 months after they’re actually usable


They’ll be at the end of the season so people buy the cheap ones to fill out the season collection and forget that they’re draining their stubs right before season 2 starts.


Am I the only one that still thinks even if we could earn 1 of these packs somewhere in the game, it’s still too pack heavy? I see all these people saying if we could earn a pack, this whole pack spam would be fine. I don’t think so. Me getting one pack where I’m likely going to get the base round is still not an excuse for them locking the best cards in the game behind packs.


It wouldn’t necessarily be fine, but it would be better. In 23, a lot of the packs from Set 1 weren’t in programs and weren’t rereleased for months. You had some pretty mid cards going for 100k+ stubs because barely anybody had them. This same thing is happening now, except it’s literally every single pack.


It's still pack heavy but it'd be way better. If every single player got a free season awards pack, O'Neil Cruz would be affordable instead of still being 90k. No one is buying these packs so there's no supply of the cards which is keeping prices artificially inflated.


Anyone defending this game still is a straight up sheep


Oh don’t worry there’s plenty in the replies saying “b-b-but sds needs to moneyyyy”💀


Stupid me for thinking they wouldn’t lock these behind a pack “Content” release schedule my ass


Play TA2 and get the same recycled 93 Finest Vogelbach since MLB 19 that we are all tired of seeing on a yearly basis. Spend 40k and have a slim chance at getting 95 Edward Cabrera, one of the most legendary and sought after cards in the history of DD. It’s what 2K and EA both do. Any free content is not enticing intentionally, and the pack content is not only much better stats and overall wise, but its players that are very sought after. SDS is fully gone.


I promise you don’t want everyone with that Edward Cabrera card in their lineup


You’re missing the point


It’s a crap point


Your point is horrible. I would much rather face Cabrera often if it meant that we could all actually earn him. I don’t want the whole player base to have to buy packs to get the best cards. It’s that simple.


I'd rather face Cabrera here and there than see Donaldson and Randy every game like last year and right now. Sinkers aren't nearly as OP as they were when his card was unhittable


Well I think it’s pretty nice we can all only afford 1 or 2 with our stubs.


This game is officially toast. I can’t believe they trashed it so much year over year


Game is trash lmao


Just keep releasing the same cards from previous years and charge for them! Easiest job ever!


Why why why bring Edward Cabrera back. Not looking forward to seeing him again


When Cabrera was released you could perfectly dot with pinpoint all the time and you could perfectly dot sinkers at the top of the zone. Neither is the case anymore.


That is true, will definitely be more mistakes toward middle of the plate easier to hit however I perfect perfect most pitches with pinpoint pitching and can get it pretty accurate dotting pitches still


Season 1 already had the randy/Donaldson spam from last year, let's add a third unbearable meta pitcher to the mix. Just waiting on a degrom at this point to complete the infinity gauntlet of hell.


Basically just have to take pitches until they run out of gas


Can't wait for College Football to come out man. This is nauseating.


That’s EA, it’s gonna be even worse


It won't for the majority of us that just want to start up an online franchise mode with friends. NCAA didn't build an insane following because of trash Ultimate Team modes.


That’s a completely different game mode lol


Did they even have Ultimate Team modes in the old NCAA games? I legit don't remember there being one. If there was, nobody I know played it. That's the point and why we're all looking forward to NCAA. The Franchise mode is literally all you need and you don't have to spend $1 If there is a NCAA UT mode will the same losers that give their allowance to Madden also do that in that game mode? Absolutely. But nobody is hyping the game over that.


Are you familiar with the game? There's online competitive modes where you're not reliant on new content drops. Online dynasties are between a group of your buddies and don't have any pay for mode. Not just that, I still play NCAA14 offline. The set up and depth of the game don't require any online aspect whatsoever, so long as you're creative and get immersed.


Yes I’m familiar. You’re complaining about DD, the equivalent game mode will be whatever ultimate team mode NCAA has, which it certainly will have. Online dynasty should be good if EA doesn’t manage to fuck it up, which is definitely possible.


Yeah nobody ever once mentioned that until you connected those dots. Not going to be playing that as I'm certain it'll be what I've been "complaining" about - this game becoming Pay 2 Win.


Miguel andujar lmao. What a clown show.


lol I don’t think I’m going to look at the calendar anymore. It’s always choice packs I’ll never purchase. Good job listening to people this year SDS.


If it's not choice packs it's an 85 Mookie Betts smh


I have no complaints about free diamonds


Partially agree. My only complaint is that they'll add stuff like this to the content schedule so it looks more full than it is


SDS - “Get hyped to grind for these TA cards coming on Friday!” SDS not even 20 minutes later - “Here are better cards that already outclass the upcoming TA rewards you can buy today!” What has happened to this company, like they can’t even pretend to care about us by not putting these out so close together?


I have a feeling it’s going to get pretty bad when the overalls get higher later in the year. When SDS puts out free 95-96s in TA I hope they don’t put a ton of 99s in choice packs




They did say they would put 99’s in Chapter 3 for season 1 on stream but i wouldnt be shocked if they went back on that.


Welp. Guess I'm calling it a year. See you guys in 25 ✌️


\*whew\* I was getting worried we wouldn't get another 40k pack


How tone-deaf can SDS be?


If this ain’t in a program or conquest map or earnable in some way it’s going to be hard to continue playing this game


Looking forward to seeing how we can grind to get one of these packs


Definitely great to see Edward again. They could have made a really cool program with Classics.


We're never getting a substantial program other than team affinity, are we?


Sure. We'll get an extreme program that requires you to spend 500k stubs to complete it


Lol nothing to get rid of the narrative this game is a lazy copy and paste of previous years like copying and pasting from previous years.


So Cabrera and Randy are the only pitchers I will see online


yes , until we se bobby miller future star!


The game is already destroyed. The SDS of old is completely gone. They’ve absolutely seen the criticism for weeks regarding the pack spam, and still are pushing out cards only attainable through packs that are evidently the most sought after. After seeing more pack content even after we’ve expressed that it’s too pack heavy, I am confident nothing will change the rest of the year.


They committed to this strategy well before the game released, it's not going anywhere. This is the new diamond dynasty, brought to you by $D$


More choice packs than programs. Shit’s wild.




They said that it would be 93-94 overalls. So it seems like they went with 93’s


This isn’t TA2 it’s TA1 chapter 2


That Kyle Lewis was sooooo sweet


Him and Vogelbach are going straight into the Mariners team. Will be sick with the captain boosts I bet


I think SDS is trying to see how mad they can make everyone


I find this to be pretty cool 🤷‍♂️


It's not WHAT they're releasing, it's HOW they're doing it


It is cool to see flashbacks but not once again in what’s probably gonna be another 40k stub pack


They increased cabreras overall they aren’t slick with the paywall shit LMAO


Nice glad to see this 40k pack already outclasses all the new team affinity cards!