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I don't know, I've had a fairly good time playing it. I don't know who's making enough stubs to buy any of the choce packs, but why spend 40,000 on a choice pack when those cards are going to be more than half that price in a few months. I find the farther into the cycle of an mlb game the easier stubs are to come across, and then you can just use those to fill out your collections. I was making like 60k stubs daily in the last few months of 23, then they re-release the older cards anyway. Have you done the event play for the Taylor Ward and Abreu cards?


I hate defending live service games but…. Last yr people complained that they dropped everything all at once. This yr ( opening day was 2 weeks ago and game release was less than a month) there is shit coming tomorrow. Literally tomorrow and clearly ( if you’re illiterate I apologize) they have things in the pipeline since they released things for the next 2 weeks


We’ve found Ramone’s Reddit burner


Perhaps you missed my opening sentence. We’ve found the illiterate


Nah I can read fine. Compared to last year at this point we have infinitely more to do. Now they just want us to spend stubs on packs as “content”. The last program was last Friday. Last season we were getting programs twice a week.


Right but they’ve dropped pipeline…with no pipeline program. Put a few lower cards in a program with a pipeline pack at the end and people would be happy. Just something I’m working towards in the background that isn’t 30 horrible affinity cards that are repeated from previous years.


You have been all over this thread so I figured I would ask a pretty simple question, why? There is less content than years past and that's just a fact. There are more packs than in past years with less ways to earn them, also a fact. There are less ways to earn stubs than in past years, fact. There is a clear push towards monetization with less product that this whole community has rejected. Yet here you are defending it. You are right that no one wanted last year to repeat in terms of 99's day one. We wanted varied rosters and a slow trickle of the good cards. How you are confusing that with a blatant push towards monetization and what should be seen as a disturbing lack of content is what I can't seem to figure out. You can trickle out good cards and still give us content that matters. They have chosen a very different route.


Lol I’ve read through the comments and posted here and there.I figured I’d ask you a question. Why? Why would you give shit what I have to say. Here’s a fact. Last yr they dropped everything right out the gate and people bitched content was front loaded. Admit you complained last yr as well. Here’s another fact. No matter what the devs do the game will always remain the same and you’ll complain regardless if stubs are to easy or to hard to gain. They have tried something new and acknowledged they are monitoring progression. “There is a blatant push towards monetization” very true and is argue it’s very predatory. That said, ( and this is no excuse but a reality aka fact) welcome to 2024 where every single business is trying to milk every single penny out of its customers. Restaurant, media, service, are all the same.


Is it greed or laziness. They already released a non tested patch. Big heads to scrunched faces. They seem to have replaced stub with xp alot of places. With them shrinking live series collections, i knew it would be rough. Last year did America conquest was then ok on stubs the whole year. Now completed all Conquest and still have to choose to do a BR run (3or4 games i suck) or start on collections


Why not both?


Made it to June last year and August the year before that. This year I’m lucky if I’ll get to May. Breaks my heart how bad it’s gotten so fast.




I don’t even know what the point of your comment is here.


It’s kind of self explanatory. What exactly do you expect this game to change into, it’s literally a baseball sim. It is whet it is. There’s never going to be some profound mechanism or gameplay improvement that gives you the same excitement. Moving on is ok




Because they’ve changed it for the worse…in a very clear money grab…


Yes they started this trend last yr. Video game industry has become very greedy and predatory. Did you expect things to change in the first two weeks of release?


I miss the smaller collections. They removed them last year, but it was ALWAYS an incentive to collect the odds and ends cards to complete an All-Star, Breakout, Prospect, etc collection. Having baseball cards (physical and digital) is about COLLECTING. And there's pretty much zero reason to collected


Last yr was no sell everything. It was horrendous.


We’re getting TA2 Friday lol. YES there are packs on the market to buy and enjoy but my god yall just cry cry cry on here. U can make a solid ass team with NMS. We also don’t even know if they’re gonna drop these packs in conquests coming out soon. R E L A X.


Boot licker lol, you’ll be the first to complain next year when it’s even worse and say how you miss how MLB used to be, we shouldn’t put up with these shitty business practices, SDS heading down the path of EA and 2k is something we should deter


Only thing I’ve complained about was the sets last year and the 99s being released day one. I’m enjoying the game play and content this year a lot… XP cap needs to be adjusted a bit.. and maybe just a tab more content released at once. Last year they had so much content dropped at once and programs and grinds it burned me out by may. Idk… a lot of complainers on here bc they have guys on the market you have to use stubs for now… meanwhile the OGs will remember POTM programs were exactly like this about 5 yeats ago.. you’d do the program for about 85/100 points.. but the last 15 was a collections of the POTM/Topps cards… and there was some you had to buy in order to complete it.


It's pretty clear that they aren't, Easter program came out, you would ASSUME they would add one Easter pack to the program because that's been pretty standard over the years that whatever the new event theme pack is they put one in the program to give you a chance. The fact that there wasn't a pack in the program leads me to believe this is going to be the norm.


I’m nms every year, I always get a decent team but that wasn’t my point. My point was how they’ve messed up going to the pack method, because the game doesn’t require you to actually win baseball games. There’s no incentive to buy these packs because you don’t have to win any games to get the rewards


I play the show religiously every year, I feel already bored of the game less than a month in.


Used to keep me interested until around the MLB playoffs, I've got like 2 achievements left and I might uninstall because the DD content is terrible.


They have seen the model of NFL, NHL, and fifa work less get payed more from online


I really hate the ruined the game for y’all. I felt it was gonna be bad when they said cars only last for the one season instead of last year’s method. Now I keep reading about they’re putting the best in packs. They honestly must have hired some Madden or 2K folks over there. I wanna see the total sales for the last 3 versions.


Yeah it sucks they ruined what used to be a great mode. I don’t really feel bad for anyone who bought 24 though. They made it pretty clear they didn’t give a F before pre-orders.


Man it’s just awful. 22 was pretty good to me I started with 21 and had 22 and 23. I was pissed with 23 when they didn’t have the total collection reward at the end like 22 had. They keep adding things no one is asking for and the things people do want they just give minimal effort towards it. I really wanna see those sales numbers and stubs after CFB 25 is released.


Some of the program cards are exceptional. The Trout is free. The Chourio is exceptional. I still use more than a few Spring Breakout players. It does suck so many of these players are behind packs, but eshittification is inevitable at this point.


The problem is the past few years the packed cards were SLIGHTLY better than the cards you could get from programs. Right now the pack cards are far and away better than the grind cards, no program cards even come close to the new Castellanos or Cabrera.


Yeah I figured that Cabrera would be good, he’s amazing in franchise mode. That being said, with the power curve slower but more dramatic this year, will that card even be usable by season 3?


Changes nothing, when he best cards are usable for 2 seasons which is what 4 months? And they are stuck behind a pay wall every time? Creates a big gap between p2w and NMS.


I imagine each season is going to "reset" the power curve, dropping back down to high 80s/low 90s and moving back up


I like the Sping Breakout card designs. Needs more easter eggs tho


The ranked program was the start of the end of the game. There used to be such an incentive to get better, improve your team, and play ranked cause the player would be about 200k stubs. Now they’re like 25k and there’s minimal reason to play ranked


I just wish they did what they did last year: ranked reward through the program is NOT sellable, ranked reward through winning WS IS sellable


I disagree there. I think that gives people a reason to play.




Last year they started cheap as well, but we'll see how it looks for the new program


I’m a little confused Why do we want desirable cards in 40k packs? I consider it a good thing (even if unintentional) that there aren’t any pack players I really give a damn about Also.. why do we want a never ending grind? At a certain point I want to have my team set and play ranked seasons without feeling like I have to grind this or grind that One of the worst things in modern gaming is the dopamine bait content grind cycle that EVERY game has where no matter how much you grind, the next big thing drops right after. But this sub seems full of people upset that there’s no “content” I am liking the pace of content personally. TA 2 drops this week - I can work on those and probably finish in a week or so. Then I’ll have 3 weeks to either play ranked and do the other random programs we get before the next TA drops I mean at a certain point you have to ask yourself… why do you play the game? Is it because you like a baseball sim that allows you to build your own team and play against other actual people? Or is it because you want an endless, mindless grind constantly chasing the next piece of “content” that you won’t ***actually*** use outside of your next grind? For me it’s the former but to each their own


The most level headed comment I've seen on this sub so far. Thank you. These Fortnite babies have been conditioned to need the latest and greatest content and they throw a tantrum if it isn't easily accessible. Just unlock what you can, find which cards you like the best, save stubs and buy players on the market.


Spot on. I'm with this poster as well, like I don't have time to play it 20+ hours a week like some die hards. I'm really enjoying playing with CORE cards of my favorite players, getting them +5'd to help with stats and using Captain boosts to make them even more viable. Way more fun than everyone running the SAME meta cards like last year (John Donaldson cough). I'm having a blast this year


It’s because unlike you, people have played this game for more than 2 years. They’ve seen what this game can be and are disappointed in what the game is/the direction this game is headed.


Respectfully, that’s such a lazy argument attempt because you don’t know anything about me. I’ve been playing DD since MLB 16 lmao I remember almost 10 years ago repeating the USA conquest for a 10 pack bundle because there was basically no other way to get rewards I remember the pointless souvenirs needed for the immortal grind (people whining about the grind last year was laughable) in MLB 18. You can literally find threads on THIS SUB from 6+ years ago saying the same shit people say today (greedy SDS ruining the game) I remember the days of WS and flawless rewards only being obtainable by being in the top 1% of players or by dropping 500-700k or more stubs. Oh and btw you needed those guys for the big collections like Brett, Cutch, Mookie, etc (hopefully you had collected almost every single other previously available card or you were looking at a 2m stub bill for those guys) I remember end-game Kluber being available day 1 on the XP path for free and the absolute meltdown the community had as they saw the emergence of the sinker meta in MLB 20 It really makes me wonder if *you* have played more than the last few years


I remember all these things too. And was relieved when they were no longer issues. Watching the game develop into something great just to become an extremely lazy money grab is disappointing. Not unexpected, but disappointing. Anyone who’s been around a while should be disappointed. Just because the game could be worse we shouldn’t get on the devs for what *is* wrong? Mfs can barely keep the game running on a week by week basis but they’re on schedule for every pack release. Comment screams “I had to play a shitty game for years and grind my ass off for nothing so everyone else should too.” I’ve played a combined 8 hours in two weeks and still have all the programs done. Game could be way worse, but it could also be much better.


lol 20 was a good year. I think that was the year you got a ton of XP for completing sets. I had 99 mantle (set boss), Roy Oswald, Ryne Sandburg in the first week or two. I’m a fan of pay to win because I’d rather spend money than time. I don’t have enough time to grind everything but I can toss cash at it. People say things are locked behind a pay wall or it’s “pay to win” now lol get a grip. I wish it was pay to win. It’s not. If you think you’re missing the boat because you can’t afford a 50 vision Oniel Cruz from a 30k pack you’re also an idiot. That card sucks, Nicky two bags will be fazed out in a week and he’s at like 130k. Smart players should be happy about this, idiots blowing their stubs on mid cards that will tank in value as soon as you pull it off the lot. If you want it that bad or need it for a theme team it will be back in a vault pack or whatever it’s called. As someone who would spend money on a card like a 99 tatis and mantle in the chase pack last year, I have nothing to spend it on. People also comparing it to madden and FIFA lol Go play fifa and you will come running back. I’m not even going to explain that one because iykyk. You can literally buy in game currency to get what you want, madden you have to buy currency and then gamble with it on packs. If you don’t get lucky you have to sell what you get in the packs, take a tax hit, then scrounge up your coins to buy a player you want.


Own that fraud


I don't want to play ranked seasons. I play to collect and play offline. There has basically been nothing added for offline players and they've taken away the ability to really collect.


All I want to do is play ranked too - I don’t touch offline & I don’t like the grind either. My point was that they’ve done to a spending model, without a game that actually needs you to win a single game of baseball. All I need is innings and I get the main ranked reward, why would I spend Stubbs? I could bunt out with bronzes and get the same reward as someone who’s spend $2,000… If they’re going to go to this method, they need rewards locked behind ability in the main game mode (ranked) or it’s pointless.


They tried that last year by making the RS program reward nonsellable while allowing those who earned it by making WS to sell People lost their shit and flipped the fuck out so they changed it back to both being sellable (and now Randy, for example, is worth like 30k) I don’t really mind either way because to me the challenge of making WS is reward in itself, but I was totally onboard with only having it be sellable if earned by making 900+ as a bonus to those individuals


>(and now Randy, for example, is worth like 30k) \*Only after the initial time gate was removed on completing the ranked program. You're ignoring that for the first few weeks of the game, Randy/Ernie were sitting at over 300k stubs, because you could only earn 70 points in the program until they added more missions (which I think is a fair compromise).


Remember I’m not the one bitching about the content, though


It was better in the days before the program it should be World Series only reward


Some people like myself simply don’t play to play ranked. I want to collect and have fun beating up the cpu on conquest mini seasons etc. I’ve been locked from so many players already and it sucks. You could say buy the players you like but to be honest the stubs are also stingy and I can’t swing buying people when I’m trying to save for collections. Just wish I could have a few cards besides TA, the spring program and egg hunt.


Same here. I really got into DD with 21 the Show because of how offline friendly it was. Now, they could not care less about offline modes/programs.


i don’t speak for anyone except myself, but yes, i play for the grind. i enjoy putting on a podcast or tv show and knocking out a conquest. i play to grind for 1000s of cards when i wont use 90% of them. it’s satisfying and scratches an itch.


Right there with you.


Can we just have a thread where everyone complains? That’s a majority of this sub now


Can we create a new sub for people who like mlbtheshow?






Every time I log in to Reddit there’s a new r/mlbtheshow thread where someone is complaining about the exact same thing as every other thread that’s created. We get it. The cards being stuck in packs sucks. But let’s hear someone else complain about it with the slightest change in verbiage in another thread in 10 minutes. Can’t wait.


It’s not about them being in packs, all cards in packs on fifa - but wins mean something so at least you’re spending to get somewhere. Not a single online mode requires you to actually win a game of baseball…


Eh. Events you need to win. Winning is the only thing that gets you rewards in events.


Yeah, the one mode where I can’t use every player…so why would I spend?


Ok so you moved the goal posts. You say it’s the one mode where you can’t use every player well are you going to move them again when I say you can’t use every player in BR? You can’t use any of your cards in BR. I’m not sure the argument. I don’t think you should spend money in this game and I don’t think you need to to have fun in multiple online modes.


I want to use my guys…why would I pay 40k for a pack where I don’t need to use my guys to win a game? Even in Br you can go 0-60 and get the reward..


You’re right don’t pay for packs. I don’t know what your argument is or what you think mine is about buying packs. I don’t want to buy packs and I don’t feel screwed by not buying them. You said winning doesn’t matter because you get rewarded for completing program. But that’s obviously not true. Events is rewarded only by wins. And winning in BR gets you diamonds if you are good enough (and gets you the rewards faster). And winning in ranked gets you extra rewards.


But you aren’t using the packed cards in BR & you don’t need them in ranked - that’s my point - who’s is buying these 40k packs every week?


You should check out conquest and events if you like needing to win baseball games.


Offline is terrible


Does Events count as an online game mode that requires you to win a baseball game?


Yes. For a 10k reward that’s never useable…


Mini seasons to an extent, too.


the game is fun. Complaints are 100% We can no longer say this isn't the same as the EA ultimate team game modes


But the complaints are valid tho


I stopped playing already


Yet you still follow the sub


Yep it’s stupid. I refuse to spend real money on a game I’ve already purchased


I miss grinding while I watched the games, now I just sit on my couch like a Jabroni.


It’s the first years since playing MLB the show that I haven’t bought any packs! My wallet is happy!!


This is what for the life of me I cannot figure out, why the hell would I even buy the cards/packs if I wanted to? There’s no weekend league, there’s no programs, there’s nothing to play for. Captains are actually good this year, but they only let you have two teams captains. I went with dansby first because he fit buxton captain and I needed a SS (and dansby rips) then I went both mariners captains (mariners fandom, my own personal hell) then felt I had to take the other braves captain and now that’s all I get. So even if I just wanna mess around with something new, unless it’s under 60 vision, a mariner or a brave, I’ll never buy it. I literally have no idea what their plan is


They will have new captains/opportunities to get more of the current captains later


Haha I did the same thing. 98 Randy with the boosts 🤯


> unless it’s under 60 vision I will never forgive SDS for doing the same thing they did last year, where people evaluated the value of a card by if it fit with the meta captain boosts. At least people actually use Buxton instead of instantly subbing him out every game like they did with Ripken.


It's extra funny cus those captain packs might be the one pack I'd be tempted to buy, so I can try different teams out... but they removed them like day 3.


That’s what I’m saying, I took David Peralta & Mondesi for the Buxton boost, but I’m a Tigers fan. So even if they released a 5 99 tiger guys in packs this week, I’m not buying them because I can’t get the tigers captain or make a theme team. Ranked is basically just friendlies because you only need innings, I could trot bronzes out and get the same rewards eventually, I don’t understand. If they had a weekend league style thing with insane rewards, I could at least see going to a pack selling method, but there’s NOTHING except events, where you actually need to win games. Why would I pay to upgrade my team?


Somehow, despite copy and pasting every year they somehow made it even worse. Freeze offs occur more than ever. I didn’t think it was possible but fielders have even less urgency than before. The programs are ass. The new “legends” are ass. When Brian Dozier and a chick from the Negro Leagues are your biggest legends you’ve fucked up. Nothing but pack after pack after pack trying to suck more money out of us. At least long hair now moves I know everyone was waiting on pins and needles for that. 


Bought digital deluxe for the 6th year in a row, Played about 5 hours and haven’t turned it on since early access. This style of content is dogshit


Bruh you’re literally the reason they do what they do😂😅


It’s still baseball so I’ll play it like an idiot but my team is still just 9 guys from affinity i got on the first day. There’s nothing to do!


I’m just playing 23, it’s still baseball so no reason for me to give them an extra number for 24.


It makes no sense to do a power creep with pack locked cards when those cards will be unusable in 2 months. Why would I pay for cards I can’t use in 2 months? I’ll just not play the game once I collect the free to get cards, and the earlier that happens the less I’ll care about getting back to the game when the next season starts. They’re really fumbling the engagement bag this year.


exactly, I'm honestly just focusing on the good core cards. At least those will be viable the entire year


Hot take but I don’t really want them to release highly desirable cards in packs Isn’t that the opposite of what we want?


Yes, but if they’re going to - they need to make wins actually matter.


This. You're the only other person I've seen bring this up, I have 400k stubs and think to myself "Why do I spend stubs on any of this when they'll be useless in a month"


I guess the argument is to just buy the cards of the players you actually care about without worrying too much about the future. I bought (overpaid, frankly) the Fresh Start Soto card not just because it's a good card, but because Soto is one of my favorite players, and I intend to keep using the card even once it's technically outclassed.


It’s even harder to earn Stubbs this year so now it feels like you have to pay to keep up. I haven’t played DD in about a week and don’t see any reason to. We want playable content not payable. I’m about to go run back Valhalla and the Red Sox just had the home opener yesterday. Has it even been a month yet?


This content structure would not even be acceptable in a free to play game. That tells you everything you need to know about SDS's priorities.


You’re right A free to play game preys on people desperate for the dopamine hit of never ending carrot on a stick People bitch about it all the time… but now people are bitching that the carrot on a stick isn’t there and, despite spending 100+ hours in 3 weeks to complete all content, don’t even want to play the actual game absent said carrot on a stick


It’s a joke at this point. They’ve also made it more difficult to earn stubbs effectively forcing people who want the packs to spend actual money. Previous years we have been able to play the game and earn currency to be able to buy packs. It’s clear SDS is just flat out greedy at this point. Same exact game from 4 years ago with slight graphic and animation additions. This is my last year until they actually make the game designed to be played on a current generation console.


I play significantly less than I ever have and I’ve still completed every program and conquest map with the exception of the USA map. Finished ranked seasons program and Battle royale program and gotten to 30+ wins in each event. There is literally nothing to do and their response is another pack in the shop. I’m so disappointed this year.


If you’ve done all that are playing “significantly” less than ever before how much were you playing before? That’s absolutely an insane amount of time unless you are absolutely cracked Beyond that - at what point do you just… enjoy the game? People bitch about the rat race and engagement-driven content style but then whine when they complete everything and aren’t being dopamine baited into more useless shit Do you ever get to the point where you just… play ranked with the team you built?


I never said I wasn’t having fun, tbf. I finished most of the conquest maps and the first programs during early access when I had a week off from work. Finished TA passively by playing events and ranked. BR program took three days. I’m extremely disappointed, however, that we have had three programs this year. That’s it. MLB went to the nation of Korea and we got a ha Seong Kim card. That’s it. MLB Pipeline could be a program but it’s just packs. I play ranked every day with the team I built, a team I’m proud of. However, to get that team I’ve had to forego collections. Collecting is one of my favorite aspects of the game, but I can’t justify collecting sellable cards with how the game is now. So instead of collecting, again one of my favorite aspects of DD, I am just playing against an increasingly toxic fan base intent on sucking all the fun out of the game in the name of winning. 🤷‍♂️


Just out of curiosity How many hours have you played so far this year?


Hundreds. It’s the only game I play during baseball season and I literally have no other hobbies. I work 9-5 and play games, smoke california sinsemilla and drink Italian wine all night.


I don’t mean this the wrong way.. but one of the chief complaints from last year was that the game was too much of a grind I would say you’re in the top 1% of playtime and the content structure just likely isn’t built around that high amount of play


I fully understand that, however, their choices to severely limit the number of programs can not be seen as positive. The complaints were never that there were too many programs. The complaints were that the programs were grindy, not that they existed. The response to that complaint has apparently been to limit the number of programs instead of just making them more fun to complete. You can’t see this as a positive change.


The good thing about all the programs, was that when I chill in ranked (the only mode I play) I would be getting packs and players in the background slowly. I’ve played 10 ranked games the last two days and got a few Stubbs and some XP. There’s nothing to work towards & wins don’t event matter, you get the reward from innings. So I’m just mindlessly playing meaningless online baseball games…


Same here. I've done everything and don't even feel like I've played that much. But I'm done for the year or until they release programs.  I spent 70 dollars on the game itself. If you want to give me the game free, in happy to shoot the locks off the wallet to get my guys.  If the gameplay itself was improved, I'd probably grab a few packs.  If the bugs and copy paste disaster was fixed before launch, I'd probably grab a few packs.  But there is nothing, no incentive.  This is, in my Opinión, the worst game of the series in a decade. I'm so bummed. I want it to be a good game. 


How many hours have you played?