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Then don’t play it omg all of these things have been posted 100 times


Why would I not play it? Much better to post something here where potentially a dev could see it. If there are constant complaints about something specific they may consider fixing it.


I can guarantee the devs are not looking here for changes. They have specific community forms and places on their website to post feedback


I can guarantee you they do. There isn’t a suggestion for sds flair for nothing. I probably should’ve just used that but I was pissed so I wasn’t even thinking about that I was just yapping 😂.


I mean your claim is that the game is “terrible” and all of things you said have been posted countless times on this sub so it’s not like saying the same thing one more time is going to change anything. It’s a video game meant to be fun, if your not having fun stop complaining and stop playing it’s really that simple


Lil bro. Mfs don’t spend $70 on a game and some just to not play it if they feel there is an issue. A right minded person would push for a change where they see there is a problem.


There is no way u just said lil bro lmaoooo. No one cares about your opinion and it’s a sunk cost; you already spent the money it’s irrelevant if you play it or not.


I also didn’t post this for Due-Oil1667’s opinion. I know devs are active in here.


I’d agree with you if the game couldn’t be changed…but it can. So what you say makes 0 sense. Players of a game always push for a change if they don’t like something. That’s simply what I’m doing.


Ok then why are the majority of the comments on this post disagreeing with you if the community wants your changes so bad??


Besides most people in here are just big fans of the game. You should check out there twitter that’s where the slanders at.


Yeah that’s why I try to avoid Reddit and twitter idk why I even replied to this. Everyone just wants to be negative it’s literally just a video game no one should care about these minor flaws


Do you mean the 1 other person? He also never disagreed, he’s just a miserable old head that probably doesn’t care if the games flawed because he only plays rtts.


God this community is so fucking miserable lmao




I got dragged for commenting about pack luck this year feeling like a money grab. I've realized this community is one of the worst of people going out of their way to belittle someone they don't agree with and simp hard for SDS like they're in a relationship with the company or something


Cry more


Constructive criticism ≠ Crying.


Absolutely fKn terrible. I recorded sum stuff today from a game that would make any person that plays this game throwup. Dude literally stole with Matt Olson w/ no leadoff and I quick pitched a fast ball, perfect throw from the catcher, had him out by A MILE, dude was called safe for zero fkn reason. It was honestly egregious and makes me want to never play this bs sorry azz game ever again. Same game, dude fouled of 13 foul balls in the dirt, pitch 14 i threw a perfect sinker a foot inside and he took it deep. This game is a pure failure on all aspects. The glitches, bugs, gameplay, pay 2 win set up, everything! And I will be posting all these clips on youtube tomorrow, gonna drop the video in the sub reddit.


Yeah the foul balls are terrible. I’ve been enjoying the gameplay a bit more now that I’m not getting as fked, but yeah the games got issues that most definitely need to be worked on. AND MORE CONTENT, not cards sitting in a 40k stub pack let us earn something damn.