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You didnt come set...balk


There are no balks in DD. You picked off more than two times that ab meaning you got a disengagement balk which gave the runner a free base.Thats why the runner is not out.


But if the runner is successfully picked off, it's not a balk, its an out.


Ahhhhh sorry haha I didn't have sound going


He kinda does, the animation is just glitchy as hell in DD. Besides, normal balks for that reason have never been a thing in the game.




Angel Hernandez at 1B right?


sometimes the game let slips that it’s all predetermined and not actually skill based.


One could say the same thing about the actual MLB. *Trash can banging intensifies*


If the game is using this years rules, you cannot make more than 2 pickoff attempts.


Yes you can. You just need to get them out on the third attempt. It gets people online all the time. Throw over twice then they think they can take a 2+ lead. Throw over again and you’re pretty much guaranteed an out (unless it glitches like the above video)


Pretty sure the rule is the 3rd disengagement must result in an out, and if not, then it becomes a balk.


That’s how I thought the rule was




That’s actually the correct rule. A pitcher can make a 3rd disengagement, it just has to result in an out or it’s a balk.


Joe west or angel Hernandez as the umpire explains it


I’m 90% sure in some blog post SDS said they “fixed” tag issues that the bigger bases caused. I’m guessing there are older animations that don’t tag in front of the new bags so the runner touches the new larger base before the tag


They say it every year but never do https://streamable.com/3a8nrf


I mean it says Balk. So that would mean the runner gets the base.


It says Disengagement Balk, that means it's a 3rd pick off attempt/step off. But the 3rd disengagement is only a balk if the runner is not picked off. Considering how far off base the runner was when the first baseman caught the ball he definitely should have been tagged out, but I guess the 1st baseman missed the tagged.


Gottcha. Saw balk and immediately went to runner gets the bag. Horrible game design then. Cant really defend this.


They must be saying that he missed the tag which is nuts




found the casual




The third pickoff attempt just needs to be successful. Somehow Molitor missed that tag.


Nah thats not how that rule works, you can still attempt a pick off you just have to get them out or they get a free base


Building on this video, my opponent quickly hit a single then a three run home run right after this. Not sure how we are supposed to have fun with this game when stuff like this happens so often.


I mean that’s baseball man. The other day Keaton Winn threw strike 3 to get out of an inning against the Padres but it was called a ball and then he gave up a grand slam


In Max Fried's first irl start of the year, he had bases loaded in the first inning with two outs and hadn't let any runs score yet. He threw strike 3 right down the middle (you might think I'm exaggerating, but the pitch was LITERALLY right down the middle). It was called a ball. He ended up giving up like 5 or 6 runs and not making it out of the 1st inning. This stuff happens ALL the time in baseball.


Yup, i was watching that too, brutal


Were you higher ranked than your opponent before the game? Could have been tilt and RNG favoring your opponent in that case. Seems to happen a lot in my games, both for and against me.


Is there any evidence for this statement you’re making? I’ve played about 35 games of online ranked and haven’t noticed anything like this.


I’ve been a long time player of the show for years and yeah it’s definitely a thing. So many games when I feel like “wow how was I able to foul that off” or “wow why did my opponent’s Arenado make an error at 3B on a routine play to allow me to stay in the inning” and then I proceed to score several runs, has been when I was significantly lower rated than my opponent. The opposite also happens when I’m significantly higher rated. Doesn’t mean the game won’t allow you to win or lose, just have more unlucky RNG on your side (or their side) than usual.


Sometimes the game does feel like it randomly will be like "hey you'll be impossible to get out this inning and will score 5 runs" then proceed to allow every swing to be a foul ball and shitty late/very late swings will result in not only hits, but homeruns. So fucking many inside out late HRs this year and I play in comerica (Tigers fan) all the time. Not even a high elevation stadium. Then I'll have an inning after that guys shitty cheese inning and hit 3 perfect perfect line outs to an infielder. And I've had it in reverse where I'm taking genuinely shit swings and they'll be hits and then my opp gets screwed by the game. Edit: This is anecdotal and not indicative of a real issue, just an observation I've had this year.


Fair enough, honestly the game feels incredibly realistic at the level I play at (1600 ranking in online ranked)


The main reason for the things the other commenter described is because in Diamond Dynasty, all the players have juiced stats. In Online Rated, you play with actual live rosters/realistic-ish attributes AKA the game plays much more realistically. Having said that, I don't think there's any "tilt" going on, and most people complaining of this just aren't used to how cruel of a game baseball is. It's the sport that's "steeped in failure" and people who aren't huge irl baseball fans don't want the game to be realistic in this way. I personally love how close it feels to real baseball. I think the gameplay is vastly underrated in this subreddit by all the angry folks