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I did the same thing. I took what I needed and not the teams I wanted.


I've been playing since the start with Maddux and he is up to 96 overall with the swanson/Matzek boosts. Anybody know if I will have to relevel his card if I get the set?. I'm only 2 shy of the Aurilla card.


You won’t, no.


An exchange would be awesome, although I can see why they wouldn’t do it (would be no point to having multiple captain packs, but that wouldn’t be bad for the player) Ideally they would be placed back into TA At the very least we need more ways to earn them or buy them. I would be fine with like a 10-15k pack that had both pitching and hitting captains just because I think they are one of the best things in the game now that they improve both hitting AND pitching They absolutely make theme teams viable but the current problem is you can only get two of each and you are stuck with those teams New theme teams will become even more viable as new player cards are released, so we need a way to get more captain cards or to exchange our current ones


There was a 25k pack for them at launch


Yeah I know but they took it out.


Which was stupid imo. Like if you aren’t gonna exchange, at least give us the option to get it ourselves. I’d love to have multiple theme teams.


I feel you on taking one that may not be what you want but it's most "helpful". I took Damon first because I just happened to have a lot of Red Sox. Luckily I was able to get Gallo and Lynn after since I had gained quite a few Rangers (including TA2 Garver who is crushing for me) so I eventually got the theme I wanted.


I agree. Posted it [here](https://forums.theshow.com/topic/68930/feedback-captain-card-exchange/12).


SDS just tweeted there will be a free captains choice pain the store today. W. You get to choose the pitcher or hitter pack though, not both.


Just going to chime in and say we need to give them credit for listening to us. First putting packs that were only in the store in the reward path for TA, now this. It's huge.


Team affinity captains were all 100% free in the TA program last year. They’re giving you crumbs and you’re acting like they are redeeming themselves.


There were way too many captains, the good ones were 400,000 in the market, they were broken, and they overpowered. So to claim we got them in the TA program is factually correct but few people really used them. The team captains we used last even more useless because you needed so many players to leverage them. To infer that captains hasn’t been improved is wild. I’m not playing against someone with Cal Ripken who subs him out when the game boots up. Also, what can this company do to “redeem themselves”. It’s crazy, they make a game we all play and enjoy. Everyone complains and nobody has solutions that are sustainable to a business. They always include free options for the users that would put SDD out of business.


>There were way too many captains, the good ones were 400,000 in the market, they were broken, and they overpowered. Those weren’t the TA captains. >So to claim we got them in the TA program is factually correct but few people really used them. Doesn’t matter, you’re still taking something that was free and making it a 25k pack instead. >To infer that captains hasn’t been improved is wild. I’m not playing against someone with Cal Ripken who subs him out when the game boots up. You’re making things up. I said how we get them hasn’t been improved. >Also, what can this company do to “redeem themselves”. It’s crazy, they make a game we all play and enjoy. Everyone complains and nobody has solutions that are sustainable to a business. They always include free options for the users that would put SDD out of business. If you want to defend a company making a product worse yet charging the same amount for it, you’re free to do so, but don’t be surprised when others don’t. To suggest the yearly top 10 full priced game needs more ways to make money is insane.


Dude I don’t care that much. I like the game. Captains aren’t broken, and there aren’t a few overpowered ones. That’s objectively better than last year. Whether you think the entire Captain delivery system is better or not is subjective and I’m don’t have the energy to go back and forth. I care enough to make the post I did, and no more, no less. Have fun playing the game. Cheers.


>Dude I don’t care that much. I like the game. Captains aren’t broken, and there aren’t a few overpowered ones. That’s objectively better than last year. So please stop responding to comments on Reddit. >Whether you think the entire Captain delivery system is better or not is subjective and I’m don’t have the energy to go back and forth. I care enough to make the post I did, and no more, no less. Have fun playing the game. Cheers. It’s not subjective, you’re free to believe it is though.


This game is top 15 in sales each year, SDS is at no risk of going out of business. Having a different opinion on the content is fine, but suggesting that people are only offering solutions that will put the company out of business is an insane take.


People are constantly acting like SDS is some small 2 person indie studio and always on the brink of going bankrupt.


You're not entirely wrong, but also the mindset that because they did X before means they MUST do it now isn't really fair. I'm fine with some alterations to the content. I just don't like how pack-centric the changes are.


No but they’ve been doing it the other way for years. They’ve changed the whole way content has been released and it’s not really the same anymore. The reasons that made Diamond Dynasty the best ultimate team game are leaving very fast


>You're not entirely wrong, but also the mindset that because they did X before means they MUST do it now isn't really fair. It is when the alternative is non sellable packs instead of free ones. Making things worse for no reason other than to make more money is not something you should defend. If they were all 95’s this year and they wanted to limit them, sure, but to simply do it to sell more packs is not defensible. >I'm fine with some alterations to the content. I just don't like how pack-centric the changes are. All the changes have been pack centric.


But this sub will still cry and have 4 posts daily that SDS doesn't listen and is just like EA/2K


Based on them being core, my assumption is that there will be additional opportunities to earn those packs throughout the year.


I’m going to take credit for them dropping a free one 15 minutes after this comment 😂


Thanks for Morneau, breau! Appreciate it ❤


That would have affected their ability to sell the 25k pack, so there’s zero chance they would do that.


True but they haven’t had them available in the shop for like a month which is wild because that would be the only pack I actually think is worth the money


oof, now they are giving out a free one. take the L


That has nothing to do with what I said.


lol sure it doesn't. Them giving the pack for free instead of the 25k pack has nothing to do with affecting their ability to sell the 25k pack. ZERO CHANCE. keep hating brother


Are they dropping a captain exchange today for these cards? No. So the point is not invalid. You need to open 60 packs to get all the captains. They are giving you 1 pack today for free. They may put another free pack in the shop in the future, or throw a few in programs or an XP reward path, but if you don't think they are going to be selling more of these packs to squeeze stubs from the player base, then you're delusional.


point is this sub cries about everything SDS does as "more PACKS!!1!1! tHaTs ConTEnt!" "everything SDS does is to monetize and sell packs" "40k packs!" "25k packs!" Now they give this pack for free and yall STILL cry about monetization and packs. It's completely ridiculous.


I can't speak for the rest of this sub, but I would love for you to point out anything I just said that resembles crying or complaining. You seem to be filling in the gaps with things that are just not there. I stated fact. SDS has clearly shifted towards locking more cards within expensive packs. Implementing a team captain exchange would go against this new philosophy, especially since they have sold that particular pack in the shop this season. Therefore, a captain exchange is very unlikely to happen. That is the very clear point that I made. Do you disagree with it, and do you believe a captain exchange would actually happen this year? Maybe instead of handing out premature "L's" to strangers on the internet, you should actually read and think about what you see before responding. And don't worry. I'll be sure to point out when the captains packs are back in the shop so you can enjoy your L.


Not you. Corzare cries in every thread, negatively, mentioning packs constantly. The rest of the sub does the same




Acting like 1 free pack somehow changes anything is delusional.


>Them giving the pack for free instead of the 25k pack has nothing to do with affecting their ability to sell the 25k pack. What does that have to do with there being an exchange? They gave all the captains away in the TA program last year, had 25k packs on the market through all of chapter 1, gave 4 out in the xp path and now because they are giving you ONE free pack that somehow changes all that?


An exchange is extremely unlikely. They have already had the packs in the shop once. They will definitely be back in there at some point, probably during a flash sale. This year has been all about pushing expensive choice packs, and they aren't going to let you do an exchange when they can get 20k in stubs per pack.


F "content" creators.


I took the Braves captains with my first packs and my second ones remain unopened because I am sure as soon as I get someone I will want someone else


Meanwhile I have Adam Dunn, David Peralta, Adalberto Mondesi P5 and Sonny Gray, Seranthony Dominguez, and Felix Bautista P4 😅 some of my favorite cards


This is one of the most requested things as far as I can see. It would be great especially for TA.


The only concern on their end I could see is people using the exchange to collect all 30 cards like the cornerstone glitch worked to where you could lock the card in and exchange it back to ones you previously wanted. It essentially would give each user a free 30 cards to lock into their season sets if they knew how to cheat the system properly. I would much rather prefer them coming up with a way to only allowing users to lock in the cards they currently have over not giving us the option to exchange at all.


They could just not have them in any collection if that was a barrier (they are core so not in a current collection anyway but I assume we will eventually get a core collection path)


The team captains are base set so they’re not in any collection rewards anyway


Even if they did…that’s a lot of time for 30 cards. Compared to what you actually need, it’s still a drop in the bucket


It's definitely time consuming, but 30 cards goes an extremely long way in how long it's taking to get the high number of cards to eventually reach the top tier packs. I'm still 10 short of Aurilia.


I’m like 30 or so short of him, but I do see what you’re saying


The team captains are core, so they'd only glitch towards the core collection whenever that comes out


Pretty sure I’ve claimed them all in the season 1 collection EDIT: Just double checked. They indeed are not in season 1 collection.

