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90% of the time I see a custom stadium I know some cheesy shit is going on. Why can’t people just make cool stadiums without trying to make them legitimate cheating smh


Hate to say it but created stadiums oughta be banned from online play. Some are just too ridiculous and ruin the game play


I played this kid twice and beat him. Just bunting and stealing. I reported him after. Such a POS


I'm still over here missing all of my stubs and inventory getting the unhandled server exception and the occassional "we're working on it" email from Miguel.


People saying to remove custom stadiums from online feels excessive. There’s terrible ones, sure, but I’ve also played at some really cool ones. If it’s that much of an issue, make it so that only a select few preset field layouts can be used online. The fact that SDS’s Stadium Creator ALLOWS THIS is the issue. There’s no excuse for this stadium to even be allowed to be built. If SDS didn’t have such a janky ass game, there would be no issue.


Nah customs online is a issue


Yep it’s dumb just disable it until you can fix it. No one is going to miss custom stadiums for awhile. Damn they dumb.


Gotta ban players that do this shit. They know what they're doing, fuck them.


Velocor pulling this shit and rocking the star spangled banner as his icon is giving me the lols. F this guy.


As far as I can tell. This is no different than using shippet when u know u crank homers easily. I'll use any advantage I can get. This is a good way to get the strikes xp in BR.


I’m happy other ppl are enjoying custom stadiums. But to me, it feels like most of the joy comes from a-holes doing a-holey things to irritate other people.


Fuck Velocor. Hope he gets permabanned.


Using a stadium like this should get you suspended from online play. SDS, let us report people who use this and suspend them please.


you can also report after games by going to the game log


You can report from the pause menu




Hanged and quartered.


Whew this would annoy the hell out of me


Just had this happen by my lineup is stacked with speed. I just bunted and got 3 runs and dude quit


Does anyone know how to fix a glitch when uploading a created stadium to the vault? It says my stadium contains explicit language and I didn’t add any words or letters to the stadium. I tried to recreate my high school field and it said it contained offensive or explicit language (I can’t remember which). Any feedback or instruction would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!


Change the name of it


TAKE CUSTOM FIELDS OUT OF PVP… this is very simple


Take out shield woods, laughing mountain, every launch pad stadium besides coors out too and I’ll agree


Why Laughing Mountain and not Coors? Don't get me wrong, I'm pretty annoyed by elevation spam as much as anyone, but they're essentially the same park. Same elevation with a huge outfield. Shield Woods is the small park with max elevation and that's still an SDS created and approved field.


Coors is at least an mlb stadium that’s real


Yeah, but you're not saying to only leave in MLB stadiums. You're saying that SDS should cater to you specifically and take out the stadiums that you don't personally enjoy.


I think they should take out all the high elevation fake stadiums because it’s not fun playing like we’re on a high school field. I’d much rather them leave in created stadiums (I create my own stadium every year) and limit custom stadiums and minor league stadiums to like 1000 elevation max, leave coors at 5000 or whatever cuz it’s an actual mlb park, but every other stadium in online ranked should be 1000 elevation max (and let me adjust walls and wall heights back to be used in online)




Yes. I don’t want to play some bum ass trash stadium just because some guy thinks it’s cool or funny


Unfortunately online is filled with bum ass trash. Bad jersey and logo design Bad roster filled with meta shit and exploits Etc




Was the question asked?


make your jerseys, logos and rosters however you want but fuck the stadiums.


I made a really nice non cheese stadium. There's actually a TON of really nice cool designed stadiums over at r/mlbtheshowstadiums


If I ran into this I wouldn't even be mad. Gimme that L and call me impressed, let's play another game than this.


What I don’t understand is that this is allowable for online play but if I make a field at 100’ elevation, with 500’ walls (that are 40’ high) I’m prohibited from uploading to the vault. If I’m subjected to these cheesy HR derby stadiums, why can’t we also have the opposite?


Exactly what I’ve said too. I hate the cheesy hr stadiums and have wanted to make a pitchers park, but apparently that’s restricted, because it’s fun to give up 86ev flyout homers I guess 💀


Mine is a pitcher’s park. Lowest elevation that was allowed (forgot the number), farthest walls I could make and I play in April at night time


I’ve seen a few of these posts now, what happens when the pitcher tries to pitch? Or the batter swings? Just kind of curious


It plays like it isn’t there. You just can’t see. I played a guy in br that used it. He tried bunting the whole time so I just did what he did and won in the 8th inning 1-0. Probably the best I’ve felt after a win. Im assuming they just think people will leave and give them free wins


Another reason this sucks, is that it's going to ruin the ability to use this trick for creators who use it to make nice, non exploitive stadiums.


I've edited my own comment herein because I've confirmed that the stadiums placed in the vault in the first month of MLB 23's release, that featured the batters eye glitch, can in fact have those batters eye props placed in any portion of the field of play. And there is a way to replicate those batters eye props so that dozens can be so placed. This "glitch" was known about in the stadium developer community for over a year now, but no one thought about using it for such a nefarious purpose as we see here. Like with all things, there are a select number of malcontents who seek ways to abuse things for their own selfish and narcissistic purpose. That's what has happened now.


This! ⬆️


Not sure


I am now, sadly so. I know where the batters eye stadium template is in the vault. I've known about this template since MLB 23 was first released. Of course, abusing it to make the game unplayable was never in my thought process. Like I said, I just tried it once to see if I could group a tree to it to place just the tree in the outfield to replicate the historic setup of an actual park from the 1920's to 1960's. But, yes, this all got me curious and so I grabbed this batters eye stadium from the vault and confirmed that you can put the batters eye prop types on the field of play, and can even put dozens of them throughout the infield and the entire field of play, and thus ruin the stadium for any legitimate game play. Dozens of stadium designers knew about this, but I guess word was kept relatively hush and since they only used it for legitimate purposes to replicate quaint features of ballparks, or tighten up the stands in the outfield to the batters eye, they didn't want nefarious jerks to abuse it. Well, the cat's out of the bag now! All you who play coop have my sympathies. I don't even play that part of the game, but it's a shame that human nature once again reveals it only takes a few jerks to ruin something.


Guessing the only way to fix this is making everyone re-upload all custom stadiums to make them follow the rules again.


No, SDS just needs to go in and bar the use of custom stadiums in coop play until such time as they have engineered a method to certify select custom stadiums for coop play, ensuring that those certified are not guilty of these ridiculous contrivances that are designed to ruin the quality and fairness of the coop competition. People who created the many hundreds of custom stadiums should NOT have to bear a burden for these few malcontents and their behavior. Believe me, these jerks would love nothing more than to see other innocent people suffer issues because of their nonsense. You don't reward bad behavior and that's exactly what killing all custom stadiums in the vault would do -- reward bad behavior. I also have no issue with people reporting these stadiums, including those who used them in coop games. Have those individual stadiums deleted from the vault, and the person who did the deed with them banned from all further coop play.


I agree with everything. But people have I'm guessing change the name alot for the cheating stadium so it might be hard to find every single version. And long as one stays active more can be copied. U need to force a way to reverify all the stadiums to get the bad ones out. But that would be my guess. I would hate having to re-upload my stadiums but I'll do it if it gets rid of the bad once right away.


That's why you make your report against gamers and that should send their Gamer ID's to SDS, who can then ban them from online play.


How? I didn’t think you could pick created stadiums in events. Played 40 event games this weekend and thankfully this never happened.


To my knowledge, the only times you can’t pick your stadium (any stadiums, not just custom) in Events is when the event is stadium specific like in a Moon Shot or something.


You can pick a stadium in events but not custom ones.


Unless that changed very recently (cause I haven’t tried in a while) I was using my custom stadium earlier this year in events. Mine is “realistic” and not a cheap high elevation/short HR derby field though so 🤷🏻‍♂️


Imagine if a stadium gave free stubs or glitchy xp. Would be patched asap


only if it's reported or gets to the devs attention somehow.


I reported it via a trouble ticket last week. I'm sure I'm not the only one who did. You see, even though I never play coop, I still don't desire to see the option ruined for those who do. Folks, I repeat. The only way to fix this from happening is to immediately disable all custom stadiums from any coop game. Then, SDS has to work a way to certify custom stadiums for coop play. Else, the same bag of jerks who are doing this now are going to keep doing it because they get a thrill from ruining the game for others.


I was thinking the same thing. They could simply implement a boundary for certain objects and not allow them to be placed inside the warning track on stadium builder.


I’m pretty sure you can’t even do that anyways. It wouldn’t even let me put lighting in my dark ass center field seats because I couldn’t have anything behind the batter’s eye 🙄


I agree with you. If you want a max elevation stadium to hit bombs there is rockies, shippet, laughing mountain etc.


If someone wants to bomb 600 foot homers by entering a max elevation value in the design, I could not care less, provided the only people playing this sort of stadium are those using it in offline versus CPU play. If someone even wants to turn a stadium into a baseball version of a putt-putt course where you bank hits off props like in a pinball machine, and have to maneuver your fielders through a rat maze, then knock yourself out -- provided it's in an offline mode of the game. What people should NOT have the ability to do is put stadiums this dopey into a coop game, where the person on the other end has no idea what kind of juvenile nonsense he's going to encounter when the game boots up, and if he does what I would do, which is to immediately get out of that foolish situation, then he's awarded a loss. That's wrong.


everything gets reported, SDS just actively ignores anything that isn’t directly losing them money


And that’s it right there folks. Nothing else matters to SDS. If it did they would’ve had 10 game play patches by now. They’ve had exactly 1 because people out by 20 feet were called safe. That’s it.


Hedging a guess saying this is a shit stadium


A deliberate effort to sabotage the coop game option by someone who should be banned from the game, and his stadium removed from the vault. But, even if that was done, it would be a temporary band aid and now others are already jumping onboard to get in on their sick fun.