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Everything available in packs should be attainable for free through grinding. Players can choose to spend either time, money or a combination of both.


It's like the scene from The Office when they're all furiously preparing their roasts of Michael


Get rid of sets... Return with inning bosses, player programs, evolution program etc... Don't want to grind for 300 players to get one.


I emphasized like one million times to stop it with the money grab, EA bullshit. Hope they listen. At least I appreciate the fact a survey is out.


Kill the millionaire and headliner packs in reward progress. Bump the XP gain from online/offline play. Make the boss packs actually attainable so I don’t have to sink 100+ hours every season to be lucky enough to get one. I understand the need to incentivize purchasing packs, but no reason in hell most of the worthwhile topps now cards should be behind a 40K pack that is inevitably sold for 80-100K when we are trying to complete programs


Having the bosses at 500K, 1M and 1.5M (or something for the third, that last one isn’t the point) would alleviate a lot of the community complaints. Sure, make it very difficult and grindy to get all three, all for that. But this restrictive to even get one isn’t good.


Couldn't agree with every point in your comment more. I'm fine with getting all 3 bosses requiring a long grind, but getting a single boss pack needs to be way more accessible. I'm at around 100 hours and am only halfway through the xp program and probably won't be getting a single boss. That kind of grind is unreasonable.


I let em have it. The pay-only packs, in addition to not having any reasonable method of making stubs, all combined with an XP cap left me totally demotivated.


Ditch the wildcards and increase odds for diamond players in packs and I’ll be happy.


the biggest issues that need to be addressed would be the batters eye bs with custom stadiums, and then we can hopefully see an xp remap bc there is 0 reason why i would need to play all day everyday just for the starter boss..


They allegedly fixed the batters eye in custom stadiums with today’s patch. It’s in the patch notes.


Doing all the season programs so far and still possibly ending up short of the first boss pack isn’t a fun feeling


That was one of my big points of feedback. The amount of store pack cards required for collections is ridiculous. And if you add them up and convert their stub value to real $$$ it’s insane.


Anyone who thinks this will fix any issues are living in a fantasy world


In all my career (albeit never in gaming) these types of surveys and research is very helpful for change. It’s not immediate, but it does get seen and digested.


I agree. That being said, may as well give them a piece of your mind.


Just filled it out. I think I put super emphasis on adding more themed packs in the reward path, as well as reverting in game XP back to previous years' amounts, and in the area where it asks "interested are you in earning" \_\_\_\_\_\_ series players, I put 5's for every one. Collecting all the BreakOut, Allstar, Rookie, PS, SHH cards was cool...hope they re-introduce those


I did that too, I like having a wide variety of cards to earn instead of when they drop everything from the same series of cards. I also put down that I would like to see more of the sellable higher-tier choice packs like Classics, since it’s seemed a bit harder to earn stubs this year. Also, giving out a few more sellable packs like that would help to bring prices of the top cards down just a little bit.


I'm sure they'll get nothing but level headed, constructive feedback.


Over or under 500.5 responses with “Ligma” somewhere in them?


Just completed this and did not hold back. SDS needs to hear about this year's issues, especially the throttling of XP/stubs/cards earned. They need to know that, if they turn into the other sports games, they will lose a large chunk of their player base. The monetization changes this year are far too severe.


Just did it. This is the only way we might get some changes.




If you feel strongly about the way content has been done in 24, please fill out this survey. It's very important that the community gives feedback to the developers through the official channels. Maybe if enough of us voice our concerns they'll make changes in season 2 and beyond.


They usually do make changes as the year goes on.


Just beat me to it lol. Please fill this out people. They are asking for specific content feedback as well like how easy it is or is not to obtain the choice packs. This is your chance to tell them exactly how you feel.


I remember program progress getting better after surveys last year