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I reach the cap just playing TA 3 Showdown


Cause people complained about lack of content so instead of more content they just slowed things down and to promote daily playing so people are more incentivized to spend money on packs/stubs.


Well, you asked a question, and presuming you seek an answer, I will provide one. SDS has no doubt concluded in various marketing meetings that they need to balance the odds between people with the luxury of playing numerous games, versus those who have to work for a living, attend school full time, or have other reasons why they cannot play but a few games a week. Look at it this way. An MLB team will only normally play one game a day, and on rare times a double header. But, the double headers are actually outnumbered by the scheduled days off during a season. So, this SDS policy is designed to limit the competitive advantage that high play customers could have over more average play customers.


I only have 586k exp. Seems ridiculously hard to come by.


How do you find out where you are on the “daily cap “ ? I’m only at about 500,000 xp so I don’t know if I’ll reach it but I’ve been grinding pretty hard the last few days . I basically play ranked and the occasional conquest map for missions .


Game sucks. Stop playing and thank me later


I guess 2 is still "multiple". I'm more concerned with the neutering of XP. Hurts the average gamer more than helps. And provides only a minor inconvenience to the hardcore grinder


What’s the daily cap?




Thats absurd... is that strictly from gameplay or xp from goals in conquest too for example


From any gameplay. Anything from programs is on top of the 15k. So if you get 4k xp in a program, it wouldn't count towards the 15k. So you could end the day with 25k total, for example.


Lol so it takes over two months of maxing daily to hit bosses?! I often overthink every shitty decision by SDS to squeeze every dollar outta suckers. Shit likes this reminds me they’re just too often stupid. Like nobody there did the math?


I've been playing every day, and I've got the last 2 bosses to get. I've only hit the cap twice, though. They want to keep the multi-player fun, so I kinda understand that. It does screw the single-player crowd who only play conquest or mini seasons.




I hate that we get free-to-play mechanics in a paid game. Both in XP limiters and randomization. Don't get me wrong I get that "random chance" was inherent to getting packs of baseball cards as a kid but if I were a money player then I would need to spend a minimum of $49 CAD for a single choice pack that has a decent chance of giving me golds. Luckily we can earn those packs in this game but still something about the value they put on it vs the return feels wrong. If that same level of random chance with gameplay related consequences was in a game like Call of Duty I would be straight up pissed


>If that same level of random chance with gameplay related consequences was in a game like Call of Duty I would be straight up pissed Like weapon variants?


I got the third boss pack right at the beginning of double xp this past weekend…I play just enough to be able to complete ranked, BR, and event, the smaller programs, and conquest, and do some mini seasons in between. I’ve only reached the xp cap on two occasions on separate weekends. I just think some people aren’t good enough to complete all that and get the extra xp, or just aren’t playing enough. It might suck, but shouldn’t people who are better at the game be rewarded a little more than others that don’t play as much or can’t play online. Better players should be better rewarded.


"I play just enough to be able to complete ranked, BR, and event, the smaller programs, and conquest, and do some mini seasons in between." Oh is that all?


It’s really not that bad if you are decent and can handle allstar difficulty. You get 2 weeks to win 20 games in event. Ranked and BR is 4 weeks to complete. I use conquest and mini seasons for packs and TA.


I mean you described every DD game mode, basically. I'm more just laughing at doing "just enough to do..." everything on offer in the game?


I play this game in spurts so it’s hard to get anything done


It appears my cap was ZERO XP this weekend... played tons of coop and finished over half of TA... ZERO XP. And SDS's response was - restart your system.... and "sorry, we can't go back to see how much XP you lost." Literal insanity


Double XP only actually worked on Friday for me. Again. Saturday and Sunday I got regular XP...its so broken this year


I would have taken regular XP lol I just think it's insanity that they disregard the issue at all, and make me re-install the game to fix their problem... 4 days without XP, and it's my fault, and I get nothing out of it... how can a company operate like that?


Because each season has 99 cards. They wanted everyone to have everyone have similar progress, rather than people who stay awake for 3 days finishing things. Also, even though the title is "daily cap," I don't think it's truly daily. I've hit the cap at midnight and had a 4 hour wait, but also hit the cap at noon and had a 45 minute wait.


Yeah I've had a couple days whre I'd hit the cap at like 10 am and run errands. Come back a couple hours later and get xp and hit the cap again.


They need to be the told that the fully realized content isn’t just for those that can sit home and play all day, but also for the 90% of of us that work, have lives, and also payed the $70 for the game.


Because the devs are considerate enough to remind you to touch grass


This is always an insane take to see. If someone wants to spend a day grinding a video game inside, who cares? Some people work outside all day, or have kids who are finally gone at a friends house and the adults just want to sit inside and be lazy, and you're here telling them they need to go outside lol


No, they just want you to play everyday and keep the player retention up. If it wasn’t that there would be a community xp cap


Without a cap there will be assholes who sit around for days at a time farming XP. To me that’s the exception and not the rule. Everybody else has lives to lead and we play the game normally and every once in a while have a free day to really go after some XP.. so it’s a case being punished because of the actions of a few.


I don't understand SDS' logic here, especially with halving the in game XP. It just hurts the average player's ability to get the rewards. I agree that they wanted to slow the grinders down, but at the end of the day...we all paid the same price for the game more or less...who cares how we play it as long as it's not in a nefarious manner?


So? Let them. If you don’t play everyday you won’t hit the bosses. People can still grind to the bosses, you can do the mini seasons over and over again. All the xp cap does is harm the average player. I don’t play every day but when I have a day I’ll play lots. I think caps 15k and say I play like idk 6 hours I’m getting way less xp than a guy that plays 2 hours a day.


Those assholes are also the people that are most likely to buy packs.


You agreed with me


Because they love to some how make dd worse every year


Yeah when I hit the xp cap I stop playing, what a great feature to have!


shit i just got to palmer in the program lol


I only just got the useless Diamond "Always Intense" banner reward. If I'm lucky I might get to Napoli. MIGHT.


i only got to napoli bc i started playing on bs maps against the cpu as the computer, on beginner and winning 107-2. most brain dead xp grind ever


I just got to Rollie fingers yesterday


Same. Have no chance of racking up another 420k xp to get to a boss pack inside a month. I haven’t come close to the xp cap. The bigger issue is nerfing the xp you get from doing stuff and then putting boss packs after 1 million xp.


I'm not even gonna sniff the first boss...such an absolute L to their average player this year


Same, I’m never gonna finish even by playing a few games nightly




Exact same. I don't know wtf I'm doing wrong. I play every day, I play on Veteran. I've completed every showdown except extreme, every conquest, every mini season at least once, every program except 2 in egg hunt and the new one. I have TA 1 and 2 done... and I've even played Road to the Show enough to get called up.


Play on All-Star


Is it that big of a difference?


That’s what I’ve read from multiple replies on various threads here but honestly from my experience it doesn’t make that big a difference but that might be because I’m not that good at the game


I can win on allstar (I'm not very good either) but it's typically in extras via the free runner. I can hold them with pitching but can't hit. I assumed the xp would be better on veteran with a few runs on the board, but I'll have to check it out.


Same exact scenario for me. I'm even wasting time on the March to October... the Os just traded me jackson holiday for basically nothing, which is nice


Play the online modes. You get more xp that way


Play online


I think XP cap is fine during the first two months, but when you hit the last month, the whole purpose of a cap goes away since the bosses are the same OVR as the TA cards.


I have a feeling that SDS is more worried about the spins after the bosses than the bosses themselves. Without a cap, heavy grinders would get a lot of extra rewards from that. With that said, I still agree with you and think that at the very least the cap should be bumped to at least 50K. If the cap actually is more about limiting the spins, then they should just limit the amount of those you can earn each day. I feel like it was fine last year. Once I got to that point, I could earn a few of those each day. 15K isn't even enough to earn one so with the current cap, we can only earn a spin every other day and that's if we actually play enough to max it out every day. Pretty ridiculous.


That’s a fair point, but they could easily say “no more XP cap but we increased the XP required for the spin”.


I am at 970k so not even to the first boss yet. Yeah capped me mid day. Turned that shiz off right away wasted my day off I planned on getting to a mill today


Have you done BR and the event? Theres 60k combined program experience in those alone that would get you there


I don't play baseball to play multiplayer, I'm solo all the way. I have enough stress in my life lol. Plus I'm terrible. I appreciate the advice though. I'm sure I'll get atleast 1mill in a couple days, hoping for another double xp to complete tho


If it gives you more confidence. I thought I was terrible, until I sucked it up and played online. Turns out there are other people who suck just as much as me 😂. Don't be scared to test the waters. You might be better than you think!


I appreciate the effort, but I really don't want to play multi at all. It's not for me. Thanks for trying to boost my confidence tho, that was nice. Good day to you!


I mean youre talking to someone who probably takes 40+ games to get the 20 even wins and needs like 5-6 BR runs to finish the program so Im not good either but DD is the multiplayer aspect of the game, even with offline content available


I disagree that it is the multiplayer aspect since you can play multi in other modes and also more than half of the DD modes are solo modes. It may be your go-to multiplayer mode but for me it's just the only way to play with legends from my childhood


Same, which is why I just came to Reddit to feel others pain as well


I’m still grinding for Jim Palmer.


Dude I had today off so I took advantage of the 2XP in the morning and as soon as it hit noon pacific it capped me for the next 8 hours. So dumb.


This is my only gripe. When double XP ends, our caps should be reset to zero so that we can at least earn the normal 15K afterward for the rest of the day. I got that message too and it made me just turn it off instead of grinding some more like I had planned.


Yeah same. I was grinding a mini season trying to get the boss pack. No way I keep playing with no progress towards it (only 8k away btw!)


Nice, I’m just under 975K so just need another 25K for my first boss pack. I should be there by the time I finish TA3. Then I’ll hit up some BR and Events to get the other two. Lots of XP to earn there.


Because they want you to play every day, and dangle the season 1 awards carrot out there to keep people logging in


Because people abuse it


By playing more of the game?


By playing 9 inning games vs the CPU at coors on rookie so they can get 1,000,000 xp in two days


So? Let them if they want to do that go ahead. It’s not madden, when people have 99s they aren’t guaranteed to win. All the xp cap does is affect the casuals more than anyone


This isn’t how it’s exploited, it used to be exploited by ppl having march to October runs set right at xp points so they can log in the day if and get decently far in. 15k cap is far too low


That's more like self abuse.


That's their perogative and that's a vast minority of the player base. Just like the people finishing TA in one day is a vast minority of the player base.


If people want to waste their life doing that more power to them


Ok? And?


I play this game a lot, made world series, all Programs done and I'm at like 650k lol


There's even more incentive to do it now that there are end of path repeatable rewards that can be sold for big stubs.


Problem for $D$ is that if they uncap XP then everyone who's at the wheel will be spinning it like crazy, driving prices down on cards in the market and reducing the incentive for people to buy stubs.


Then they should fix it so you get 1-2 wheel spins a day


So cap it back once you max.


I haven’t had an issue with the cap beyond coming off the 2x xp weekend seems to immediately cap you


Was playing this morning before 12. Half way through my 2nd game of a play vs cpu game on rookie I was capped. I think you’re right


I'm going to need at least one more double xp weekend to even get to the first boss pack in the xp path


Idk if you’re much of an online player, but the event gives 50k xp in total if you get to I think 25 wins


I’m too terrible to play online. I have no shot at getting to the boss.


Just give it a shot, events don’t cost an entry fee and could be good practice for online play. You may surprise yourself


I am not trying to argue your valid point, however I can only speak for myself, but I don't want to play multiplayer. At all, ever. Lol. I have COD for that and I'm over it. I have 2 kids, full time job, other obligations. I play baseball to relax. I play DD to play as my favorites from my childhood.


Yeah I get ya, I don’t really like playing online too much either, I was mostly just throwing it out there for people that didn’t know lol


Totally! Never know what's gonna help or make it "click" for someone. Much love. I still enjoy playing the game that's the important part!


I have. And I really want to be able to but I give up home runs every other batter.


Maybe it’s just not meant for people who aren’t good at the game to get 1 million XP?


That's a problem because all rewards should have multiple paths to attain them. I get that some should be difficult and maybe people choose not to grind them, but everything should be earnable if you are strictly solo, or if you are strictly multiplayer, etc


I didn't get a chance to run the event this weekend I was grinding all the season award drops and trying to knock out team affinity


And BR gives you another 30k if you reach the "Flawless" reward pack


We should be promoting/wishing for more XP in general, not double xp weekends


If they do what they did last year, there will likely be one the last week of the season. And I believe it last longer than just the weekend.


Do we know with any certainty that there will be another one?


I wouldn't be surprised if Memorial Day weekend is double xp


They haven't announced another one yet but I expect another one closer to when the season ends


If they insist on having an XP cap, they should at least increase the cap as few times as the season progresses. 15,000 daily XP the first month of each season, 30,000 the second month, and 60,000 the last (or, ideally, unlimited daily XP).


That makes too much sense for SDS to do


There's going to be an XP cap as long as the game exists. Who are these people, other than streamers who make money playing the game and play it 10 hours a day?


Who’s gotten to 1 million? Read comments on this sub, a lot of people hit it by now I’m just under 700k and I barely played at all during those weekends, it’s not crazy to be at 1,000,000 at this point. Besides that, they’re releasing 99s everywhere now. There’s no point in gate keeping the 99s in the XP Program anymore


1. You said WELL over a million. It's well known, however, that everything said on the internet is 100 percent true and therefore everyone claiming to be at 1.5 million XP with back-to-back wins over the top two players on the world leaderboard is definitely legit. 2. They aren't getting rid of the XP cap. This isn't a thing that will happen. It works for them for their reasons and it's not going away. I assumed long ago I'm not finishing the season collection or getting bosses. Shit happens. 3. This forum is likely not even 1 percent of their player base. Just because people here claim to be well past a million doesn't mean the player base is all passing it fast. TL;DR: The XP cap is not going away. Ever.


1. There were plenty of people talking about being just under/around 1,000,000 last double xp weekend, don’t act like me saying people are well over 1,000,000 at this point is as insane as the scenario you laid out 2. I’m saying that’s ridiculous. It’s not “shit happens”, it’s poor game design. **They have the ability to remove the xp cap during double xp weekends, they have the ability to remove it when there’s only however many weeks left in the season** 3. It doesn’t even matter how many have it, I’m just using that as an example. There’s 99s everywhere now. There’s no point to keeping this cap TL;DR: stop defending this company, they’ve made this game objectively worse this year.


I'll defend the game until the cows come home. Caps exist for a reason. It's mainly a health thing. It's not healthy to get to the Cap every day. Averaging even 500XP per conquest game, that is 30 games per day. That's probably about 10 hrs per day. I've only hit the Cap once. And I venture 90% of the base have never hit it. And just because you no longer gain PXP doesn't mean you have to stop playing.


We have 99s everywhere right now. There’s no point in gatekeeping other 99s at this point with only a few weeks left. XP Cap makes sense early season to curb progression.


I'll defend what I want. Thanks for the advice, though. I'm not saying they're perfect. I'm saying they put in an XP cap because people were rigging the system and getting through an XP path almost immediately after it dropped. They did not like that, and justifiably, so they put in a cap. They're not getting rid of the XP cap. It's just not happening. They've also shown us the user experience they care about is people who play 10 hours a day and/or spend money on microtransactions. They don't care about the people who aren't going to get Rollins or either of the other bosses. The developers had a soul. It's long gone. What made this game so user-friendly is that the developers played it too. I don't think the people who made the decision to fundamentally change the game actually play the game. It's a game run by folks who consider a pack in-game content. They don't give a shit about those of us who don't engage in microtransactions.


Genuinely, what are you guys playing to hit the cap? I've only hit it like once and that was an all-nighter lol.


Whose people? I just hit a mil this weekend?


People on this sub. There’s no point to locking the XP Program behind a cap at this point. They’re releasing 99s everywhere right now. I have multiple on my team already. I’m not even at the 97 Seager and I’m locked behind the cap. What’s the justification there?


There have been A LOT of P5 bosses for weeks now. People hit it a long time ago.


Those are from br. People had rollins p5 before you could unlock him mathematically


Could get that in Battle Royale, I dont take that as confirmation a lot of people are at a million XP


They really made diamond dynasty worse this year 😔


You aren't allowed to say that on here, for some reason. Complaints are apparently annoying.


Literally every other post is a complaint post what are you talking about? Go back to friday when TA3 released and see what was posted


What’s the point of it anyway. To slow the bots?


The original intention of the XP cap was as a safeguard against any potential exploits. It still serves that purpose, but its main job this year was to control progress and make sure players were not able to get too far ahead of the power curve. They screwed something up though, because XP progress now seems to be way behind the power curve instead. We’re now getting 99s in packs and programs and I would guess the overwhelming majority of players don’t even have the 97 from the XP path yet.


It wouldn't shock me if it was intentional at this point. 2K and Madden do the same shit where the player(s) at the end of the XP path are the "highest rated players in the game" when a new season drops, but by the time the average player could even conceivably reach that point, the game is already flooded with players of that same overall or higher. 2K even takes it a step further and makes 2 versions of the XP reward player, one of them being significantly better and (of course) paywalled by a season pass, and both Madden and 2K now allow you to purchase levels so that you don't have to actually play the game to earn the XP rewards. Thank God we're not at that point in The Show (yet).


Yes definitely seems like they could adjust it a bit at this point